My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3939: End Huafan and return strongly!

"You know it's the bell."

Di Linglong looked down at Su Jin, "From the'Eastern Emperor Bell'."

Because this is the world of Donghuang Bell!

Su Jin has heard Di Linglong talk about this clock, and this clock is also his thing. The ‘East Emperor’s Bell’ sounded inexplicably for several nights. There must be a big problem outside——

"The bell rang six nights, six times." Di Linglong closed her eyes slightly and tried to restore her calm, and said, "I understand."

"What do you know?" Su Jin still doesn't understand anyway.

"I have been wondering how you would wake up. Now I understand. As long as the East Emperor's bell rings, something big will happen outside. It means that there has been something that even the ten'Ancient Sacred Relics' cannot handle. You... will wake up from Huafan." Di Linglong understood everything.


This fate is evil fate!

Di Linglong wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Wake up or wake up--"

"I won't hurt you--" Su Jin embraced Di Linglong in his arms.

It's just that, at this moment of hugging... Su Jin seemed to be a stranger to Di Linglong, she seemed to be strange, so strange that he felt uneasy.

"Remember what I told you..." Di Linglong asked.

"I don't remember!" Su Jin pushed Di Linglong away, his face flushed.

"You won, I lost. At that time... please let me die a little decently. Before leaving here, only you... walk out by yourself -" Di Linglong said.

Su Jin is crazy.

My heart is blocked.

His eyes were red, and he ran out at the fastest speed. He didn't even know how far he ran! He is running away!

Di Linglong looked at Su Jin and waited until his figure disappeared before she stretched out her finger and touched it on the wall of the cave mansion. Everything here... she will remember before death--

"Nie Yuan." Di Linglong's face paled for a while.

She leaned on the wall and moved towards the stone bed step by step, she... she became more desperate in her heart!

A month ago, Di Linglong was still a little delighted, because she had already felt the abdomen that was hit by those golden divine characters, she... she even felt the presence of power!

Her Dayan Rules!

Di Linglong once shared the good news with Su Jin... But now, something is wrong!

Di Linglong separated her clothes, with her palms against her abdomen, her face full of grief--

"He... he doesn't know yet." Di Linglong collapsed directly, "Never let him know, even if he kills me--"

A few nights ago, a bell rang every night.

In the afternoon, Su Jin had figured it out a long time ago, and came back to apologize to Di Linglong, and made her laugh, which made her feel more or less comforted.

Today, the ‘bell sound’ of the Donghuang Bell is advanced!

And there are still several sounds--

Su Jin became more and more anxious, feeling like he was waiting for the sanctions of fate, and changing from the past, such a dark day and day, there should be a heavy snowfall!

But now!

It's all thunder and lightning!

Those thunder and lightning, like nine dragons and snakes, are constantly venting their anger, and every thunder and lightning stretches for an endless distance!

Su Jin stood outside the cave, his head dizzy for a while——

That feeling is very uncomfortable!

"Hua Fan, is it going to end?" When Di Linglong arrived, her face was gray, and she quietly looked at Su Jin's back in front of the cave.

"He... he still remembers this experience... and... me--" Di Linglong continued to ask herself this way.

When Di Linglong was with Su Jin, she thought she was stubborn.

But her stubborn disguise didn't last long at this time——

The mist... is filling the eyes quickly! Fate, it's desperate and powerless--

Di Linglong doesn't like that Su Jin at all...

That Su Jin who possesses the power and can compete with her... now looking at that figure, she also feels strangely strange, that terrible oppressive power, breath, is growing!

Su Jin closed his eyes.

The whole world seemed to be clear in his mind, his eyebrows opened up, and the imprint of the wheel of the years, even if the countless'time crystallization' on the earth melted, turned into a colorful rainbow, quickly He was absorbed by the imprint of his'wheel of years' in the **** pupil!

The memory is like a sea of ​​raging waves, rushing in!


Su Jin's momentum has reached its peak!

peak! This is his pinnacle, and his strength, there is still diligence! The power of Huafan!

"Leader of the law enforcement league!" Su Jin suddenly turned around, staring directly at Emperor Linglong with a stern look, "You can start the comparison! But I tell you, now! It's too late for you to admit defeat!"

Di Linglong's heart was so cold, he really forgot everything here... Now Su Jin, I am afraid that, like the first time he first entered the East Emperor Bell, he has to borrow the power of Huafan to cultivate and derive power——

Can not remember.

Forgot all about it.

fair enough.

"Don't admit defeat -" Di Linglong smiled, and the tears in her eyes did not come out. How could she admit defeat.

"If you don't admit defeat, you will die, when... I put away the Eastern Emperor Bell, and your body will be seen by the gods of the law enforcement league." Su Jin stared at Emperor Linglong with cold eyes.

"It's okay," Di Linglong said.

"Really not admit defeat? Give you another chance—"

Su Jin's sneer was only a decisive shake of his head in exchange.

"It seems that during the time when I transformed into a fan, you also experienced a lot of unknown things, you...Where is your divine power?" Su Jin asked.

"Hugh, ask more."

"Oh, this king hasn't asked your name yet... this king doesn't kill unknown people--" Su Jin said lightly.

"Where do you talk so much!"

Di Linglong said angrily.

"Come out to compare! Still here?" Su Jin asked loudly again.

"Just here." Di Linglong said.

"The place is too small to use one's fists! In your Dongfu, alone men and widows, playing and making trouble, what kind of style?" Su Jin said again.

Di Linglong simply followed him, got up and walked out of the Dongfu——

Looking at each other, ten meters apart!

Su Jin always felt that Di Linglong's face was not right, it was very pale, and...It was strange that he couldn't explain it, he looked at it repeatedly.

"Unexpectedly, there is a strong man shaking the'Eastern Emperor Bell'. Although I have been here for four years, it will be no more than eight or nine days outside. It is enough for some Protoss in my law enforcement alliance to figure out a way to notify the eternal gods. Some other horrors exist."

Di Linglong shouted: "No more, it will be too late. You will lose the ‘Ancient Sacred Relic’, and the Nalan Protoss will all die--"

"Then you surrender." Su Jin slapped the man.

"You..." Di Linglong really doesn't like Su Jin like this, really! She even felt the torment, and now she was filled with the man who took care of her in every possible way!

"This king has rules, usually let the opponent make the move first, you make it..." Su Jin said with a negative hand.

Make things difficult!

Damn it!

"Can you fight or not?" Di Linglong asked.


"You shot."

"your turn!"


Di Linglong squatted on the ground, really tortured by this superb guy to collapse again! Was he sent from heaven to punish her!

"You have lost your cultivation base." Su Jin seemed to have a'suddenly' tone, walked to Di Linglong's side, and said lightly: "It's a waste god, it's a waste--"

Emperor Linglong was wronged.

Her nose was sour, her fists were squeezed, and a series of tears fell to the ground. She wanted to find the darkest and darkest corner to hide in. The grievance was a hundred times stronger than she had ever been before!

"You don't tell me your name, is it because you dare not tell?" Su Jin asked.

Di Linglong did not answer.

Don't even look at Su Jin--

Then, Di Linglong's powder fist slowly loosened, and she... looked up in shock, just because... just heard a word!

"You are my Emperor..."

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