My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3951: Sudden accident

Hearing that, the Lord of the Five Elements stunned God directly.

It turns out that Su Jin has been playing with him all the time!


The Lord of the Five Elements jumped into thunder in situ, and roared in despair, "I want you to die!"

"You can barely be considered a strong man now, how can you be so easily provoked by your opponent? It seems that you still don't believe that there is a big gap between you and me." Su Jin said calmly.

"Of course I don't believe it!"

The Lord of the Five Elements is cruel.


Su Jin sighed and said: "Forget it, since you don't believe me, then I can hardly let you see, where is the gap between you and me... Are you not the Lord of the Five Elements? You plundered the origin of your brothers and forcibly merged them out.' Five-color heart', then I will use the five elements you are good at to defeat you—"

Use the five elements that the Lord of the Five Elements is good at to defeat him?

This is a big joke!

Who would believe it, no one would believe it--

"Is this guy stupid? The Lord of the Five Elements' current divine body is peerless. Only because of that'five-color heart', he can draw the endless power of the five-element rule, and what is alive is a five-element divine body. Use the five elements to come alive. Defeating him is extremely ridiculous." said the Horror King God who was watching the battle in the Eastern Divine Region.

"No way, the wild races out of the field have some abilities and they always want to show off. The Lord of the Five Elements had better let him die slowly, otherwise it would be too unpleasant to kill him without suppressing his arrogance."

"It's really rampant. This is the most rampant of the Protoss I have ever seen. The current Lord of the Five Elements is not simple. He is absolutely qualified to stand on the peak of the Eternal Gods Realm——"

"Who would say no? Anyway, the wild people in this field have no knowledge. They think they are bigger than the sky. In fact, I don't know how many strong people are better than him."

"The reason why he has been able to survive until now is that he relied on the'Eastern Emperor Bell' and the'Fire Lotus'? Does this guy have no points for his own strength."

"Up to now, he even said that the Lord of the Five Elements is very different from him. It is better to decorate less than ever -"


There was a burst of laughter.

From the horror king gods in the Eastern Divine Region--

But there is only one place where there is no laughter, and that is the "law enforcement league" gods at the other end.

The painful lessons of the past period of time have taught them...We must not underestimate the wild race in this region! Just because of contempt, the law-enforcement league killed 1,500 horror kings.

Two chief priests died.

Even the former leader gave way because of failure...

How can this be called a "miserable" word!

Moreover, Su Jin's strength is becoming more and more invisible to the law enforcement alliance. To use one word to describe Su Jin's strength development can definitely be described as ‘thousands in a day’!

"Why... don't you believe it?" Su Jin heard the roar of laughter, and finally looked at the Lord of the Five Elements.

The Lord of the Five Elements just wanted to refute--

In an instant, he felt a strange aura circulating in Su Jin, and the Lord of the Five Elements was startled. He just felt a trance for a hundredth of a second, as seemed like Su Jin had changed himself...

"What kind of breath was that just now! Is it the breath of ancient sages..." The Lord of the Five Elements was secretly shocked, and he confirmed that he was in a trance just now, absolutely not wrong.

It was the shadow of the ancient sage... as if Su Jin had evolved in that instant.

The inexplicable vigilance made the Lord of the Five Elements stare at Su Jin——

He admits that he has a great chance of winning, and he doesn't believe that he can't beat Su Jin!

"Are you sure you want to use the power of the five elements to defeat me? Your fire lotus is indeed a great threat to me. I don't even understand why my fire lotus cannot absorb the power of your fire lotus --" said the Lord of the Five Elements.

"Because my fire lotus is above you." Su Jin raised his brows and said.

The Lord of the Five Elements should not ask.

Just pretend to ask!

"Really...who still plays the Five Elements now." Su Jin stretched out, "Look at... the Five Elements you rely on are not **** in front of me, because...the father of the Five Elements is here... "

The Lord of the Five Elements thought Su Jin was humiliating him--

About to happen!

As a result, Su Jin began to rippling circles around his body!

Gossip... Nine Palaces!

The ancestor of the Five Elements... Nine Palaces!

"You derived this again?" the Lord of the Five Elements asked coldly.

"Of course not, this king is not talented, he is inherited from an ancient sage." Su Jin arched his hands and said with a smile.

In the Eastern Divine Region, in the direction of the gods, there was a burst of laughter again!

The ancient sages are in the past tense. The ancient sages were strong and weak, and the weakest ancient sages were similar to ordinary kings and gods.

But the strongest still has something. Su Jin said that it was passed down from the ‘Ancient Sage’, and of course it would make them laugh out loud—

The Lord of the Five Elements smiled, his smile was cold, and his face was cold.

This can't scare him.

"Don't panic, when you call ancestors."

Su Jin looked at the powerful Dao formation around him, and slowly said: "Just now... you see... the ancient sages I inherited, want to borrow my hand to obliterate your five elements, but... this king Put the words here now, if anyone dares to say that I rely on this and that, don’t blame me for being ruthless!"

"My Lord of the Five Elements, I am not afraid of any challenges from the Five Elements! The ancient sages you inherited can come out and kill me, if you can, I will say nothing!"

The Lord of the Five Elements is not afraid of the ‘Ancient Sages’, because if he were placed in the era of ancient times, his strength could definitely crush ninety percent of the ancient sages——

This is not a joke.

"Haha." Su Jin applauded for the Lord of the Five Elements and sighed: "I really envy your courage, it is precious, then you go to die."

Say it!

Su Jin closed his eyes directly, his figure seemed to be hidden by the surrounding Daoxia...

All around, wind and clouds gather!

The Lord of the Five Elements did not relax in his heart. He would not despise Su Jin, because he also wanted to see... what kind of existence was about to appear in the Dao Formation could make Su Jin so confident——

The place where Su Jin sits.

Under the cover of the wind and clouds, faintly, there seemed to be an extremely strange aura flowing out.

"What?" The Lord of the Five Elements immediately changed his face. He looked to his left and right. Except for his own'Five Color Heart', countless Five Elements power no longer swarmed at him, but... towards the'Nine Palaces and Eight Diagrams' Dao array swarmed away!

This is impossible!

Bang, bang, bang.

The Lord of the Five Elements is holding his heart, his "Five-Colored Heart", originally not beating fast, but now...The Five-Colored Heart is many times faster than before--

what's the situation!

Of course, other protoss do not know the feeling of the Lord of the Five Elements.

"Kneel down."

In the Nine Palaces Bagua Dao Formation, the strange voice seemed to spread to all directions with endless coldness and lightness.

The Lord of the Five Elements trembled, " are... Fuxi——"

The world is in an uproar!

Especially the Eastern God Territory, a group of terrifying king gods! Even the God of Destruction, his eyes widened now——

Fuxi, the existence of the ancient ruler of the heavens! Moreover, the first **** of the year was even detached from the name of the ‘Ancient Sage’! No wonder, Su Jin can be so confident in the face of the five elements power of the Lord of the Five Elements!

"I...I...I can't kneel, can't..." The Lord of the Five Elements paled, trembling in fright, shaking his head in a daze.

His heart was filled with fear.

He originally thought that Su Jin was playing tricks on him, but he thought that the gap that the other party said did not exist at all... As a result... it still exists, and the gap is not small!

After all, in front of Fuxi family, playing the "Five Elements"?

The Lord of the Five Elements panicked--


Shaking crazily.

"Five-color heart." Fuxi's Tao Ying, as if reaching out to the Lord of the Five Elements——

The origin of the five-color rules, like Cai Ling, is constantly being drawn to the fingertips of Fuxi Daoying.

The Lord of the Five Elements feels that his power is being lost, crazily passing!

"No! No..." The Lord of the Five Elements screamed frantically in his heart. He felt that his spirit and color were changing. That was the origin of his Five Elements Rule!

His five element power is losing!

quickly! About five or six breaths.

In front of Fuxi Daoying's outstretched fingers, there was a heart surrounded by rules of five colors!

"Give it back to me! That's mine! My—" The Lord of the Five Elements roared at Fuxi Dao Ying. He didn't even dare to think, if the origin of the Five Elements Rule was lost, what would happen to him! I am afraid that in a blink of an eye it will become a waste of God.

Yes, waste god!

The Lord of the Five Elements now feels that he doesn't have much power. After the'heart fade', he still has less than 10% of the power at the peak!

But even this strength is beginning to lose over time, so he will never allow this to happen!

"There is morality and righteousness, but you have an evil heart, betraying your brothers' trust and embarking on an evil road." Fuxi Taoying seemed to see through everything, his fingers gently condensed a ray of power, entangled in' Five-color heart' on.


There was a cracking sound, as if the Lord of the Five Elements was hit by five thunders!

"Don't... the five-color heart must not be broken, I beg you..." The Lord of the Five Elements looked at the Dao Ying in the Fuxi Dao Formation with fear, even... he knelt at it without hesitation, Constantly kowtow!



There are more and more cracks in the ‘five-color heart’ from the inside!

Whether it is the Eastern Divine Region, the five thousand horror king gods, the **** of destruction.

Still in the law enforcement league, many protoss, as well as the dark chief priest who had just become the leader of the league, all fell silent, this... as if it was evil and evil, no one dared to stop it.

Because even a Fuxi Taoist shadow was enough to shock the audience!

The Lord of the Five Elements is a good example. He who already possesses the ‘five-color heart’ and possesses the power of a terrifying power against the sky, is also under the hands of Fuxi Daoying and has no resistance!

Even kneel down!


The ‘five-color heart’ broke directly into countless pieces——


The Lord of the Five Elements was stunned on the spot, his face was ashes, he...he also heard the sound of cracks in the bones of his body, and his old wounds...was affected! Because the five-color heart is absent!


The Lord of the Five Elements directly stiffened on the spot. After spraying a cloud of blood on his back, he stretched out his hands and lay down straight... He felt that the sky was getting darker and darker.

It's getting darker.

Until, the world has nothing to do with him, and his consciousness disappears——

Fuxi Daoxia also began to gradually dissipate, and Fuxi Daoxia also began to dissipate... Su Jin's figure appeared from it!

"It's really bullying God."

Su Jin's sigh broke the shocking silence, "I said it earlier, the gap is huge."

"is it?"

An extremely cold voice appeared--

Su Jindang even reacted, but... when he raised his head, that horrible figure attacked! That's... the **** of destruction!

Whether it is attack speed or cruelty, the **** of destruction is definitely not comparable to the Lord of the Five Elements! The other party was holding a bone spear, but in an instant, he stabbed in Su Jin's heart!

Body, heart...

Wear it right!

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