My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3965: Beat with one sword

In the eyes of the entourage, including the dark night princess and her twelve horror king gods, the surrounding buildings and even the dark night **** city seemed to disappear. She seemed to be standing in an endless void with her entourage!

And to the east!

The ebb and flow of the tide, the sound of the tide rising, the tides...not the real tides! It's the endless sword marks!


Strips of blue lightning flashed constantly above the moon that was enough to cover most of the sea horizon, extremely clear! Only in a moment, the night princess and the twelve horror king gods' followers were all suppressed by the magical swordsmanship!

What kind of sword is this!

What kind of powerhouse is this!

The night princess knew that an extraordinary existence had been provoked, and while she was short of breath, she looked at the other twelve followers, all the same! Even the "Terror King God" rule cannot be released again——

This kendo power can suppress thirteen horror king gods including the night princess only by virtue of swordsmanship! This... is too exaggerated!

"Protect the princess!"

I don't know who it is, and suddenly shouted--

The twelve horror king gods followed, desperately pushing out the rules of the ‘terror king god’, but compared with the infinite amount of kendo power... they are simply pitiful!

"Stop...Stop--" Dark Night Princess couldn't have thought that this would be the case, and quickly lowered her voice, "Junior didn't know that Senior was actually a powerful person! Previously... how offended!"


The massive ‘sword marks’ retreated quickly like a tide. Except for the night princess, the other twelve horror king gods followed, and they were instantly shocked!

He swept up to the sky and sprayed blood mist!

"Achievement is yours, not an unnecessarily prestigious title. If you are proud of the title of'War God', your future... is destined to not go far."

Su Jin’s back sword was originally in the west, but when he was speaking, his figure was already in the east... His hand had an exquisite hairpin, "I’m in Mingyue Tower, if you want to get it back, you can send more super Come here, like this kind of shrimp, don't be ashamed—"

When speaking, Su Jin had already disappeared from his body——

Beat with one sword! Really defeated by one sword!

The night princess has been dumbfounded. She touched the hair accessories behind her ears. She didn't feel how or when the other party did it just now!

"Princess...Princess, are you okay?" A scary King God who was slightly injured quickly stepped forward and asked.

"It's okay." The Night Princess watched the figure walk into nothingness, frowned slightly, thinking about the identity of the other party in her heart——

Just... it was really dangerous just now.

If the night princess does not beg for mercy earlier, the other party will definitely kill here! Because the murderous intent in that sword mark is absolutely true! The other party, really dare to slaughter in the "city"!

"When I return to the mansion, I must report to the city lord Ming! When the city lord is furious, he will surely gather a city's power to kill this god!" A Terror King God said angrily.

"The princess is fine. Don't let a dying **** get upset. It's good to leave this to me—"


"Huh?" The night princess reacted, frowning: "I don't think it is enough to be ashamed? Even if the father is furious, he is never willing to pay some of the life of the horror king to kill him... this matter, forget it. ."

Forget it?

Including the onlookers watching the battle on both sides of the street, they were also dumbfounded, because this did not fit the character of the lady of the sky.

She has never been soft to anyone.

How did you bow your head to anyone!

"It can't be counted!" The Horror King God yelled again.

The Dark Night Princess is upset now, and she was humiliated by Su Jin. Now, the followers of the Scary King God who have just been beaten are as great as her own——

Forget it, who would dare to provoke Ye Yi?

"Go back to the house, don't mention this matter again." The night princess didn't smile.

Before leaving, the azure horse dropped her head slightly, and the night princess looked in the direction Su Jin had left, and could not help but silently remember the name in her heart...

Ye Yi!


Su Jin did not return to the "Mingyue Tower", but wandered around the city——

He looked at the hair accessory on his palm as he walked--

The hairpin was not big, just covering the palm of his hand, Su Jin smelled it. The scent shocked his heart and soul. The scent actually had a refreshing effect.

"It doesn't matter if the card is lost, but she should come back and ask me to get it..." Su Jin thought to himself.

Night fell.

Many street shops, red silk fluttering, only because the lord loves his daughter, the dark night princess won the title of "War God", and created the history of the dark night city!

Even the current city lord, who participated in the test of the ‘Mysterious Martial Realm’ several times back then, never passed the test, but today...the night princess succeeded!

"Have you heard? The princess won the title of'War God', the city lord Longyan Dayue, especially outside the four city gates of east, west, north and south, set up a feast, and anyone can congratulate the princess..." There are protoss rushing towards The nearest city gate swarmed.

"The banquet in the city lord's mansion is even more remarkable... the Protoss giants in a dozen large cities nearby have also been invited. These days, our Dark Night God City is going to be lively."

"There are rumors... On the way back to the house, Princess Dark Night was taught by a little-known super power. That power, a sword can make the moon rise, and the tide of the sea rises and falls... The mood of the princess seems to have also been affected. After returning home, he never showed his face again—"

"The city lord doesn't know where to get the news... anyway... the swordsman is in big trouble... Tsk tsk, angering the city lord, I really don't know if he has escaped from the city now——"

"My daughter has been bullied. How can the city owner be willing to be the jewel in the palm of her hand, which has always been a treasure?"


Now there are two things chanting everywhere in the market. One is that the princess has been awarded the title of ‘War God’, and the other is that the princess is being bullied!


Su Jin heard the news anyway--

After wandering around like this, there was not even the slightest news about Emperor Linglong, Su Jin wanted to go...

It is better to go back to the "Mingyue Tower" and wait.

In the unlikely event that the Dark Night City Lord arrives, he will naturally have a way to know the news of Di Linglong through him.

Su Jin did not hesitate, he was really afraid that the Dark Night City Lord would not send a master to Mingyue Tower!


Su Jin appeared in his own room in the "Mingyue Tower" in one step.

The red color outside was gorgeous, and even red light shone into the room through the window.

Half an hour passed.

An hour passed.

Until late at night, the festive sound on the street gradually subsided...

Su Jin raised his sword eyebrows, and saw the scene outside Mingyue Tower through the "Mahe Town Prison Eye"--

That scene made Su Jin extremely surprised!

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