My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3943: Resolutely leave

The moment Long Yan-sama died...

The whole world seemed to freeze, Long Yan, one of the right arms of the Domain Lord's Great Destruction God, was not only ugly to lose, but he didn't even have the power to fight back!

The stopped star, the extinguished fire, seemed to witness the miserable scene of the fall of a generation of God of War! Make the gods feel a little dreamy--

"Long...Lord Long Yan...How could he lose..." The horror king gods of the Eastern Divine Region, with red eyes, did not want to accept this reality at all.

"Our domain master's most optimistic existence is now... dead! If you don't fall in this battle, Lord Long Yan has 60% hope that you can sit as the domain master!"

"The kid can crush Lord Long Yan even if he doesn't use the magical treasure! From this point of view, apart from the group attack, or the domain master himself, we will fight alone, and it will not be his opponent——"

"It's really rare for a wild clan to reach this level! Lord Long Yan's death was wronged. He originally wanted to show off in front of the domain lord, but he was beaten to death. It was so uncomfortable."

"Where did this guy come from? Not only is the method fierce, he doesn't give a way to survive, but the moves are also very fancy—"

"The pattern of the Buddha statue on the Gate of Heavenly Fire is disappearing, and the Gate of Heavenly Fire, which was opened by Master Long Yan through the ages, will be completely lost in the world."


The result is indeed beyond the expectations of the gods!

Even the law-enforcement leader who thinks he knows the bottom line is shocked by this scene. If she comes to fight Long Yan, she may win, but it will definitely not be so easy, and Long Yan has the ability to inherit from the "Eternal Gods Realm". Eastern God Realm!



The scene was suffocated for a while-

"The general trend is over." During the period of the stalemate between the two sides, Linglong, the leader of law enforcement, spread a voice to inform the world, and continued: "I lose this son, and I will shame the law enforcement alliance's eternal foundation. From now on, I will no longer hold the position of the'Leader'! The position of the leader will be taken by the'Dark Priest'!"


The gods of the law-enforcement league stood there immediately! Every god's gaze turned to the depths of the stars...

"Leader! The law enforcement league can't live without you..." The gods immediately moved.

The reason why the Enforcement League can maintain its current prestige has a lot to do with Emperor Linglong's position, but now, once the leader abdicated, all the Enforcement Alliance Protoss seemed to have lost their backbone! There is nothing darker than today's day--

"The leader is exhausted, she lost to that evildoer, she must be very self-blaming in her heart, but now that Eastern Divine Region Long Yan has also lost, there is no shame!"

"I also hope that the leader will think twice! As long as there is a leader, our law enforcement alliance will have hope! If you retreat and the dragons have no leader, where can our law enforcement alliance go!"

"The dark chief priest... is also qualified to be the leader of the league--"

The gloomy cloud seems to be shrouded in the heart of every law enforcement alliance protoss! Originally, the Law Enforcement League was constantly being hit, and now... the leader abdicated, which is more uncomfortable than the fall of 1,500 Terror King Gods a few days ago!

Su Jin was also quite surprised-

Di Linglong is no longer the leader of the law enforcement league! Although he didn't know what happened after the abdication of the ‘enforcement leader’ of the past dynasties, he was really confused by being so reckless.

He did not know.

In the law enforcement alliance, if the leader abdicates, it means that it has nothing to do with the ‘law enforcement alliance’, otherwise it will hinder the prestige of the new leader! The law enforcement league has undergone 19 generations of changes. Except for those who died accidentally, everyone chose to stay away from the law enforcement league after abdicating again!

The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised slightly, and couldn't help but transmit the sound to the depths of the stars...

"I knew you couldn't live without Xiang Gong--" Su Jin conveyed to Di Linglong.

"You go to die..." Di Linglong feigned angrily, "Be careful of the Destroyer God, his strength is far above me, and he is cautious and difficult to deal with."

"Then you retired from the position of leader, what are you going to do?" Su Jin continued to ask by voice transmission.

"I'm leaving--"

Di Linglong was a little bit sad when she was on the "Throne of Dayan". In her mind, all the years in "Eastern Emperor Bell" were all in her mind. Those years seemed to be as long as her life. She would never forget A fragment.

go away?

Su Jin felt a faint pain in his heart. He could hear the decisiveness in Di Linglong's tone. He even felt that if Di Linglong was allowed to leave, he might hardly see Di Linglong again!

This ‘leave’ is like a farewell—

"You can't escape the palm of my hand." Su Jin continued to communicate to Di Linglong, "When I destroy the Eastern Divine Region, I will go to you and bring back my Emperor."

Di Linglong looked at the battlefield...

Step on the'Dayan Throne', and then turn around silently...Walk into nothingness!

Really gone!


If Su Jin weren't in the center of the battlefield now, he really had to stop it... He didn't understand, what was it that would make Di Linglong give up the "law enforcement alliance", or even choose not to go with him, and choose to leave?

"Respectfully send to the leader!" The gods of the law enforcement league cried mournfully. Each god, with tears in his eyes, knelt down in the direction where Emperor Linglong was leaving!

Immediately after--

A space portal opens!

The dark chief priest stepped out!

The gods of the law enforcement alliance immediately kowtowed again: "Welcome to the leader!"

One free and one welcome, as if the dynasty changed, only for a moment.

The dark chief priest raised his hands and flattened the gods of the law enforcement alliance. He looked at Su Jin with a little gratitude in his eyes...

As early as the Trial of the Heavenly Stairs, the Dark High Priest knew that Su Jin was extraordinary, and the result confirmed his vision!

Moreover, Su Jin has an unkillable grace for the dark chief priest!

The dark chief priest did not have the slightest sense of rejoicing, because the holy light chief priest and the world chief priest died, why did he not die? This is the result of Su Jin's mercy!

Su Jin also glanced at the Dark High Priest...

Nodded silently.

"The gods of the law enforcement league! Take down all the Tuoba, Yuwen, and Chu clan!" The Dark Lord worshipped the leader of the league, and the first fire burned these three clans——

If you don't show weakness, all the gods of the law enforcement alliance will die!

Punish the three races, in exchange for the future of the law enforcement alliance, and the dark chief priest thinks that there is only this way to go!


Among the gods of the Eastern Divine Region, the Great Destruction God suddenly burst out!

The Tuoba family, the Yuwen family, and the Chu family are all of the eternal gods! No matter how weak the Protoss is, as long as it exists in the Eternal Gods Realm, the Protoss should not engage in such a big fight, let alone annihilate the race——

The face of the dark chief priest was blush.

Aggrieved, he was humiliated by the God of Destruction on the first day of his new appointment, so this would have a huge blow to his prestige!

"Grab—" Su Jin said lightly, "If anyone dares to stop, he won't be able to survive this battlefield."

"Take it!" the dark chief priest suddenly roared.

The Tuoba family, the Chu family, and the Yuwen family were all dumbfounded! Other law-enforcement league protoss, of course, are not the tribes that can compete, but at this moment, other law-enforcement league protoss are also hesitating.

The authority of the leader is questioned!

The anger in the heart of the dark priest is erupting——

The rules of the King of Terror are being released all over! He... didn't expect this to happen, but he believed Su Jin very much. As long as Su Jin was there, even if it was the God of Destruction, it would be difficult for him to get past Lei Chi!

"There is a terrifying king **** who just became the leader of the alliance, dare not to listen to our domain master?" There is a terrifying king **** from the Eastern Divine Region, speaking to the dark chief priest, and even the entire law enforcement league!

"This is the internal affairs of the Law Enforcement League itself, even if you are in the Eastern Divine Region, you can't intervene!" The dark chief priest responded in a cold voice——


Many law enforcement league gods all reacted.

The Law Enforcement League has a special position in the Eternal Gods Realm. Even the King of Heaven, Lao Tzu, cannot control the law enforcement alliance.

The gods of many law enforcement alliances all gathered towards Tuoba, Yuwen, and Chu Family!

Yuwen Qingcheng, his face pale! Doesn't she feel that the situation is over?

She regrets now...very regrettable!

If she had drawn a clear line between the Yuwen clan from the beginning, how could she have brought the Chu family to this point! She even killed her husband and brought the Chu family to destruction——

"Leader! We are all your devout followers! How about we leave the Tuoba clan? Some of us do not have the Tuoba bloodline!" The gods of the Tuoba clan cried and begged for mercy.

"I don't have the blood of Yuwen's source, nor do I! I ask the leader to show his favor outside the law!"

"Kaien, lord, I am here to announce that I will withdraw from the Chu Clan——"


The scenes of crying are all begging for life!

The dark chief priest shook his head and escaped the blessing of the three clans. It was naturally too late!

When the other Protoss of the Law Enforcement League took them down one by one, the Dark Priest announced here: "Detain the God Prison, and wait to be sent down! In addition, the Nalan Protoss will re-enter the Law Enforcement League and enjoy the treatment of the transcendent Protoss——"

The Nalan Protoss, all are ecstatic!

Back to the law enforcement league? There is also noble treatment that is detached from other protoss! This is so simple, I didn’t expect the unexpected joy to come so quickly——

Nalan Moran cried silently--

She was worth it.

Su Jin...a man who was turned into a wild clan by the Eastern Divine Region, he changed the fate of the entire Nalan Protoss clan alone! Qiu also helped her all!

"You are the chief priest of darkness! Now you are the gods of the law enforcement alliance, only you are the king of terror. If I want to destroy you, I will destroy you at the touch of a finger! Are you sure you want to be my enemy?" The God of Destruction was really angry. , Even the voice with supreme authority, pressured towards the dark priest!

"You'd better pass the level of Brother Su, let's talk about it--" The dark chief priest didn't care.

He is not afraid of death.

He is not afraid of offending!

Because his life should have fallen at the Three Hundred Pass of the Tongtian Stairs!

If Su Jin falls, and his dark chief priest dies at the hands of the Great Destruction God, the opponent will not be angry with the gods of other law enforcement alliances. At the price of his fall, it is also worth it!

"You--" The Destruction God couldn't help but want to shoot that **** dark chief priest to death!

The dark chief priest has nothing to fear.

Although he knows that the Destroyer of Destruction kills him like cutting a feather, what is he—

The situation has reached a stalemate again.

The God of Destruction has his own consideration, he wants to take Su Jin, but if it is a group attack, it is naturally not desirable.

Previously, the 1,500 horror king gods of the law enforcement league had disappeared. It was heard that they all fell under the young man's fire lotus. He...cannot gamble with all the horror king gods in the Eastern Divine Region.

"The five gods, go out!" The God of Destruction did not see it with his own eyes, but he was able to test it.

The five generals are the horror kings who protect him in the Eastern Divine Region!

There are five parts, a total of fifty horror king gods! In this way, the **** of destruction can naturally see the details of Su Jin and the power of that fire lotus——

"Yes!" All the five generals stood out, without hesitation!

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