My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3950: There is a big gap between you and me

The Lord of the Five Elements looked at Su Jin with a gloomy look--

He doesn't know why this guy can remain calm, is it because he broke the "Five Elements Heaven" that he gave Su Jin confidence?

In fact, the five elements are very flawed. The Lord of the Five Elements, as the core of the "Five Generals", obviously knows best. If Su Jin’s "Fire Lotus" is too strong, the five elements are unbalanced, and the other party is impossible. Can still stand!

"If you want to see... Then I will make you perfect!" There is a wave of cold blood in the evil eyes of the Lord of the Five Elements. Now he looks at Su Jin in his eyes, which is no different from looking at a dead man——

Su Jin calmly stretched out his hand, "Come on, I hope you can give me some surprises, even if it causes me a loss of pressure."


The Lord of the Five Elements was furious, and groups of strange glows were slowly converging towards him from all directions!

His five-color heart is becoming more and more dazzling!

Su Jin was calm on the surface, but actually didn't care about it at all.

The fierceness of the method of the Lord of the Five Elements is simply outrageous, and after he absorbed all the remaining rules of the "Five Generals", he gave birth to the five-color heart.

Moreover, since the birth of the ‘five-color heart’, the power of the Lord of the Five Elements seems to be the sum of the ‘five generals’, and even more!

The surrounding space, at this moment, seems to be rendered into colorful colors——

The Lord of the Five Elements is too strong.

It was so strong that it even surprised the Domain Lord Great Destruction God.

Seeing this step, how could the God of Destruction still know!

"Huh." The God of Destruction looked at the Lord of the Five Elements coldly.

The Lord of the Five Elements is instantly on his back!

"Outer Territory! Now I will let you see what is the power you can only look up to!" The Lord of the Five Elements didn't even persuade him. He simply ignored the gaze of the God of Destruction. Instead, he stared fiercely and fiercely. Su Jin.

"The power that makes me look up... is not spoken by my mouth." Su Jin smiled lightly, looked at the 100,000-mile color space, and continued: "No matter how strong you are, you are only blessed by the Five Elements."

"Okay! Pick me up with "Five Elements Sky Pattern Change"!"

The Lord of the Five Elements roared wildly.


Circles of Dao wheels, as if containing the five elements, began to be developed around the Lord of the Five Elements. Those ultimate Dao wheels, like the five elements and gossip, seem to be detached from the outside. In short, every trace of the Dao pattern makes people see Can't help but feel a tingling feeling in my heart——

For the Five Thousand Terror Kings of the Eastern Gods, the feeling is particularly clear!

"The Lord of the Five Elements forcibly accommodates all the origins of the five elements, he has a five-color heart! He... why is he so powerful now!" The Eastern Divine Territory Terror King said in amazement.

"More than just being powerful, this kind of power is enough to threaten our domain master! He now seems to represent the five elements, and his body may be able to transform the five elements at any time, and there is no escape. The power of the five elements' origin and body is too terrible."

"Yeah, the wonder of the five elements, who can completely penetrate the world? The Five Elements is the pure and pure source of the five elements rules, enough to make him metamorphose, and his heart has now turned into the heart of the five elements. '."

"Awesome, I am afraid that the Lord of the Five Elements had already planned, but took this opportunity to kill the other brothers of the Five Elements, otherwise... even if those'Five Generals' are willing, the domain master is not willing to--"

"The expressions of the wild clan began to become very dignified. Obviously this "Five Elements Skyline Change" is incredible."

"It's best to kill him."


The transformation of the Lord of the Five Elements amazes the gods.

Originally, from a single point of view, the status of the Lord of the Five Elements was probably only two dollars, or even a low position...The completion of the Five Elements made him a superpower of the first class and one——

This is the wonder of the Five Elements!

The Lord of the Five Elements is also inexplicably shocked now. The "Five Elements Sky Pattern Transformation" he used is full of power, and after the operation is completed, he still has not consumed half of his power——

He felt that he was too strong.

It seems that one thought can destroy everything! This is the benefit of mastering the five elements!


Countless circle wheels, spinning behind the Lord of the Five Elements, are extremely bright!

The scene is too shocking, no one dares to underestimate the Lord of the Five Elements now!

"Outfield! Suffer!" The Lord of the Five Elements wanted to squander the power of "Five Elements Sky Pattern Change", so he raised his hands directly!

Dao Lun Xia Guang ten thousand feet-


The Lord of the Five Elements blasted the power drawn from the heavens in "Five Elements Sky Pattern Change" to Su Jin!

That is the light of destruction of the Five Elements like needles, the speed is incredible!

"Swallow—" Su Jin's fingers turned, as if drawing a circle in front of him, a circle of ripples formed in front of him, and the ‘light of destruction’ directly submerged in those ripples.

This trick again!

The Lord of the Five Elements is annoyed, he is not afraid now, and he takes a big step towards Su Jin... He appears like a ghost, directly on the left of Su Jin——

The many mysteries of Dao Lun are released!

Fear, heat, illusion, ridicule, rage, all the mystery of the five elements derived attributes are formed in the battlefield——

Don't be too scary!

Su Jin kept his heart sober, the infinite distance under his feet seemed to be a moment! Just step by step.

"Huh? Shrink the ground into an inch?" The Lord of the Five Elements shouted again: "Where to go!"


Su Jin's body began to bloom with a strong Buddha light. In that kind of Buddha light, strands of sutras, like golden chains, dispelled all the negative five-element evolution.

"What means!" The Lord of the Five Elements was stunned, "Could it be that you still have extremely rare rules of Buddha and God? No way... I can't see through you!"

"Do you know what derivation means?" Su Jin was at the other end of the battlefield, holding Buddhist scriptures in his hand, not invading evil!


It turned out to be derivation!

The Lord of the Five Elements understands naturally, but isn't Di Linglong the best at evolving rules? That is, the former leader of the law enforcement league--

"No matter how you evolve, you can't escape from the palm of my hand! I want you to die, you will die, no one can save you!" The Lord of the Five Elements slapped Su Jin with his right hand in the depths above his head.


A piece of Five Elements Wheel, directly propped up the battlefield high in the sky——

It’s only a hundred thousand miles here, although it’s vast, but Su Jincha felt like he was in a well, and on the "Five Elements Wheel" above, there was a giant head faintly standing tall, looking at him. !

The ‘horizontal’ eye directly shines a terrifying brilliance of destruction, which is a hundred times sharper than the previous ‘light of the five elements’ destruction!

Su Jinjin went hunting, holding the scriptures in his hand, and every beam of light from that ‘cross eye’ was dodged by him calmly with steps. He was like shifting his shape and position, and his speed also surprised the gods——

"How long can you avoid it!" The Lord of the Five Elements really didn't believe it.

I don’t know how many floors have been penetrated by the ‘cross eye’! That feeling is as if people are facing ‘heaven’! This power is truly terrifying!

Su Jin really won't hide!

Under my feet, the flames of "Fire Lotus of All Things" began to soar and enveloped him——



The rays of destruction are all smashed in the sky over the "Fire Lotus of All Things"!

The Lord of the Five Elements took a breath--

He previously thought arrogantly that his own technique would definitely kill Su Jin, and as a result...what the **** was "Fire Lotus"? Even the light of destruction he used in the "Five Elements Skyline Change" can melt.

"Don't be surprised, this fire is an existence that you guys can't touch, and... any energy can't escape the burning of "Fire Lotus", I'm standing by you, what can you do with me? "Su Jin laughed at the corner of his mouth, looking at the Five Elements from a distance.

"This guy!"

The gods of the Law Enforcement League and the Eastern Gods Realm, all of their scalp numb.

"Five Elements Sky Pattern Change" is absolutely terrifying enough, but as Su Jin said, the light of destruction that can crush dozens of layers of space can only disappear in the flames and be annihilated by the flames of "All Things Fire Lotus"!

"Now you know, why he can kill the 1,500 horror king gods of the law enforcement league?" said the horror king **** of the Eastern Divine Region.

"Is there a way to restrain this lotus? But the Lord of the Five Elements should have a way to solve this lotus. After all, he now has the five elements added to him, giving birth to the five-color heart."

"The five elements complement each other and merge into one. You should not be afraid of the power of the fire lotus. It's just that this guy is too arrogant now, and he is standing there. But "Five Elements Skyline Change" can't hurt him. This is the most annoying. ——"

"The power of the fire lotus, if he uses it, it must not be infinite, but the Lord of the Five Elements''Five Elements Power' cannot be used up. Are these two going to fight again?"

"This level of competition is really terrifying."


The Lord of the Five Elements now looks gloomy and seems to be thinking about how to deal with the "Fire Lotus of All Things", which is this "Fire Lotus of All Things", breaking his "Five Elements Heaven"——

"You are really stupid, don't you understand the gap between you and me?" Su Jin continued to attack the Lord of the Five Elements.

"Hehe, there should be a gap between you and me now!" The Lord of the Five Elements responded coldly.

"You will know soon, there is a big gap between you and me." Su Jin was serious.

Many onlookers really felt his seriousness.

In addition to saying that he is crazy, there seems to be no way to describe him anymore--

"I really want to tear your mouth out now!" The Lord of the Five Elements has not yet died in battle, and he is almost dying of Su Jin's anger. He knotted the "Five Elements Seal" with both hands, and directly used the Dao Wheel on the sky above Su Jin again. Expand it!



The Lord of the Five Elements roared wildly in his heart. Under his display, the ‘horizontal eye’ that appeared in the upper Dao Wheel slowly disappeared, and... even if he reached down an arm----

That arm is so spectacular!

Colorful thunder and lightning, intertwined arms, and there is a circle of "Five Elements Road Wheel" on the terrifying arm. Although this arm is not the sky arm, it is not known how powerful it is!

"Are you anxious?" Su Jin smiled.

"Just speaking, you prove it now...Where is you stronger than me!" The voice of the five elements is crazy, and the crazy meaning is stronger than ever.

He seemed to see Su Jin fall under this arm--

He seemed to see Su Jin's head, which was taken away by this arm.

In short, Su Jin cannot live!


The "Fire Lotus of All Things" that Su Jin was looking forward to did not melt the pressed palm. He moved away, watching the palm that shakes the void and shattered more than a dozen layers of space, showing his might...

All things fire lotus, Su Jin can use part of his power, but...because of breaking the "Five Elements Heaven" before, he repeatedly used it, but it did not help him much.

"Didn't you say not to hide?" The Lord of the Five Elements asked with a sneer.

"I said you are a dog, so you are? And... I haven't seen the mystery of your'five-color heart', so you can live for a while. This kind of mere method is far behind your'five elements' Too big."

Su Jin responded: "Moreover, the'Five Elements Heaven' you imposed can't kill me. You don't think that a single arm of the Five Elements can kill me? No?"

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