My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3954: Are you all so shameless

Su Jin wants to know how far the Star Giant can push the Great Destruction God after walking the Star Road——

The God of Destruction also wants to know whether Su Jin, a star giant, can break his "Black Dragon Break"!


Between heaven and earth, it seems that there are two gods at war. The fierce power that shakes the world makes the gods feel that they are insignificant!

How not small?

Any horror king here, no one can accept this "Black Dragon Break" from the Great Destruction God! But Su Jin can carry it for so long now, on the contrary, he can be one step closer.

This naturally also means that Su Jin's single combat capability is far higher than any Terror King God present!

In such a shocking match, there was only one Terror King God who stood for a long time, and he was deeply frightened...He was...the Dark Lord!

Su Jin's tyrannism is naturally beyond doubt in the eyes of the Dark Lord Priest, but...just half a month ago, Su Jin also fought him on the Heavenly Stairs.

Su Jin at that time was far less powerful than this!

"Master Su Jin is really getting more and more difficult for me to figure out." The Dark High Priest smiled bitterly. In his eyes, Su Jin was a miracle! Because not everyone can fight against the **** of destruction.

No one.

An opponent worthy of the Destroyer God——


The star giant roared into the sky, as if moving forward, taking another step! At this step, the sky full of stars, all gathered on its body... The stones that had just collapsed all around seemed to be emitting folds of starlight, quickly surrounding the star giants and completing them!

The stone wall of the star giant is also healing!

It is even more powerful on the fourth star!

Once again shattered the ‘black dragon’ form power generated by nearly ten thousand black dragons——

The God of Destruction was shocked! He had long seen that Su Jin's methods were endless, but he did not expect that he was just a ‘star giant’, and he had just stepped on the fourth star, he was already able to resist him!

If this is to walk the road of ten stars and stars, then it is worth it?

This time the Star Giant... takes three steps again!

And as its aura, power, and even the way of heaven deepens, it seems to be easier to deal with ‘Black Dragon Break’!


When the star giant stepped on the seventh star, the power of the black dragon was only less than 20% left!

"Good boy!" The God of Destruction gave a low cry, and the black light reappeared. His "rule of breaking" was extremely terrifying. He directly blessed the black dragon to break again, keeping this technique intact!


The void shattered at that step, the stars were dim, and the star giant seemed to be unreasonable. The remaining three stars, it stepped on!


Hundreds of tears appeared in the space around the star giant, which penetrated up and down, like frozen lightning!

Stepped over!

"God of Destruction! Go to death!"

Su Jin’s roar came from the star giant, on the tenth star... the star giant stepped up into the sky as if stepping into the sky, and the next second, the phantom fluctuations made the star giant high in the sky like a magical arrow. So, it seemed that just a thought, it jumped out, directly raised its fist, and smashed it at the **** of destruction!

"Good job!"

The God of Destruction rarely has such a hearty battle!

His black dragon broke, it was just crushed by Su Jin with the star giant! Therefore, he is now like a black diamond. When he opened his mouth and roared, he seemed to swallow profound energy, and his whole body quickly swelled--


The **** of destruction soared to the point where it was as high as the star giant!

Two punches... meet!

The power of destruction shattered this piece of void! Shatter the space!

Onlookers, trembling!

"Heilongpo... I didn't say that he resolved it... He could still use this blow to force the domain master's second move of the Great Destruction God! It's amazing...really amazing..." The Horror King of the Eastern Gods, all Eyes with fear.

"The domain master's magical powers are also infinite! This field tribe can use such a powerful method, presumably this technique is definitely a killer in his hands—"

"The space is shattered, it's just the aftermath!"

"So what! The last standing strong is definitely our domain master! God of Destruction!"

"The God of Destruction is invincible! Invincible! This kid has tried his best, I am afraid that even the defense of the Lord of Destruction can not be broken! Look at it, and then the Lord will tell him what is invincible. !"

"It's impossible for the domain owner to lose. It was just a little warm-up and forced out the opponent's hole cards. Then he can't hold it!"

"A strong man who has not played against the God of Destruction will never know how terrifying the God of Destruction is! And he will never give his opponent a chance to recover. When the kid is exhausted, he will be ruthlessly blown by the God of Destruction and fall. on the spot!"


Every punch.

Every bombardment.

Neither the Star Giants nor the Destroyer Gods avoid it!

"What kind of defense is this!" Su Jin didn't expect the defense of God of Destruction to be so strong.

Su Jin knows no more about the star giants, but even the current star giants, after repeated bombardments, the body began to crack and soon collapsed——

But this God of Destruction is different!

After receiving several bombardments from the star giant, the body swayed and released some black energy, and the divine body has reached the point of losslessness! In other words, the star giant, stepping on ten stars, possesses the power of creation and destruction, and cannot break through the defense of the **** of destruction!

This is the most crazy!

"Can't support it?" The Great Destruction God used his arms to grab one of the left arms of the Star Giant. The enormous power seemed to hold the Star Giant alive——

Not answering?

The God of Destruction laughed.

"If you don't answer, let's destroy it!" The Great Destruction God's body'breaking the rules' was brilliant, as if he had absolutely invincible power, he directly tore off the left arm of the star giant!


That huge stone arm, the stones fly randomly!

"Inferior!" Nalan Moran looked at the condensed scene from a distance, feeling heavy, and couldn't help but scream.

"This is definitely not the strongest strength of the city lord, don't worry." Madam Xuanji said that she was not worried, but in fact, why didn't she want Su Jin to win?

Just win.

The news of Su Jin's victory over the "Great Destruction God" of the Eastern Gods will spread throughout the Eternal Gods! Even... no one can underestimate him anymore!

But... who can bring down the **** of destruction? This was like a big dream, it was an unrealistic fantasy!

Zhang Yuelu and Fang Renxue were stunned.

As early as in the step trial, they didn't realize that Su Jin actually had such a shocking power, and the God of Destruction could deal with it by anyone who wanted to deal with it?

The ‘rule of breaking’ of ‘Black Dragon’s Break’, if they were on the battlefield, even if they scratched a bit, they would be completely wiped out and perish!

"The God of Destruction suppressed...Little Brother Su? How could this hasn't been a winner yet, don't talk nonsense." Zhang Yuelu scolded Nalan Moran, she couldn't accept this situation--

Fang Renxue was silent.

Although I don’t want to admit it, at least seeing is believing. The ‘Star Giant’ that Su Jin condenses is far inferior to the Great Destruction God in terms of strength and defense.

This is an ironclad fact.

The God of Destruction is powerful enough to make the Eastern Divine Region, the Enforcement League, and everyone present, look up! If he is in peacetime, he is simply a peak powerhouse who dare not even think about it!

"Definitely, there must be a chance." Zhang Yuelu prayed silently. She felt that Su Jin had a little hope before, but now...she only hopes the miracle will happen again!

Moreover, she is really scared... afraid to see Little Brother Su being plucked off by the Destroyer God... This is really possible.

"Come on! Come on, God of Destruction!" In the law enforcement alliance, many kings and gods are all working for the God of Destruction.

At the other end, the Eastern Divine Region saw that the God of Destruction had the upper hand, and its morale was greatly boosted, knowing that Su Jin was in danger!


The expression of Destroyed God seemed extremely disappointed!

"It seems that you are overestimating you." The Destruction God used force again and hugged the other arm of the Star Giant.


The other right arm of the Star Giant also flew away in response!

"It's just a small trick that you haven't used for a long time. You break it, you're quite proud."

When the star giant dissipated, Su Jin appeared in a position a hundred miles away, quietly raised his head, looked at the normal-sized Destroyer God, and said slowly.

Not used for a long time.

Small means?

The God of Destruction frowned.

While looking carefully, the God of Destruction felt that Su Jin’s power was still at its peak. The power of the star giant just now, in addition to the mysterious magic power blessing, is also maintained by the power of the heavenly stars—

"No matter how many methods or powers you have, in my hands... you will still be destroyed." The Great Destruction God shook his head, denying Su Jin's'small methods'.

If the ‘star giant’ just now is a small trick, what is a big trick?

"My ten ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’, are they in your hands?" Su Jin asked indifferently.

"Yes, I have the ability... Cut me off and take it back!" The Destruction God laughed.

"Didn't I say you, your gods of the Eastern Divine Region, are so shameless?"

Su Jin continued: "If this king was beheaded to death by you, you would seize my ten'Ancient Sacred Legacy', I would admit it. If you did such a steal while this king is not there, your eternal realm is really shameless. Oh—"


The God of Destruction frowned.

Even if it was him, when he saw the ten "Ancient Sage Remains", he couldn't help but be moved. After all, he couldn't collect the number of the ten, so he was delighted for a while and accepted it. He never thought that Su Jin would be the host. The face of the gods of God’s Domain, so belittling——

"If you don't speak, it's acquiescence." Su Jin laughed, "It doesn't matter, you steal the'Ancient Sacred Legacy' matter, after you fall from the hands of the king, it will be spread throughout the eternal gods! All the gods will know about your destruction What kind of existence is God..."

The God of Destruction stared at Su Jin and said angrily: " mean this stealing?"

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