My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3935: I hate you

You still have me.

It was just such a serious look at each other, but it caused a terrible storm in Di Linglong's heart! She knew it would be empty after all, avoiding her eyes on her own--

"I'm hungry." Di Linglong said lightly, alleviating the embarrassment.

Su Jin used a sharp stone knife to cut off some cooked beast meat, put it in a plate, and handed it to Di Linglong.

Di Linglong looked at the neatly arranged meat on the plate, and didn't know which of the tendons was wrong, she overturned and buried her head in her knees! She didn't know why she was so upset.

Why, knowing that something is wrong in my heart, would make such an amazing move!

Su Jin was silent for a while, picked up the beast meat, and laughed: "You are a fairy, and some tempers are normal."

Then, Su Jin swallowed all the jujubes and swallowed the meat that he picked up, and continued to roast it carefully--

"Aren't you angry?" When Di Linglong raised her head, her eyes were a little red, staring at Su Jin.

"No, what do you want to eat? I'll make it for you—" Su Jin's eyes are always sincere.

Di Linglong didn't like Su Jin's eyes very much, because in this eyes, there was an extraordinary confidence!

"I want to eat the fish cooked last night." Di Linglong said.

"Immediately." Su Jin put down the plate in his hand and ran out...

Di Linglong wanted to stop him, but didn't know how to speak. She just said that there was danger outside. She... seemed to be fighting against herself, but that guy didn't care at all.

Su Jin is good at catching fish.

But the fairy just said that there might be danger outside. He naturally remembered it and paid attention to the surroundings, because there was no place to hide in that river.

Sunny afternoon.

The snow melts obviously a lot faster-

Su Jin looked for it carefully along the river, but the snow melted a lot, and the river was almost flat. Although some tributary streams were still gurgling, he found nothing but mosquito-sized fry.

The fairy wants to eat fish--

Can only take risks.

Su Jin returned to the small building that had been destroyed by Emperor Linglong and carefully searched for some useful things.

A piece of animal bone with the thickness of a finger was smashed with a stone axe, and a few sharp bones were found, and after a little fine grinding, they became several fish hooks.

The flesh of the beast was in the ice, probably the larger piece of his fist, which was also cut out with a stone axe than Su Jin, and he skillfully rubbed some fishing line with beast hair...

The whole time took less than an hour!

That's it!

Su Jin is very satisfied with the six fishing rods he made by himself——

He inserted these six fishing rods on the edge of the river, and then mastered the simple trigger mechanism. As long as the fish bit the bait, it will automatically bounce on the ice!

Only waited next--

Su Jin ran back to the hole in the snow where he dug the small building, observing the surroundings from time to time.

Perhaps because he didn't rest well, Su Jin and others yawned a few times. In the past few days, he had dug trenches around the small building, and it was really not cold to stay here.

I don't know when...

"You said you went to catch fish for me, but ended up hiding in there to sleep?"

The cold voice directly caused Su Jin to wake up.

Raising his head, Emperor Linglong’s beautiful fairy posture greeted him directly——

This is her first time out of the cave from her injury to the present!

Di Linglong was obviously disappointed, even Su Jin, who had forgotten her, learned to lie--

"No, I'm fishing." Su Jin said.

"Fishing? Are you hiding here to fish?" Di Linglong didn't believe it. This was nothing but a bargain. The river was still a long way from here. He said he was fishing!

Who believes it!

Since Di Linglong's appearance, Su Jin's eyes have not blinked. She is so beautiful, her skin is as white as the snow around her, and no matter from which angle she looks at it, she can rival the scenery of the world.

And... the familiar scent smells better than any taste——

"Really fishing." Su Jin smiled bitterly, "Or I will show you."

"I will never believe you again!" Di Linglong wanted to leave.

Su Jin looked anxiously and ran after him, grabbing Di Linglong's hand——


Di Linglong lowered her head and looked at the hand grasping her wrist...

"Come with me!" Su Jin pulled Di Linglong, paying attention to the surroundings, and hurried to the river.


It's near again!

Di Linglong was stunned--

I saw six fishing rods neatly inserted on the side of the river, three of which had already popped out, and there were three frozen fish on the ground! Different sizes, the big ones are as long as chopsticks!

It’s also a coincidence that at the moment when Di Linglong was sluggish, the fishing line was pulled tightly in the left hand direction, which is two or three meters.


A fish was directly bounced by the triggered mechanism! Jumped twice in the snow and then stiffened.

"I can have a good meal." Su Jin smiled and dressed the four fishes, then hung a bit of animal meat on the hooks and threw the bait in.

"I'm sorry." Di Linglong turned her face away, knowing she was wrong.

"This used to be a plain. It can't be exposed on the river for too long, it can only be this way."

Su Jin didn't care, he thought about it, and simply killed the dressed fish by the river. After all, with such a golden body like a fairy, how could he smell such a heavy fishy smell——

"Let's go." After finishing packing, Su Jin said with a smile.

"Aren't you angry at all?" Di Linglong asked hesitantly.

"not at all."



"That's all right," Di Linglong said.

Su Jin's smile gradually faded.

He feels wrong! Di Linglong's walking posture is slightly wrong--

"What's the matter with your feet?" Su Jin asked hurriedly.

"It's nothing." Di Linglong said calmly, "You didn't make bad shoes, and slipped when you came out."

If she didn't work hard to keep it, how could she go till now--

And it's still in the ice and snow! That kind of chill seemed to penetrate into the ankle, and it was painful to the bones.


Su Jin quickly stepped forward, turned his back to Di Linglong, and bowed his body——

"What are you doing?"

"I will carry you back."

"No way."

Di Linglong resolutely refused, but in the end he still couldn't help Su Jin——

This is the first time, carry her!

Di Linglong carried the fish to ease Su Jin's back. She felt that all this was so unreal, what was she doing... how could it be like this——

"Did you hug me?" Di Linglong asked in silence.


"When I was injured and unconscious—"

"Isn't that all right?" Su Jin smiled bitterly.

"I hate you."

All the way, easily return to the Dongfu!

Su Jin is very easy to carry her, plus fish, she does not have a hundred catties!

Boil the fish numbly--

Before the snow water boiled, Su Jin heard a hum of thunder.

Outside the cave, it was still sunny half an hour ago, but now the sky has changed, and large black clouds have gathered. Su Jin is very worried now, and is busy putting away the dried animal skins. His plan is about to change.

I originally wanted to use these animal skins to make bed quilts for Di Linglong... But I didn't know how long this blizzard would last, so I had to block the door of the cave first.

Immediately, Su Jin sewed a rough idea. Fortunately, the entrance of the cave was not too big. When he went out and fixed the curtain of the animal skin, it was already dark and blizzard!

"It's too big--" Su Jin patted the falling snow on his body, took a layer down, and walked into the cave.

Four eyes face each other.

Di Linglong still turned away.

Su Jin sighed, squatted on the edge of the stone bed, and stretched directly towards her calf.

"What do you want to do?" Di Linglong shrank nervously--

"Your ankles are all swollen, I'll apply water to you later."

"Why do you forget everything?"

"I don't know." Su Jin shook his head, "Come on, let me see."

"I want to take a shower, you... think of a way--"

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