My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3933: Mysterious Crystal

Su Jin was unconsciously being watched--

"I hope the sun will be bigger in two days, and I will dig some mountain salt and come back at that time." The bonfire reflected in Su Jin's pupils, flashing and jumping, it was hopeful eyes.

Di Linglong said: "If you can't wake up forever and be trapped here forever, plan to stay here alone and die?"

"People are going to die after all, can eat some other cushions first--"

Su Jin shuddered from the entrance of the cave for a while, and smiled at Emperor Linglong.

Di Linglong was silent for a while, "Call me...Linglong——"

"How can you do it then!" Su Jin got anxious first.

"It's up to you, call it or not." Di Linglong snorted.


The delicious fish soup makes Di Linglong feel surprisingly good. The thick taste of the fish scent in the soup is refreshing, but the more often the taste is heavy, the easier it is to dislike it, but Di Linglong does not have any This feeling--

The fish soup in the whole pot, including fish meat, was all eaten by Di Linglong...

Not a drop left!

Su Jin rested his chin and stared at Di Linglong blankly. He felt that this was a ‘heaven’s arrangement. After all, a fairy could appear in the residence and let him live in. It was something he didn’t dare to think about.

"Have you really forgotten all?" Di Linglong asked Su Jin——

"Forgot what?" Su Jin asked.

"You are the new city lord of the Nalan Protoss. You have the ability to hold the sky, turn your hands into clouds, and cover your hands as rain. The top of the heavens is already very close to you." Di Linglong has never spoken to Su Jin so calmly. Over.

It seemed... that kind of hatred, that kind of status gap, gradually disappeared in her heart, now it is a normal conversation——

Su Jin scratched his head, "Is there? I have these experiences?"

"Then you don't even know how to get here?" Di Linglong really didn't believe that he didn't remember at all.

"Uh...It's like opening my eyes, I have a house, a fairy in the cave, I..."

"Forget it."

Di Linglong knew that to ask is for nothing.

"Can I call you A Di?" Su Jin asked suddenly.

"Yes—" Di Linglong got up and continued to walk on the flat rock she was sitting on. She would not give in, never!

Su Jin collected all the small fish bones on the ground, added a few more firewood, and then sent the fish bones to the six little wolves.

The wind tonight is extraordinarily strong, but the vast sky is full of stars!

Su Jin stood at the entrance of the cave and looked around, thinking that it would not be hot for a while, and he would pick up more animal skins tomorrow to plug the entrance.

The snow has melted a lot in the past few days. Many beasts that died in the blizzard can be found everywhere in the forest. Su Jin made up his mind and took out a few sharp stones on the wall outside the cave entrance. Polished up-

He is going to be a stone knife.

A stone axe.

The stone axe can be used to split bones. Some dead beasts are too big. Fortunately, in such a cold situation, the corpses of those beasts will not deteriorate, and he will also worry a lot.


Su Jin yawned and walked in again——

Di Linglong did not know how to progress. In short, she did not know when she had already lain down on that flat boulder, her beautiful body curled up together.

Su Jin put the deer fur on Di Linglong's body, then hesitated, compared Bidi Linglong's feet with his hands, and then put it in the deer fur.

Fortunately, in the collapsed old house during the day, he dug up a lot of rabbit skins he had beaten before, but the rabbits were still gray at that time. Of course, these are not important, the important thing is to do--


Some thread twisted from goat hair has also been prepared... Su Jin cut a piece of soft and thick leather into a shoe sole and started sewing.

He Fei Axian himself is simply a genius.

Every stitch, every thread, is just right.

Until dawn, Su Jin squinted in front of the fire for a while--


Di Linglong felt very bad last night. She still didn't feel any trace of supernatural power. At that time, she was still sleepy, and she fell asleep before being depressed, and the cold stones almost froze her stiff!

Fortunately... it doesn't feel so cold behind.

"It's him..." Di Linglong looked at Lu Qiu tightly wrapped around her body, turned her head quietly, and glanced at Su Jin who was sitting in front of the fire.

"Ah, it's dawn."

Su Jin shook his head in less than half a time, got up for the first time, and walked to Di Linglong who was in a false sleep——

Then, Su Jin randomly found a few pieces of previous deerskins, tied them on his body, quickly took a few vines and ran out.

Di Linglong breathed a sigh of relief and sat up...

She saw the shoes next to the stone bed... ugly flat moccasins! Before, Di Linglong would definitely not take a look, let alone wear it.

but now--

Di Linglong didn't know what she was looking at right now, and wanted to kick that pair of moccasins, but he hesitated again and tried to put them on.

By the fire, a pot of sugar porridge had already been cooked in the middle of the night, just keeping the temperature on the embers, and not far away, a spoon made of bamboo, plus a pottery cup was already set up—

"Why was it so cold last night--" Di Linglong didn't feel right.

Before, she didn't feel this way at all.

Di Linglong knew the power of the'Permanent Frost Snow' derived from the'Dayan Rules', she could not tell the strangeness in her heart.

However, Di Linglong didn’t think about this anymore for the time being. She didn’t know if it was because Su Jin’s cooking was so delicious, or she was really hungry. She opened the deer fur and went to serve the porridge.

"Fruity? There can be fruit in the porridge." Di Linglong's eyes widened, a little unbelievable, but the taste... really exceeded her expectations.



Di Linglong never waited for Su Jin to return.

It's not because of hunger, but... the unknown premonition is getting stronger.

The six little wolves in the cave usually wailed more than a dozen times a day. As a result, this morning, they were lying in the corner not even screaming, and they were still trembling in fright!

Di Linglong wandered back and forth in the cave, looking at the entrance of the cave from time to time...

what happened!

Su Jin is indeed in trouble.

And it's still a big trouble!

After dawn, he went all the way westward to the mountains and forests there. Although the snowy road was not easy to walk, it was much better than when it snowed.

But just over an hour ago, he was spotted! It was a bird and beast with white hair all over it. Each vulture was two people tall. When he was spotted, he knew it was not good and went straight into the forest.

And here, because of the blizzard a few days ago, the cliff has been buried more than half, and he also found a crack in the cliff, constantly observing the situation in it——

"Did you go..." Su Jin had never encountered such a situation before.

I feel that I should have not left!

When Su Jin was chased before, that kind of birds and beasts could set off a blast of wind and cold. When those winds passed through the woods, many trees were frozen, and there would be patches of frost on the surface of the bark——

The wind is still outside now... Su Jin used his instinct to judge, he should have not left!

This is trouble!

If he did not leave, Su Jin would be very troublesome, and he was also afraid that Di Linglong would come out to look for him...because it is not too far from the Dongfu, less than two kilometers, there are still his footprints on the snow——

Su Jin didn't show his head, glanced around, he hesitated, and walked toward the cliff crevice.

The result... a big discovery!

There are a series of colorful crystals, exuding colorful brilliance in the depths of the cracks! Su Jin tried to touch the crystals, and his hands were cold. He chopped off a piece with a stone axe and put it in his pocket. After waiting for a while, when the wind subsided, he tried to go out——

Is this a gem?

The fairy must like it. As a fairy, she has a lot of knowledge, and she should know what this gem is—

While paying attention to the surrounding movement, Su Jin began to cat her waist and left quickly... towards the direction of the cave...

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