My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3975: Sky Demon Awakens

Too tough.

Su Jin's sword can be shot, and his sense of unrestrained sword is even envied by some Protoss sword repairers.

The Great King Wushan was completely anxious, and some collapsed!

When he appeared, there were only one hundred and three original heads in total, and every loss of one meant the loss of a life. How could he survive!

"Don't run if you have the ability!" Wushan King was mad, "Dare to take a blow to me directly!"

"You can't fight, are you shameless?" Su Jin stood in the air, looking at King Wushan with curious eyes.

The Great King Wushan knew that he was at a loss, but he still took care of his **** and shouted directly, "Dare you!"

"As you wish!" Su Jin directly held the sword in one hand and held the other behind him, his face calm.

Great King Wushan is trembling now--

Just now, a dozen heads and a dozen lives were lost forever! He had never thought of this price before he came! Although he cares about Li Jun's life, but...but he cares more about his own life!

If he had known such a heavy loss, what revenge would he have! It's good now, he may not even have the chance to escape, he doesn't believe Su Jin will let him go!


Can only fight to the death!

In addition.

There is no other way!

Dark Night God City.

There were more and more onlookers, and many protoss were even attracted by the sword of "bright moon on the sea" and came from other sacred cities, but when they saw that Su Jin was fighting against King Wushan, most of the first protoss were a little confused. .

"Great King Wushan... or a disadvantage?" There was a Protoss outside the city, looking at the battlefield to the north, exclaiming constantly.

"It's not just a death disadvantage. The Great King Wushan is desperate now. He has lost more than a dozen heads in just a moment. For him, it is more than a dozen lives. Even if he has become famous after several battles, he added one. , It’s not as tragic as it is today—"

"Who is this young protoss? Can you actually force King Wushan to this point?"

"Ye Yi, a mysterious sword god, was born out of the sky today and swept across the city, making all the horror king gods in the city afraid to stand up. He had already killed two enchanting Tianjiao before the Wushan King——"

"This sword is called Mingyue on the sea. Brothers also came from the outer city to watch the battle?"

"Yes, the tide is rising and the impact is extremely deep, and there are still many protoss on the way."


In the current Dark Night God City, there are many protoss masters coming everywhere!

The Dark Night City Lord did not expect that such a glorious scene was brought by a mysterious Ye Yi. Although his daughter won the title of'War God', it was absolutely impossible to attract so many Protoss.

In the city lord's mansion.

The lord of Meng Pavilion was comforting the pink girl. She could not think that Song Ming, who usually seemed respectful and respectful, was thinking about it here—

"It's a worthwhile trip to let you see Song Ming." The lord of Meng Pavilion felt distressed, but now there is no other way except this.

After all, Song Ming is dead.

"Mother, I want to go home." The pink girl said in tears.

"Let's talk about it after tonight." The Master of Dream Pavilion said slowly.

"Now I want to go--"

"Could it be that without Song Ming, there would be no Tianjiao in your eyes? Song Ming is nothing, you see how many times the young man who is fighting against Wushan King is better than Song Ming!" Meng Pavilion said in a cold voice.

The pink girl was startled, her eyes turned to the condensed scene——

Su Jin held the sword in his right hand, and she did have an extraordinary temperament, but she... she was not familiar with Su Jin and didn't know him at all.

North of the city.

On the battlefield, King Wushan narrowed his eyes slightly. He had the ability to kill, and he was sure to attack Su Jin. Before, he deliberately chased it, creating the illusion that he could not attack the opponent. Now... what he hopes most is the Su Jin meeting. Numbness--

Thought of this.

King Wushan knew that the winner was this one!

If he cannot succeed, his survival will be extremely slim!


The eyes of King Wushan instantly became blood red!

I don’t know it’s his eyes. The hundred giant beasts he condensed with the origin of the rules, above the snake necks remaining on the one hundred giant beasts, also instantly opened scarlet triangular red pupils——



The killing aura of King Wushan's body directly skyrocketed several times. The blood-colored halo on his arms seemed to be intertwined with electricity and light at this moment--

"The sky demon awakens!" The Great King Wushan shouted violently and roared to the sky.

With a loud bang, King Wushan's entire body was undergoing earth-shattering changes. His body began to be covered with layer after layer of scales, and one after another black pythons began to grow from behind him!

"Improve combat power? It's interesting--" Su Jin nodded slowly.

A black wind blew.

Great King Wushan's speed also skyrocketed, and the void around the battlefield began to be controlled by him with crystal red circles one after another. He... even had the power to hold the sky!

This day the demon awakens, it is against the sky-


The Great King Wushan, who was shaped like a black wind and possessed dozens of black python heads, quickly shuttled around Su Jin.


Su Jin could see the sparks and lightning when the Great King Wushan collided with the sword body just by the speed of the sword, and the sky was dim. Even the giant Haoyue that occupies most of the sky couldn't stop the darkness and began to descend.

"Is it the negative force that slows down?" Su Jin shook his left shoulder a little, and broke free from that force.

In the dark sky, a pair of terrifying triangular scarlet giant pupils slowly opened.

The blood-colored thunder and lightning blasted open the space and sank into the ground. The entire battlefield space seemed to be plunged into a chaotic world, so that the figure of Su Jin in it made the spectators unclear.

"Great King Wushan's nirvana, the sky demon awakens! This is his strongest horror king magic!" Dark Night City Lord said solemnly.

The Princess of Dark Night was taken aback for a moment. She naturally knew the fame of the Great King Wushan, but she didn't understand or even heard of Wushan's "Sky Demon Awakening".

It's not that she didn't know, after all, Great King Wushan was not born for a long time, and when he performed this technique last time, he no longer knew how many years had passed.

"Is it amazing?" The Night Princess knew she was asking too much, but under her tension, she still instinctively asked the father.

"Deep in it, you will encounter endless attacks until the enemy falls! This blow is extremely violent, and it will keep King Wushan in the fearless will to kill God, even if he is bombarded to pieces, I won't feel any pain." The Dark Night City Lord took a deep breath.

Will not feel any pain!

The Princess of Dark Night was stunned. She knew that the current King Wushan still had more than 80 heads of rule origin, which also meant that the other party still had more than 80 lives!

This is terrible-

Great King Wushan can use this trick to constantly change lives with Su Jin, and the attacks are endless. This is the most terrifying part of King Wushan!

"What does the father think?" asked the night princess.

"It's hard to say." The Dark Night City Lord shook his head, but soon he hesitated a little and continued: "If that kid can't produce a stronger power than a sword, "Moon on the Sea", he will probably fall into it—"

Night Princess was even more worried.

How to say... Su Jin hasn't fully taught her "Bright Moon on the Sea", so if she died in the "Sky Demon Awakening" of King Wushan...

"Great King Wushan, great! I was at a disadvantage just now, and it started to comeback in an instant, but the kid really resisted the beating, using speed, and constantly dodge. If this is killed by the Great King Wushan, he will have to lose his skin if he is not dead!" There is a sense of emotion from the King of Terror.

There are also strong and weak points between the King of Terror. There is no doubt that King Wushan, the strong man on the list of 100 cities, is indeed well-deserved!

"Don't you see the gap yet?"

At this moment, the lord of the dream pavilion took his daughter and slowly walked into the void from the city lord's mansion and stood beside the night princess.

"The gap? The Pavilion Master meant..." The Dark Night City Lord was naturally very polite to the Meng Pavilion Lord and hurriedly asked.

"Do you think it is Ye Yi's sword speed, or the speed of King Wushan under the violent violent?" asked the master of Dream Pavilion.


The Dark Night City Lord thought of a terrible fact. When King Wushan was awakening, he turned into a black gale and constantly bombarded Su Jin, but Su Jin repeatedly blocked it with a sword—

This...this is the intention of the master of Dream Pavilion!

"A sword, hold it in your hand, try who can omit the time to draw the sword. If Ye Yi wears a scabbard, I'm afraid you will not see the scene when he draws the sword." Say.

Woke up with a word!

In the city lord's mansion, nearly forty horror kings and gods directly felt their scalp tingling!

It turned out that this is the most terrifying place for Su Jin.

And on the battlefield--

The situation seems to be turning sharply again!

Su Jin stood the sword in front of him, and the strong sword light almost dispelled the darkness in an instant, and Haoyue regained its light!

The Lord of Dark Night's eyes widened.

The Lord of Dream Pavilion was equally ashamed.

The night princess even turned into a dull state -

In the eyes of countless Protoss, Su Jin used a sword to dispel the darkness, where he stood, the blue sea, wave after wave began to rise, and soon, the monstrous sea surged!

This scene is extremely clear!

The same is "the moon is born on the sea", and it is still under the power of that sword! Great King Wushan's intuitive nerves were tense and he felt bad, but his body would not be controlled by his thoughts at all under the violent violent situation!


The monstrous waves, as if swept out with Su Jin's sword, began to pour out——

King Wushan was swept by the first sword wave and was instantly knocked off! With an incredible gaze, he looked down at his horrible monster and **** body!

Boom boom boom boom!

After wave after wave of sword light slashing, Great King Wushan didn’t know how much sword light he had suffered. He didn’t feel pain, but he felt the terrible end of death and fall——

There are several blood lines on the head of King Wushan. He wants to see the hundred giant beasts not far behind him. It is the condensate of his original rules. He can use the 80 or so heads on it to regenerate eight. More than ten lives!

But this time...

King Wushan panicked, he... he didn't feel any feeling before resurrection! There is only one possibility in this way, the layers of sword waves, even the hundred behemoths condensed by his original rules have been swept into pieces——


Absolutely impossible!

"" Great King Wushan moved his lips slightly, staring at Su Jin, and just for a moment, he felt that his body was splitting in several places, and an unknown number of pieces were separated.

Like a tall building, his monster body is collapsing——

Accompanied by a dazzling light.

Great King Wushan's body of the demon god, disintegrated directly!

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