My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3919: Titled Old Sage

The chief priest of the world of transformation looked at it coldly from a distance--

Surrounded by the ten ancient sages, how could this Su Jin survive? He helped Su Jin speculate about dozens of possibilities, but none of them worked!

"The legacy of the ancient sages can't be wiped out even years, even his "Fire Lotus" cannot be melted!"

The corners of the Great Master Huajie's mouth began to rise, and even a slight smirk was added.

Deal with Su Jin.

The chief priest of the world of transformation can be described as exhaustive. He originally didn't want to expose the remains of the top ten ‘Ancient Sages’, but the endless stream of weird methods made him feel dangerous--

Su Jin's eyes were sharp.

The remains of these ‘ancient sages’ were all at their peak, when they were accidentally chopped off by God, and every decay carried astonishing pressure.

Of course, Su Jin is completely unnamed with the legacy of the top ten "Ancient Sages". After all, in the age of sages, although the ancient sages are rare, if the ancient sages in the entire heavens were added together, the number would still be It's pretty impressive.

"The ancient sage decayed, the Great Master of the World of Transformation was able to faintly manipulate, and the other party had obviously refined these ancient sages--" Su Jin secretly thought.


Su Jin was suddenly alert, but when he reacted, the ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’ in the direction of his left hand was at an unimaginable speed, directly raising his palm and killing him!

Su Jin had only time to react just now, and he could hardly think about it! He slapped the same palm directly, and shot out Tian Dao's right arm!


Su Jinhu's body shook violently, and under that inexplicable power, he only felt pain in his heart emerging!

"The Heavenly Dao Bone... The Heavenly Dao Bone is almost broken." Su Jin's hair was shaken and shattered, and he attacked his ancient sage. The sharp attack and the fierce style of play were the only things he had seen in his life!

The key is that this ‘Heaven’s Arm’ just now cannot have any influence on anything. This ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’ is simply invincible!

"He vomited blood--" All the gods of the law enforcement alliance were closely watching the situation on the battlefield. Su Jin had just slapped the ‘Ancient Sage’s Legacy’ and stood up and down!

"He is nothing more than that. An'Ancient Sage Relic' can wound him. Ten of them all appear at once, which is too wasteful for him."

"It's comfortable. The legacy of the ancient sages is still strong. After all, everyone stood on the top of the heavens back then. In the world, I am afraid that only the chief priest of the world who is proficient in the rules of space can gather ten people. ."

"If the Great Master of the Hua World had released these ten assassins earlier, it would have been so troublesome. The opponent's head would have been taken away long ago, but this is normal. Who would have thought that he would be equal to the Great Master of the Hua World? ——"

"He hasn't given up yet? He is young after all. He doesn't really think he can compete with the top ten ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’, right?"

"With these ten ancient sacred relics, the great priest of the world of transformation and his own power, I am afraid that they can compete with the leader."


The fierceness of the ancient sage has already amazed all the law enforcement league gods! They can be regarded as outstanding in every field of their own, but this kind of battle, even when they watch the battle, they have the possibility of falling, and they can only look up!

For example, Su Jin's previous "Three Cities", which indirectly killed a lot of the gods of the law enforcement alliance!

The Nalan Protoss cast a burst of worried eyes——

"Ten ancient sacred relics, how should this game be broken..." Nalan Moran felt scared after thinking about it. Su Jin's performance has exceeded her expectations too much, but the chief priest of the transformation is like a It's like an insurmountable mountain, so terrible that people can't even think of it!

That is the repressive power of a natural superior, and coupled with the horrifying battle just now, fear is also a natural thing.

"An ancient sacred relic can make the city lord aggravate his injuries... this time is really over." A Nalan **** shook his head and couldn't help sighing.

Unsolvable bureau.

The invincible ancient sacred relic!

"Even if the city lord has a way to hold back those ancient sacred relics for the time being, the great priest of the transforming world is recovering at any time, and the consumption is exhausted--"

"The Ancient Sage Legacy cannot be destroyed at all. If the City Lord does not want to find a way, his chances of surviving are very slim--"


Zhang Yuelu and Fang Renxue all became silent, and they couldn't help much in this kind of battle. Now they have nothing to do but pray silently in their hearts!


It's hard!

Su Jin used the left arm of the plane to block a few attacks again, but they were only tolerable. The ten ancient sacred relics, each of them can disappear out of thin air. After disappearing, they will be bombarded like a storm. An ancient sage relic is invincible defense!

"No! No way!"

Su Jin coughed several mouthfuls of blood, the ancient sage, even if he was alive...he had seen it!

The bronze emperor is! To this day, he is still sealed on his magic axe by the tears of the honor! Moreover, the Dao Ying of the ancient emperor of the starry sky is also there, he now strongly suspects that those two old **** have been playing him--

"Siluo Plane! Open!"

Su Jin burst into a shout, and in a rumbling, the blue ink streamer above opened up a circle of planes. He directly raised his arm and held the **** axe in his hand——

"Ninety-nine to Youxingchentian!" Su Jin swung his axe into the sky. Amidst the deafening sound, the ninety-nine layers of the sky, with distinct levels, appeared suddenly!

The bronze heavenly emperor, as well as the Taoist shadow of the ancient emperor of the starry sky, all appeared in the ninety-nine to the quiet star sky!

"This is..." When the Bronze Heavenly Emperor saw the remains of the ten ancient sages, his eyes suddenly widened!

"Title Old Sage."

The Tao Ying of the ancient emperor of the starry sky, for the first time actively showed great wisdom, said in a deep voice——

Titled ancient saint?

Su Jin frowned, and immediately, the Bronze Heavenly Emperor sent him a message... let him see the logo on every ancient sacred relic. Sure enough, the eyebrows of the ten ancient sacred relics had traces of stone moon patterns, but those stone moons In the middle of the pattern, there was a horizontal crack inexplicably——

"Why are these relics so fierce? The defense is invincible." Su Jin looked at the bronze emperor.

"My Eucharist is stronger than them." The Bronze Heavenly Emperor slowly said: "The Lord pointed the way to live, even in that piece of peerless celestial burial, I was always protected from the invasion of the years, and I was resisting it with the ancient holy body. The strength of the years, but the defense is invincible, does not mean that the strength is very strong. Although I am still alive, my strength is weakened by a million times compared with the peak. This is the price of living."

Su Jin took a sigh of relief--

"My legacy is not just where it goes, if I live, I can kill these ten living ancient sages." Ancient Emperor Xingkong also said through the sound transmission.

Su Jin frowned deeply, now what is the use of saying this... In fact, if he hadn't been injured before, and didn't spend a lot of energy, he would still be sure to deal with the remains of these ten ancient sages...

but now.

It's really tricky.

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