My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3946: Say you are shameless!


Fifty wisps of blood arrows blasted out directly from the five elements!

Including... the Lord of the Five Elements!

Even the Lord of the Five Elements is more injured, because he is the main core, his strength is perfectly displayed, and the blow is even more violent——

The sky is full of dust.

The two "Five Elements Earth" are all scattered! The sky seems to be plunged into a terrible darkness, and it is difficult for light to appear in that dusty world!

"Which side is dead?"

Whether it’s the ‘Law Enforcement League’ or the ‘Eastern Divine Realm’, every protoss has a dazed expression. When they reacted, their first thought was this sentence--

However, in the perception of the Protoss, the five general gods are clearly not harmful! Because in that battlefield, the rules of the fifty Protoss are very obvious!

And what was missing on the scene... was Su Jin's breath, his regular breath, which all the gods could not perceive!

"Dead! Finally dead!" The gods of the law enforcement alliance were so excited that no one thought that Su Jin would die in this way——

"The five general gods are still amazing! But under that impact force, they obviously also suffered serious injuries -" and the gods thanked the five general gods, especially the lord of the five elements. situation.

In the law enforcement league, besides the dark chief priest, who doesn't want Su Jin to die!

This guy is the scum of the Protoss, the great scourge of the Protoss!

As long as he lives for one day, all the Protoss in the law enforcement league will have trouble sleeping and eating! But now, Su Jin's breath has finally been wiped out——

He is dead!

Is it dead? The Lord of the Five Elements was so excited to die, he did not expect that he would have today! He even had the illusion that the Domain Lord Great Destruction God would immediately give up his position and make him the domain master of the "Eternal God Domain" Eastern God Domain!



The emotions are so heavy that they are all in the heart of the Lord of the Five Elements——

But all the existence of the King of Terror, all the law enforcement alliances, and none of the Protoss are now paying attention to the face of the God of Destruction.

The God of Destruction frowned slightly...dead?

absolutely not!

They didn't hurt any skin or hair loss! The God of Destruction turned dark, and his eyes began to scan the other terrifying kings of the Eastern Gods...These idiots seem to have a tendency to celebrate--

"Get back!" The Destruction God shouted angrily.


Why is the tone of the domain host wrong?

Even if the Lord of the Five Elements felt uneasy in his heart, he, like the other forty-nine five general gods, had an idea in his mind almost at the same time!

Terrible thoughts

Could it be.

Su Jin is not dead?

How is this possible!

The Lord of the Five Elements did not give up, staring at the bottom...

In the dim world, wisps of breath, rules, and beginning to be as strong as a blazing sun, that is... the breath that belongs to Su Jin!

He's not dead--

Not dead?

The Lord of the Five Elements could not accept this fact, and took a few steps back in the void, as if he had been hit. His face changed between pale and red, and the other forty-nine ‘five generals’ were the same.

"Five generals, that's it?" Su Jin walked over in a new golden robe.

He held a divine clock in his hand--

Donghuang Bell!

The sound of the shock wave just covered even the sound of this bell! Is this ‘East Emperor’s Bell’ helped Su Jin escape from the dead?

At least, the Lord of the Five Elements thinks so...

"Damn it! Damn it!" The Lord of the Five Elements now wants to destroy everything. If he is in his own residence, he might be razed to the ground by his anger!

It's not that Su Jin is unable to resist the power that destroys the world-

It was because he was lazy to spend his energy, using the'Eastern Emperor Bell' more directly, and also allowed him to find time to change clothes in it, but the temporarily disappearing breath made other gods mistakenly think that he had fallen.

"Don't go crazy, let me use the'Eastern Emperor Bell', you are already very good, but unfortunately, my derived'Five Elements Earth' only shook you into serious injuries, not enough to be fatal."

When Su Jin spoke, his tone was obviously a pity, and he continued: "If you let me do it again, your life will be gone. Don't doubt this king's words, because...this time the condensing of "Five Elements Earth" is already Very casual."

This is salt on the wound.

Put new frost on the snow!

The Lord of the Five Elements and the other five general gods all began to be vigilant.

"No wonder Master Long Yan is jealous, if it weren't for the'Eastern Emperor Bell', what would you be!" The Lord of the Five Elements looked at Su Jin coldly, as if thinking that this battle was not fair at all.

"Papa Papa--"

Su Jin clapped his hands and smiled and asked the Lord of the Five Elements, "Do you think it's unfair?"

"Of course it's not fair! Without the'Eastern Emperor Bell', you will die!" The Lord of the Five Elements burned in anger.

"I ask you a word, and you answer truthfully."

"What are you talking about!" The Lord of the Five Elements has lost his mind now, and he feels as if his domain master has wings and is flying. This makes him not annoyed.

"You want to be shameless." Su Jin asked.



This...this makes all the gods puzzled--

Originally unfair! Why does Su Jin ask the main five elements shamelessly?

"This guy is really shameless--" The Horror King God of the Eastern Divine Region all stared at the guy wearing the brand-new golden robe.

"Eastern Emperor Bell, that is the Eastern Emperor Bell known as the'First Bell in the World'! This guy's shameless behavior is really disgusting enough."

"Relying on the power of the gods, what kind of ability? If the Lord of the Five Elements has the'Eastern Emperor Bell', he may not be afraid of the world, and he can still suffer this big loss?"

"When he asked if he wanted to be shameless...I just wanted to go up and tear his mouth! With ‘the first bell in the world’, why didn’t he die--"

"Just now under the impact of the two'Five Elements Earth', that kind of power, this kid is not the East Emperor Bell, ninety percent of the ninety percent of his body collapsed, his body disintegrated, and he can stand unscathed like this? Also ask him if he wants to be shameless--"

"Out-of-the-field wild people, they are really despicable. They use **** treasures to use **** treasures, and they say that others are shameless. What kind of power is this, really a guy to be spurned."


All in an uproar!

Whether it’s the Eastern Gods Territory or the law enforcement alliance—

All cast a contemptuous look at Su Jin!

The Lord of the Five Elements, his eyes cold, staring at Su Jin, "You still have reason to rely on the power of the gods?"

Su Jin smiled and said, "Of course I am reasonable."

"Why!" the Lord of the Five Elements asked angrily.

"It seems that you have all overlooked one thing. You fifty kings of terror, deal with me, but you also scold me shouldn't use the'East Emperor Bell'? What's wrong with you being shameless?" Su Jin asked.

The world is quiet--

Suddenly quiet, the needle drop can be heard!


All the Protoss overlooked one thing, they are all used to it, because of the fact that Su Jin had killed 1,500 Terror King Gods before!

Therefore, they imperceptibly believe that Su Jin is an invincible powerhouse! It was they who ignored the fact that he was more than a dozen.

"You answer me." Su Jin looked at the Lord of the Five Elements, "If you are like Long Yan, stand up personally, I can also not use the Eastern Emperor Bell, and you... don't suffer from the other 49 Terror Kings. God’s rules and divine power blessings, do you dare?"

You dare?

This sentence, as if it was thunder in nine days, directly made the Lord of the Five Elements complexion blue--

Yes! Su Jin is a fact more than a dozen!

In the cognition of the Lord of the Five Elements, Su Jin must also be a "Terror King God". Therefore, it is indeed unfair for one to play fifty!

This is also the reason why he is silent--

"Don't be ashamed, you are not my opponents at all. You should obey your domain master's words and roll down." Su Jin said calmly.

Although the tone is calm.

But his voice is extremely clear!

"Come back." The Destroyer God sullenly shouted, and I still don't know if these five generals have been humiliated! And the guy named Su Jin is really strong.

Even without the Eastern Emperor Bell, the Destruction God felt that the "Five Swordsmen" could not hurt him. This was the most annoying——

"Domain Lord! We can still fight!" Wherever the Lord of the Five Elements could give up, he would be one step short, and he could become the domain master with one step. This made him desperately unwilling to give up!

"Then you go to die." The Destruction God shouted angrily.

The Lord of the Five Elements gritted his teeth and wiped the blood from his mouth severely. His injury was the heaviest. Part of the "Rules of the King of Terror" in his body was shattered, but... special.

The power of the five elements can quickly restore his horror king divine body!

In just a few moments, the Lord of the Five Elements will be able to recover as before, and it will still be at its peak! And he believes that after Su Jin has just performed a ‘Five Elements Land’, there may not be much power left!

Under this analysis, the Lord of the Five Elements believes that they are still superior!

Since it is an advantage, of course never give up——

Su Jin couldn't help but started to sigh, it's not that common to die so resolutely.

"I have to use that trick." The Lord of the Five Elements began to speak among the "Five Generals".

"That trick... how can that trick be done! As long as it is performed, it is impossible to stop the collection, we... there is a certain probability that it will fall on the spot!" Five generals were anxious, and quickly began to confirm by voice transmission, as if Don't want to try.

"Only in this way can I kill him. Now I have disobeyed the domain master... We will be severely punished when we go back. It's better to fight it. If you kill him, everything is easy to say!" The Lord of the Five Elements continued to speak.


"Nothing! If I sit as the domain master, we fifty brothers, who are in charge of the Eastern Divine Region, who dare to provoke the world! Noble, goddess, everything is enough for us to dominate the heavens, you... if you don't want to , You can quit now!" The Lord of the Five Elements was angry.

"All follow my lord's orders!"

"Wish my lord, kill this son, and ascend to the throne of domain lord!"

"Sure victory!"

The other forty-nine ‘five generals’ all spoke in unison to the Lord of the Five Elements! They know that there is no way out. Only by charging with the Lord of the Five Elements and reaping great achievements can they achieve supreme glory——

After all, although he is the King of Terror, he is subject to a lot of restrictions in the Eternal God Realm! If the Lord of the Five Elements becomes the King God, they will have whatever they want--

"it is good!"

The Lord of the Five Elements shouted.

Finally, the Lord of the Five Elements turned his head, his eyes flushed, staring at Su Jin, and said: "We have one final blow! You... there is absolutely no possibility of it! Do you dare to take this blow without the Eastern Emperor Bell! "

Donghuang Bell is too strong in their hearts——

Without this factor, Su Jin would be fragile and pitiful in their eyes!

"Why don't you dare? Really use yourself as a dish, this king is also a little interested in the integration of your five elements, can still stand here and talk to this king?"

Su Jin never confided, no matter how difficult it was, even if he fell into the moment of fall, he never bowed his head to anyone——

There are five generals, Su Jin naturally hasn't paid attention to it!

"I admire your courage, but you who don't have the Eastern Emperor Bell... We can get your head by flipping our hands!"

The Lord of the Five Elements sneered, "I advise you to be prepared, our Five Elements Heaven will let you taste countless pains, and you will die in the painful purgatory. When that happens... I hope you don’t beg for mercy. Keep talking like that."

Su Jin also smiled indifferently, "I hope you don't think Long Yan is as spineless... Finally, you will beg for mercy from this king when you die."

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