Maybe, Su Jin might actually confess his life here——

"Don't the ancient sages have any flaws?" Su Jin continued to ask through voice transmission.

The Bronze Heavenly Emperor thought for a while, and said solemnly: "In principle, no, but these ten ‘Ancient Sacred Relics’ are extremely flawed."

"Where!" Su Jindang's eyes narrowed.

"Just on the eyebrows of every ancient sage relic, those titled stone and moon marks, there should be a horizontal crack in the middle, which should be cut by God, otherwise there is no lack of the ancient sage's Taoist body, how can this Terror King God control——" Bronze Tiandi Road.

That's it!

Su Jin's heart suddenly opened up. Now that the flaw is known, he still needs to pass another level. Compared with that, the place where the eyebrows and the center of the stone are cracked, there should be the means of the Great Master of the World!


Su Jin waved his hand directly, and the stone axe, the plane, and even the bronze heavenly emperor, the ancient emperor of the starry sky disappeared!

"Look at what I can do with you!" Su Jin yelled softly--

The Great Master of the World of Transformation felt a sudden shock. This guy had just exhibited a plane vision, which made him feel something was wrong, but he had no time to take care of it too much, because Su Jin had already begun to attack!

Su Jin flipped his hand gently, and directly drew out ten "Enlightenment Leaves" from the bone ring!


Su Jin seemed to be **** a flying leaf. In an instant, Enlightened Dao Ye was caught off guard at the speed of his eyebrows.


Su Jin drank again.

The Great Master of the Huajie took a step back suddenly, he just... was affected! That was his means to stay on the ancient sacred relic, and it was being shaken!

If he saw it well, each of the ten "Enlightenment Leaves" should be left behind by Su Jin!

"How did he know the flaw!" The face of the Great Master of the Huajie immediately became gloomy.


The eyebrows of every ancient sacred relic, in the middle of the stone moon mark! Su Jin's primordial spirit saw an extremely spectacular scene! In that horizontal fissure, it seemed like a microcosm, the rules of the terrifying king **** of the Great Master of the Transformation Realm, every rule was like a dragon, which moved violently—

Su Jin sneered, the primordial spirit directly turned into a piece of six-finger dragon claws, sweeping all the pieces of the seal of the Terror King God's rules!

Chi Chi ~~~

The ten ancient sacred relics, even if they stop in the void, no longer move!

Every strand of Su Jin's primordial spirit rushed into the spirit sea of ​​the ancient saint's relic. In the next second, the crystal-red rain seemed to descend on the earth! !

"Stop... why don't you move!" The gods of the law-enforcement league were all panicked.

"What is the'Enlightenment Leaf', how can it have such a miraculous effect that it can deal with ten ancient sages! This is a problem, and the face of the Great Master of the Realm has changed significantly just now—"

"Broken, the ten ancient saints will not be controlled by him, right? This...this shouldn't be."

"Look! The Great Master of the World of Transformation was not to be outdone, and launched a counterattack! Every ancient sacred relic, the space rules that belonged to the Great Master of the World of Transformation, all climbed up!"

"I really didn't expect this young man to be so enchanting! He found a way to crack the ancient sacred relic. If it doesn't work, the ten ancient sacred relics will be controlled by him!"

"It's not good, can the chief priest of the transformation world still regain the position of leading the ancient sacred relic? Look at his face, it is probably not easy—"


The current anger of the chief priest of the world, almost want to swallow this fellow alive!

The ten ancient sages that he has searched for for countless years have changed hands! He just used the rules of the King of Terror to enter the Spiritual Sea of ​​the Ancient Sacred Remains through the gaps in the stone moon pattern, but those gaps in the stone moon pattern have been blocked by the magical array pattern——

His space rules can't get in!

"Give it back to me!" As if the Great Master of Huajie couldn't withstand this kind of blow, he roared and rushed to Su Jin desperately!

next moment.

The chief priest of the Huajie felt a shocking killing intent...

He stiffened, and the cold sweat on his back immediately wetted his clothes! He didn't dare to move anymore, that kind of terrifying killing intent, as if to warn him, if he took a step forward, he would suffer a direct devastating blow!

Crystal red——

The Great Master of the Transformation Realm was full of cold sweat, and in the corner of his eye, he saw an ancient sacred relic, and that ancient sacred relic was looking up! The eyes are red!

"Ah!" The chief priest of the world of transformation can only roar in situ. These top ten ancient sacred relics are his last trump card and where his confidence lies. Now... now that he has lost, he knows That feeling of wanting to die!

"Human World——"

The top ten ‘Ancient Sacred Relics’ all looked towards the chief priest of the world, and they all spoke in unison!


This will speak again!

The Great Master of the Transformation Realm was terribly horrified. He couldn't even do this step. This little wicked animal could already be perfectly controlled with the primordial soul for a few breaths! Even, can speak through the ancient sage!

He was furious--

But there is no alternative!

"Return all the ancient sacred relics to me, Nalan Protoss... take it away!" The Great Master of the Huajie slowly raised his head, looked at Su Jin, and said coldly.

"Impossible." Su Jin shook his head.

Not only did the chief priest of the world know the preciousness of these ancient saints, he also understood! You know, he killed 1,500 horror gods of the law enforcement alliance. This hatred can only be ended when one party is wiped out.

Even if he returns the ancient sacred remains today and the Nalan Protoss allows him to take it away, he will still be chased by the law enforcement alliance. This will not solve any problems at all—

So the question is, why should he pay it back!

The anger in the heart of the chief priest of the world has reached an unprecedented level. He knows that there is no drama, because he is Su Jin and will not return it!

Beyond the battlefield--

The gods of the law enforcement alliance were completely stunned.

The legacy of the ancient sage has really changed hands! For them, this is definitely a blow to destroy the world!

"Is there really no hope... even the chief priest of the chemical world is not the opponent of this evildoer." The **** with the law enforcement alliance said in despair.

"The Great Master of the Transformation Realm must not fall...He must have a back hand to **** the ten ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’ back, sure!!"

"I'm so sad. The two are basically duels of strength, and the strength is the same! As a result, now the great priest of the world has become the situation before the evildoer. Damn it, it's obviously a miss... Kill him!"

"Ancient Sage Legacy, an invincible defense of the Ancient Sage Legacy, can we, the Great Master of the World of Transformation, follow—"


On the other side, the Nalan Protoss is full of hope now!

The reversal is too fast, the city lord currently has the upper hand, how dare they believe it!

Su Jinyi went hunting and hunting. As he took a step, the ten ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’ also went straight forward. After a few breaths, his voice resounded through the world!

"Huajie, die!"

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