My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3921: Fall of the World




The crystal red thunder in the sky, like a rain line, is constantly intertwined in the battlefield. The ten ‘Ancient Sacred Relics’, all raised their hands, and there is also the flow of the original power that is not the world’s sovereign.

"I'm not convinced!" The Great Master of the Hua World yelled. The pressure he feels now is definitely no less than that of Su Jin just now, and even he feels that his hope of survival is close to slim!

Every red thunderbolt is continuously connected to the body of the Great Master of the world, no matter how he resists it with his own rules of the King of Terror, it is useless!

"My space rules, it can't be useless!" The Great Master of the World of Transformation kept opening cracks in space, trying to draw away those crystal red lightning, but doing so had little effect, and soon he felt very real pain ——

Those crystal red thunder and lightning directly penetrated his body!

For a time, the sky was bright and dark, and the crystal red was faintly flashing, and the screams and roars of the chief priest of the world, I don't know how many law enforcement alliance protoss were shocked!

"The chief... the chief priest..." The Chu Family, Yuwen was all stunned, completely shocked by Su Jin's methods.

She knew that when her husband died, if she wanted to live, Su Jin had to die in the hands of the chief priest or the leader of the world! But under such circumstances...Is it possible to make Su Jin die?

The other party controls a full ten ‘Ancient Sage’s Legacy’.

It can be said that the foundation and hard work of the great master of the world for countless years has become his wedding dress!

"The chief priest of the world of transformation must hold on, if this continues, who will kill this evildoer!" The gods with the law enforcement alliance began to cry in fright. They had never thought that death was so close to themselves. !

"The chief priest should not release the'Ancient Sacred Legacy'. In this way, this enchanting evildoer is going to be against the sky. If the leader takes action against him, I am afraid that the ten'Ancient Sacred Legacy' should be taken into consideration!"

"Who would have thought that he could control the ancient sage's remnant? This is troublesome. The Great Master of the Transformation Realm has lost his combat power in a short time, and now I am afraid he has been seriously injured and incurable--"

"Destroying the 1,500 horror kings of our law-enforcement league, we have already killed the chief priest of the Holy Light, will the chief priest of the world of transformation also fall today? No! I don't believe this is true!"

"The High Priest of the Huajie is invincible. He must have a way, he must still have it! He will not fall—"

In the Nalan Protoss.

It's already boiling!

Nalan Moran clenched the corners of her clothes tightly, with a splendid temperament, but she was not noticed by any Protoss. Like other Protoss, she cared about Su Jin's life and death!

"Is it going to succeed?" Nalan Moran had a bold conjecture in his heart, because the current chief priest of the world seems to be getting worse and worse.

"This is the combat power of our city lord! The city lord is too powerful."

"What about the chief priest? If you can cut one, you can cut the second! Now, our city lord holds a heavy treasure in his hand and holds ten ‘Ancient Sage Relics’. Who dares to contend with it!"

"There is also the leader of the law enforcement alliance, but with our leader so strong, it is still unknown whether he dare to appear—"

Among the Nalan Protoss, Zhang Yuelu and Fang Renxue are also fully focused, obviously more nervous than other Protoss, because they know that Su Jinsheng, they are born.

Su Jin died, they died!


The screams that the chief priest of the world had never had before, made the entire law enforcement league's gods horrified--

" me!" For the first time, the Great Master of the Transformation Realm shouted with difficulty. Around him, the crystal red lightning seemed to have turned into a field.

His body is riddled with holes!

The body of the chief priest almost collapsed!


How to save!

The great priest of the world has no value anymore. If this remnant is saved, I am afraid that it will cost incalculable value to complement it, or it will be useless. The key is that he also sent the ten ancient sage relics. To Su Jin--

Su Jin's face is still a bit numb now.

He has already overdrawn, but he knows that there is still the strongest law enforcement leader who has not appeared, and now is far from the time for him to fall!

It can only be forced to support, and it cannot be seen by the Protoss of the law enforcement alliance!

With circles of warm "Fire of All Things", plus wisps of tender green life force, Su Jin is silently recovering, he is too tired——

Just using the power of the primordial spirit to control ten ‘Ancient Sacred Relics’, he paid a loss price that many protoss can’t imagine. The color of his current ‘golden primordial spirit’ has even faded!

"Dust return to dust, soil return to earth--" Su Jin said indifferently: "No one can save you. Moreover, when you release the ten'Ancient Sage Relics', this king has no plans to use it on you. Assassin, now, the'Ancient Sacred Legacy' that originally belonged to you did not disappoint this king."

Kill the gods, punish the heart?

Is there any useless assassin?

The Great Master of Huajie raised his head and looked at Su Jin with sinister eyes...

Now, even if he regrets it a thousand times, the Great Master of the Transformation Realm knows that he can’t recover it. With his remnant body, the blood of the King of Terror is almost exhausted, and the rules of the King of Terror are 90% less than when he was in full bloom. !

"You won't die!" The Great Master of Huajie laughed miserably. When he opened his mouth, the blood of the Black Horror King condensed into a blood clot and was vomited out by him. "Even if I fall completely, I must show my last strength! Dedication! To the Enforcement League! My...Leader!"


The chief priest of the world ignited a raging flame!

Su Jin's eyes condensed, and he fingered gently--

Immediately, the ten ‘Ancient Sacred Remains’ were directly lined up, blocking a position tens of meters in front of him!



The monstrous power, when the Great Master of the Transformation Realm burst open, shook the space barriers that I do not know. Even the Fuxi Dao Formation was almost broken, and cracks continued to appear around it——

The world is quiet.

The needle drop can be heard!

In the dim sky, the crystal red thunderbolt faintly gleamed, gradually disappearing, the law enforcement alliance, wherever you look, are all sluggish expressions!

"The Great Priest of the Huajie! Fallen!" All the remaining Protoss of the Law Enforcement League were shocked by this scene——

There are a lot of these Protoss, but none of them can get on the stage!

"Dead, the chief priest of the world has dedicated his whole life to the law enforcement league, but...but there was no response to the call for help before he died!"

"The leader...what about the leader... why didn't the leader save him! He shouldn't have died, unless the leader doesn't want to save him!"

"It's exploded, the Great Master of the Transformation Realm no longer even exists the divine body, but with the resistance of the ten ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’, it’s impossible to hurt that little beast at all! It’s really damn--"


The wind is getting stronger--

In the battlefield, the strong standing firm, the flame light is extremely eye-catching...that is Su Jin! Although his face was calm, his eyes were tightly locked behind the law enforcement league!

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