My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3938: Bells

Up... Up?

When Su Jin heard the words "come up", the whole person seemed to be frozen, his legs were disobedient, and he looked at Di Linglong in a daze.

"Anyway, we are all the same, aren't we?" Di Linglong showed aggrieved expression again.

"Hey." Su Jin took off his shoes and hurried to the edge of the stone bed, staring quietly.

"Because my "Rule of Dayan" is innate, so how much you can understand depends on your understanding. You... you'd better cultivate some strength early, otherwise it will be delayed. You can't get out of the cave." Di Linglong said.

"You keep talking."


I don't know when.

Su Jin and Di Linglong are very sleepy——

Fortunately, the stone bed was big enough that Su Jin stayed motionless while lying down, while Di Linglong yawned several times before falling asleep.

Under the stars, the cliff was frosted!

When the stars faded, Di Linglong woke up quietly, eyes facing each other...

"It's time to chop wood." Su Jin Ma Liuer got up.

Hastily escaped from the cave house——

On Di Linglong's frosty face, the smile seemed to melt the winter.

Days pass by.

Su Jin's expression on his face became more and more sad. Not long ago, most of the snow had melted, but some pieces of the ground that were exposed were ‘crystals of time’.

Although it looks beautiful, those "time crystals" will grow over the earth one day.

In a blink of an eye, another few months passed.

It's getting colder. The early winter here has just arrived.

"Adi, Adi——" Su Jin's voice.

Di Linglong appeared at the gate of the cave with a little wolf like a snow group.

The wolf hasn't grown up in a few months, and Di Linglong is also very puzzled. The food intake of these six little wolves has risen and become more and more amazing.

"I'm back." Di Linglong put down Wolf Xiaoliu and patted some of the falling snow on Su Jin.

"It was not small under the snow outside, and I didn't catch a fresh fish. It seems that I can only stew the fish."

Su Jin found that it was really difficult--

Because the ground is full of time to crystallize, it is difficult for the small animals to catch, but the snow is bigger. When the snow is thick, it is good to hunt some snow rabbits.

"Yeah." Di Linglong nodded.

"I have ventured a lot in the past few days, A Di, guess what I saw? I saw a frozen lake, which is surrounded by mountains on three sides. It is too suitable for living. When this year passes, I will cut some more next year. Old tree, go there and build a wooden building to live in."

"Lang outside again, and be careful when you encounter a blind bear who will bite you to death--" Su Jin stopped the little wolves and prevented them from leaving the cave.

"Did you find out? They have always been this big." Di Linglong said slowly.

"What's the reason?"

"Time crystallizes, the more time crystallizes, the slower the flow of time will be, and in the end it will get closer and closer to the point where time stops--" Di Linglong said.

"Don't be kidding! How can time stop--"

"It's not a joke, definitely. A special time and a special place create special accidents. We...we don't have much time left." Di Linglong stared at Su Jin blankly.

"Then what to do?"

"It's a pity that you don't study hard, and you haven't condensed any supernatural power, otherwise you can move more than tens of thousands of miles away, or more, then the situation will be better—"

"Study! Learn after eating!"

Su Jin also felt the seriousness of the matter.

Warm Dongfu.

Stone bed.

Su Jin was dizzy and confused! He dared not tell Di Linglong about one thing, he really didn't learn anything about the various powers that evolved--

Because you have to work during the day.

At night, even if he is tired again, when he faces Di Linglong preaching, he will be in a daze. There is no way to settle down and listen carefully, but just now he listened carefully, but his head was groggy.

Di Linglong rolled her eyes.

"Stop learning, go to sleep." Di Linglong lay on her side and turned her back to Su Jin. She looked at the mountain wall as if she had been like this in the past few months, falling asleep in tossing and turning.

"A Di." Su Jin hesitated, and tentatively touched the shoulder of Emperor Linglong.

Chi Chi ~~~

The feeling of overcharged, reappeared!

Di Linglong turned around and looked at Su Jin——

Silent is better than sound!

Su Jin looked at her face, looked at her eyes, in a daze.

Di Linglong's temperament and temperament are no longer as sharp as when she first met. Although Su Jin is forgiven and Hua Fan forgets herself, she does not!

She knows who she is--

But now she, who has been here for nearly a year, has not only changed her heart, but has changed too much.

The only thing that doesn't change is naturally her holy face!

Every time, when Su Jin saw her ink hair reaching her knees, she would be deeply shocked, whether it was seen a hundred times or a thousand times, it was still like this——

Di Linglong's snow-white wrist was raised, and she held Su Jin's face with her hands, as if her flawless body was shaking——


Di Linglong moved her lips.

Getting closer.

Under the starry sky, on the tree with a crooked neck, snow fell quietly.

"Oh~~~" late at night, the six little wolves howled one after another...

Its daybreak.

It was a long time before Di Linglong opened her eyes slowly, looking at the top of the cave, her face felt hot--

"Little boy, go back!" Su Jin laughed and cursed with a few little wolves outside the cave mansion, shouting!

He... loves this world!

For him now, even the falling icy snow is beautiful, he now seems to have the world!

The snow outside was thick, and it had covered a layer of time crystal on the ground, and he was still waiting for Di Linglong to wake up.

"I'm hungry." Di Linglong stood in front of the cave mansion at the right time, watching Su Jin running.

"Here!" Su Jin walked up to the cave mansion in a few steps and followed Di Linglong in.

"You... when will you wake up?" Di Linglong was still graceful while eating, looking at Su Jin... slowly asked.

"I wish I would never wake up again!"

Su Jin grew up.

In Di Linglong's eyes, he forgot to transform himself into a mortal world, as if he had become a big boy, but... But this was not the answer she wanted.

"No ambition." Di Linglong squeezed Tao Zhan. Her Tao Zhan and chopsticks and jade spoons were all carefully crafted by Su Jin. Anyway, she felt that this guy could do everything, but she didn't know how to leave Huafan.

"Really, it's troublesome to wake up—"

Su Jin took Di Linglong's injured porridge bowl, "It's scary, if you say I have other memories and strengths, think about it..."

"Just forget this memory." Di Linglong looked at Su Jin and said.

"No." Su Jin took a spoonful of porridge, shook his head seriously, and brought it to Di Linglong's mouth, "Leave it for a while, it shouldn't be hot anymore."

Di Linglong seems to be very used to it, but for some reason, Su Jin's actions today made her particularly awkward, could it be because last night——

"The snow outside is about to stop. I still have a lot to do. I hope I can hunt some good things and come back today." Although Su Jin was anxious to go out, he was not in a rush when he fed Di Linglong for dinner.

"I want you to carry me once... just like a few months ago, when I... my ankle sprained." Di Linglong said.

"Simple!" Su Jin still wondered why.


Su Jin carried Emperor Linglong on his back and went for a big circle in the nearby snow-

This time, Di Linglong was obviously happier than ever, as if there was no concealment of identity, that kind of pure truth, just like Su Jin Cong Huafan.

"Okay, okay, go, be careful." Di Linglong urged with a smile.


Su Jin led the emperor Linglong into the cave, took on the hunting equipment, and was given a snow rabbit fur suit to disguise himself in the snow——

Watching Su Jin walk away step by step.

Di Linglong looked at the door of the cave for a long time, as if hoping that Lang would return sooner.

The stars are moving, and what is this eve!

Three years in a flash!

Di Linglong is not very talkative these days, Su Jin treats her as always, and doesn't know where she is offended——

"Su Lang, can you hear a voice these nights?" Di Linglong asked.

"Outside?" Su Jin asked, "Thunder, it must be snowing again. It's good to have heavy snow. The speed of prey in the snow is very slow. I can prepare meat for the whole winter in a few days."

Di Linglong stared at Su Jin, "You lied--"

Su Jin is not good at lying.

Di Linglong was in this world, and after spending several years with him, he couldn't understand him better.

"I didn't hear clearly." Su Jin's eyes dodged, his head down, his eyes erratic.

Di Linglong snorted, and slowly said, "It's the sound of a bell."

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