My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3964: Bright Moon on the Sea

The title of Valkyrie.

What is the use?

On both sides of the street, many onlookers were all dumbfounded. Those who dared to say this to the princess in the "Dark Night City", I am afraid it hasn't been born yet——

"Great disrespect!"

The entourage of the night princess, twelve horror king gods, one of the horror king gods with blue and white temples, directly yelled--

The remaining eleven horror kings and gods followed, like the night princess, glaring at each other!

"This guy is miserable. At first glance, he is not born in the Dark Night God City. I am afraid that even the Dark Night Princess is not known... and he is not ashamed, and belittle the princess who has just been awarded the title of'War God'--" There is no one on the side of the street. Fewer visitors, sneered quietly.

"In my opinion, it's not that he doesn't know the title of'War God'. In places like Wu Mysterious Realm, how precious is the title of War God, can he not know? This guy is walking in the middle of the avenue, he must be deliberately looking for something. of--"

"Yeah, he just avoided that whip, judging from the speed, there is something."

"It's a pity that this is the Dark Night God City! The entire city is owned by the princess. This guy is in bad luck. I don't know the importance of it, so I dare to confront the princess!"

"How about he even if he has some strength? Including the princess, the princess has thirteen horror kings and gods, and this is still in the city! God city master, there are countless, even if he is ignorant, he has to pay for his ignorance and recklessness. ——"

"It's really rude to say something, I'm looking for a dead end..."


Protoss kept talking on both sides.

Su Jin naturally understood.

The princess is the most high-class existence here, and the identity and the title of "War God" are both precious...


But so what?

Su Jin can even raise his hand to slaughter the powers of the Eternal God Realm ‘Eastern God’s Realm’. As for this ‘Dark Night God City’, he just smiled calmly now.

"Can avoid me with a whip... Come on! Who are you!" The Night Princess just didn't expect her whip to be empty!

She is the King of Terror.

Although it is only a few years after the first promotion to the King of Terror——

But that blow is not anyone who wants to hide, and can hide if they want to.

"Sword God Ye Yi." Su Jin looked at the night princess seriously-

Moreover, I can't help but look at it.

The night princess is really beautiful. She is wearing a black and blue dress. Under the background of this color, her delicate legs stretch out from the skirt, shaking like snow.

She is also extremely tall, and she has nothing to be faulty about her figure. In addition to the overall feeling, she also has a princess temperament. Both her face and temperament are flawless.

"Look at this princess again, carefully goug your eyes!" The Night Princess angrily said.

"Why the princess has to be stubborn in such a wide street? Isn't it going to be aside?" Su Jin said calmly.

It was originally!

Not to mention the night princess and other entourage more than a dozen horses, even a hundred can pass safely, he does not understand the other party's approach at all-

If he really talks about looking for things, he feels that the other party is really looking for things...

"What are you talking about...speaking of me...playing my temper?" The Night Princess widened her eyes, ""

"His Royal Highness! He is not weak, and he was deliberately blocked in the road, clearly conspiring! I suspect that he is related to the rebellious **** who has been making a lot of noise recently, and his subordinates ask for orders, and immediately arrest him to the city lord's mansion and torture him!" The Horror King quickly looked at the Night Princess with a respectful voice.

"Catch me?"

Su Jin had a cold eye, and his thoughts turned. Now there is no news about Di Linglong. This Dark Night God City is considered to be the largest among the nearby God City. If there is news about Di Linglong... the City Lord’s Mansion should be the first place to know——

"Yes, just catch you! Take it!"

The princess of the night screamed, and directly let the other terrifying kings and gods encircle Su Jintuan——

This is really a big battle!

A dozen horses, really amazing!

"How about this **** going to the City Lord's Mansion with you?" Su Jin smiled slightly and looked at Princess Dark Night.

"If you are willing to surrender to the princess, you will naturally suffer less flesh and blood! You just need to be tied up." A Terror King's entourage said immediately.

"Bill me? That won't work."

Su Jin looked at the sky late, and felt that it would be nice to go back to the restaurant, but now in full view, the principal detained him, he refused, obviously offended the princess and swept away the princess’s prestige——

"It seems that you are toasting and not eating fine wine!" The Night Princess raised her hand, just about to give orders...


Su Jin said again: "Shoot at me, you have to think about the consequences..."

"In my family's God City, will you still be threatened by you?" The Night Princess was annoyed, feeling that the joy of obtaining the title of'War God' was diminished a lot.

"One sword, you can take my one sword, I will let you wait to take it away... If you wait to be defeated by my sword, I will still not leave, I will stay in the'Mingyue Tower' and let you wait to find the strong Come to challenge me, how about?" Su Jin didn't want to trouble any more, Dang Even said quietly.

A sword?

Deal with thirteen horror king gods?

The onlookers all around laughed--

"This guy is either crazy or stupid! Except for some super powers, the gap between the King of Terror itself is not big, and... in this way, maybe he is also a King of Terror?" Some onlookers laughed. Tao.

"Among the thirteen horror king gods, even though the princess has the weakest qualifications and the weakest, she is the one who has just won the title of'War God'! How can he provoke by provocation?"

"Sorry, one sword defeated thirteen powerful men of the Terror King God...have never appeared in the Dark Night God City!"

"It's so bold. I want to defeat the princess and her remaining twelve horror king gods with a single sword. Let alone an unknown sword god, even a well-known strong man in the world dare not speak such crazy words! "

"He seems to be very confident, and he threatened not to leave... Waiting for the princess to get revenge in Mingyue Tower, as if he was sure he would win, how could he win—"



All the onlookers felt that Su Jin was overconfident.

Provoked the princess, and still provoked on today's big day!

If this is to let the lord know, it is a big deal! Anyway, they feel that Su Jin is not going well.

If the night princess hadn't been in the city, she had to be polite, I am afraid that Su Jin would have been chopped into mashed meat long ago!

Even threatened to use a sword?

"Okay, take your sword!" The Night Princess sneered.

Su Jin pondered for a while and nodded: "This sword is called: Bright Moon on the Sea."

The voice fell off.

A sword sound, as if resounding in the ears of every Protoss!

The night princess didn't care before, after all, how good can someone who doesn't know who she is? Most of them want to live longer, until now!

But when the sword sounded...the beautiful face of the night princess suddenly changed color----

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