My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3956: The power of evolution

"You still worry about worrying about yourself, see if you can survive my hit--" Su Jin coldly responded to the God of Destruction.

"It's okay, if you take it out, if you are the Lord of Eternity, after I cut you to death, my Eastern Divine Region will truly shock the entire Eternal God Territory!" The God of Destruction is extremely looking forward to it, and the sense of expectation is even greater than before.

Su Jin's eyes were crystal red, and he raised Heavenly Dao's arm, facing the God of Destruction, gently pointing: "Ding——"

The divine body of the God of Destruction shook directly.

"Eternal One Spell, Concentration Spell? It's not bad, it's not bad, if you change to another Horror King God, I'm afraid that life and death will fall between this skill, but it's's useless for me." The Destruction God shook his head.

It's useless!

Su Jin squinted his eyes. He just used the'Concentration Technique' to test, and he still used this technique to paralyze the opponent... This is just a foreshadowing——

"My time-tested contemplation technique actually didn't work for you. It seems that I really have to think about how to deal with you." Su Jin's face was dignified, and he looked at the **** of destruction seriously.

"These little tricks, don't show up ashamed... Take out your golden ancient stele, and come to fight me in the form of the Lord of your old god." The Destroyed God held a bone gun and said in his tone. With a strong fanaticism.

The chief priest of the Holy Light failed to do it, and the chief priest of Huajie did not do it...

Even if it is a law enforcement alliance, the leader... is also defeated by Su Jin... He has no ability to shake the opponent's old **** master...

but now!


God of Destruction! To break this game, kill the eternal old master on the spot——

Thinking about it makes him excited, Eastern God Realm... After this battle, I am afraid that I will be the first in the eternal realms!

"Don't worry."

Su Jin knew that the other party was not afraid of any ‘Lord of the Old God’. The more anxious the other party, the less likely he would release all his cards.

"Of course not in a hurry, because in the next battle, I will drive you to a dead end step by step. It is impossible for you to show it." The God of Destruction calmed down for a while and said lightly.

The two began to fall into a short silence--

Then, two crazy fighting intent, as if turned into two storms, began to blow around Su Jin and the **** of destruction... That kind of fighting intent, like light visible to the naked eye, collided fiercely with the wind!

Sparks and lightning are shocking!

"This world is at stake... you are about to die, but you don't know it."

Su Jin slowly raised his hands, he looked at his left and right arms, and casually said to the **** of destruction——

"Hahaha..." The Destruction God laughed, laughing wildly.

He seemed to have heard a huge joke!

The surrounding scenes also seemed to be evolving crazily, because from the step that Su Jin slowly took, the entire space began to undergo amazing changes!

Between his hands, the crystal red supernatural power seemed to be in control of this world!

Under his feet, layers of space began to be superimposed on one piece, forming a vast world of space.

Plains, mountains, lakes, raging seas--


All now!

The sky is full of stars, and the four seasons, creatures, and temperatures appear one after another!

In the heavy snow, several ice rivers, as if formed by the freezing of a galaxy, straddle this world! Su Jin gently pointed his hand again, the ice dragons, mixed with the power of the heavenly stars, quickly roared and condensed!



Five hundred!

The crystal clear ice dragon occupying a large area of ​​the void, roared towards the Destroyer!

"Enough momentum, strength...huh?" The Destruction God still wanted to demean Su Jin, but at this moment, five or six hundred giant ice dragons have opened their blood basins and started to bite at him frantically.

The God of Destruction easily lifted the bone spear in his hand, swept it directly, and continued: "It's just derivation... everything is formed by power, it's not to be afraid!"

is it?

The corner of Su Jin's mouth showed a trace of cruelty.


The face of the **** of destruction was moved, his bone spear was invincible! But under his sweep, more than five hundred pieces came together, as if they had real life, he...he couldn't even wipe them all at once!


The God of Destruction directly seemed to have jumped off the five elements, and appeared directly in front of a giant ice dragon. The bone spear was taken out and collected by him, and it was directly stabbed in the center of the foreheads that were close together——


Ice blue dragon blood, soared directly out!

"Alive? How could it be alive!" The Destroyed God's expression was fierce, he took one step, another step, and the figure quickly turned into an endless figure among five or six hundred ice dragons.

Every time a ‘bone spear’ is stabbed, an ice dragon falls--

Su Jin's face was indifferent, and he pointed again--

Hundreds of icebergs fell from the nine heavens!


The God of Destruction raised his head, then jumped fiercely, avoiding the fall of an iceberg!

"These methods are too low-level! Or... break it for me!" The Destruction God didn't want to play with him in Su Jin's evolutionary world anymore. He directly shook the'Bone Spear'--

The black ‘breaking the rules’ quickly turned into circles of black chains, covering the world in a blink of an eye!


The roar of the God of Destruction can definitely keep countless beings awake at all times. The murderous intent on Su Jin seems to be extremely rich!

Bang Bang Bang Bang~~~

The iceberg, the corpses, and even the earth, the glacier, the four seasons, and everything in the entire evolving space are all destroyed by the "rule of destruction" of the **** of destruction!

"Your rule of destruction is really not simple--" Su Jinning frowned and said to the **** of destruction.

The gods of the Law Enforcement League and the Eastern Gods are all shocked and amazed now—

"The domain owner is too powerful, and the opponent's evolving realm is as powerful as it is, but that field tribe is really shameless, and you have rare rules if you have the ability." Some of the terrifying kings of the Eastern Divine Region, Nature is toward the **** of destruction.

"What he meant was that our domain owner relied on rare rules to resolve him... It's a pity that the weak are pitiful here."

"What derivation of the world, no matter how realistic it is? "Break the rules", everything is broken, this level of world is too low-level, it can't enter the eyes of our domain master at all—"

"Yes, it seems that he only said that if he couldn't fight. He spent a lot of energy and was destroyed by our domain owner in an instant. Can you not be angry?"

"The domain lord’s'rule-breaking', it’s strange if he doesn’t suppress him. No matter how strong the method is, he can’t withstand the ruin of the rule-breaking. How can he be the lord of the old gods? Our lord... From the Lord of the Old Gods!"


The **** of destruction wreaked havoc-

Su Jin didn't have much surprise.

"Not completely broken?" God of Destruction thought it was clean, but when he carefully distinguished it, he looked at all directions. His rules of destruction did not completely wipe out this ‘Evangelization Realm’.

This is quite unexpected to the God of Destruction.

Darkness and crystal red exist everywhere in Su Jin's derivation space——

"Ding Ding Ding~~"

The God of Destruction heard a strange sound.

That kind of sound, like an ice crystal, is constantly growing.

What the **** is Su Jin doing?

The method is really weird, the God of Destruction couldn't help but observe it--

The growing sound of ding-ding.

It comes from the earth!

The God of Destruction frowned and saw the scene that made him gasp!

The endless earth under the dark starry sky--

On the ground, a kind of spar is growing crazily. The speed of the spar's growth makes the **** of destruction a little numb! !

Color spar.

Time crystallizes!

Is this kind of time crystallization derived? Or is it real?

The God of Destruction is not sure yet--

If it really exists, although the Great Destruction God doesn't know what Su Jin is going to do, it is definitely not a small trouble for him.

"Time is crystallized!" Like seeing a ghost, the dark chief priest looked at the condensed scene from a distance-

"What is the crystallization of time?" Zhang Yuelu quickly asked, feeling that the dark chief priest was not terrible and had a good attitude towards them.

"The condensation of time is the crystallization of time."

The Dark Lord Priest said in a deep voice: "No one in the world can do this and condense time. Haven't you seen that the dark Lord's face has changed? Because... even he... cannot have this ability!"

"What's the use, condensing the years?" Zhang Yuelu couldn't understand at all, and couldn't help but asked angrily.

"So explain to you."

The dark chief priest knew that they didn’t know much, so he quickly turned over and took a stone in his hand and said, “For example, this is a crystal of time. Within the crystal, there is no time. The concept of time. Time is frozen in it. of."

"Then?" Nalan Moran was also curious.

"Time crystallization not only freezes time inside and makes time stand still, but as time crystallizes more, that space... will also be greatly affected."

The dark chief priest continued to say in a deep voice: "The Destruction God's'rules of destruction' are powerful enough, right? But dare not smash those time crystals! Because that is Lord Su Jin's ultimate move—"

"Is that amazing?" Why did Zhang Yuelu feel a little confused.

"Of course! Time crystallization is not uncommon. Some horror king gods, as long as they understand some time principles, plus some special locations, or use formations... Maybe they can condense'time crystallization', but they can't be maintained for long. , And it is impossible to condense such a big piece."

The dark chief priest deeply admires--

Really, this makes him not admire.

"What should I do if the time is broken?" Fang Renxue asked suddenly.

"It's shattered, it's hard to imagine, and...forever, who has done such a large amount of time crystallization, it is impossible to predict the consequences." The dark priest smiled bitterly.

just now!

In the derivation space-

Su Jin looked at the Destroyer God arrogantly and said:

"Isn't your'rule breaking' powerful? Something has swept away all my'time crystallization'. If I don't die under my attack, I will give in to you on the spot!"

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