Pear flowers bring rain.


Little Mengluo, wearing a purple dress, seemed to have suffered a great grievance. His emotions even exaggerated the entire battlefield. Her deflated little mouth turned into a cry and her voice... spread throughout the entire Dark Night God City——

Su Jin is also very helpless.

This little girl is really strong.

Taken together, the strength is better than Wushan King.

"Here is this one again." The night princess secretly stuck her tongue out, and cried if she couldn't fight. The little witch was equipped with the standard means, as if she had used it once in the 100 cities list that year. Without admitting defeat, the soldiers will not be bloody. , Take down the opponent.

"Will Ye Yi be fooled?" the pink girl asked with weird eyes.

"I don't know." The night princess glanced at the master of the dream pavilion and her father, the night city master, and found that they were quite speechless——

"The Little Witch's 100 Cities List had experienced dozens of battles, and I knew that she had a lot of protoss, but many protoss still didn't know her origins. Now that there are so many protoss, those who don’t know think Ye Yi is bullying a child. ."


Now, everyone wants to see how Su Jin will deal with this situation.

It is impossible to kill.

"My son has no time to spend with you here. If you don't admit defeat, then it's a tie." Su Jin turned and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.

"A tie? A tie is okay--" Xiao Mengluo's cries stopped abruptly, and she laughed quickly. She didn't want to, and followed her.


Everyone can tell that Su Jin hasn't really acted... if the fight goes on, as long as the little witch does not rely on the ‘invisibility rule’, Su Jin will really be defeated by Su Jin——

City Lord's Mansion, above the sky.

The Dark Night City Lord had a solemn expression. He reversed his previous attitude and quickly said, "Brother Ye, please!"

Just kidding, where does the Lord of Dark Night dare to fight Su Jin? He only knew that Li Jun, who was against Su Jin, died.

Song Ming is dead.

Even King Wushan who wanted to avenge Li Jun died! The Dark Night City Lord’s life is very precious, and he will never provoke Su Jin again.

A group of great powers all welcomed Su Jin in...

The same goes for the Little Witch Mengluo, following Su Jin swaggeringly, not knowing what bad water is in her little head.

Although the battle has ended, the liveliness of the Dark Night God City has not diminished at all.

"Then Ye Yi drew with the little witch, is it also ranked in the top ten of the 100 cities list? Not ninth, should be tenth?" Some Protoss said with emotion.

"The Hundred Cities List has been in the past for a thousand years. Over the past thousand years, there have been many arrogances, and the list should have been re-ranked long ago, but this Ye Yi does have the ability to shoot in the top few, just now is the little witch. Normally any great power, even the city lord of our Dark Night God City, will be defeated by the devastating and rotten--"

"There are rumors, and some super powers have said that Ye Yi is already invincible in Hundred Cities. I don't know the true or false, and I don't know who predicted it."

"He turned out to be born in the Dark Night God City. From his appearance to the present, he has only used one sword, "The Moon on the Sea". No other swordsmanship has ever been used by him. No one knows how powerful this evil spirit is. ."

"It's so thrilling. I didn't expect that the little witch, the ninth in the 100 cities list, couldn't beat it, but she was forced to work hard by crying—"

"The night princess, who has just been awarded the title of'War God', must not be able to beat that little witch?"

"Of course I can't beat it!"


The deeds of the sword **** Ye Yi, after this, are being frantically spread, and it will not be long before the nearby cities will know that there is an invincible sword god'Ye Yi'!

And now--

The moon is bright and the stars are clear, and the Dark Night City Lord is extremely nervous. Not only will he have a big banquet in the middle of the night, but also obviously different from other noble gods in terms of specifications.

Su Jin did not stay at the banquet for too long. Tonight, it was difficult to find out about Di Linglong from the Lord of Dark Night. He said goodbye, and was finally left behind by the Lord of Dark Night and arranged in a pavilion with an elegant landscape.

This pavilion is built by the lake, and there are several separate wooden buildings on the north side with a superb view.

"Bad brother, bad brother." Su Jin sat in the living room, before the chair was warm, he heard a familiar voice--

"Little sister Mengluo, the ninth in the 100 cities list, the Dark Night City Lord didn't arrange a place for you?" Su Jin saw a Mengluo walking in as a small adult and asked with a smile.

"It's arranged, but I want to live here." Mengluo said seriously.

"Just live."

Su Jin laughed blankly. Anyway, there are more than a dozen rooms in the pavilion. You can live as you like, but this woman living here will inevitably be very noisy, and it will definitely make him a little troublesome.


Mengluo became proud, then stood on a chair and squatted down, and then stared at Su Jin and said, "Brother Ye Yi, you are not a Protoss from a hundred nearby cities?"

"Why do you see it?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

"After you are arranged here, the banquet is still going on. I seem to listen to the lord of the Dream Pavilion and the others talking about you, as if... as if the lord knows who you are." Mengluo blinked, as if The clear stars and moon in the sky looked at Su Jin and said.

"Oh?" Su Jin laughed, he was very satisfied, at least, at least the Dark Night City Lord had some ability to find out his identity——

"I heard from the dark night city lord, you seem to be out of the temple of suicide, you are really so powerful." Mengluo asked.

Kill the temple!

Compared with the Hundred Cities List, although the Hall of Killing Gods is a power, all the masters on the Hundred Cities List are naturally unable to compare with any of the Killing Gods in the Hall of Killing Gods, even the first in the Hundred Cities List.

You know, that is the Hall of Killing God, not a general force, in the Eternal God Realm, the Hall of Killing God is a prestigious existence.

Since Su Jin dared to use'Ye Yi' to enter this'Dark Night God City', naturally he was not afraid of who would find him. Then Ye Yi was dead, he turned into Ye Yi, no gods could tell, that is to say... he is now It's Ye Yi!

Ye Yi of the Temple of Killing God——

"It's okay, if you grow up, the future will be hard to limit." Su Jin smiled.

"Do you think I am suitable to be a God of Killer? My invisibility rules, plus my sneak attack method, how about joining the Hall of God of Killing?" Xiao Mengluo asked.

look forward to.

Little Mengluo looked forward to it.

"Not yet possible." Su Jin said seriously.


"The Killing Temple does not accept children."

"You... how do you look like a child? What do you look like? I have been born for more than a thousand years, and I am an old witch." Xiao Mengluo was dissatisfied, and she pouted and refused to follow her.

Su Jin was embarrassed and nodded and said: "If there is a chance in the future, I will introduce you to the Temple of Killing. It will definitely not work in a short time."

"Yeah! That's right, I am now determined to become a great murderer, the kind of invincible in the world!" Xiao Mengluo pulled up, her immature face fluttered with joy, in short, she was very confident.

Su Jin sighed, took a pot of wine out, and drank a little—

"To kill the gods, do you need to drink?" Xiao Mengluo asked.

"Of course not."

Su Jin smiled, deliberately bluffed her, and said, "Drinking can cause things to go wrong, especially for a sword repairer like me, which will affect the speed of sword production——"

Xiao Mengluo was dumbfounded for a moment, staring at Su Jin blankly, not knowing what to say about him, in the end, after a moment.

Su Jin and Xiao Mengluo all looked outside the door.

"Big Brother Ye." Princess Dark Night's face turned red.

"Come in." Su Jin looked at Princess Dark Night, then at the girl in pink, who is the daughter of the Lord of the Dream Pavilion, and invited her to come in.

"It's no wonder that Big Brother Ye's sword is so powerful. Father King said that you are a God of Killer in the Hall of Killing Gods. The Hall of Killing Gods is a very promising existence among hundreds of cities." The night princess envied.

She is upright.

And there is no way to be upright. When I first met during the day, she was still a little angry. After all, there were few'War God titles' among hundreds of cities, but now... the title of War God and Ye Yi's killing **** status. compared to……

That's not worth mentioning.

"It's just a fake name." Su Jin said lightly, and then he changed the subject and asked curiously: "What are your names? If you don't, you will be called The Night Princess."

"I won't tell you, I taught the'Moon on the Sea' I'll talk about it." Of course, the night princess is not afraid of Su Jin. If the other party wants to kill her, she would have been corpse on the street during the day.

The pink girl is still a little nervous. She is also the first time she has seen the Killing God in the Hall of Killing Gods. She was a little nervous and said: "I...I am Han Dieyi. Just call me Dieyi by Brother Ye."

"Yes." Su Jin looked at the two women.

The Princess of Dark Night was still dressed like that, but during the previous banquet, Han Dieyi was sitting with her mother, the lord of the Dream Pavilion, and he didn't take a close look.

Now at such a distance, Han Dieyi, in terms of beauty and figure, is not even close to Princess Dark Night——

"Father...Father is a little worried, and wants to ask me to ask Big Brother Ye, is there something wrong with our God City? Why... Why does the Great Killing God from the Temple of Killing appear here." When asked this sentence, she was also a little nervous. After all, she came here with a purpose, and it depends on how Su Jin responded.

Su Jin smiled and said, "Some private matters have nothing to do with your Dark Night God City——"

"Private business? Private business is fine." The night princess breathed a sigh of relief.

"Actually, it's not a big deal."

Su Jin hesitated, "Outside God's Domain, the law enforcement leader abdicated. We killed the Temple of God and suspected that the law enforcement leader was related to the recently famous terrorist powerhouse. Now that law enforcement leader is back in God's Domain, I was ordered to come and investigate."

"Leader of law enforcement?! Abdicate?" The dark night princess looked at Su Jin with even more admiration.

Sure enough, he is a big killer, even the law enforcement league can contact, but... the law enforcement leader abdicated, will he come back here?

"Today is late. Tomorrow I will ask my father and ask him to investigate. The terrifying powerhouse Ye Big Brother said" The Dark Night Princess has been in the mysterious realm of martial arts recently and won the title of'War God' ', indeed, some do not understand.

"An invincible strong man."


"Su Jin."

When he answered, Su Jin even wanted to laugh. It was a bit of fun for him to brag about himself.

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