My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3959: One technique, destruction!

The moment the scream fell--

Many horror king gods in the Eastern Gods Realm seemed to have all discovered anomalies. They looked at it, and every horror king **** was shrouded in crystal red light.

Some horror kings looked at their arms...

The dense crystal red awns, like red hairs, sway slightly with the space storm!

"What kind of method is this? Cursed?" The fear king did not feel uncomfortable at first, but the unknown fear caused many fear kings to lose their voices.

"Damn curse... We should be cursed! Who told me how to get rid of these evil forces—"

"No, this is not a curse!"


Five thousand horror king gods, all in chaos——


Some horror king gods became more and more frightened, because their skin, like the skin of a blood python, began to appear crystal red lines, and their flesh and blood... began to... crystallize!

This scene makes the scalp numb when the gods of the law enforcement league are watching!

"No wonder he previously said that the Star Giant is just his small method. Compared with this method, it is indeed a small method—" The Protoss with the law enforcement alliance was about to cry.

They felt that fortunately, Su Jin had previously used "Fire Lotus" on their horror king. If it were such a ‘curse’ power, I’m afraid that the entire law enforcement alliance, except for the leader, would not survive!

"More than five thousand horror king gods, some of them have strong rules, and they can't escape the power of curses. The weak horror king gods have begun to turn into a crystal red stone man!"

"It turns out that he not only has a hole card, but also a lot. Although this group attack method may be useless for the existence of the God of Destruction, but the Terror King Gods of the Eastern Gods are naturally far from comparable to the God of Destruction... …One after another, they were all recruited in an instant."

"That evildoer... Is it really going to kill more than 5,000 Terror King Gods? All the most powerful forces in the Eastern Divine Region?"

"I originally thought that our law enforcement alliance was already unlucky enough, who knew that the terrifying kings of the Eastern Divine Region were even more unlucky--"


One skill, shocking the world!

Many screams of fear did not change Su Jin’s indifferent face——

The curses in the mouth of those horror king gods, Su Jin secretly laughed in his heart, for the time being...let's let "Unworldly Galaxy" be regarded as a curse by them.

"My lord, forgive me! We don't dare to slander you anymore... Please give me a way to survive..." A horror king god, most of his body appeared to be reddened, now he can no longer resist the fear in his heart, and directly pleads Sue forgive.

"We are the King of Terror! The fall of one is not a small loss for the Eastern Divine Region! Boy... you really are not afraid of the Destruction God coming out and ruthlessly killing you! Do you dare to kill us... It can break you into pieces!"

"Ah, forgive me—"

The weak, no need to listen!

With Su Jin's current realm and power, blessing "Eternal Galaxy" is actually not so terrible. For him, what is more important is the transformation within the Eastern Emperor Bell.

The destruction was dazed.

He hasn't figured out how to break free from the imprisonment of time.

But he felt that even if he wanted to figure it out, the opponent would kill all the strong ones in his side!

"Let go of them!" The Great Destruction God himself is tyrannical, and can naturally take the position of the ‘Lord of the Eastern Gods’, but without the support of these Horror King Gods, the Eastern God’s Realm would not stand tall in the Eternal Gods!

Now, Su Jin wants to destroy his hard-won everything, how he wants to destroy God!

"Let it go? Do you think it is possible?" Su Jin faintly responded to the **** of destruction.

"Don't let it go, wait for Lao Tzu to go out, and kill all those related to you, you... dare to bear it!" Now the God of Destruction can only let go of ruthless words and see if Su Jin can't listen to it-

Can you bear it?

Su Jin laughed!

With the indifference in his eyes and the stubborn madness, Su Jin is so afraid!

"You are going to die soon, now cut them off, just to show you how the Eastern Divine Region was destroyed by me, do you... really think you can live?" Su Jin's cruel voice couldn't help but let the God of Destruction. And the horror kings of the Eastern Divine Region were shocked.

Does he really have a way to cut through the defense of the God of Destruction?

Absolutely impossible--

God of destruction never believe it!

"Do you dare to destroy them, this king... is endless with you!" The God of Destruction felt really powerless in his heart, the power of the **** years, the **** time confinement, if he had not rashly broken the'time crystal', it would not have fallen to the present This kind of powerlessness.

Too angry!




More and more crystal red stone people, crystal clear, began to be completely solidified——

"What am I pretending to be with you? Tell you... These horror king gods, even if they are dead, this king is of great use." Su Jin looked indifferent and said a word that made the **** of destruction not understand. .


What's the use?


In a blink of an eye, there are hundreds of horror kings and gods, solidified into crystal red stone people, not the power of the source, at this point, it can be described as shocking——

No one can resist the power of the world!

five hundred.

one thousand--

When the crystal red stone men condensed into more than 3,000 people, the blow to the **** of destruction could be described by five thunders.

In order to deal with an out-of-territory wild clan, in order to confirm whether Su Jin is the lord of the eternal old gods, to catch more than 5,000 horror king gods... is it worth it?

The God of Destruction couldn't help but pale and thought--

does it worth! Naturally it's not worth it, but if I knew it today, why bother!

When more than 5,000 crystal-clear humanoid spars appeared, all the protoss of the law enforcement league stood stupidly, they...can't feel the breath of those protoss——

Even if some strong people feel it, they can only distinguish between birth and death!

There is no doubt that the more than 5,000 horror kings of the Eastern Gods are all dead! The reason why the weak power can still be felt is because of the rules of the King of Terror!

"He slaughtered more than 5,000 horror kings of the Eastern Gods... He is crazy... He wants to decide to fight the entire Eternal Gods to the end!" The gods with the law enforcement alliance almost stared down.

"How is it possible...The King of Terror is very strong. He must have used some evil curse to ban those King of Terror!"

"Don't be silly, there is not a trace of vitality coming from those humanoid spars, they have all died out! This guy, with a single spell, slaughtered the entire Eastern Divine Region's five thousand terrifying king gods--"

"Damn it, who can do this! It's not true!"


The dark chief priest heard a scream of unwillingness to believe——

He was silent.

At the same time, there was also the Nalan Protoss.

Is this really their city lord?

Almost all of them were cut off with one operation. Except for the Great Destruction God who was ‘imprisoned by time’ and had not escaped, the more than 5,000 Terror King Gods in the Eastern Divine Region all died.

God of Destruction, he hasn't reacted yet, he has been in a daze, unbelievable.

The foundation of countless years is destroyed in a flash, it is just like dreaming, even if it is a dream... it is not such an outrageous dream! But it just happened so real.

"I...I..." When the Great Destruction God reacted, the body that had been imprisoned by countless years of power unexpectedly lifted a little when he was angry!

His body now seems to be stuck with maltose... It is basically impossible to get out of it!

"What can you do?" Su Jin mocked.

"I'm going to kill you!" The God of Destruction screamed, shaking the earth! It even frightened the gods of the law enforcement alliance, waking up many gods who had fallen into sluggishness!


More than five thousand crystal red humanoid spars collapsed!

Countless rules of the King of Terror are densely packed, as if a sea of ​​rules has formed around Su Jin!

And Su Jin unabashedly lifted the hand that was wearing the ‘evil lord’ finger and held it high!

All the rules of the King of Terror were absorbed by the evil lord! That pull finger... Su Jin just glanced at it for a while, there is a kind of weirdness that can't explain clearly——

The God of Destruction was stunned again.

What is that finger?

Can absorb the rules of the King of Terror?

After sweeping all the horror kings of the Eastern Gods, Su Jin stepped back to the realm of evolution!

The God of Destruction is fierce again! He doesn't care, as long as he can kill Su Jin, even if he pays a big price, he is willing!

"Die to me!" The Destruction God roared violently.

All the eyes of the ten ‘Ancient Sacred Relics’ flashed with black light, one by one ‘breaking the rules’, and began to faintly come out!


The ten ‘Ancient Sage’s Remains’, all of them blasted towards Su Jin--

Su Jin really didn't know whether to scold the **** of destruction for no brains or scold him shamelessly. After all, these ten ‘Ancient Sacred Relics’ were his belongings.

"Stop it--"

Su Jin used the ‘sacred magic technique’ to directly immobilize ten ‘Ancient Sacred Relics’. In an instant, he walked to each of the ‘Ancient Sacred Relics’ in turn, using the evil lord to pull his fingers and absorb those ‘rule-breaking’!

Then, Su Jin put away all the ‘Ancient Sacred Relic’ with a bone ring——

He... took back what belonged to him!

Did not break his promise!

For some reason, the God of Destruction always has a bad premonition. Now he is deeply trapped in'time confinement' and is still struggling. If he does not escape from the'time confinement', this kid... isn't it what he wants How to fix him?

Fortunately, the opponent should not be able to break his defense!

Su Jin came step by step——

Go straight to a place five meters away from the God of Destruction.

"You are indeed the strongest opponent I have encountered... a pity... you still almost mean it." Su Jin looked at the Destroyer God and said lightly.

"It's as if you can beat me!" the **** of destruction said angrily.

"You have already lost."

"I am invincible defense! You said I was defeated? Hahaha... Don't worry, when I get out of the time constraints, this king will scrape your flesh from your body inch by inch, so that you can die!" The **** of destruction threatened again.


Without saying anything, Su Jin took a step forward and directly picked up the'Golden Ancient Tablet', facing the head of the God of Destruction, just a hard shot!

Broken head.

Blood flow

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