My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3968: One punch

The guaqian turned around, and in a tremor, both the night princess and the plain-clothed woman were shocked--

The result is out!

The woman in plain clothes stared fiercely on the face of the night princess, seemingly unbelievable.

Three hexagrams of life and death, all black on three sides, are dead money!

Princess Dark Night frowned and looked at the scene reflected on the lake. The young man named'Ye Yi' in the scene seemed to have come for the entire city lord's mansion.

City Lord's Mansion, Square!

Li Jun's face changed, his expression was slightly hideous, he stomped on the void, and shouted: "Wushan secret skills, Vientiane prison!"

An elephant chant appeared from under Li Jun's feet!

I saw a glazed transparent idol, which began to condense under Li Jun's feet. The idol was lifelike and extremely heavy--

The space within a hundred miles of the square seemed to be unstable because of the appearance of idols.




The Liuli Idol took a step forward, and when Li Jun stood on top of the Liuli Idol, his hands were not idle. The fluctuations in his whole body seemed to be the same color as the'Liuli Idol'. Just one glance, many powerful people felt it. Invincible defense——

"The inheritors of King Wushan really should not be underestimated! With this defense alone, the ten and eight horror king gods are also difficult to break. No wonder they have the courage to challenge that Ye Yi!" Think so.

Ye Yi, one sword defeated thirteen horror kings and gods, including the night princess, but it was a rumors that the invited guests in the city lord's mansion had not seen him, and now Li Jun naturally felt very extraordinary.

"Great King Wushan, who dares to provoke! This Ye Yi dared to denigrate his reputation today, even if Li Jun can bear it, if the Great King Wushan knew, it would be enough for this Ye Yi to drink a pot of--"

"Sure enough, he is the inheritor, and the methods of the earth idol can be displayed. Li Jun wants to win the perfect victory and directly tramples Na Ye Yi to death with the earth idol."

"I heard that the opponent is a master of kendo, but in the face of a terrifying **** like Li Jun with excellent defensive power, I don't know if he can break the defense--"

"It's hard to break the defense. The Liuli Idol of the Earth is blessing all defenses by itself. If Ye Yi doesn't use his kendo power desperately, under the protection of the Idol of the Earth, he might not even touch Li Jun. ."


This battle has just begun, and it has been so exciting.

Li Jun, the inheritor of the Great King Wushan, showed terrifying strength when he came up.

As for the ‘Ye Yi’...the reputation is not small, but now he is not half-moving at all, as if he is still thinking about how to deal with that idol.

Li Jun's expression was slightly happy. When he rushed towards the Liuli idol, the Liuli idol raised his front body, and stomped on Su Jin with just one foot!


The big carriage was trampled directly into debris!

Dead... Are you dead?

The expression on Li Jun's face froze, and then he turned into a face full of disbelief! This... how is this possible!

Su Jin didn't move at all just now, why didn't the Liuli idol trample him into flesh? why?

"I'm not in the Three Thousand World."

The voice echoed throughout the city lord’s mansion, including the battlefield——

That voice came from the attic of the City Lord's Mansion!

The woman in plain clothes sighed softly, and she knew that Ye Yi was not easy to deal with. It seemed that the opponent could use this ability so easily. This battle is hard to say.

The night princess was relieved too. Who can live forever? If the hexagram is dead, then it is death. Anyway, she can't change anything—

"Ye Yi is very strong, and I felt it at that time, not to mention that it is Li Jun, even if it is the powerhouse of the City Lord's Mansion, it may not be his own opponent." The night princess smiled bitterly and shook her head.

The woman in plain clothes looked at the night princess in a daze.

All above, are not all opponents?

Was the night princess beaten up? Can you even say this?

At this moment.

Li Jun doesn't believe in evil at all!

In addition to the ‘Vientiane Prison’, he once again used the secret method, and when his Terror King God’s rules were thrown out, the tigers roared and sang in the square within a hundred miles!

"Earth Tiger!" Li Jun roared violently.

The magnificent scene once again shook the entire "Dark Night City"!

The blue tigers with vigorous postures were condensed from all directions and rushed directly towards Su Jin! The surrounding void was shaken by a roar of tigers, and those blue-patterned ground tigers were extremely fast!

"Your strength is too low."

As Su Jin spoke, he broke away from the "I am not in the Three Thousand Worlds" and approached Li Jun in just one step!

So fast?

Li Jun subconsciously raised his power to the extreme, and the defensive power of the earth idols also climbed to the peak!


The idols of the earth wailed--


Li Jun was frightened and angry. The situation was so serious that he was instantly confused. He hardly had time to think about it. After that punch broke the defense of the earth idol, his ‘rules of the king of terror’ also instantly dazzled him!


A loud noise!

Li Jun seemed to be looking at a slow camera. The "Ye Yi" in his eyes was wearing a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth, and that punch happened to hit his stomach——

A punch that can't be avoided!

While the void was shaking, the void where Li Jun was, the waves of spatial destruction, quickly permeated the battlefield.

And Li Jun... the whole person is like a piece of tofu that has been cut with countless knives. From any visible skin, cracks begin to appear!


Li Jun's whole body collapsed in the space, and the destruction space he was in was like a bottomless black hole, instantly sucking his broken body into it!

There was a chilling sound all around.

Li Jun!

The inheritor of King Wushan!

Was blown by a punch--

"This guy... this guy killed the inheritor of the Great King Wushan! He's going to deal with things, it's going to happen!" All onlookers felt fear. For the repair of hundreds of nearby cities, who didn't know that King Wushan was extremely short-sighted, especially for Li Jun, who had high hopes, and now... Su Jin killed Li Jun!

"Heaven gave him the courage to dare to kill Li Jun... but he was also quite powerful, and he killed Li Jun with one punch. Li Jun didn't even have a chance to escape——"

"Did you listen to what he said just now? Li Jun is too weak... Li Jun is the King of Terror, who exists like a **** of heaven, but he said he is too weak... Then he... how strong should he be?"

"It seems that the rumors are not false... He really has the power to defeat more than a dozen horror kings with a sword! The punch just now is not fancy, but the effect is surprisingly good. Even Li Jun's body was swallowed by the broken space. "

Now, many onlookers look at Su Jin in awe!

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