My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3917: Killer


The chief priest of the world seemed to be obviously relieved, and even the gods of the law enforcement alliance in the rear seemed to have given a shot of a booster, which was extremely exciting--

"Seal, our Great Master of the Transformation is very good at it! Sure enough, it's not easy for the Great Master of Transformation to do this step, but fortunately, this unparalleled magical power is useful!" The eyes of the gods of the law enforcement alliance were red.

"The time and space rules of the Great Master of the Hua World, restrain all methods! But if that kid can persist until now, I am afraid it is also very unexpected for the Great Master of the Hua World -"

"The other party, the four-sided star giant, I am afraid it is already a desperate move. That kid is no longer capable of fighting! Next, only the part of our Great Master of the World will be slain!"

"Under such a fierce offensive, the Great Master of the Transformation Realm can handle it with ease. With such an easy response, his strength can already be infinitely greater than approaching the leader. The enchanting can persist until now. It can be seen that it has completely wiped out our law enforcement alliance. Ability!"


The other party.

Nalan Protoss——

Mrs. Xuanji, Nalan Moran, the scene that he least wanted to see happened, Su Jin’s method was called a lore, and was sealed by the Great Master of the Transcendent Realm, and Su Jin was still recovering. His current combat power...probably has fallen to the point where it is difficult to compete with the Great Master of the World.

"Is it really the only way to go now..." Nalan Moran was faintly unwilling, and now anyone can tell that Su Jin and the Great Master of Huajie are strong and weak!

It's hard--

"The power of sealing the world, the ultimate understanding of the rules of time and space, it is normal for his means to be sealed. This technique, even if the leader of the'law enforcement alliance' picks it up, must be extremely cautious." Madam Xuanji looked at Nalan Moran, Give comfort.

"Yes, he has done enough for our Nalan Protoss." The elder Chengfeng sighed: "At least, almost all the Terror King Gods in the Law Enforcement League were eliminated. In general, our Nalan Protoss still earns money. Up."

"The three horror king gods of the Yuwen Protoss were also destroyed by him..." Nalan Xiaoyue now also has frost on her face, as if she is ready to die--

The wind is still sweeping between heaven and earth.

The Great Master Huajie looked at Su Jin coldly, but when he watched, his face began to move, and he couldn't help but look around.


The light of the sealed world trembled in the four-square star giant and all the arms of the sky on the city!

With the blessing of the great priest of the world, the terrifying light of the envelopment began to show one after another strange rune patterns on the Sifang star giant!

"I still want to resist--" The Great Master of Huajie growled deep in his heart--

He can't make Su Jin succeed!

With his life's strength, the Great Master of the Transformation World began to suppress the four-sided star giants and all the sky arms on the heavenly city. The light of the sealed world became stronger and stronger. All the terrifying scenes around them were like a respected treasure. Endless Kamikaze!

The face of the chief priest of the world changed from moved to solemn... savage... In the end even his face began to congestion and flush... During this period, it was only a dozen breaths.

The tremor continued.

All the light of the sealed world, as if there is a faint feeling of being torn... and the chief priest of the world even saw a scene that even he could not believe...

Only he, through the "Eye of Transformation", can see the most real situation. The seal of the seal that seals the giants of stars is quickly being broken! The pattern above, like grains of rice, is constantly falling apart!

The power of sealing is disappearing!

The High Priest of the Transformation Realm really didn't expect it to be like this... In his opinion, even if Su Jin hadn't exhausted his lamp, he would never have the power to compete with him, but he now felt that he had obviously underestimated the opponent— —


In the four star giants, in each pair of horrifying eyes of the star giants, the crystal red light began to puff out!


Heavenly city, the rays of light around countless Heavenly Arms shattered!

Quartet star giants, every star giant began to stretch out a palm! Directly kill the chief priest of the chemical world——

"Xiao Nianzhang!" The Great Master of Huajie made a mistake and shouted directly.

Su Jin consumes a lot of money, so why isn't it the case for the chief priest of the chemical world?

Previously, the Great Master of the Transformation Realm still had nearly one-third of his power, but as soon as the ‘Enclosure’ came out and he had just tried his best to consolidate the prestige of the Enclosure, his current strength was less than 10% compared to his peak! It can be said that his condition is also bad!

"The deity of the chief priest of the world of transformation, I am afraid that there is no more energy to fight with me again!" Su Jin asked in the "Fire Lotus of All Things", looking at the chief priest of the world with cold eyes.

"Do you think you can beat me? Hahaha...Unfortunately, you are wrong, a big mistake--" The Great Master of the Hua Realm evaded the palm of the Sifang Star Giant in embarrassment, and then suppressed his anger and asked Su Jin .

"I don't know if there is no end to victory, but I know... the one who fell among you and me... will be you--" Su Jin responded calmly.

The one who fell will be the chief priest of the world of transformation?

"How courageous!" The Great Master of the Transformation Realm laughed again, "You can break the power of my seal, but rely entirely on the magical formation! But how do you know that I still have the last killer, enough The killer that wiped you out!"


Su Jin narrowed his eyes slightly-

The High Priest of the Transformation Realm didn't seem to be joking, but the situation of the other party was similar to him now, that assassin...presumably relying on foreign objects.

"Then please show it, I'm also considering whether to use the assassin against your'Leader' to kill you." Su Jin's momentum has not diminished at all, even if it is a verbal confrontation, he does not want to retreat by half!

Enforcement League, the gods are completely dumbfounded——

The chief priest of the world has a long history, and it is natural to have assassins, but how can they think that the young evildoer also has assassins!

"Can kill the leader's assassin? And the two sides have struggled to this point, and they have not yet displayed it!" There is a law enforcement alliance, the Protoss seems to be scared.

"There are assassins! What's the situation... But that kid has always been unreasonable and unforgiving. He said yes, not necessarily true, but our chief priest of the world is not a joke—"

"How can the chief priest of the world be scared by him! Look at it, I bet he will not have any assassin, if he has, he would have used it long ago, can he wait until now?"

"Yes, the Great Master of the Transformation Realm must not be fooled! The opponent is almost exhausted now, as long as he does not give him time to recover, he has already established a victory!"

"I hope that the Great Master of the Huajie will not have any pressure. As long as he survives this blow, the leader will definitely appear and kill the small evil barrier! It is time to send him on the road—"

"What is the killer of the chief priest of the world?"


The fiery atmosphere of the entire law enforcement league has reached an extremely high level!

Where the Nalan Protoss is, all the clan gods seem to feel a dark cloud above their heads, and there is no hope of survival! They are naturally desperate, because for them at present, they are at a great disadvantage——

Yes, the disadvantages are almost hard to imagine!

Because in addition to the chief priest of the world, there are also the leaders of the law enforcement alliance watching, and Su Jin now, besides saying that he has a ‘killer’, his own strength does not seem to be optimistic—

The High Priest of the World of Transformation stared at Su if he wanted to find even the slightest flaw in his face.

The result did not.

Is it possible...

Does the other party really have a killer? The big method that can kill him the chief priest of the world?

The chief priest of the world of transformation knows that it is not the time to hesitate. Now the four-sided star giants and the infinite ‘sky arms’ on the sky city are attacking more and more sharply. If he is still hesitating, being killed is almost a foregone conclusion!

"Boy! Look good!" The Great Master of the Huajie roared violently——

Su Jin's eyes condensed, and in his eyes...obviously, it was unexpected--

In the surroundings, Su Jin sealed the entire space and time with the Fuxi Dao Formation, and with the power that the Great Master of Huajie now had, it would never be possible to shake it apart! But... But now Su Jin clearly feels that time and space are cracking, and there are more than one cracks!

what's the situation!

Even Su Jin used "The Prison Eye of Maha Town" to bless several kinds of mysteries that cannot be seen through the pupils, which are being staged outside of this time and space, and... Su Jin has determined that this is probably the strongest killer of the chief priest of the world. ——

In the perception of the gods of the law enforcement league.

I felt horror and fear directly! They felt that there were at least ten places with stunning power, as if it were coming!

This kind of power is different from Su Jin’s previous "Unlocking Three Cities". This kind of power, let alone ten places, can suffocate people, and feel that the flow of blood is slow. same!

"What is your means to kill me!" The Great Master of the Huajie was almost a little proud of it--

He is not easy to be proud, he used to treat everything as if he had no interest in everything, but today is different!

Today, a young "Protoss" can push him to this point, and he is constantly suppressing him. Is this something he can bear? You must know that he is the chief priest of the law enforcement league, under the true leader!

Su Jin did not speak, and was silent--

And every second, the chief priest of the world will be more proud, because he has already judged that Su Jin has no means to use it, if there is, I am afraid there will only be the "Fire Lotus", but he is not afraid All things Fire Lotus, his methods... are not afraid at all!


In the law-enforcement alliance, there was a laugh!

The patriarch, the patriarch, and the elders of the King of Terror have fallen one after another. For the gods of the law enforcement alliance, although they have incomparable correspondence, they believe that with the help of the law enforcement alliance, the new patriarch and the new horror king will definitely be soon Will appear again!

They are not afraid!

Now they most want to see Su Jindao disappear, turning into dust from this time and space!

"No, it's obviously deliberately bluffing us! And the chief priest of the world of transformation, after going through the ages, if he can't even see through such a strategy, how can he be the first strong under the leader!" There is a law enforcement league king. God sneered.

"This son must not stay! Think about it, our law enforcement alliance is almost destroyed by his one **** today. If in the future, the gods of the Eternal Gods are enemies, what a miserable situation will it be! The leader must think he is The reincarnation of the Eternal Lord, otherwise he would not pay such a price—"

"Assassin? The assassin of our chief priest of the world has been released, he... can't get it out!"

"The Great Master of the Transformation Realm is still amazing. The ten shocking powers are emerging from time and space. What kind of method can be used to break the enchanting sacred formation?"

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