My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3963: Eternal Domain, Night Princess

Just twenty breaths--

There are only ten horror kings in the ‘Hall of Killing’!

This is also the ten horror king gods that Su Jin deliberately left behind! At least from the perspective of ‘human’ nature, he saw that these ten horror king gods were extremely afraid of death, unlike the horror king gods who had just been cut off.

"Eternal God's Domain, sooner or later, I can enter, why do you insist... Now that you can hold a life, and you don't say... I'm still not afraid, and I will wait for the next batch of you to come out of the Eternal God's Domain. God of..."

As Su Jin spoke, he looked at the remaining ten Terror Kings and trembling.

"We can never betray the Eternal Realm!"

The talking horror king, his voice just fell——


Su Jin gently flicked his sleeves, and the other party died directly!

"From left to right, I won't ask you anymore...Every time I breathe, I will kill one person. Don't test my patience. If you don't say anything...all will die."

Su Jin flicked his sleeves again... the flames of the opponent's "Rules of the King of Terror" instantly rose, and the miserable cry was no less than the painful end of the eighteenth-layer purgatory!



In a blink of an eye, there are only seven left--

"Slow!" The Horror King God on the left hand side roared, blushing.

They all knew that Su Jin was crazy!

Don't say it, it's death!

Originally, it was not easy to cultivate to the realm of the "Terror King God", but now if you die once, then everything is over—

"Say." Su Jin looked at each other with admiration.

"The teleportation array needs the identity spar to enter... Our Terror King God rule will make the identity spar glow, and the teleportation array will be automatically activated at that time!" the **** said immediately.


When it bursts--

"Lying." Su Jinli was lazy.

"we say……"

The several horror king gods under him communicated and couldn't resist the pressure anymore, and directly squatted to the ground, "We all have the identity spar, adults only need to hold our identity spar, plus we are there... The teleportation array will be directly teleported to the'Eternal God's Domain'!"

"What's the use of identity spar?" Su Jin asked.

"Naturally useful! Many super cities in the Eternal Gods Realm, as long as they enter the city, they all need the verification of their identity spar before they are allowed to enter!"

"So it's like this..."

Su Jin suddenly looked at the remaining horror kings and gods, and smiled slightly: "Don't be afraid, this king does what he says, as long as he tells the truth, naturally there is no need to kill you. You are already traitors and belong to us. The ranks of rebellion..."

"Yes Yes……"

"I will ask you again, who will Di Linglong look for when he comes back?" Su Jin asked.

"This is really not clear... She is the leader of the law enforcement alliance, and the terrible existence she knows is beyond our imagination... But, the adults can go to her ancestral land to find it... It is very likely that her trip will go to her birth. Ancestral land—"

"Where is the ancestral land?"



The teleportation array opened with a bang--

This teleportation array that occupies most of the stars, Su Jin is also the first time ever to see it, that kind of bright burst of light is extremely gorgeous!

In order not to cause trouble, Su Jin accepted their identity spar card, and stayed with a Terror King God, to be safe, let him activate the teleportation array.

In this way, the other horror king gods have no identity spar, nor can they enter here... and it is impossible to verify that they are the gods of the eternal gods, at least the eternal gods do not know that he has entered for the time being——

The world is bright and blue.

Between white clouds and green water.

As soon as he landed, Su Jin immediately killed the **** he was carrying with his palm instantly after seeing that it was falling randomly!

"You..." This Horror King's eyes were puzzled, because Su Jin had said he wouldn't kill them... Now that he has come in, he has finished using them, so he will kill him directly?

"I didn't say nothing about credit, among the several horror king didn't say a word--" Su Jin said lightly.

With the other side falling.

Su Jin was full of disgust, and jumped directly on top of a high mountain——

This is worthy of being the "Eternal God's Domain"! Even in such a wild area, it is full of divine power, and there are divine power resources for cultivation everywhere, so Su Jin is not a protoss... If he is a protoss, I am afraid that the divine power around him can be absorbed by him instantly, growing his own horror Rules' out.

"The compass is really useless here." Su Jin glanced at the compass with the'evolution rule', frowning tightly.

I don’t know if it’s because of the special reasons of the Eternal Gods Realm... The ‘evolution rule’ in the compass is spinning crazily in the center of the compass.

Su Jin looked with his ‘Maha Town Prison Eye’... and he could only see the endless divine power, like a net, densely packed and invisible... unable to use the mysticism of the **** pupils, which can break through the emperor Linglong's place——

But Su Jin didn't care.

He determined that Emperor Linglong had entered the "Eternal God Realm".

Moreover, he asked the horror king gods earlier, although the random location for entering the ‘Eternal God’s Realm’ would be very large, but as long as you select a certain area in the God Array, it will be fixedly teleported within that area——

Therefore, the place where Su Jin appears now... definitely contains the ancestral area where Emperor Linglong had been born...

Su Jin thought for a while, turned his hands, and there were a few more identity crystals in his hands——

He picked it up and his eyes brightened...

He turned into a young man in an instant, and Su Jin's whole body rules were quickly derived by him...

Identity: Ye Yi.

Organization: Killing the Temple of God.

Terror King God Rule: Unparalleled Sword Soul!

"Slightly more handsome than me, but I am stronger--" Su Jin looked at the appearance of his evolved'Ye Yi', and finally transformed his bone ring and fingers into ordinary divine treasures that were not easy to observe.

That's it!

Su Jin's "God Wandering Too Xu" directly saw several **** cities. Without thinking about it, he chose one of the largest **** cities, and walked over—

Almost instantly!

Su Jin felt the vastness of this **** city--

The city walls are hundreds of feet high, and the name of the city is: Dark Night God City.


Su Jin took out the identity spar of'Ye Yi', and when he walked into the city gate, he smoothly passed through a prohibition curtain, which seemed to be quite useful.

Dark Night God City is really too big—

Every stone brick on the ground weighs a hundred thousand catties, and the spacious streets can even accommodate a hundred horses.

"Will Di Linglong come here?" Su Jin was a little curious.

Even if the Dark Night God City is very big, there are really a lot of Protoss here...just this street is already crowded and bustling with excitement.

"There is reliable news from the city lord's mansion... As early as two months ago, the dark night princess brought more than a dozen horror kings to challenge the Wu mysterious realm again. She will return at night. If she returns, she will definitely be awarded the title of Valkyrie— —" The Protoss on the street kept communicating.

"Are you titled a strong man? A dozen horror king gods, it's too scary..."

"For thousands of years, there are only more than a hundred people who have won the title of Valkyrie. I really hope that the princess can return with the title!"

"It's not easy. There are young talents in hundreds of big cities. There are not a few who are better than our dark night princesses who are going to compete for the places of three warlords.

"Princess Dark Night, it has only been five years since the breakthrough to the King of Terror... Wouldn't it be too dangerous to challenge the title of'War God' so rashly?"


Su Jin has a look left, look right--

It has nothing to do with him anyway.

Moreover, the news he wanted to hear was not about night princess... but... news from Emperor Linglong. Logically, what happened to Di Linglong should have been spread in the Eternal God Realm.

Later, Su Jin walked for half an hour and found nothing before he found a gorgeous restaurant! Although he doesn't know how to count the coins here...

How much does it cost to stay for one night——

But only with the free "Terror King God" written on the outside, he plunged in! It seems that the King of Terror is not everywhere in the Eternal God Realm.

After all, how many horror kings are there in the Enforcement League?

The entire Eastern Gods Territory, the Great Destruction God brought out, only more than five thousand... Then the Eastern Gods Territory is boundless, more than five thousand? Not much--

"Honorable Horror King God..."

The spacious residence, coupled with a group of eager god-level maids, after Su Jinduo glanced twice, directly waved them out.

The King of Terror Lives casually!

With Goddess!

Choose any residence!

Su Jin’s choice of residence is naturally the best. It is on the top nineteenth floor, and it is also close to the street——

In front of the window, Su Jin stood with his sword on his back and holding his hand.

The reckless God Realm, even the "Dark Night God City", is nothing but a dust for the entire Eternal God Realm. Su Jin really didn't expect to find Di Linglong so troublesome and so passive.

Now... It is impossible for Su Jin to directly take the risk to inquire, and directly call out Di Linglong and still not provoke the turmoil of the entire "Eternal God Realm"?

He only waited for the Emperor Linglong, who was regarded as rebellious by the Eternal Divine Realm, to appear...As long as the news appears, then everything is easy to say——


The Protoss of the Dark Night God City seems to like the dark night the most...When it gets dark, countless streets are full of the voices of the Protoss!

The number also greatly exceeded Su Jin's estimate——

Of course, waiting is not Su Jin's style, he disappeared directly into the room and landed on the street!

Walking aimlessly step by step--

When he didn't realize it, Su Jin only thought it was too noisy, but when the noise was getting louder and louder, he woke up from his contemplation...

Looking around, it seems that many Protoss are on both sides of the street, looking at him! Even the gazes of the Protoss are all with horror!


Su Jin looked back--

Good guys!

Looking back, several azure horseshoes have been raised high! What a whistling horse!

"Who are you! How dare to be the princess!" The **** the cyan flattering face was full of anger, could not help but drew a whip to Su Jin!

Get in the way?

Su Jin knew that he was walking in the middle of the street... but didn't mean to block it intentionally...


What if blocked?


That harsh whip hit the air directly! Su Jin just took a step backwards unhurriedly.

"The princess has won the title of Valkyrie! Just about to return to the city lord's mansion to report to the lord, you deliberately blocked the way, it is **** it!" A terrifying king **** who was guarding the dark night princess screamed directly--

"Title of Valkyrie?"

Su Jin was curious: "What's the use?"

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