My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3944: Five Elements Death Knell

The five generals, all murderous, Lin Lingling, looked at Su Jin——

"Who do you look down on?" Su Jin looked at the scene after the black light completely dissipated.

among them.

On a king's chair covered with skulls, there is a slightly bloated middle-aged existence. His face is full of flesh, his eyes are fierce, and he sits on the king's chair!

The turbulent power is all around him, the light of the great avenue seems to be revolving around the other party, he is the **** of destruction, the domain master of the eternal gods ‘East God’s Realm’!

Five thousand horror king gods, on the side!


"Don't worry, the five generals are enough to make you suffer." The God of Destruction said lightly.

The coercion of the Destroyer God, like a virtual substance, continues to spread, but whenever the five thousand horror kings of the Eastern Divine Region feel the coercion, they unconsciously shudder—

This is the God of Destruction!

The supreme king in the Eastern Divine Region!

"The domain master is angry. The death of Long Yan just now has probably made him greatly annoyed. However, the five general gods and fifty horror king gods gathered to come out, and it is okay to fight this guy." There is a horror king god. The fierce might of the **** of destruction, said tremblingly.

"How can Long Yan have no power to fight back in his hands? It should be restraint, the other party's flames, fearless of Long Yan's'fire rules', this is the key to Long Yan's defeat and death."

"All the gods are not afraid of the fire. They are all natural five-element powerhouses, carefully selected by the domain owner, and every ten is one. Among the fifty horror kings and gods, the five-element horror rules can be perfectly integrated."

"Yes, absolutely overcome this guy's sacred fire power--"

"The trash of the law enforcement alliance is really unsatisfactory, and the leader of the alliance chose to abdicate after the defeat, leaving a group of mobs, not to mention, our domain master wants to protect them!"

"Look! The ‘rules of the king of terror’ among the five gods have begun to merge!"


Su Jin slowly narrowed his eyes--

In his opinion, these fifty horror kings and gods, guarding the four directions, should belong to the same rule of the five elements.

Want to suppress him by this?


300 million miles away.

Di Linglong appeared silently outside a gray-brown star--

The noble and gorgeous long skirt, wrapped in her impeccable appearance, more or less, felt a little sad when she parted like this.

Moreover, at this moment, she turned her head.

"Don't blame me for hiding from you..." Di Linglong looked at the direction when she came--

Her hand slowly stroked her lower abdomen, and finally sighed faintly, and said to herself: "The crystallization of time has not affected it, besides...even if you are not the lord of the old gods, now you have become the enemy of the gods— —"

Regarding giving up the position of the leader of the ‘law enforcement league’, she felt it was not a pity, and even felt relieved.

Di Linglong didn't want to be any leader anymore.

As for why she chose to leave at this moment when Su Jin faced the Destroyer God, she naturally felt that the problem shouldn't be too big.

"Oh-" Di Linglong stopped for a while and hurried again. She knew that Su Jin could not find her. The heavens were so big, and the eternal gods were vast and boundless, so how to find her?

She now needs to return to the ancestral land where she was born, that is, return to the eternal realm of God! And she was not ignoring that the six little wolves in the East Emperor Bell had been put away when the East Emperor Bell was put away.

In the empty space, Di Linglong's figure disappeared again, only the clear fragrance, drifting into the distance in a short time——

She didn't know.

How will this trip bring her...


The 100,000-mile battlefield between the Enforcement League and the Eastern Gods!

The five generals are like bronze bells! Between each other, the rules flow, colorful!

"Several powers derived from the five elements--" Su Jin nodded silently, watching the storm and thunder and lightning around him.

The wind blows!

Su Jin's face does not change the color!

Thunder, wind and rain in the sky, the world is bright and dark, as if the chaos of the ancient and evil world has swept the world for 100,000 miles!

"Outer Territory! I'm waiting for the five great gods to sound the death knell for you... If you are acquainted, it is better to decide yourself on the spot and suffer less!"

There is a core in the center of the five generals! The supernatural power of the rules of the five elements is all condensed in the body of the ‘lord of the five elements’ that accommodates the ‘five elements’ power.

The Lord of the Five Elements directly shouted at Su Jin.

Su Jin yawned again and again, and slowly said: "Quick battle and quick decision. Burn your five thousand Terror King Gods, and slaughter your Great Destruction God. I still have important things to do."

Burning God!

Slaughtered the God of Destruction?

The gang of horror kings in the Eastern Gods were all laughed angrily. If this guy can really do this, he should stand on top of the heavens! Be afraid, he can't do it!



Below the five lines!

Fifty horror king gods shouted in unison. At this moment, their divine powers have merged vigorously. This level of integration is by no means ordinary!

Under the watchful eyes of all the gods--

Centered on the Lord of the Five Elements, a ‘five element death knell’ began to be condensed by the endless ‘rules of the five elements’. The death knell seemed to be more majestic than Su Jin’s ‘East Emperor’s Bell’, and the bell was intertwined with lightning! All over the five elements of heaven!

Su Jin frowned, his expression slightly serious.

"It's kind of interesting!" Su Jin looked at the ‘Five Elements Rule’ that swirled around. That kind of power actually felt like he wanted to turn the world around him into a quagmire, and could limit his divine body!


The deep bell rings!

A sorrow radiated from the clock——

Death knell!

A veritable death knell!

Su Jin raised his foot slightly, and raised his foot about 20 centimeters, but in the eyes of other Protoss, it seemed that he couldn't leave for half a step!

"The five generals of the Eastern Divine Region are really amazing!" Seeing Su Jin's performance, the gods of the law enforcement alliance were in an uproar.

"This is the strength of unity. I didn't know the details of this before. Our 1,500 Terror King Gods were hit by him, causing all of them to fall unexpectedly. Now the God of Destruction is obviously more cautious." Another monk said.

"It's terrifying! Only fifty horror king gods, combined with the formations, the regular power of each horror king god, are all integrated together, and they have such power! Compared with them, our previous horror king gods are really It's too chaotic."

"This kid is finally going to be planted, trapped under the death knell! The death knell will be played for him, and he can't escape if he wants to—"

"Unexpectedly, the mystery of the five elements formation can make him so uncomfortable. He just had a chance to get out before he was surrounded. Unfortunately, success is also his conceit, and failure is also his conceit!"

"Why is this?"

The Dark Lord Priest squinted his eyes and stared closely at Su Jin. Naturally, he couldn't compare with the five general gods, but... But Su Jin previously killed all the horror king gods in the law enforcement league here. Li is right--

"Hahaha! You are nothing but that." God of Destruction opened his mouth and shouted at Su Jin.

"The Territory Lord is mighty! The five general gods are enough to take his head off, and the Lord of the Five Elements will personally offer it to you—" The Terror King God of the Eastern Divine Region has already begun to congratulate the God of Destruction.

"I thought he was so powerful, but I didn't expect to be so unhelpful. I really look upon him. Unfortunately, Lord Long Yan was killed by him, otherwise this battle will be a perfect victory!"

"The masters are fighting, and there is no room for a difference. This child is really crazy. He even dared to stand safely under the "Death Knell". He didn't know that death had begun!"

"The five masters are in the hands of the gods, and there are more people who think that the dead soul of Tianjiao!"


The five gods together are so powerful--

Whether it is the Eastern Divine Region or the gods of the law enforcement alliance, they all let go of seeing this scene! It is absolutely reasonable for the God of Destruction to firmly control the'Eastern Divine Realm'. This method alone has shocked the Protoss of the law enforcement alliance!

Su Jin was expressionless.

Slightly shook his body.


The Lord of the Five Elements, with the other "Five Generals of God", was shocked! In their perception, even though Su Jin is standing under the'death knell', the entire divine body seems to be detached from the object...

That kind of feeling, Su Jin stood there, but it felt like air to them——

It's weird!

"Isn't you in Three Thousand Worlds?" The God of Destruction pressed the two skulls tightly, his eyes fixed on Su Jin.

This method is not rare, and it is not unbreakable—

"It's been expected that you, the enchanting evildoer, has such a magical technique!" The Lord of the Five Elements screamed, "Do you think you can escape the control of the'Five Elements Death Knell' by'not in the Three Thousand World'? I tell you, absolutely impossible!"

Su Jin felt more and more interested--

He just used the Dao body not in the'Three Thousand World' to test the five elements of the death knell of the five generals, but he only succeeded for a few seconds, and he felt that there are some rules of fetters around him. His body is not in the three thousand. The big world is broken.

Forced to be pulled back to reality by that kind of fettering power——

This is Su Jin's first failure when he is not in the Three Thousand Worlds. Before, he used this technique and tried repeatedly.

With a smile on Su Jin's mouth, his eyes gradually became pale blue——

"Mystery?!" The Lord of the Five Elements' eyes widened. He once again felt Su Jin's disappearance. The figure standing under the'death knell' seemed to have fallen into the boundless void world, even if it was the power of fetters. Weakened too much!

In the end... how can we break that ‘fetter’ power?

Su Jin feels very strange, just like everyone's ‘fate’, everyone’s fate seems to be doomed, what will happen tomorrow, what will happen next year, and what the result will be... all doomed!

This kind of bond seems to have the same ability! As long as he is shrouded by the "five elements death knell", no matter how many levels of space he falls into, the bond will weaken.

Always there.

Su Jin did not resist, and once again returned his body to the "Five Elements Death Knell"——

The God of Destruction chuckled, his body straightened, and he leaned back on the Skeleton Throne. He was really comfortable now.

The law-enforcement leader all lost to this Tianjiao evildoer, but...but he is about to be killed by the "Five Elements Death Knell", this kind of bright Tianjiao evildoer feels like it hasn't been for a long time.

In the eyes of the **** of destruction, Su Jin has fallen into a mortal situation!

"If you want to get rid of the fetters, you must find the source." It's not that Su Jin can't fall into it with the'No Word Heaven's Secret'. His'Maha Prison Eye' blessed several divine pupils.

Looking around for that strange and inexplicable **** power——


Except for the rules of the five elements, except for the evolution of the rules of the five elements, light, darkness, wind, rain and thunder, there is no trace of that kind of ‘fetter’.

"Kneel down!" The Lord of the Five Elements showed a cruel color at the corner of his mouth, "Kneel to the Domain Lord! I can still let you linger for a while!"

"Give you three breathing times. You worship me, so that I can pretend that nothing happened, and let you run away with your tail sandwiched." When Su Jin thought, he looked at the Lord of the Five Elements, the God of the Five Elements, and even the Great God of destruction!


The whole audience laughed!

This is the end of the matter, and he has no possibility of turning over, and he even dared to be tough!

The Lord of the Five Elements screamed again: "Really knows how to live and die! The Five Elements God Thunder, kill on the spot!"

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