My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3969: Dream Court First Apprentice

In the City Lord's Mansion——

It was quiet.

The wicked name of King Wushan is unknown to God, and Godless. Now that Su Jin blasts him with a punch, he might be madly retaliated by King Wushan!


The Princess of the Night seems not strange, but the woman in plain clothes is unbelievable. Although she does not know what Su Jin is, if she compares the Princess of the Night with Li Jun...

Even if the Dark Night Princess has obtained the title of'War God', she may be able to defeat Li Jun with all her strength. After all, the title of War God, the winner must not only have absolute strength, but also unimaginable luck to obtain——

"The first challenger, Li Jun, just died like this?" The woman in plain clothes had a hard time not being moved, because it was outrageous. Even if he took a 10,000 steps back, Li Jun was at least the King of Terror.

"At that time, he raised the tide and the bright moon with a single sword, and I knew that I had lost. Compared with him, Li Jun was a few grades behind." The night princess sighed.

"You think, how does the city lord compare with Ye Yi...?" the woman in plain clothes asked.


Night Princess responded.

The woman in plain clothes didn't know what kind of danger the Princess of Night had gone through at that time, but that ‘Ye Yi’ was at best the King of Terror, able to compete with the Lord of Dark Night?

at this time.

Dark Night City Lord, angry!

The entire City Lord's Mansion seemed to sway three times-

"If anyone kills Ye Yi, I will betroth my daughter to him on the spot! I will never regret it!"

Although the dark night city lord did not show up, this is his mansion, the world’s distinguished guests, heroes and masters, all in the city, these words are not just to the evil spirits invited from the city lord’s mansion, his voice has spread throughout the entire city. Dark Night God City!

"The city lord, personally promise the marriage! This is to make Na Ye easy to die!" In the Dark Night God City, many protoss were all crazy and flocked to the city lord's mansion.

More and more, more and more...

"Do you know? Great King Wushan's inheritance celebrity, defeated! After being beaten to death by a punch, the city lord was furious. He didn't believe that there was no master in the world to rule him--"

"Then Ye Yi is so powerful? The inheritors of Great King Wushan were all killed. If the inheritors of Great King Wushan are not good, no one of the strong peers can beat him."

"Yes, unless some of the older generation of Terror King Gods can directly kill them, who of the same generation can be his opponent? You know that even the night princess who won the title of'War God' has lost."

"Oh my god, that Ye Yi really became famous in World War I. Now that the city lord himself declares war, the city lord mansion is even more lively--"


In the city lord's mansion.

Under a quiet square floor, several women, Yingying and Yanyan, were looking at a young man with a "round moon" pattern around his forehead——

The youth's face was a little moved, and he really didn't expect the city lord to be so angry, and... and the attraction of being the son-in-law of the dark night city lord was too great.

"Big Brother...Big Brother?" A girl in red interrupted the youth's thoughts.

"What?" The youth reacted.

"Master told me to wait, and strictly ordered that I don't cause trouble. Don't move your mind and let the senior sister down." The red-clothed girl said quickly.

When the red-clothed girl was talking, several other girls also instantly saw a woman in a pink gown. The girl was beautiful in lotus clothes, with a clean face, and her appearance was comparable to that of The Night Princess——

"I...I want to try. I don't know the Night Princess. This battle is just... just to test his power." The young man said immediately.

The woman in the lotus dress lightly bit her teeth, her eyes full of disappointment, and she said nothing.

"Master Pavilion Master will never allow you to do this! You... if you dare to go, I will send you a message to Master and drive you out of the mountain!" The red-clothed girl's face changed, and she felt hypocritical in the youth's tone.

Extremely hypocritical!

"It's up to you, believe it or not." The young man disappeared without looking at the girl in the lotus dress.

"Senior Sister." The girl in red stomped her feet, seeming to be very dissatisfied with the youth.

"Let him go. I am the daughter of the pavilion master, how can I compare with the night princess." The girl in the lotus shook her head.




One figure after another appeared in Baili Square——

"You kill the young master, it's like eating evil results for yourself, no one can save you today!" There was a woman who raised her hands directly and called out Hehe Tianlei. Like a dozen other horror kings and gods, she is Wushan dead!

Li Jun died too quickly just now, they couldn't react at all! Now when I think of the wrath of the Great King Wushan, these dead Wushan warriors who came with Li Jun are all cold.

Su Jin was not surprised. He was not surprised that the Dark Night City Lord would make such a decision. As for these Wushan dead men, they are okay, barely enough to be seen, they are not many powerful masters.


Under the bright thunder, thunder and lightning flickered!

The woman's name is ‘Zidian’, she is Li Jun’s confidant, and if King Wushan is to blame, she is the only one who can’t escape!


The purple thunder and lightning turned into a purple prison directly around Su Jin. The gorgeous purple instantly became the focus of attention of all the gods!

"Great King Wushan is really well-deserved, even the group of dead men brought by Li Jun are so powerful!" A Protoss said with emotion.

"You all retreat!"

At this moment, with a soft drink, Zidian and the others were stunned.

The comer is a young man! Both the looks and the momentum are good!

"He comes from Meng Pavilion." Zi Dian saw the young man's clothes and instantly knew the identity of the other party. Immediately, she retreated to the side with the other dead men.

Know that this young man is a challenger!

"The first disciple of the Pavilion of Dreams is the fiance of the daughter of the Pavilion Master——" Many Protoss also know their youth status.

"Oh, it turns out he is Song Ming from Meng Ge."


Su Jin didn't even want to pay attention to it, and breathed out a little, the purple electric gods around him disappeared instantly!

Zidian Goddess's face changed suddenly! Although she stepped back, the blessing of the Purple Lightning Prison did not stop, and the other party... could break the confinement of her God Prison by blowing a breath? !

What kind of evil strength is this!

"Mengge, Song Ming." Song Ming said coldly at Su Jin, arching his hands.

"Why did you show up?" Su Jin asked.

"Cut you, become the name of the son-in-law of the dark night city lord." Song Ming clasped his fists at the city lord mansion behind, believing himself.

Su Jin sneered, "You are confident, and your fate today is like your fate, if you die, if I don't accept it, I'm afraid I will be a little bit sorry--"

"You!" Song Ming looked sullen, staring at Su Jin's face, but didn't want to argue with the other party.

Su Jin said indifferently to the direction of the City Lord’s Mansion, “Why bother if you want my life! He Song Ming, count one! I’m here, Ye Yi, and I will count them together when all the strong from a city come. Kill!"

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