My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3953: Black Dragon Breaking vs. Road to Stars

Su Jin naturally understood what the **** of destruction meant--

Just smashed to the end.

Su Jin didn't mean to let them go anyway. As for the leaving Di Linglong, although Su Jin was anxious, he naturally had a way to catch up.

"Come on, I want to see if one of the peak powerhouses of the Eternal Gods Realm has anything to do with--" Su Jin was full of war.

The blood in his body seemed to be boiling!

You know, this kind of feeling, even when he and the chief priest of the Holy Light, the chief priest of the transformation world, and even the leader of the law enforcement leader Linglong have never had it!

The eyes of God of Destruction also revealed a strong intent to fight... He had just watched the battle for a long time, but apart from seeing some of the fighting power on Su Jin's face, he had not gained much.

Moreover, the God of Destruction always feels that Su Jin has more powerful methods——

The means left to him!

On both sides, the tip of the needle is facing the Maimang, and the bar is on!

The horror kings of the Eastern Gods, naturally began to cheer for the God of Destruction, because the victory of the God of Destruction will determine their status in the Eastern Gods! Even...whether you can leave or not depends on whether God of Destruction can win this peak duel——

"This out-of-territory wild tribe doesn’t understand how powerful our territories are. He thinks that the set outside can frighten our territories. He doesn’t know whether this threat is to the territorial master of destruction. It's ridiculous." The King of Horror squinted and smiled.

"If our domain master is scared, he won't control the Eastern Gods Territory and has been dominating the Eastern Gods Territory for so many years."

"It seems that the confidence of this wild race is not strong at all. He also seems to feel the danger, because the God of Destruction is much stronger than him. He knows that he is not an opponent, so he was deterred."

"His avatar means are infinitely mysterious, and even the domain master did not see the truth or falsity, but in a real battle, our domain master can destroy him in three or two. Those clones are completely useless for the domain master."

"The flashy means, the domain owner is not in the eyes, if he can really defeat our domain owner, he will naturally not send a cruel word to let the domain owner take us away——"

"This son is a threat, and the domain owner should get rid of it quickly. Anyway, he has been offended. If he is allowed to grow up, it will be a great trouble to meet him in the Eternal God's Domain in the future."

"The domain owner must win."


There were bursts of cheers and belittles, endless—

This is enough to prove the position of the **** of destruction in their hearts! Moreover, in the hearts of the many horror king gods in the Eastern Gods...

The **** of destruction is a symbol of invincibility.

The real invincible powerhouse!

And in the Nalan Protoss, some of Su Jin's beauties... Naturally also feel that this is a hurdle!

Su Jin's hurdle!

As long as this level is passed, Su Jin will be the same as the Destroyer God, equivalent to a peerless powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Eternal God Realm!

But be afraid, this battle will be very difficult——

In the scene just now, the Nalan clan was also watching, even if Su Jin only used an avatar, his combat power was extremely not weak, and even used his clone to hide the eyes of all the gods.

With the power of incarnation, he broke the "Five Elements Heaven" and beheaded the Lord of the Five Elements who had achieved the first-class and first-class power!

This ability is hard to imagine what an incarnation can accomplish!

"I feel that you will be more interesting in this battle than the Lord of the Five Elements..." Su Jin raised his hand and said lightly: "Unfortunately, you didn't realize the seriousness of the matter... You are in my hands... There is no escape—"

"It's been a long time since I met a young and energetic Protoss like you. Although you are an outlander, I have to admit that even in the Eternal Gods Realm, the young Protoss with your current strength is rare." Said the **** of destruction.


In the Eternal Gods Realm, young powerhouses like Su Jin are no more than the newly promoted Terror King God, and they will have to go through countless years of experience before they can become a peerless powerhouse——

But Su Jin now... being able to slash Dragon Yan and the Lord of the Five Elements naturally represents his ability! Moreover, now that he can stand on the opposite side of the Destroyer God, it is natural that there is no need to say more about his strength!

Su Jin is curious now--

Where is the terrible God of Destruction?

Just now he used the avatar, not that he could not hide from that ‘bone spear’, he just wanted to use the ‘avatar’ to test the power of the **** of destruction.

But the result was not satisfactory.

No temptation came out.

With a smile on Su Jin's mouth, he watched the battle intent on God of Destruction grow stronger...

The other party’s ‘Rules of the King of Terror’ is turning into circles of black chains. On that black chain, black energy rushes, as if endless souls are crying!

Those endless souls should be the powerhouses that the God of Destruction has cut from birth to now!

"Your Terror King God's rules... are extremely special." Su Jin hesitated for a moment, and said with the Destroyer God slowly buffering.

" Terror King God rule, just like my name... is the rule of destruction, even in the eternal realm, only I can own the rules of destruction!" The God of Destruction laughed.

Are there any rules?

Just like Di Linglong's ‘Rule of Evolution’, both power and mystery are absolutely extraordinary.

Su Jin's eyes were cold, he didn't underestimate the other party at all!

"Attention! The power of this king is best at attacking! And... you better not let this king get close, otherwise... once you get close, you will completely lose your chance! Just like just now—" The Great Destruction God suddenly Give a low voice.

Su Jin sneered: "I think I am faster than you!"


A black rule, with thousands of screams, surrounded the **** of destruction——

The current God of Destruction is like an invincible God of War!


The huge evil spirit, engulfed in blood, the **** of destruction seems to have turned into a black meteor, and the surrounding black souls are condensed into ten thousand black dead dragons by the ‘rules of destruction’, directly piercing the void!

So strong!

When the God of Destruction performed the "Black Dragon Break", Su Jin's pressure appeared almost at the same time!

However, Su Jin was also prepared, and the power of his whole body burst out! Instead of stepping back, he stepped forward!


A giant star, as if crossing the sky, like fishing for the moon in the sea, grabbed him in his hand and swallowed him in the end!


The star giant, with the arms of the blooming celestial clouds, fiercely defended this blow!

A large area of ​​rocks was shaken off the star giant!

Two strong lights formed between the arms of the "Black Dragon Po" and the star giant!

For a time.

The world fades!

"They... they are so strong!" All the gods of the law enforcement league looked at this scene with a pale face as if they were experiencing a baptism in the bad world!

"That guy, the condensed star giant, was able to take the Great Destruction God’s attack, the Black Dragon Break! The power of the Destruction God is extremely domineering, and... as the owner of the rare rules, the'rules of great destruction' , Has the ability to break any of the rules of the Protoss... I don't know when the Destruction God will bring his power to the peak!" Wang Shen, who has the law enforcement alliance, said nervously.

"I can't bear it... as long as the Destroyer God attacks, the attack will not stop! The endless attack, until the opponent is beaten to the ground and perished! Otherwise... the attack will continue!"

"This guy... can take the hit "Black Dragon Po", it is probably enough to stay in history and burn the fragrance for eight lifetimes—"

"Neither took a step back! Could it be that both of them are really strong at the same level?"

"It's really hard to believe. This guy seems to be using the deity body this time. Otherwise, how could he fight the God of Destruction to such a degree? He used to hide his strength until he faced the God of Destruction. Do your best!"

"Didn't you use your full strength before?"


It was too shocking--

Not only the gods of the law enforcement alliance looked terrified.

Even the horror king gods of the Eastern Divine Region shouted incredible, Su Jin did not fall behind by half a point! Who can believe this? Moreover, the "rules of destruction" of the **** of destruction, the other party evolved a "star giant", which could prevent those "rules of destruction" from intruding and destroying his rules!

"Do you really think you can compete with me? Black Dragon Po, but it is a magical skill that I broke out when I was not famous!" Among the endless black dragons, the Great Destruction God looked at the star giant, his power is not reduced by half!

"But so." Su Jin just responded calmly--

But calm returns to calm.

There is still shock.

Su Jin knew that the God of Destruction was only testing him, but only testing, the power of this'Black Dragon Breaking' also greatly exceeded his expectations!


Previously, whether it was Long Yan or the Lord of the Five Elements, I am afraid that at such a close distance, they could not escape the power of the'Black Dragon Break'!

Moreover, the Lord of the Five Elements even wanted to defeat him before challenging the God of Destruction. This idea is absolutely ridiculous! Because the strength of this great destruction **** even exceeded Su Jin's imagination!

It is definitely not... the Lord of the Five Elements can be compared, even if the other party has the'five-color heart', it will not work!

Endless stones fell on the star giant——

The stone arms began to crack, and there were horrible cracks one after another!

The star giant is about to disperse!

"Roar!" The star giant's eyes flashed with strange light, and the fierce power that burst out for a while, actually shattered hundreds of'black dragons', and stepped forward again!

At the feet of the star giant, a road of stars has also begun to condense, stepping on the third of the ten stars!



The God of Destruction was very surprised. When this star giant took a step and stepped on the third star, his power surged, but even if it did, it only broke his hundreds of black dragons——

You know, there are ten stars on this road of stars!

If, with the current strength of Su Jin, use the star giant to step on ten stars, what kind of situation should it be?

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