My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3976: Guards of the female doll

Sweep the explosion with one sword-

The Protoss of the entire Dark Night God City watched that scene blankly...

The Great King Wushan, the strongest on the list of 100 cities, was directly swept away by the little-known "Ye Yi" with a single sword, and he couldn't even do a resurrection!

"Where did Ye Yi come from? How could King Wushan lose--" It is difficult for the Protoss to accept this reality.

"The Great King Wushan is completely defeated. It turns out that he has never escaped the sword'The Bright Moon on the Sea'. Is the last sword swept out the essence of the'Bright Moon on the Sea'?"

"Li Jun, as the inheritor of King Wushan, was defeated. Now this King Wushan absolutely never thought that even if he came to avenge him, he would only end up like Li Jun—"

"With Yijian, even the hope of resurrection was wiped out, and King Wushan was directly erased from the'Hundred Cities List'."

"How much strength does this'Ye Yi' have yet to show?"



Countless Protoss were shocked at Su Jin's strength. Before, no one had been optimistic about him. Now that he showed his strength, it really shocked the entire'Dark Night God City'.

With an elegant and unrestrained posture, Su Jin's sword slowly disappeared——

The Dark Night City Lord was also dumbfounded. His confidence now began to shake. Because there were many strong people in the Dark Night God City, the Great King Wushan didn't dare to venture into the city before and chose to fight Su Jin in the north of the city.

But this does not mean that the Lord of Dark Night will be able to defeat King Wushan!

At least the resurrection of the 100 heads of King Wushan is extremely troublesome. Each resurrection can reset the peak and become the peak horror king **** powerhouse. If the opponent is desperate and takes his life for his life, Night City Lord and more than 30 other horror king gods will not suffer. live.

Of course, this is just a comparison. King Wushan and Darknight City Lord are not enemies either.

But the problem is here. Su Jin just killed King Wushan with that sword. What does this mean? Explain that the other party does not show the mountains and dew water, and the same move has not performed other more powerful moves.

The Dark Night City Lord also brought more than 30 Terror King Gods to fight Su Jin before--

As a result of this, the Dark Night City Lord really began to doubt, doubting whether he could encircle Su Jin to death with more than 30 Terror King Gods.

The Master of Dream Pavilion nodded, "This result is not unexpected—"

"There is such a arrogant talent in Hundred Cities, but I am trying to oppose him in Dark Night God City..." Dark Night City Lord is also a bit bitter now, and he is even a little lucky now. If it weren't for his daughter, his battle with Su Jin might still be suspicious.

"I suspect that his sword'The Bright Moon on the Sea' was only realized not long ago." Princess Dark Night thought about it carefully, and then said: "The Bright Moon on the Sea, the sword is hidden in the sword, who is he..."

The Lord of Dark Night City and the Lord of Dream Pavilion, all speculated in their hearts.

"I have sent the Protoss to investigate, I believe there will be news soon." The Dark Night City Lord said lightly.

"Check? Father, don't check—" The Night Princess shook her head quickly.

In short, no matter how mysterious Su Jin is, at least he is willing to give her a sword "Born on the Sea" as a gift. He definitely doesn't want to oppose the Dark Night God City. If the father does this, he will be known by the other party and will definitely bring it. unnecessary trouble.

The Dark Night City Lord hesitated for a moment, and did not say anything--

North of the city, void!

Su Jin stood with his hands in his hands, facing the "Dark Night God City".

"Are there any other players?" Su Jin said openly.

To play?

Who dares to play now!

The Protoss of the entire Dark Night God City, no matter how strong or weak, all saw Su Jin just beheading the Great King Wushan. The old and the young were cut off, so if there are strong ones who dare to fight, it really is--

"It should be gone--" Some of the gods whispered to each other, feeling that the entire Dark Night God City has no horror kings, and can press Su Jin.

"Yeah, originally we still had expectations for the Lord of the Dream Pavilion, but the Lord of the Dream Pavilion was unwilling to oppose that'Ye Yi'. This is very stiff. The Dark Night City Lord is still saying whether Ye Yi's opponent is right now. Not necessarily."

"It's hard to imagine that this kind of Tianjiao evildoer will appear in our Dark Night God City! This guy is simply too strong! Now, he has killed the Wushan King, which is equivalent to replacing the Wushan King and entered the list of 100 cities——"

"He is so terrible swordsmanship. The sword just now, the waves of swords are superimposed, and the layers are stacked. Each level represents a sword, and the power is multiplied. Even the King Wushan was crushed and killed. This sword is simply overwhelming and defeating Wushan. King."

"Is there any more? Why didn't he enter the City Lord's Mansion?"


With a soft drink, the entire "Dark Night God City" was instantly quiet--

That kind of quiet, you can smell the needle drop!

The voice that appeared turned out to be a very immature baby girl's voice, and now it was not only the Dark Night City Lord's astonishment.

Even the lord of the Dream Pavilion, the night princess, and even the VIPs of the entire city lord mansion all looked at the condensed scene...They did not see any protoss figure appearing on the battlefield! Even the Dark Night City Lord who was watching the battle with their own eyes was stunned.

What's happening here?

The voice appeared, but could not see Ye Yi's opponent?

Su Jin didn't feel surprised. He scanned the surroundings, and finally the corners of his mouth raised slightly. After a lot of thought, he smiled slowly: "Then let's start--"

Who is he talking to?

The gods are astonished again!

With the air?

"Can you see me? Impossible, you can't see, you can't see—" The voice of the immature girl was startled at first, and the final tone was simply sweet.

Invisible strong?

The Lord of Dark Night, the girl in pink, the Princess of Dark Night, the owner of the Dream Pavilion, all looked at each other——

At last!

The night princess and the pink girl all exclaimed in unison: "It's that little witch."

A little witch who can hide!

"The ninth one on the hundred cities list?" The Dark Night City Lord wiped a sweat, and he even forgot.

Thousands of years ago, a mysterious girl, in the hundred cities list, even defeated the strong enemy, many protoss believed that she could win the first place and won the first position in the '100 cities list'. As a result... At nine o'clock, he left the scene unexpectedly and disappeared since then. I never thought it would appear here today!

"She's not simply the ninth strongest in the 100 cities list..." The Dark Night City Lord swung his sweat, and he was really frightened. The ranking of King Wushan was far lower than her.

That little witch is one of the top ten in the 100 cities list.

At this moment.

Su Jin slowly smiled and said: "You have very special invisibility rules, I really can't see it, but it doesn't mean I don't know where you are—"

The opponent is really strong.

The special invisibility rules seem to be the same as the air, and he can't feel where the opponent is at all. However, Su Jin is a strong man after all battles, and this situation can still be handled.

"If you can't see, you dare to fight with me? I saw your sword just now. It's very powerful, but your sword can't sweep you can't beat others--" the tender girl's voice again appear.

Su Jin:...

"You attacked me, don't I know?" Su Jin smiled.

"Okay! You want to lie to me first, you just find out that I am right, I...I don't attack, see if you can find me out, and... and I advise you to give up to me earlier, give up to me Reappear." The little girl's voice echoed on the battlefield again.

This scene.

It can only be said to be pretty messy!

"Who said that if I can't see you, I can't attack you? What's the theory? Then you look at..." Su Jin's feet shook slightly, and the entire northern sky was instantly enveloped by a cloud of gossip——

"The power of holding the sky? Wow... how much skill do you have!" The little girl was surprised. In her sense, this is not a simple power of holding the sky.

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

Su Jin’s eyebrow's "year golden pupil", Maha Town Prison Eye, and many other **** pupils are all blessed, and his eyes are once again looking at all directions. With his current strength and strength, the power of blessing the **** pupil can already be Wei Neng has reached the highest level since practicing.


Su Jin couldn't help being surprised.

Still no effect!

Still didn't find the existence of that little girl--

The other party is really like the air, invisible and colorless!

"You are awesome." Su Jin smiled: "But I have seen you with my **** pupil."

"Bah, baah, you can't see it. If you can find the baby, how about the baby giving up?" the little girl proudly said.

Su Jin was speechless again.

This little girl with invisibility rules is really a little clever ghost, but Su Jin just made a joke. If she cheats the other party in this way, she won’t be laughed at by those protoss?

"It seems to be serious." Su Jin said solemnly.

"Hehe, it's useless to be serious, you can't find me anyway, you can't see me—"


Immediately, Su Jin did not speak, and slowly spread one hand out and turned into a palm. With a light pick, a circle of gossip patterns flashed from the palm.

City Lord's Mansion, above the sky.

The Dark Night City Lord curiously asked: "Then Ye Yi, what are you doing?"

"I don't know, it doesn't seem to be any strange swordsmanship, and he doesn't use a sword either. Even the vision of'Bright Moon on the Sea' has disappeared." The Princess of Night also doubted.

"It's evolution." The plain-clothed woman beside the princess slowly said, her eyes are a bit hot now, and she rarely meets such a powerful master of evolution.

"It's Yansuan." The master of Mengge said.

"Almost, use this trick anyway... it seems to be of no use to the little witch, her'invisibility rule' is invincible, as long as she doesn't come out, no one can hurt her." said the woman in plain clothes.

"The invisibility rule is really against the sky, but with this rule, how did she get the ninth in the 100 cities list?" The pink girl only heard it back then and did not go to watch the battle.

"She has an extremely powerful divine treasure. As long as she is hit, she will either die or be injured, and she will also fall into imprisonment, dizziness, and more than a dozen negative forces." The night princess said.

"What **** treasure can be so powerful?"

The daughter of the lord of Dream Pavilion, her pink skirt fluttering, said curiously.

Su Jin squinted.

His eyes are useless.

It was useless to evolve, which was far beyond his expectation. No matter what, with Fuxi Daoxia blessing his many evolving insights, it is impossible that even an invisible guy can't find it.

But the truth is like this--

He couldn't even capture his breath. If it wasn't for the little girl who was still in the battlefield, or even talking just now, Su Jin would really think that there was an auditory hallucination.

"Can't find it, hahaha."

The little girl said again, "Hehe, brother, give up quickly, or if I take the first shot in a while, I can stun you all at once. You are now a master in the 100 cities list. That's not pretty! "

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