My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3957: Massacre

Is there a kind?

Su Jin wants to see if the **** of destruction dare to--

"You think I'm afraid of you!"

The God of Destruction had never been so provoked before, and he immediately glared at Su Jin and his temper soared.

"Sweep! Use your ‘rule breaking’!" Su Jin said enthusiastically again.

The God of Destruction hesitated.

I was thinking about what this guy is drawing--

Will he be destroyed with the power of time? This is impossible! At least, the God of Destruction felt that Su Jin should not be able to control so many years of power!

Moreover, if all the ‘crystals of time’ in this derivation space are destroyed, Su Jin may also suffer severely, and his fate is no better than his Great Destruction God——

"Do you think I will be fooled?" The Destruction God sneered.

"Don't dare, what about the arrogance just now? According to me, don't let the entire Eastern Divine Region's Horror King God read a joke--" Su Jin laughed.

The God of Destruction meditated: "Are these time crystals real?"

With so much time crystallization, the other party is probably already ready and confident to resist the power of the huge time. God of Destruction has never encountered such a situation before, and he has fallen into hesitation——

This hesitation.

The five thousand terrifying king gods of the Eastern Gods were all quiet.

You look at me.

I look at you.

At a loss!

After all, the majesty of the Destroyer God just now has left an extremely deep impression in their minds. If they are weaker than Su Jin again this time, the majesty of the Destroyer God...maybe weakened by a lot of——

"If it's me...I'm really doing it, that wild clan is just owe it." There was a Terror King chatting secretly, silently looking at the evolutionary world.

"Our **** of destruction, as soon as the rules of destruction come out, they will break everything, should they be able to resist it? Besides, just relying on a wild clan to condense a whole world of time crystallization? Isn't that nonsense... it is impossible, A high probability is a blindfold method, using derivation means to confuse the domain owner——"

"What happens if all the time crystals are broken?"

"I don't know, there should be turmoil in time and space? Or... reversing time and space? In this world, there have been so many years of crystallization, and the God of Destruction has never experienced this scene. You ask me, I ask who will go."

"Our domain master was threatened by a wild clan...Do you really think that our domain master dare not break the crystal of time?"

"Kill his power, forget it! In short, I don't believe that this is the power that the wild race can create—"


How many horror kings are whispering.

I don’t even believe that those "time crystals" are true--

But the God of Destruction didn't dare to take it rashly.

"What if I ruined! The main battle body in this domain is invincible, and the rules of terror can destroy the years!" The God of Destruction angrily said.

Because his breaking rules just did not destroy this evolutionary realm, which in itself makes him feel absurd, but from the side, this kid's spatial attainments are also quite extraordinary——

Su Jin stopped talking.

Hands interlaced in front of you, an expression that is certain that you dare not dare.

"Break it for me!" The God of Destruction had an ugly face, and he brushed his sleeves directly, sweeping a piece of ‘crystal of time’ to pieces!

There is no light.

Nothing happens.

Time has crystallized, just shattered a piece of one hundred meters in radius--

The God of Destruction shook his heart. From his perception, the time crystallization of those destructions was all true! At least, that place where there is no time to crystallize, the breath of time has been ten times stronger!

The time crystallization of the full world-

The God of Destruction looked savage, staring at Su Jin, and continued: "I want to see what you can do to kill me!"


Piece after piece of ‘rule breaking’, as if overturning the earth! The frenzy of years happened in an instant! The God of Destruction has risen more and more, because...the terrible situation did not appear--

His face is smug!

He even released part of his own "rule of breaking the rules"!

Ten breaths!

In the entire derivation realm, time is crystallized, and everything is destroyed! The strength of the years around is exaggerated to the point of indescribable!

"You are gone."

Su Jin smiled at the corner of his mouth and took a step towards the **** of destruction——

Just one step.


A huge sound like a muffled thunder, appeared in the ears of all the horror king gods, so far apart, even in Su Jin's evolutionary realm, that kind of sound could be heard——

so horrible!

The next scene finally moved countless existences!

The God of Destruction's face stiffened--

Su Jin has taken this step, and there is a sense of mistake that shakes the heavens!

God of Destruction watched... watching the crystalline red ‘Heaven, Earth and God’s Bridges’ carrying the world, and every ‘Heaven, Earth and God Bridge’ seemed to be connected one after another with the vortex of ‘winding paths and years’!

One bridge day by day?

The face of the **** of destruction changed drastically, and he was seeing more than just this situation! Moreover, above every ‘Heaven, Earth and God’s Bridge’, the sun and the moon are manifested, and the powerful sun and moon brilliance seem to exist only in a Heaven, Earth and God Bridge——

This is no ordinary means!

This is Su Jin's killer!

The pressure...surge!

"It turns out that this is your purpose for setting the'time crystallization'!" The God of Destruction looked gloomy. He looked at the whirlpools of'winding paths and years', each whirlpool on each'heaven and earth bridge', It seems to be a self-contained world, that kind of tyrannical aura, even if it is he should consider it carefully!

"You should have died!" Su Jin whispered.

The God of Destruction looked at the left and right, he found that both his body and his thoughts were rigid. As the "Crystal Time" had been completely shattered, Su Jin's years of strength had reached an unprecedented level!

Moreover, Su Jin's "wind path years" is also one of the ultimate tricks one after another!

"Domain Lord!" A group of Horror King Gods in the Eastern Divine Region also lost their expressions one after another. Now, as long as they are not stupid, they can all see the situation of the God of Destruction——

His situation is very bad!

In battle space.

Su Jinmo is flying, he is too strong, even he himself did not expect such an effect, all the "crystallization of time" is broken, coupled with his own understanding of the years, combined with the "wind path years", this has become His trump card, no one!

"The prestige of the years is affecting me--" The God of Destruction is worthy of being a super power. At this time, he is not too panic.

He used ‘breaking the rules’ to protect the whole body closely, but how could he guess the power of time!

Moreover, Su Jin is playing with Fengyun with both hands at this moment, and he doesn't know what to do with cruelty!

Among the gods of the Law Enforcement League and the Eastern Gods Realm...the scene they are seeing now is definitely the biggest scene they have ever seen in their lives——

All the vortexes of "wind path years" are slowly moving, those crystal red "heaven and earth bridges" are all swaying, and the years have blocked everything!

"A clever use of time to crystallize and set up a big killing field... The situation of the Great Destruction God is already quite bad!" The dark chief priest never expected that the Great Destruction God could be so passive now——

Nalan Protoss!

Mrs. Xuanji, Nalan Moran, Zhang Yuelu and Fang Renxue, as well as many of Nalan's clan gods, all looked up...Even if the picture was condensed so far away, they didn't feel shocked when they looked at it from a distance!

That kind of shock, even penetrated the soul, and even... Never again has a battle scene on such a scale——

too exaggerated.

Because in every ‘wind path years’, there is a vortex of years, and those vortexes of years are converging, converging at the vortex on the ‘Bridge of Heaven and Earth’ where the God of Destruction is!


You know, the ‘vortex’ produced by the winding path has reached an infinite level under the current Su Jin’s ability!

"The God of Destruction is being affected by the power of time. He stands in that piece of heaven and earth, as if sinking into a quagmire. If this continues, the situation will be very unfavorable for him." Mrs. Xuanji is also very excited. She is very urgent and wants Seeing Su Jin win the Destruction God——

This is definitely a feat.

A feat enough to shock thousands of gods!

If Su Jin can defeat the Destroyer God, then in the Eternal God Realm, who would dare to make fun of him as a ‘Outland Wilder’! Who else, dare to disrespect him three points! Even if Su Jin arrives in the Eternal God Realm in the future, his prestige is absolutely no different!

Can he really do it?

Nalan Moran was sluggish, only thinking about this question silently in his heart——

Zhang Yuelu's excitement is beyond words! And Fang Renxue is also very complicated in her heart——

In fact, she is the least qualified to evaluate Su Jin...because in the trial ladder space half a month ago, she was the one who looked down on Su Jin the most.

Moreover, Su Jin did not criticize her, but instead gave her the sword of the king god, raising her realm to the level of the king god——

Fang Renxue used to be the most arrogant and lonely, she seldom can convince anyone, but now...she is now complicated in her heart, and she doesn't even know what it is like.

"The domain master... the domain master cannot be defeated! Impossible! Absolutely impossible!" All the terrifying kings of the Eastern Gods are in chaos!

They simply cannot imagine the consequences of losing the God of Destruction--

That would be a complete turmoil in the Eastern Gods, and even... the Eastern Gods might disappear in the entire eternal Gods!

"That cunning out-of-territory wild race actually set up a big killing field, using the power of time to contain our domain master! The power of time, can breaking the rules break it?" The Terror King God of the Eastern Divine Region said anxiously.

"It's difficult, the power of time is invisible and colorless, how can it be destroyed? This kind of power, except for perception, seems to be almost difficult to obtain with other things, and our domain master does not understand this kind of power."

"This little thief, is it true that he can use the power of time to kill our God of Destruction?"


It was a sensation.

Between the heavens and the earth, the "Wind Path Years" is constantly evolving, constantly involving other winding paths and vortices, and even continuously fusing——

Su Jin's eyes became more and more indifferent, this time he was called the Destroyer God, there was no return!

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