My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3955: Fierce confrontation

"Is not it?"

Su Jin looked at the Great Destruction God with a strange gaze. He felt that this was beyond doubt. Then, he said again: "When you took the ten'Ancient Sage Relics', your five thousand horror king gods in the Eastern Divine Region , I’m afraid I have seen it with my own eyes, and still use an excuse?"

The five thousand horror kings of the Eastern Gods are all shocked--

Cold sweat!

They really don’t know how confident Su Jin is and dare to talk to the Destruction God like this, and they also know that the Destruction God should be very angry now, very angry—

The look in the eyes of the God of Destruction is almost eager to eat people, he is a dignified domain master of the Eastern Gods, one of the peak powers in the Eternal Gods, why explain.

Why do you need to explain?

"Are you speechless?" Su Jin smiled: "If you don't know that'Ancient Sacred Legacy' is my trophy, it would be excusable, but unfortunately, you should know that because of the law enforcement alliance. You guys have told you all, right?"

"Know what!" The **** of destruction said crazy.

"Hehe, this is the domain master of the Eastern Gods Territory, and he's still stiff—"

"The legacy of the ancient sage is useless for me! But if you want me to pay you back, take it with your ability!" Knowing that he was provoked by Su Jin, the **** of destruction directly suppressed a little anger and looked at Su Jin calmly.

"It's useless to you, it's naturally useful to me. If you steal this king's sacred treasure, you will naturally have to return it, otherwise...I will make you lose your reputation after death."

Su Jin sneered: "Take it out—"


The **** of destruction naturally insisted not to give.

He certainly can't give it.

Earlier, Su Jin used the ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’ matter, he had heard of it before he rushed here, and now if it is returned to Su Jin, then this child will definitely use the ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’ to deal with him!

That is not the legacy of an ‘old saint’.

It's ten!

There is still a risk, because Su Jin's weird methods do not know how many, the God of Destruction does not know how this son will use the "Ancient Sacred Relic" to deal with him.

"Why pay it back? Don't pay it back—" A group of Terror King Gods in the Eastern Divine Region directly began to support the God of Destruction and built momentum.

"Yes! This kid is overcast and wants to use the ancient sacred relic to deal with the domain master? There is no door, and where is this stolen thing? This...this is picked up...

"Strong words are unreasonable, strong words are unreasonable! You discard the useless treasure and put it in the long void. Our domain master found it and fell into his hands, but said it was something stolen. Our domain master will not pick up this black pot, and the Eastern Gods will not accept it. infamy!"

"Yes, if the news is good, you should have snatched this? The ten'Ancient Sacred Relics' are all from the chief priest of the law enforcement league'Huajie'. Correct--"

"What a shame, the law enforcement league belongs to our eternal realm. You are not the **** of our eternal realm. If you grab me and wait for the holy treasure, this is tantamount to taking back... Take it back, understand? You still lick your face and want to—"

"Don't dream, our domain owner won't be fooled by you, you should consider how to escape for your life!"


Obviously, Su Jin’s remarks have already aroused public anger——

Although Su Jin was very reasonable, his reasoning was forced by the gods.

Because even the eternal realm belongs to the heavens. The strong fight against the dead. The leftovers are naturally spoils. Even weapons, even treasures, belong to the winning side. This is the principle of the strong—

Su Jin also didn't expect the other party to be so hard-talking, and he also said so many great truths, he naturally hated these so-called Protoss even more.

"Then I will take it back personally." Su Jin looked at the Destruction God coldly. He was really disappointed, because from the current point of view, the Destruction God is really the most threatening opponent to him——

I thought that the other party should have the demeanor of a master, but as a result, I was too disappointed.

Su Jin definitely couldn't do such a thing.

Where the law enforcement league is.


No **** dared to speak--

Although the ancient sacred remains belonged to the law enforcement alliance, the great priest of the world of transformation, but the chief priest of the world used the "old sacred remains" to kill Su Jin, but was killed by him...

The ten ancient sacred relics naturally belong to Su Jin, and...if they are required, the ‘law enforcement alliance’ should also ask for them, and ask the other party if they still pay them!

The **** of destruction should never take over.

The dark chief priest frowned, taciturn, his current strength is not as good as Su Jin, nor as great as the Destroyer God, and even his own strength, among the horror king gods in the Eastern Divine Region, is still in the middle position...

He said lightly.

Naturally, I can't speak for Su Jin, after one will listen to him——

This is very embarrassing.

"See? This is the price of the weak. The strong can occupy everything, the land of the gods, the beautiful women, and the money, and even the weak can be slaves, and the strong can seize them."

The dark chief priest said to the Nalan Protoss: "Strongly argue against black and white, the Eastern Divine Realm relies on strength. It is not once or twice. If Lord Su Jin cannot defeat the'Great Destruction God', even if he is lucky enough to leave alive, ten'Old Sages' It’s hard to return to his hands anymore--"

"Really shameless." Zhang Yuelu nodded, showing respect.

After all, the current chief priest of darkness is the law enforcement alliance, the leader.

And as long as Brother Su can live, the Nalan Protoss, and even Zhang Yuelu, a **** who has just joined, can also stand firm in the law enforcement league——

You must know that the dark chief priest is now the leader. Normally, without Su Jin, they don't even have the qualifications to see him, even if he just took office!

"Speaking of black as white... The group of gods in the Eastern Divine Region are really well-deserved." Nalan Xiaoyue wrinkled her nose and said.

"Because the Eastern Gods Realm is very domineering in the entire Eternal Gods Realm... Although the overall strength is not the last place, it can also be ranked in the top two among the Eternal Quartet. It is normal for them to look down upon it." The Dark Lord said.

"What? Even the pinnacle law enforcement alliance, they look down on it?" Zhang Yuelu gasped and asked.

"Yes...Law Enforcement League... For a long time, it has only been in vain. The Eternal Gods Domain only recognizes the existence of the'Law Enforcement League' and has a super high status, but it does not mean that once others are strong, they will care about our Enforcement League."

The dark chief priest was also a little aggrieved. He was still the chief priest before today, and he has been in the law enforcement alliance, so he knows the difficulties of the previous generations.

Moreover, the scale of the Enforcement League developed under the leadership of ‘Emperor Linglong’ is already quite not weak, but... it is still vastly different from the strength of several other gods’ realms.

Take the undamaged ‘Enforcement League’, there are about two thousand Terror Kings, Patriarchs and Elders of various races who were previously beheaded by Su Jin, 1,500!

The rest have not arrived yet... But even so, how can more than 2,000 people compete with the more than 5,000 Terror King Gods in the Eastern Divine Region?

What's more, the **** of destruction is still stronger than the former leader, Emperor Linglong——

This is very embarrassing.

Next, the dark chief priest will be under even greater pressure. Because of Su Jin, the law enforcement alliance is almost shattered. It is tantamount to a mess. It is not known how many years will it take to recover——

of course.

Su Jin now naturally doesn't know what the Dark Lord and the others are talking about...

There is more or less aggrieved feeling in his heart now-

Up to now, he can actually be despised by the gods of the Eastern Divine Region! Be despised by this **** of destruction!

Can he bear this?

"I see it through, the strong are arrogant. After I kill you today, I will naturally plunder everything in the Eastern Divine Region. Then... let's see how your family will evaluate me!"

Su Jin pointed directly at the God of Destruction!

"If you have the ability to do it, then do it... I'm afraid you are incompetent..." God of Destruction wore a sneer, and the crazy killing intent in his eyes.

"Come again!"

Su Jin and the God of Destruction were very angry. One was dominating the ‘Ancient Sage’s Legacy’ and not returning it, and the other was thinking that they had suffered contempt.

In the eyes of the two, fierce sparks even collided!

"Don't think that you can defeat me by breaking my'Black Dragon Broken', you are still far from it—" The Great Destruction God slowly raised his hand, and a bone gun began to rise with strands of'rule of destruction', those In the black air, there was black light.

This bone gun is extraordinary!

Su Jin personally tried this treasure with his ‘incarnation’ before. At the time he thought he could resist it for a while, but the bone spear seemed to be invincible, and his ‘Shadow Incarnation’ was destroyed in a flash!

Such a great destruction **** condensed the ‘bone spear’ again, Su Jin would naturally keep an eye on it.

"Come!" Su Jin was ready.

"You just said that your star giant is just a small trick, which hurts my heart deeply. Now...your big trick should be displayed!" The God of Destruction burst out.

In the eyes of killing intent, the God of Destruction carried a strong expectation——

After all, with the strength that Su Jin has just shown, although it is very strong, it is not amazing for a powerful person like the Great Destruction God, let alone defeating him.

"If you want to die early and be in vain, this king will fulfill you!"

Su Jin's body shook, his eyes... crystal red! !

The kind of crystal red even made the God of Destruction faintly surprised. He, who came earlier, had already heard from the gods of the law enforcement alliance... said that Su Jin might be the reincarnation of the old god’s lord...

Now looking at those crystal red colors...The God of Destruction really felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Why can the other party be the reincarnation of the old god! Why can the other party be so young to have this level of power——

"These eyes...are very similar." The Destruction God looked at Su Jin and chuckled coldly: "Where is the golden monument? The law enforcement league gods have seen you take it out and use it... I will watch it today. Look, are you the Lord of Eternity! That... the old **** is in charge!"

If it is, although the God of Destruction is afraid, he is not afraid—

Just cut it off.

If not, although God of Destruction may have more or less regrets in his heart, it is not necessarily a bad thing that he can get rid of the opponent... what he wants to know most now...

That is, if Su Jin is the ‘Lord of the Old God’, he is the **** of destruction... can he crush him!

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