My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3932: This is Huafan practice?

Di Linglong felt dizzy--

During the few days she was sleeping, the situation should be very bad, but she just woke up this morning and didn't feel particularly hungry. How did that guy take care of her these three days?

Di Linglong's silver teeth clenched, and returned to the embers of the fire, adding a few sticks of firewood, and finally she looked at the bowl of porridge...

That porridge...

Di Linglong wanted to knock it over, but she stepped up to the front and looked at the fire...

Only then did she discover that she, who was originally omnipotent, didn't know how to heat the porridge. Should this bowl of porridge be put on the fire?

Di Linglong smiled bitterly--

Is this Su Jin's original intention? Huafan, practice?

It turns out that she, who has lost her cultivation base, is so unhelpful, and she doesn't even know how to survive. This is probably not bad. If she encounters fierce beasts and birds of prey, her body's ‘rules of Dayan’ are empty, so what?

Thinking of this, Di Linglong put the bowl of porridge beside the embers of the fire...but soon, a layer of dust fell on it and it was no longer possible to drink it.


Di Linglong kicked over the bowl, and the anger in her heart was erupting. She wanted to know, if Su Jin came in a while, how could she explain that she hadn't come back for so long!


Di Linglong smelled a hint of meat. Her stomach groaned again, and she looked at the front of the cave with cold eyes.

Until Su Jin's figure appeared-

"Fairy, I'm hungry, I know..." Su Jin carried a clay pot with both hands, and said: "Some meat was dug out from the house you destroyed, and I cooked it for you at that time. , You taste... it's been stewed for more than an hour."

Is he working while cooking meat?

Di Linglong dodged her eyes, but this time she did not refuse.

"I'll continue to work, let's eat fish tonight!" Su Jin handed the chopsticks to Di Linglong, and then confessed: "Don't throw the bones, feed the wolf..."

Di Linglong was silent, "Do you still have fish there?"


Su Jin went out.

Di Linglong's nose was a little sore, and she watched Su Jin disappearing into the cave entrance. So mortal life was so hard? She can't do anything now, and she doesn't even know if she can continue to practice!

And at this moment... outside the Donghuang Bell!

The gods of the law enforcement league are equally desperate--

"Before the East Emperor Bell vibrated and the bell rang, we thought the battle was over, but... why didn't anyone come out?" The morale of the law enforcement league cultivators is not light, they think the leader can definitely appear, but Now... they were so wrong!

"The inside of the East Emperor Bell was suddenly rang, and it should be fighting fiercely! But... but what about them? You have to give a message if you are dead or alive, how the whole thing is—"

"Leader definitely has the strength to step out, absolutely! That enchanting evildoer is certainly powerful, but think about it, the leader doesn't lose the slightest, and even the first two moves have the upper hand, with absolute crushing ability."

"The question is why the leader hasn't appeared after so long! Did she have trouble with it? Shouldn't this—"

"According to the grapevine, there are already powerful kings and gods who have walked out of the stars, wanting to get out of the surrounding nine palaces banned by the enchanting evildoer! Do you see any hope? I feel that as long as you can escape, you can do anything."

"That enchanting means can be broken by anyone? It's no play, did the former chief priest of the transforming world know? The chief priest of the transforming world's understanding of the rules of the world's space is definitely a strong existence, even he can't escape the space array of the evildoer law!"

"Yeah, the mere triumphant god, can't break it at all, it's a futile effort--"



For the law enforcement alliance, more and more panic-

As for the location of the Nalan Protoss, many of their Protoss have begun to stay away. After all, it is uncertain when the ten ‘Ancient Sacred Relics’ will go wild, and the nearest protoss will definitely suffer!

"It hasn't appeared yet, could it be that the City Lord has..." Elder Chengfeng couldn't sit still.

"The ten ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’ has never been triggered again, so now none of us knows what happened to the city lord..." Mrs. Xuanji also frowned.

"I think it's 50-50~" Fang Renxue said.

"Cut! Fifty-five? It is obvious that Little Brother Su has the advantage, okay? His odds of winning are at least 80%!" Zhang Yuelu smiled.


Mrs. Xuanji, Nalan Moran, and other gods all looked at Zhang Yuelu...

It’s not that high at all. After all, Su Jin is still at a huge disadvantage before displaying the Eastern Emperor Bell. This is just wishful thinking——

"Everyone only needs to believe in the city lord, we just have to wait, we must wait for the last result." Nalan Moran comforted.


And the world in the ‘East Emperor’s Bell’——

By the evening, Su Jin was carrying a huge package, mostly meat wrapped in animal skins, and only a small pot of mountain salt. If he knew there was going to be this heavy snowfall, he would definitely collect more!

Because there is still a long way to go from the mountain range with mountain salt... and the snow here can't be finished for a while--

Gradually, the curtain of night opened.

In front of the cave, Su Jin put the package down and placed it on a corner outside, then rubbed his hands and walked in. It was too cold outside, and when the mountain breeze blew, the whole person seemed to be frozen.

"How is it? Is it restored?" Su Jin saw Di Linglong, the first sentence was this.

"Restore your strength?" Di Linglong looked at Su Jin. Although her eyes were still a little cold, they were not as they were in the morning.

"Yes." Su Jin nodded seriously.

"Do you want me to regain my strength? Forgot how I told you before? We are mortal enemies!" Di Linglong really didn't believe that Su Jin would do it for her--

"Of course I hope, you're a fairy--" Su Jin nodded with sorrow.

Di Linglong was a little angry. In fact, she thought a lot today, and she always felt unwilling. But when Su Jin came back, her legs were red and cold, she didn't know how to vent her anger.

"Your leg..." Di Linglong looked at Su Jin and asked, because she saw that there were some slight wounds on that leg, and blood was frozen on it.

"It's nothing." Su Jin walked to the fire. "The snow on the side of the river has melted a little. There are fish under the ice in some streams. Didn't you catch some?"

Su Jin turned around and turned over the package wrapped in vines, and took out some of the small fishes that had been processed. Those fish were small and pitiful, and the largest was no more than fingers long——

"So small." Di Linglong's voice slowed down, her heart was extremely complicated.

"I will make you fish soup."

Su Jin didn't explain, and put some snow in a clay pot, then put the fish in and put it on the fire. Just a little bit of mountain salt, it can be extremely delicious——

Now I am looking at Di Linglong in a daze, staring at Su Jin...Why can he be so serious about everything?

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