My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3966: Hongmen Banquet

Outside Mingyue Tower.

It was like a horse-drawn carriage carrying a palace, and stopped slowly, surrounded by a hundred gods, and in the palace, the red light was always bright.

At this moment, the owner of Mingyue Tower, also wiped his face with sweat, walked out of the building in a panic——

"Dare to ask if Mr. Ye is there?" A middle-aged strong man with a hairy face and beard directly asked the other party.

"Ah? Yes, or not...Dare to ask which Mr. Ye the City Lord's Mansion is looking for?" the boss hurriedly asked.

"Ye Yi."

"No need to ask." Su Jin had already walked out of the Mingyue Tower at this time, looking at the other person, "Do you want to invite me?"

The middle-aged Terror King God immediately shook his head, his face was obviously respectful, and he said, "It's the princess, Mr. Ye Yi, please—"


The Night Princess invites him?

Although Su Jin was a little curious, how could that princess hate him too late, so how could she invite him? He was a little strange just now, because in this carriage, except for some maids, there is no city lord or princess, and co-authored this is a carriage that took him to the city lord mansion.

"Your princess invited me, why don't you come here in person?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"The princess won the title of'War God' today. She couldn't get away. She specifically ordered her subordinates to come and invite. If there is any disrespect, please..."

Did not wait for the other party to finish.

Su Jin waved his hand.

He doesn't care what the night princess sells--

Even if this trip was a Hongmen Banquet, he always had to learn about Emperor Linglong through this city, so Su Jin nodded without saying a word, and flashed onto the carriage.

The middle-aged strong man really didn't expect Su Jin to be so kind. Even though he made a gesture to start the carriage... the carriage slowly drove towards the city lord's mansion.


Although it is not late at night, this scene has been seen by many hedonic nobles hiding in it——

"So he is Ye Yi?" Many windows opened quietly, watching the carriage disappear into the street.

"When I entered the city at night, most of the talk was not about the princess getting the title of'War God', but a young strong man named'Ye Yi' who humiliated Princess Night. However, since he is the enemy of Princess Night, why Does the princess still invite him?"

"Hongmen Banquet, don’t you understand this? The city is not easy to do, but the city lord’s mansion is definitely a good place to do it. The city lord will never allow his daughter to be wronged. This is to use him... he is still stupid. Is gone—"

"No... he is Ye Yi? One sword defeated thirteen young sword gods besieged by the Terror King God?"

"He can be treated like this, he must be undoubted. This guy's swordsmanship does not know how to practice. The tide of swords rises and falls, and the moon rises. The night princess and her twelve horror king gods have not reacted yet. , Was defeated."

"The beauty of the night princess is well-known far and wide, why did you suddenly invite an enemy into the mansion?"

"It's amazing, but it's easy to enter the City Lord's Mansion... to figure it out... that's difficult."


There was a lot of discussion.

And the news that the Dark Night Princess invited'Ye Yi' into the City Lord's Mansion also spread quickly throughout Dark Night God City as if it had wings!

Just wait for tomorrow to dawn, I am afraid this is another good talk!

In the noble carriage attic...

Su Jin looked at the good wine and food, plus the respectful eyes of the several maids, if he hadn't seen a little bit of the same wink, he would have believed it-

Of course, Su Jin sat firmly on Mount Tai, had a drink for half a cup, and waited quietly for the carriage to reach the'city lord's mansion'.

Moreover, he might as well take a guess.

Su Jin decided that it was definitely not the night princess who invited him, because he made the other party so embarrassed, and the other party definitely didn't want to risk sleepless night to invite him, unless the night princess is the kind of very conscious existence...


Not like.

If Su Jin guessed right, should be the dark night city lord undoubtedly, and the gate of the city lord mansion is not that he can enter if he wants to enter, and it is probably necessary to make trouble.

Thinking of this... Su Jin saw a pretty good-looking waitress and called directly to accompany him to count drinks... and the disgust revealed in the depth of the other's eyes became more and more, which made him more certain. This trip is a fact of Hongmen Banquet!

Half a moment!

The square outside the city lord’s mansion is so vast...In this city, this square alone is a hundred miles in radius, and the huge city lord’s mansion in front of it looks like a giant shadow beast, overlooking the plain——

Of course, today’s City Lord’s Mansion is different. Even the periphery of the square is full of lights and festoons. Many protoss have not even dispersed. As for the City Lord’s Mansion, it is bright as day and lively.



The carriage stopped in the very center of the square.

Suddenly stopped.

The wine in Su Jin's cup did not rippling for half a minute. At this moment, in the eyes of the beautiful maid who pleased him, this kind of determination made her secretly startled.

Sure enough, he is a young Tianjiao who can defeat a dozen terrifying powerhouses with one sword!

Knowing it was a Hongmen Banquet, I still dare to come!

More than rushing, the other party seemed to expect that it would not be so easy to enter the mansion, and his face was so calm that it made her terrifying——

The embarrassing situation was born!

A carriage belonging to the City Lord’s Mansion, but stopped in the very center of the empty square, this weird scene directly caused many protoss in a hurry to stop and watch—

And the excitement in the city lord's mansion seemed to be the moment the ‘carriage’ appeared, and he took a few breaths, and then some news quietly spread among the protoss who were invited into the mansion.

"You know? Ye Yi is in the carriage." Some Protoss whispered, for fear of being heard by the city lord.

"Ye Yi? Ye Yi who humiliated the Princess of the Night? Why did the city lord invite him?"

"Oh my God, the city lord intends to give out this bad breath for his precious daughter. As you know, the night princess has won the title of'War God'. I was locked in a deep boudoir and didn't take half a step. I heard that I cried for a long time—"

"It's no wonder that the city lord's face is not good today, it turns out that it was the princess Ye Yizheng who cried...I'm afraid it's hard to be good."

"Many princes and nobles, and even the princesses who have good personal relationships with ordinary princesses, have all entered deep boudoirs and have seen her. No one can persuade the princess out... This guy is now trapped in the center of the square. Guilt!"



Su Jin can't have it.

"Go down--" Su Jin looked at the other maids and waved to let them leave.


The women panicked and left the carriage quickly.

The wind around is a bit stronger.

The horse hissed lightly, as if there was an aura of uncertainty everywhere!

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