My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3945: The world is falling apart




Above the "Five Elements Death Knell", the thunder was fierce, one after another, as if to open the space, one after another, the divine thunder, with distinct colors, began to gather from the dark clouds above——


There was a thunder and lightning as thick as a mountain, directly hitting the "Five Elements Death Knell"! Those thunder and lightning have the same structure as the "Five Elements Death Knell", directly filling the area where Su Jin is located!

This kind of lightning is too fierce!

Faintly, Su Jin closed his eyes, and the confident smile at the corner of his mouth that made the gods familiar, returned again!


It's the roar of the dragon!

how can that be!

The gods of the law-enforcement league, the chief priest of darkness, and even the Great Destruction God of the Eastern Divine Region, the Five Thousand Terror King Gods, all looked dumbfounded--

The death knell of the five elements, plus the five elements of the **** thunder, can't even kill Su Jin!

On the contrary...In their eyes, a red dragon robbery was waved by Su Jin with both hands and evolved! Does he have the ability to evolve the Heavenly Way to rob the dragon?


The red robbery dragon swallowed all the lightning that spread from the "Five Elements Death Knell", this is not over yet! Immediately afterwards, the red dragon robbery even climbed above the entire "Five Elements Death Knell"!

Death knell... Panlong!

The horrible red scales, bathed in thunder, roared to the sky, as if they were feasting, and constantly uttered satisfaction! This is "Five Elements God Thunder"!

"No problem!" Nalan Clan, Nalan Moran and their tightly held hearts began to relax, Su Jin's methods are too many, this level of **** thunder, although terrible, but it is Jielong, nothing Fear of thunder and lightning!

"The city lord is simply too domineering! Very mighty!" You Nalan Protoss said excitedly.

"Don't be happy too early, the city lord seems to have not completely escaped the control of "Five Elements Death Knell". Although his figure is stable, if he can't leave from "Five Elements Death Knell", the five will naturally have endless means to kill the gods. Him." Mrs. Xuanji poured cold water on the other gods in good time.


The five elements combined the gods and fifty horror king gods together, which is many times stronger than that of Lord Long Yan. With the special blessing of the five elements' original rules, the city lord is still very dangerous.

Many Nalan Protoss stopped talking, just watched closely, not even daring to come out...

But they still trust Su Jin and they can believe that he can fight to the end!

It can be said that Su Jin's current prestige in the Nalan Protoss has reached an unprecedented peak! This is the former city lord, Mrs. Xuanji’s husband, far from reaching——

In the battlefield.

A red robbery dragon, tightly coiled on the "Five Elements Death Knell", all the thunder and lightning were swallowed, and nothing was missed. This "Five Elements God Thunder" was of no use to Su Jin!

The Lord of the Five Elements has a gloomy face.

He originally thought that the "Five Elements God Thunder" could kill Su Jin, but the power used by the other party was not too magical, and the "robbing dragon" did not know where it came from——

If it is condensed.

How can there be the power to swallow thunder and lightning?

"The five elements of the imperial law, the sky is broken and the earth is split!" The Lord of the five elements did not hesitate, and directly sacrificed the big killing technique!

The Lord of the Five Elements is very confident now!

Because the Lord of the Five Elements himself has assembled the power of the other 49 Terror King Gods! The inexhaustible power of the Five Elements Rules is his greatest confidence!


Around the "Five Elements Death Knell", a piece of earth power is forming. The whole red robbery dragon roars constantly, but it seems that there is nothing to do. It can only firmly swing the dragon's tail and attach it to the death knell!

The earth is rapidly forming around the "Five Elements Death Knell"!

The thick earth covers the sky and the sun, and the void is cracking everywhere, endless storms of the void are blowing sharply——

Su Jinyi robe hunts, even if he is under the power of the death knell of the Five Elements, his face is still cold!

"He was going to be killed by the town by the massive killing technique of'Heaven Breaking and Earth Breaking'! That is a real earth, formed under the power of the Five Elements!" The gods of the law enforcement alliance were amazed.

Everyone knows that this is not pure condensing--

This is to first use the "tian collapse" to break the space, and then use the power of the earth movement to move the dust and land from other dimensions. Then every dust will carry the five elements ruled power of the five gods. !

too frightening.

If it were in the distant years, just this "heaven and earth breaks" can easily create a world.

"He is trapped on the spot by the death knell of the five elements, with his head hanging on the death knell, and there is no escape! When the heavy five elements fall, he will be crushed to pieces and there is no way to survive—"

Even the most ordinary gods now feel the repression of their souls. This is just one look at the "Five Elements Earth" and they can breed this feeling.

This is undoubtedly the most terrifying.

The God of Destruction is still watching the battle. If the five generals can kill Su Jinzhen on the spot, of course it would be great. He doesn't understand why in such a passive situation, the Tianjiao evildoer named Su Jin is not yet Surrender?

"That kid is too big, I really don't know how the terrifying waste that fell from the law enforcement league was killed by him--" The Terror King God of the Eastern Divine Region laughed.

"The five elements of the earth, the five generals, naturally restrained his fire lotus power! The divine power that this kid depends on is suppressed, and his strength is naturally greatly reduced, and Lord Long Yan has been beheaded by him. Kill, death is enough."

"It seems that we don't need to act at all--"

"The domain master also noticed that the arrogant evildoer that day could not pass the'five generals' level."

"Hey, the five generals, unless they exist in the eternal realm of gods, can they know its terrible, how can this field tribe understand..."


In the eyes of the horror king gods in the Eastern Divine Region, Su Jin was about to be killed by the town.

And it's still broken into pieces, turned into a cloud of smoke!

There was a smile on Su Jin's stern face, and he figured out where that kind of **** power was!

Of course, if you let other horror kings know what he has been thinking about, I am afraid they will be surprised again! Because this guy has never thought about whether he will die under the "Five Elements Land", on the contrary he still thinks about the previous things——

"The Five Elements?" Su Jin's mouth raised.

The thick earth covers one hundred thousand miles! This continent is no less than any world, and any place Su Jin looks at, even a dust stone, has a lot of power!

"Prepare to accept his secret!" The Lord of the Five Elements laughed wildly.


Although Su Jin repeatedly defeated their methods, he still couldn't escape the word ‘death’ after all!

"Whether it's wasting time when I transform the ordinary..." Su Jin sneered at the five generals!

In the East Emperor Bell, it has been transformed for several years! Although it was only a few days outside... But Su Jin... still had unimaginable gains!

Countless ridicules, countless cold-eyed eyes, all looking forward to his death... But a pity... they can't do it!

Su Jin raised his arm and yelled: "Only you have the'Five Elements Earth'? This king... can also use it!"


That loud noise.

It seems to have lifted the endless noise!

Su Jin directly leaned into a million-mile deep space, as if a carp hit and fell again, quickly and decisively!

And then... a piece of the "Five Elements Land" that stretched for 100,000 miles began to manifest directly in the lowest place! This evolution speed is even faster than the "Five Generals"——

"How... maybe--" The Lord of the Five Elements' eyes almost fell off, and his mood suddenly sank to the bottom. What kind of method is this!

At the Law Enforcement League, countless Protoss are also stunned--

"Oh my God! Another piece of the'Five Elements Earth'! Whether it is from aura or power, it seems to be even better! This is condensed by Su Jin's enchanting? Impossible, how can the condensed power be possible inside Doping with the power of the Five Elements... This is surprisingly stronger except for might, and it is almost the same as that piece of the'Five Elements Land'!"

"Horrible, yes... How did he escape the suppression of the "Five Elements Death Knell"? This guy can escape directly, but he doesn't want to... He really can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger—"

"The trouble is big! Two pieces of the Five Elements Land, his'Five Elements Land' seems to be more powerful, this... is this guy a devil?"

"Who can explain why he can condense a piece of the "Five Elements Land"! This is not in line with common sense, even our former leader, and even the current God of Destruction cannot do it—"

"Former leader, the origin of the derivation rules may not be so true...If the two'Five Elements Earth' collide with each other, would it be worth it?"

"It's going to bump together!"


In fact, Su Jin did not really give the "Five Generals" any chance! He already has the inheritance of Taoism, the nine palaces, eight trigrams and five elements. Although he is not very good at it, he can still deal with this kind of pediatric method——

Moreover, in the time world in "Eastern Emperor Bell" for several years, the insights he gained from the transformation of the mortal are combined in the'derivative power', so that the'five elements of the earth' like the five general gods can appear, naturally not Strange.

"not good!"

The Lord of the Five Elements is the core of the other five generals, and his power lies in him, so the pressure is naturally more direct than the other five generals——

His outer robe shattered directly!

The Lord of the Five Elements couldn't even open his eyes. The surrounding storm seemed to be solidified. He couldn't see the situation underneath clearly, but the two ‘Five Elements’ land was indeed about to hit!

One piece will be transformed into five parts!

One piece is condensed for Su Jin with the power of derivation!

"Is he crazy!" There are five generals in the gods, constantly blessing the power of the five elements, and shouting at the other five.

"Who knows! We have fifty dignified generals and gods, can't we be equal to him? Boom, boom, he will die!"

"Kill him, our Lord of the Five Elements will have a chance to become a candidate for the Domain Lord! From now on, our life will be better-"

"Yes, who is afraid of whom!"


Five generals, full of resilience! Even if the "Five Elements Earth" condensed by Su Jin collides, they are fully confident to use the same "Five Elements Earth" to contend!

This scene, like slow motion, is slowing down infinitely!

Whether it is the Eastern Divine Region or the law enforcement league!

The gods all stared with wide-eyed eyes, watching the two'Five Elements Earth' approach!

Which side will win!

"Ah -" The Lord of the Five Elements gathered all the powers and slapped the "Five Elements Earth" with both hands. Their fifty five general gods, the gathering power, instantly accelerated the Five Elements Earth ten times!

More than!

This time, the main of his five elements wins!

And to win beautifully! Because it is under the watch of the Domain Lord Destruction God! As long as he wins, his chance of gaining the position of domain master is even greater than that of the dead Long Yan——


Must win!

The Lord of the Five Elements kept roaring, and his whole body was starting to hit the lower part with the "Five Elements Earth"!


Between heaven and earth, there is only a rumbling sound! The distance between the two ‘Five Elements’ land is only a hundred miles away——




The divine light was extinguished, and it directly shattered a hundred thousand miles of void! Two pieces of the "Five Elements Earth" collided together. At this moment, there was no other sound besides the terrifying crash!

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