My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3980: Body of life and death

The eyes of the night princess slowly widened——

She is making progress!

Although the progress is small, it can at least arouse the moonlight and sweep out waves of small areas. This naturally has a great inspiration for her!

Originally, Night Princess didn't have confidence in herself, or she just felt that Su Jin was lying to her, she could not learn this sword at all, but now... she is full of confidence!

Under the bright moon, Han Dieyi was also sincerely envious. After all, the dark night princess has now been instructed by the killer ‘Ye Yi’ and has laid the foundation for that sword.

"I'm great, right?" The Night Princess looked at Su Jin, with a little pride on her face.

She has obtained the title of ‘War God’, and she can reach the entry point of this sword in just half an hour, her talent is already terrifying——

"Reluctantly, the perception needs to be strengthened. As for the problem of sword posture, it is difficult to solve, unless you carry out systematic learning and long-term exercise to achieve perfection." Su Jin looked at the night princess and said calmly.

"Anyway, it can't be compared with you. By the way, how long will it take for me to practice this sword to your level?" asked the night princess.

"Cultivation, perception, especially the perception of life and death in battle, cannot be achieved overnight... Maybe you can achieve it in ten or a hundred years, but the power will vary greatly, or you may never achieve it."

Su Jin was not joking--

How many times he has gone through life and death, this sword seems simple, but in fact, it takes a long way to go for the night princess to achieve the power of his sword.

"You will teach me the sword posture for a while, and then teach Dieyi." The night princess was afraid that Su Jin would leave now, and she was unwilling to swing the sword by the lake again and again.

Su Jin hesitated, "Okay, I'll help you correct the sword posture for a while, and then you can go to rest."

He also counted on Princess Dark Night to wake up tomorrow morning and call City Lord Dark Night to investigate Di Linglong's affairs, and then practice again. After a few hours, the sky will be bright.

"Good." The Night Princess nodded.

Then Su Jin began to teach——

"Cross arm, the fingers holding the sword are not right, straight." Su Jin kept teaching.

Princess Dark Night’s face was flushed, red like a ripe apple, her hand was touched, and her waist was corrected by Su Jin's hand. Although she was better in the sword posture, she was a princess. Have such an experience?

After a short while, the Princess of Dark Night could barely maintain the sword posture. Su Jin confessed to her and asked her to cut three hundred swords. Only after completing the effect of the sound of the tide, did she signal Han Die. clothes--

Is it me?

Han Dieyi had no confidence in Su Jin.

She was here to join in the fun, but she didn't expect Su Jin to promise her benefits.

Quite embarrassing.

Han Dieyi looked at the back of Su Jin walking in front, feeling a little uncomfortable in his heart——

Indeed, Song Ming and him, whether it is tolerance or other things, seems to have a gap in the sky.

Silently walked into the room the Night Princess arranged for her.

"Come on." Su Jin asked Han Dieyi to sit on the side of the bed and said slowly: "Release your King God's rules."

Two groups of pink appeared on Han Dieyi’s cheeks and nodded. Since she came here, she knew the gap between geniuses. She and the Dark Night Princess generation, the other party has already won the title of'War God' and showed her head. Successfully promoted to the King of Terror, so she was quite embarrassed.

"The origin of my Kingshen rule...has...something special." Han Dieyi was a little bit afraid to raise his head, finally raised his head and glanced at Su Jin, then quickly lowered and said to Su Jin.

"Special?" Su Jin was taken aback.

Han Dieyi nodded, raised his arm gently, and released the wisps of Kingshen Rules.


Su Jin stared blankly.

Where is this king's rule? This can only be regarded as some kind of divine power, and Han Dieyi's power does not belong to the category of rules——

Han Dieyi was a little embarrassed, "This is a secret, my mother won't let it spread."

Su Jin gently absorbed the strands of green and black power with his palm. This kind of power seemed to be a living thing in his palm, almost trying to escape.

"You can't control it?" Su Jin asked curiously as he watched Han Dieyi clenching his teeth.

"Yeah—" Han Dieyi said ashamed.

Chi Chi~~

Su Jin withdrew his power. The strands of green and black power instantly began to corrode his palm, but he was still prepared to directly recover the wound.

"What else did your mother tell you?" Su Jin asked.

"Mother said that this is a kind of illness and a kind of strength, and she can't say it well." Han Dieyi shook his head, his expression showing no signs of lying.

Su Jin thought for a while, and smiled: "It's not a disease, nor is it a power, but two."

"Two kinds?" Han Dieyi was astonished, a little unbelieving what Su Jin said.

"Cyan is one kind, black is one... so chaotic and unclear, your mother has no solution. She probably took you to find a lot of powerful doctors, but no one can solve it—" Su Jin Said lightly.

"What you said... is very accurate." Han Dieyi thought for a while and continued: "My power is not weak, and it is not like the rules of the gods of the Protoss. My mother created the Dream Pavilion and took me Hidden world, I'm afraid that after foreign affairs, unlike other protoss, you will feel inferior--"

"No need to feel inferior."

Su Jin smiled: "Not only do you don't need to be inferior, but you are far more noble than other protoss, belong to a natural god."

"Naturally... God?" Han Dieyi was even more strange.

"Two powers, one is the power of life, the other is the power of death, life and death are entangled, so... because of your **** body, these two powers will cause unimaginable powers." Su Jin marveled at the gods. The wonder of the body.

He felt that this Han Dieyi was the most miraculous of the Protoss he encountered. If this ‘body of life’ can be used, the future is definitely promising!

"Many horror powers have treated me, and no one has ever said that I am a ‘natural god’s body’." Han Dieyi shook his head, still believing that Su Jin was making her happy.

"I set up a space here, you use your means to attack me, I will naturally make you believe." Su Jin waved his hand and turned into a space, pulling Han Dieyi into it——


Su Jin and Han Dieyi face each other, about ten meters apart.

"Then...then I will do it." Han Dieyi's hands interlaced on her upper body, and bursts of blue and black power quickly hovered around her.

However, Han Dieyi's complexion was a bit wrong when she reached here. She tried to suppress her strength below the jade neck, but even so, her neck skin still showed a trace of black and white cracks. Some of the blood is faintly visible.

"This is because you can't control your power."

Su Jin said: "In fact, it cannot be said that you are not in good control. It is because you cannot separate the two powers. Your body. I need to find a way to solve this problem in a while."

"Well—" Han Dieyi said embarrassedly: "If I exert the power of the Peak King God, it will become something I don't want to see, so I can't fully display my combat power."

"Attack." Su Jin said.

Han Dieyi's pink dress was fluttering, and the divine body was rising up like an immortal. Then, all around the space was completely enveloped by the blue and black power.

The bluish-black altars immediately surrounded Su Jin like a stone mountain.

"Did you see? These altars are extremely fragile, just as fragile as your current divine body." Su Jin lightly tapped, and a blue-black altar was directly shattered, without any effort--

"You're right, I... my body is really vulnerable to severe injuries under the power of exertion." Han Dieyi saw that Su Jin was right again and again, and hope began to grow in his heart, looking at Su Jin.

"Now I use my strength to separate the two divine powers you released."

Su Jin lightly stepped on his feet, ‘Fuxi Gossip’ in circles, directly floating out——

The blue and black magical power released by Han Dieyi instantly began to be captured by the rotating Fuxi gossip!

Cyan, black, two powers quickly returned to the two Yin Yang fish.

Really separated!

Han Dieyi was taken aback, she never thought it would be like this--

"Sure." Su Jin told Han Dieyi to stop releasing his supernatural power.

Han Dieyi was a little unclear.

Under Su Jin's sign, he walked into Fuxi's gossip——

Su Jin gently raised his hand, and the two powers of cyan and black instantly swirled from the yin and yang.

"Use your divine mind to control death divine power first." Su Jin said.


How to control?

Han Dieyi pinched the corner of his clothes and looked at Su Jin with a puzzled look.

She will not.

"These are your powers and will obey you. This is the magic of the body of the natural gods. You control the death power to attack me according to your own ideas." Su Jin said.

"Yes." Han Dieyi nodded, and she lightly pointed at the black yin fish, turning those black death powers into an altar——

Su Jin's heart was shocked, and the black altar was faint, with words up and down...Is this Han Dieyi really the ‘natural god’s body’ created by the womb? The Lord of the Dream Pavilion is really mysterious. According to common sense, Han Dieyi is definitely not born of a divine womb——

"Curse, weakness, corrosion... dozens of negative states, all of which can be circulated from this altar." Su Jin was secretly surprised and slowly said to Han Dieyi.

Han Dieyi said a little embarrassed: "I know the power of cursing, but I don't know what you said... and my mother said that my talent is not too good."

"Your future achievements will be far above the night princess. If this is not good, who is good?"

Su Jin smiled bitterly, and then said in an encouraging tone: "Try your spiritual power--"

Han Dieyi also looked forward to it.

She has never understood that she actually has two divine powers, and she still doesn't know why it is like a rule, but not a rule. In short, she has always thought that she is an alien.

Encouraged by Su Jin.

Han Dieyi was a little nervous, and controlled the spiritual power.

"It's Fuzhuan." Han Dieyi instinctively condensed the cyan creature's divine power into the shape of an altar.

"Bless my body." Su Jin was not surprised.

At the same time that Su Jin's voice fell, Han Dieyi had already blessed those creatures and seals on Su Jin——

Just a moment.

Even Su Jin was instantly stunned.

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