My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3936: Rick her


Su Jin looked at Emperor Linglong and was stunned in the same place.

"Okay, easy to handle." Su Jin responded directly, "It's just a matter of boiling water. There is a bathing place in the cave house. I will cook it for you after I finish the meal."

Di Linglong will be suspicious.

When she opened the cave, although she opened up a bathing pool, it was so cold and without the blessing of divine power, it was absolutely impossible to make her bathe——

after awhile.

Di Linglong was eating, but saw God Su Jin mysteriously ran out.

There was such a heavy snow outside, he...Di Linglong was a little puzzled after thinking about it, why...why should you worry about him? Worrying about a mortal enemy... is really absurd!

Every piece of snow outside seemed to cut his face like a knife. Fortunately, things on the ground were still faintly distinguishable. Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and looked around the crooked neck tree above the cave mansion——

Su Jin had prepared a lot of firewood before, and it should be enough for two days. Now he still lacks one thing, and he is also looking for something crucial...

Before and after, I have been busy for nearly an hour!

Snow covered the vicinity of the cliff again, and Su Jin returned to the cave, and a fire started at the corner of the entrance of the cave—

A big tank of hot water was put on the fire by him!

Survive all the time.

It was almost evening before Su Jin got everything ready.

The bathing pool in the cave is already filled with hot water——

"It's okay." Su Jin randomly dropped a few sticks of wood on the bonfire in the cave.

"It's just boiling hot water. I have been busy all afternoon?" Di Linglong looked dumbfounded.

"It's pretty fast." Su Jin spread his hands.

Di Linglong hesitated, and finally sighed in her heart, walking towards the stone pool where she was bathing. Fortunately, there was a big corner behind it. Su Jin, who was sitting in front of the campfire cooking, could not see her——


Into the water!

Di Linglong was shocked-

Under her feet, there were stones of various sizes, the big ones were as big as fists, they were pebbles, and these stones were obviously heated. Although hot, they were not unacceptable.

"It turns out that he went out to find these stones—" Di Linglong never thought that there could be such a way to keep the water temperature. Generally, a pond of this size would be almost cold in a few moments, but with those pebbles, The water can last for at least half an hour!

Di Linglong lifted up a stream of water and it was very clean...These were all made with snow water, and she felt that the pebbles must have been carefully rubbed by the skins of the animals after Su Jin burned red, otherwise the water would not be so clean.

The bonfire is burning--

As the fire was soaring, the entire cave flickered.

Di Linglong flushed, looking at her shadow on the wall, without speaking.

Su Jin is now surprisingly'attentive'——

Because he dared not look up at the walls of the cave mansion at all! Now, the shadow on the wall, like a jade girl sitting in a pool, was obviously untying her hair.

"You are so smart and work so hard, even if you are in the mortal world, you will eventually come out." Di Linglong's voice came.

Su Jin raised his head, then lowered in a panic, because the direction he was sitting was facing the wall, and there was the shadow of Emperor Linglong on that wall.

"I don't want to get ahead." Su Jin said silently.

There was a moment of silence in the cave mansion--

Soon, Di Linglong said: "I have a way, which should help you wake up from the situation of Huafan. I can tell you my knowledge of evolution..."

"Wake up? Why do you want to wake up? I feel pretty good now." Su Jin's tone changed slightly, slightly heavier.

"Outside there is the Protoss you blessed waiting for you. You have won this battle, and I have already abandoned it. It would be better to complete you." Di Linglong sighed.

"I do not--"

Su Jin seemed to be angry, "Don't mention this again."

"I will teach you later."

"Not learn."

"Blizzard was affected by my'Dayan Rules'. You will not only see ice wind sculptures in the future, but also more powerful beasts. If you don't learn it, wake up early, we will all die here—"

"Then die here—"

Su Jin was inexplicably irritable, threw a burning stick in the bonfire, and walked out of the cave.

He... what happened to him?

Di Linglong was completely puzzled. She hadn't seen Su Jin getting angry like this before, and he was not angry about how she treated him before.

The black wind cries.

The palm-sized snow flakes were densely horrified. Su Jin appeared outside the cave, watching the blizzard.

The fire outside that had just boiled water and stones was extinguished by the snow, and wisps of blue smoke were floating in the air——

Su Jin calmed down for a long time before re-entering the cave and looking at the fish cooked in the clay pot.


Su Jin was in a daze, and Di Linglong had finished grooming and appeared in front of him——

The familiar scent seemed to cover up the scent of fish meat. Su Jin looked up, thinking that Fairy’s hair was so long, and Di Linglong’s hair was almost at the corner of her knees. She simply freshened it up to make her more pure and imperial. It is like a beautiful picture scroll, which is in front of me.

"Are you hungry?" Su Jin felt a blockage in his throat, swallowed, then looked away from Di Linglong with difficulty, and asked.

"You go wash--" Di Linglong avoided Su Jin's eyes and sat down pretendingly.

Su Jin:...

Although the pool water is not hot, it is definitely not cold!

Su Jin was a little tangled, and most of them were embarrassed and too embarrassed, but his current appearance was really not good, and his beard had to be shaved.

One thought ends here.

Su Jin didn't hesitate any more and started taking a bath!

And there is still her scent in the pool--

Next to the fire, if Di Linglong opened her hand casually, it was the ‘Crystal of Time’ that Su Jin gave her. This kind of thing is not a rare treasure, but she still keeps it till now.

"Since things have reached this point..." Di Linglong stared at the crystallization of time in a daze, silently muttering to herself: "Can it be worse--"

Di Linglong complained a bit in her heart, but more helplessly, she found that...Su Jin was simply sent by God to ‘gram’ her! Rick her!

In a daze, the clay pot by the campfire boiled--

Di Linglong panicked, and reached out to reveal it. As a result... After a pain, he went to take two pieces of animal skins and set the clay pot aside.


Di Linglong looked at the burn on her finger, her grievance seemed to burst out all of a sudden.

Put it in the past, how could she be like this! This kind of life is something she will never be able to touch. She has a maid in the bath, and can also be delicately taken care of her dressing. As a result... she can’t do anything right now, and it’s still useless.

Su Jin hurriedly put on his clothes and walked over.

Di Linglong's eyes were filled with two stacks of clear tears!

"What's wrong?" Su Jin looked at the clay pot on the side, grabbed Di Linglong's hands, opened it and saw four burn marks——

"I'll do all of this. Does it hurt?" Su Jin said anxiously.

Di Linglong was there in a daze. After hearing the sound, she couldn't control herself anymore and started to cry!

This is the first time Su Jin saw her cry!

But Su Jin didn't know, crying... it was also her first time!

Ewha brings rain, compared with her outside the East Emperor Bell, it is very different!

This crying, crying Su Jin was in a hurry! Somehow comforting--

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