My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3967: You have no chance to beg for mercy

City Lord Mansion, in a loft to the northwest.

The night princess lay quietly in front of the window, looking at the lake and the moon in the water, seeming to be in a daze. And beside her, there is a strange woman who exists--

She did not persuade, did not say anything, did not even move, wearing white plain clothes, standing straight, sitting on the side, reading the scriptures.

The combination of the two women does not seem to have any sense of disharmony——

It's amazing!

"Good news, good news! Princess..." The close maid hurried in, but she still didn't interrupt Princess Night's daze. Her eyes were still red, and she had obviously cried for quite a while.

"What's the matter?" asked the woman in plain clothes who read the scriptures.

"The city lord invited Na Ye Yi, and he is now on the square outside the city lord's mansion!" said the maid.

Only then did Dark Night Princess woke up from a daze, with a little strangeness in her eyes, turning her head back: "Ye Yi? Why would he please?"

"The princess is being deceived, and the city lord is also uncomfortable. How can he swallow this breath... So, in the name of the princess, the city lord invited Ye Yi from Mingyue Tower... let's go and check it out. Get up." The maid still seemed to look forward to it, as if that'Ye Yi' was about to be taken by the powers of the City Lord's Mansion.

"No need to go out—"

The woman flipping through the scriptures gently picked her finger, and on the lake outside the window, the scene in the square was immediately reflected... Including the quiet carriage, everything seemed to be on the scene!

Ye the carriage?

Princess Dark Night was stunned, her face changed slightly... Although she knew that some princesses were in it, she... really didn't want to provoke Ye Yi.

It is said that defeating with one sword is really defeating with one sword... Ye Yi's confidence level seems to have the courage to challenge the entire'Dark Night City'!

"Princess, don't panic...Everything, Senior Sister is the master for you." The woman reading the scriptures said slowly, which also relieved Princess Night a little.

Outside the city lord's mansion!

The killing is getting thicker!

"Dare to ask you, but Ye Yi?" There was a young man who strode directly out of the city lord's mansion. Before a moment, he was only 50 meters away from the carriage!

"He is Li Jun! The inheritance of King Wushan..." There were many onlookers who gathered more and more, directly seeing through the identity of the other party——

King Wushan!

Around a hundred cities, know everything! In Fangyuan Hundred Cities, King Wushan is the strongest on the list. As the only inheritor of King Wushan, Li Jun is as strong as he can imagine, enough to be invited by the City Lord's Mansion to be a distinguished guest!

"Yes—" Su Jin stretched out, thinking that it would be nice to have a good night's sleep in the Mingyue Tower with such a nice sky and full of stars, but he is now having trouble, so naturally he is not afraid of trouble!

Get out of the carriage.

Ye Yi!

Li Jun looked at Su Jin for a long time. If the opponent had any "rules of kendo", it was extremely sharp, but Li Jun was also puzzled...

Is the opponent really capable of defeating thirteen horror king gods with one sword? If it can be done, the opponent should be able to hold the kendo rules in the body without releasing it.

"The dinner is over long ago, and you just came right now. Li Jun has reason to believe that you are not here to congratulate you!" Li Jun yelled softly.

Su Jin thought for a while and smiled and said, "You can think whatever you like. If I say that the City Lord's Mansion invited me here, you definitely don't believe me, saying that I stole this carriage and reversed the black and white. Am I right? "

"I, Li Jun, didn't do anything like that... It's just a question in my heart. You said you came to congratulate you... Do you... have a gift?" Li Jun asked.

"Yes." Su Jin said helplessly.


"What to do with you?"

"Haha! You insulted the princess, and now you come to congratulate him in the name of congratulation, forget it, Xiao Wang... Li Jun! Great King Wushan inherits the gods, can you dare to compete with me?" Li Jun asked.

"Why do I have to compete with you? The night is already getting deep, isn't it a waste of time to compete with you?" Su Jin looked at Li Jun in confusion.


waste time?

Li Jun clenched his teeth secretly. He thought his words had a lot of weight, but he didn't expect that what he got in exchange was contempt... and it was not ordinary contempt, even... contempt!

"You... so daring!" Li Jun groaned.

"Competition is not very exciting. After all, you are afraid of death, otherwise you would not say the word'competition.' It's better to do this... You and me are fighting for life and death, and no one can beg for mercy."

Su Jin smiled, and said: "But as **** like you, there is no chance to beg for mercy—"

"" Li Jun's face was pale, where did he think that Su Jin did not compete with him, but... a life and death struggle! The other party wanted him to splash outside the city lord's mansion!

"I haven't heard of the Great King Wushan... Don't try to crush me with someone else's name. If you dare, you will shoot. If I don't have a sword, I will kill you."

Su Jin said again: "If you don't dare, return to the City Lord's Mansion in despair, and don't bring out whose inheritor it is in the future to be embarrassed——"

"it is good!"

Li Jun couldn't bear it at all!

Fight life and death, the competition is who is stronger! He compares--

With a smile on Su Jin's mouth, he nodded and said, "Then you can do it."

Li Jun's eyes were red, staring at Su Jin... If he kills this servant in front of the VIPs of the entire city lord's mansion, he will not only increase his fierce power, but in the future, he is very likely to form a godly companion with the night princess!

If Ye Yi can really be killed, even if he proposes to the city lord on the spot, the other party may agree to it immediately...this...this attraction is not unreasonable!


The fiery atmosphere on the battlefield is intensifying!

Not only the onlookers were excited, because when Su Jin defeated the thirteen Terror King Gods at that time, only a handful of Protoss had seen it... Now it is a good thing to be able to see the strength of the opponent with their own eyes!

Attic in the city lord’s mansion.

The beautiful face of Princess Dark Night is full of surprises... She doesn't know what Li Jun thinks... How dare you?

"This happened because of you, and you are because of... and it is a result. It's better to tell him a life or death." The woman flipping through the scriptures took out three simple coins and placed them directly in front of Princess Night.

Such a divination technique, placed in the Protoss, is indeed very easy to cause contempt... But the night princess knows that the woman who reads the scriptures can be patient, and her face is solemn and nodded.

"Who is fortunetelling? Divination or death?" The night princess asked, looking at the plainclothes woman beside her.

"The great way is natural, you can tell the life and death of Na Ye, you can tell the life and death of Li Jun, or even... you can tell yourself." The woman in plain clothes looked at each other with the night princess.

You can... yourself...

This is life and death money!

All three are, if they are thrown together, they are all raw noodles, and naturally they are raw——

If the three are thrown away, they are all dead, and naturally they are dead——

Thinking of this, the Princess of Dark Night hesitated a bit, put the three'Life and Death Money' in her hand, held it up, and silently closed her eyes.

"I'm my own..." The night princess knew that Ye Yi was a catastrophe, and she was a catastrophe because of her. She...choose to make her own life and death!

Ding Ding~~~

Three trigrams of money fall directly on the table! The night princess and the woman in plain clothes are all staring at the three trigrams!

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