My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3979: Still need posture?

Invincible and strong.

Su Jin?

Princess Dark Night was stunned for an instant. She had never heard the name, but Han Dieyi, who was beside her, trembled slightly, with fear in her eyes——

"Is that the strong man who killed the five thousand horror kings of the Eastern Gods? He also killed the landlord of the Eastern Gods, the **** of destruction!" Han Dieyi was terrified. I didn't expect this'Ye Yi' to be. In order to investigate the leader of the'law enforcement league' related to the invincible strong man.

this is too scary.

"Right." Su Jin nodded.

Night Princess, she was almost scared to death--

"A Su Jin? Killed five thousand Terror King Gods? And... even the domain lord was killed?" The night princess was scared and pale, breathing hard, and even a little dizzy.

What a powerful force is that!

"Is it that powerful? What is the rule of the King of Terror? Can it be comparable to my "rule of invisibility"?" Xiao Mengluo also asked after she passed Lengshen.


Can this be compared?

Night Princess and Han Dieyi both smiled bitterly, but they both knew how terrifying the little witch was when she went crazy, and shook their heads silently.

Xiao Mengluo was unhappy, she looked at Su Jin and asked, "Have you seen that strong man?"

"I have seen it from afar." Su Jin deliberately said solemnly.

"I'm good, or he is good." Xiao Mengluo stared at Su Jin with her watery eyes.

"If you cry, he and you can make a... a tie." Su Jin smiled.

"Who depends on crying, please answer well."

"Tie hand, is it all right?" Su Jin felt weak in his heart. This girl was too magical. Once a mist of water appeared in her big eyes, the black one had to be said to be white.

"It's almost the same. If I meet him some time, I will definitely want him to see and see how my'invisibility rules' are." Xiao Mengluo gave me the most invincible expression.

Su Jin nodded to the side, and then coaxed Xiao Mengluo to show her satisfaction.

"Isn't even Ye Big Brother Su Jin's opponent?" It is difficult for the dark night princess to imagine what kind of immortal power it was that could slaughter five thousand Terror King Gods, and even the Domain Lord Great Destruction God was beheaded.

"In the entire Eternal God Realm, the strong man may not be considered invincible, but... But the strength of the God of Destruction can be ranked among the top dozens in the entire Eternal God Realm." Han Dieyi said.

Night Princess looked at Su Jin with a little embarrassment--

After all, what he and Han Dieyi said faintly pointed to his ‘Ye Yi’, which was not as good as that of the terrifying powerhouse Su Jin.

Su Jin coughed lightly. Of course he wouldn't feel embarrassed, and then said: "Well, it's not as good as him, but it's normal, but as long as you learn to'bear the moon at sea' and face him in the future, he will never kill you. "

"Really?" The Night Princess widened her eyes in disbelief.

"Of course." Su Jin smiled.

"When will it start? What you said during the day, I feel in the clouds and mist, I don't feel it really, or...or I stay at night, you are so busy with things, you can't always teach me here." Said the night princess.

"Okay, it's okay anyway." Su Jin nodded.

"I want to learn too!" Xiao Mengluo naturally saw the power of Su Jin's sword, "Bright Moon on the Sea", and said quickly.

"You can't learn--" Su Jin looked at Xiao Mengluo with a speechless expression.

"I can!"

"I can't learn it, and learning sword is a very boring and monotonous thing, but if you are not sleepy, I can point you to the ‘invisibility rule’." Su Jin said.

"The rules of my talent are the rules of invisibility. told me to learn invisibility?" Xiao Meng Lola lowered her face, looking like you were playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong.

Su Jin said helplessly: "Your invisibility rules are very flawed. Previously, you were about a hundred miles away from me. Am I right?"

" did you know!" Xiao Mengluo strongly suspected that Su Jin was telling her before, otherwise how could she know that she was a hundred miles away at the time.

"Of course I know that your invisibility rules, for ordinary strong people, although you can be invisible nearby, but the closer you get to your opponent, your'invisibility rules' will be hard to resist. Even you can't control it and you will be caught by the opponent. Feel it, are not invincible?" Su Jin asked with a smile.


Xiao Mengluo's ‘invisibility rule’ does have a big flaw, but only she knows about it. Otherwise, she would be in the black pot behind her silently, who would suffer!

"What can you teach me?" Xiao Mengluo asked.

"Helping you hold the breath of rules, your strength will be more than twice as strong as it is now." Su Jin said with confidence on his face. He still has this confidence.

"Okay, you can't teach me, the baby wants you to look good--" Xiao Mengluo said to Su Jinfa with a fierce gesture.

Su Jin sighed, glanced at Han Dieyi, and slowly said, "Ms. Han, too, although you are not suitable for practicing swordsmanship, I can create a king magic for you. The power is comparable to the King of Terror. God, and after you reach the King of Terror, this technique will advance and surpass all the Divine Skills of the King of Terror."


Han Dieyi really didn't believe it.

But if she doesn't agree, it seems to be really embarrassing. Of course, she can see the problem very well. If this'Ye Yi' big brother has no means, it is impossible to subdue the little witch into this way.

Han Dieyi nodded.

"Big Brother Ye will stay in the city for a few days?" The Night Princess asked.

"I am afraid I can stay in a few days. I originally planned to leave tomorrow to find the law enforcement alliance, the former leader." Su Jin pretended to hesitate.

"Leave this to my father. As far as the investigation is concerned, no one in the hundred cities is better than our father. However, Brother Ye is sure, is the former leader of the law enforcement league really in the domain of the hundred cities?" Asked the night princess.

"I'm sure, but I don't know the exact location at the moment--" Su Jin said.

"Well, tomorrow I will ask the father to investigate, and this matter is extremely important to the Eternal God Realm, and father will definitely investigate it with all his strength." The Night Princess responded.

Su Jin was relieved now--

It's really troublesome to let him do the investigation alone.

"Big Brother Ye stayed here for a few days, and I stayed here for a few days, so I might learn to "bear the moon on the sea" earlier." The night princess thought for a while, "Actually, I live on the opposite side of the lake behind. far."

"I want to live in the best room." The little witch quickly began to look for them, one step ahead of them.

"How about you Dieyi?" The Night Princess looked at Han Dieyi.

"I...mother doesn't seem to say that I can stay for as long as possible." Han Dieyi didn't refuse, and said slowly.

"That's great, let's learn together—"

The night princess pulled up Han Dieyi and looked around, "You live in this room, I live in the room next to you."

"Okay." Han Dieyi nodded silently.

In fact, the atmosphere is quite subtle.

Han Dieyi’s usual teachings are all done by the master of Mengge, that is, her mother. Now... now it’s up to Su Jin to help her create a magical technique. Although she is looking forward to it, the expectations are not counted. Great, because that kind of magic is impossible in the entire eternal realm of God.

"Teach me first." The Night Princess said impatiently.

"Then you go out with me first--" Su Jin said.


"Just come out."

"Yeah. Die Yi, Big Brother Ye will teach you in a while. You come out and have a look to see if I have the talent to learn the'Bright Moon at Sea'." The night princess looked at Han Dieyi, and then walked out with Su Jin.

Han Dieyi naturally followed.

After coming out, I turned left and came to the lake—

The stars and bright moon in the sky felt a bit cold and secluded. Under this kind of moonlight, Princess Dark Night found a saber that had not been used for a long time in accordance with Su Jin's instructions.

This sword is ‘Three Feet Clear and Cold’. The whole body is ivory jade, and it is very delicately made, and it is also in line with the temperament of the daughter’s family.

"Use the sword you used to attack me." Su Jin motioned to Princess Night.

"Okay." The Dark Night Princess is a terrifying king who has just won the title of'War God'. Although she is only a new king, her shot is still very sharp. When she draws her sword, she looks like a white phoenix with wings spread out, covered by the snow on the sword. Jian Xia covered up and attacked Su Jin directly.

The blade protruded directly to Su Jin's left cheek——

"Too slow." Su Jin shook his head, "and the posture is wrong."

"What posture? Do you still need posture to kill with a sword?" The Night Princess asked curiously.

"of course."

Su Jin slowly walked towards the night princess, touched her arm, directly squeezed her beautiful wrist, arm, when grasping, at such a distance, a kind of young girl's fragrance instantly penetrated Su Jin's nostril, he did not Intoxicated for a long time, he turned and said: "Use the insights I taught you during the day to achieve a clear sword heart, at least to achieve the proficiency of using a sword like an arm. You just made this sudden, a pick, and a very awkward posture. Slightly unstable."

So complicated!

The night princess thought for a while, and began to remember Su Jin's words. Although she was also a little nervous, after all, the guy who could be so close to her was still a young man. Under this condition...her nervous mistakes were inevitable.


The Night Princess can obtain the title of'War God', she is indeed extremely talented, Su Jin can use it accurately with a little bit of dialling—

For half an hour, Princess Dark Night was also a little tired. She looked at Su Jin and said slightly: "How?"

"Don't use your supernatural powers, and see if you can sweep up a lake." Su Jin said.

"How can it be possible without divine power." The night princess even felt that Su Jin was making things difficult for her.

"I didn't let you stir up the tide. You forgot everything I told you during the day? Like this kind of swordsmanship, the Sword God can create 1,000 or 10,000 at will, without getting tired. ..." Su Jin said.

"I do." The night princess was not convinced, and she didn't need all the rules of supernatural power, just like a mortal woman, she started to swing her sword, and she swung her sword at the lake by the lake!

ten times!

No way!

Fifty times!

Or not!

Ahhh! When the night princess swung a hundred swords, she still didn't achieve the effect that Su Jin wanted. She couldn't figure out how, without divine power, how could the lake be rippling out of waves——

Under the resistance, five hundred swords!

Still no results.

Night Princess doesn't want to learn it!

"Follow the induction of the divine sword in your hand, plus the insights I taught you, close your eyes, and use the sword to draw the moonlight down...Try again." Su Jin said.

Princess Dark Night suddenly calmed down. She slowly raised her sword and closed her eyes, her whole body seemed to have fallen into an epiphany...

The body of the sword in her hand was trembling slightly, and wisps of white moonlight seemed to light it up.

The tide rises, the tide falls...

A sword swept away slowly, and the lake swayed with ripples and clear waves!

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