My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3958: rush ahead

It is clear.

The current God of Destruction is still thinking of a way--

With the power of time, the God of Destruction has once killed many strong men who possessed the'Perception of Time', but none of those strong men can match Su Jin.

If the God of Destruction is allowed to choose once, he will definitely not be affected by Su Jin, and will not break the ‘time crystallization’ of the whole world at all!

However, since Su Jin has set up this killing field, the God of Destruction feels that even if he does not break it with his own hands, the opponent will directly annihilate the "time crystallization", unless he runs away directly when he realizes the danger——


The God of Destruction will never run away, never!

"Can't resist it?" Su Jin walked towards the Destroyer God step by step.

"You... why are you not affected by the power of time!"

The God of Destruction feels incredible, even if Su Jin has years of insight, it is impossible not to be affected by the "time crystallization". This is completely unreasonable!

"It's very simple..." Su Jin's eyebrows flickered--

The imprints of the wheel of years radiate the glory of the years, and the moment this wheel of years appeared, the **** of destruction was directly stunned in place!

"The wheel of years!"

The Destruction God almost wanted to swear.

He had long known that this kid had set up the ‘Crystal of Time’, and he was not at ease!

Sure enough now--

The other party has the ‘wheel of years’, and is naturally not affected by the ‘crystallization of time’, and can communicate with this time, and even the power of the years here will help him!

This kind of gap makes him almost want to vomit blood!

"I told you a long time ago that this will be your burial place. Since you broke those'time crystals', your life... has already been accounted for here." Su Jin said coldly.


It's near again!

God of Destruction looked at Su Jin, who was only a few hundred meters away, and a sharp light flashed directly deep in his pupils——

"Then you die first!" The Destruction God directly raised his hand fiercely!

Among the layers of black chains, ten ‘Ancient Sage Relics’ were directly hit by him! Among them, a trace of Su Jin's primordial spirit has been destroyed by him, and now these ten ‘Ancient Sacred Relics’ are completely his!


Ten ‘Ancient Sacred Relics’ are now!

A hum of thunder and lightning, intertwined on the ten ‘Ancient Sacred Legacy’! Those black "rules of destruction" played by the **** of destruction can be unaffected by "years" in a short period of time—

The Ancient Sage's Remains, after all, is a dead thing, almost equivalent to a puppet, and it is normal to not be restricted by the years.

"You still handed it over after all."

Su Jin smiled lightly, as if he had expected the God of Destruction to do this.

The ten ‘Ancient Sacred Relics’ are intact!

"My divine body, with your current ability, it is impossible to break open! What if I am held back by your years? Even if I stand here, what can you do with me?" The God of Destruction looked at Su Jin and said.

Su Jin smiled, "You who can't make a difference, this king has a thousand ways to kill you, but don't worry, I will let you die..."

Seeing Su Jin so confident--

The God of Destruction couldn't help but panic. Could it be that this untamed tribe could really kill him?

Just now, the opponent's method power, the Great Destruction God has already seen, the power of the star giant, although powerful, still can't break his defenses, now... he says there is a way instead?

The God of Destruction naturally didn't believe it. He felt that Su Jin was deliberately frightening him. The other party must be thinking of a way to break his defense!

Thought of this.

The God of Destruction had a cold face, and he tried his best to contend with the years of power that gradually made him uncomfortable around him——

"I heard that you want to see the golden ancient stele? To confirm whether I am the Lord of the Eternal Old God?" Su Jin's mouth was smiling, but the weirdness in that smile made the God of Destruction see evil intentions.

"How is it!" Destroyed the gods lowly.

"That's as you wish."

Su Jinyu revealed his murderous intent and gently raised his hand——

On the palm of the palm, gold gathered together, and gradually...a ‘golden monument’ appeared!

The **** of destruction had sharp eyes.

"Sure enough!" From the golden ancient monument, the God of Destruction looked at Su Jin again...

His answer naturally confirmed the rumors!

The gods of the Eastern God Territory panicked immediately——

They know what the **** of destruction meant!

"Is it really the lord of the old gods? This damned outlandish wild race, dare not to be born in the eternal gods realm, so they choose now to come for revenge!" When the terrifying king said in a low voice, his tone was not lacking in shock.

"Yes! Absolutely... The God of Destruction has been confirmed, and the'Golden Ancient Stele' is exactly the same as that recorded in the ancient books, and its breath also has the power to suppress the gods, and there are many ancient divine writings on the surface of the ancient stele."

"If the Destroyed God beheaded him...take this monument...what will happen? Then our domain master, the Destroyed God, has the power to dominate the entire eternal realm?"

"Of course! The mystery of this monument is far more than the power recorded in the ancient monument, but I don't know what kind of power the old **** will bring out the ancient monument at this moment—"

"There are kinds of don't use heavy treasures!" There was a sudden voice from the King of Terror, spreading the voice to the battlefield space.

Su Jin looked terribly cold after hearing this!

"Shut up the bunch of trash under your command--" Su Jin looked at the **** of destruction with cold eyes.

"The mouth grows on them, they can talk as they want, what's up with me?" God of Destruction sneered.

"Then I will kill naturally, there is nothing to say."

Su Jin smiled with murderous intent.

"Dare you!" The eyes of the **** of destruction were blood red, and he knew that Su Jin could do it, especially when he was in deep time!

"Then I will kill you in front of you... let you see if I dare!"

Su Jin gently raised his hand, a three-foot void sword, directly condensed by him——

The gods of the law-enforcement league now see this scene, some gods dare not even show the atmosphere!

"This existence is allowed to be against him at all!" The Protoss with the law enforcement alliance widened his eyes and forced his voice down and said.

"It's really unexpected, the God of Destruction was actually controlled by him with the prestige of the years, ah! He hangs the golden ancient monument on his head, killing and forgetting the five thousand horror kings of the Eastern Divine Region! He really dares!"

"The Kings of the Eastern Divine Region have a total of five thousand. He is not very easy to deal with, right?"


Who would have thought that this is actually the situation——

Su Jin actually gave up the Great Destruction God, appeared directly outside the realm of evolution, and slew towards the gods of the Eastern Divine Region!

You dare to believe it! He wants to kill God in front of God of Destruction!

"You are all tired of living too, you don't know how high the sky is, and your words are rude!" Su Jin took the three-foot Qingfeng and stood directly at a distance of five thousand horror king gods!


Just one step-

Five thousand horror kings and gods, all go backwards!

Even if they slander Su Jin again, Su Jin still has an existence in their hearts that can contend with the God of Destruction. Now... the other party can't bear it, killing them towards them, this deterrence is still there!

"Why be afraid of him!" There was a Terror King God who raised his voice directly, "Previously, his fire lotus power has been exhausted, and the fire lotus is no longer bright, and when he later fought with our domain master, he never took it again. "All things fire lotus"!"

"Yes! Although he has stepped out of the realm of evolution, he just wants to scare me and wait. He doesn't dare to fight our more than 5,000 horror king gods. He...he can't show "All Things Fire Lotus" again!"

"It turns out to scare doesn't matter, as long as we wait and work together, he is definitely not an opponent!"

"What about the golden monument with his head hanging... Does he really think he is still the Lord of Eternity when he is strong? It is ridiculous, without the weird fire lotus, he is nothing in front of our five thousand horror king gods—"

"He dared to take one step forward again, let's show off our magical powers and kill him directly! At that time, we can naturally ask the domain master for credit--"


Murderous opportunities continue one after another.

The Horror King God is not an ordinary master. Any one of these Horror King Gods outside can definitely generate a piece of Protoss——

It can be seen that Su Jin can no longer play "The Fire Lotus of All Things", and it is naturally normal.

But they forgot.

Even if Su Jin could not perform "Fire Lotus", but when dealing with the "Great Destruction God", he also did not perform it. If it is as weak as they thought, why not step out again!

And trapped in the realm of evolution, the Great Destruction God who is struggling to resist the power of the years, at this time, his heart is also extremely anxious... If Su Jin is not sure, he should not be so stupid!

"You must get out quickly—" The Destruction God thought secretly.


Su Jin didn't attack him just now, otherwise, the ten ‘Ancient God’s Legacy’ could still take some time, the God of Destruction secretly thought--


Su Jin's pace did not stop.

Even rushed into the five thousand horror king gods in one step——


The screams were heard.

Su Jin's sword cut down the head of the most recent horror king god! And when the Fear King was decapitated, he still had fear in his eyes and screamed loudly--

"Kill him!" All the horror king gods became angry. They followed the **** of destruction for so many years, and they had never seen them belittle them!

Unexpectedly... even in front of more than five thousand horror king gods, attacked!

"You... deserve that trick..." Su Jin's mouth wore an evil smile that moved the gods. His eyes were crystal red, and a sword was shot by him. After piercing a horror king god, his hands Opened and lifted up.

Not the world... the Milky Way!




All the horror king gods in the Eastern Gods realm only feel the power that shakes the world, directly appearing! The entire sky world, all turned into crystal red!

The stars are shifting, the sun and the moon are undulating, and the earth seems to be wriggling and rolling! This is... the ability to create the world with one hand!

Worldless Galaxy——

The crystal-red space storm, like a red dragon, has the power to swallow the sky and the sea, and Su Jin is surrounded by waves of space storms!

"My body..." There is a terrifying situation discovered by the King of Terror!

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