My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3981: Kill as many as you come!

Seeing Su Jin's face like this--

Han Dieyi didn't know for a moment whether the result was good or bad, but he always felt that it shouldn't be too bad. It was still with Su Jin's help to separate the two divine powers of life and death with that gossip array.

Although both divine powers belonged to her, life and death were entangled and the chaos was unclear, and she did not know what would happen in the end.

"Pray for blessing, blessing, blessing, healing, and even...some powers of resurrection...there are also dozens of positive gains, are simply a freak." Su Jin has encountered many geniuses recently.

Li Jun counts as one, Song Ming counts as one, and Princess Dark Night is barely counted...

But none of these arrogances can match Han Dieyi. If Han Dieyi's power can be controlled by herself, her potential will far exceed any gods!

Even more powerful than the current Di Linglong--

This is not a boast--

"But, the two divine powers can't be separated, what's the use? The two powers are entangled, life and death are entangled, but it hurts me." Han Dieyi said, looking at Su Jin.

"Although I have a way for you to use these two powers for the time being, I can only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause, and cannot solve them completely. If you have to stay with me for a while, I should be able to figure out a way." Su Jin looked at Han Die Yi said.

Su Jin looked forward to it.

Really look forward to it.

Like Han Dieyi's situation, he naturally wanted to eradicate, and wanted to see her potential in the future, even if she didn't want it, and the Lord of the Dream Pavilion didn't know if she would stop it.

"How long?" Han Dieyi couldn't help asking.

"One year? Five months? In short, a few months is almost the same. It will be very troublesome to balance the two divine powers." Su Jin said.

Han Dieyi thought... I thought it would be thousands of years--

As a result, only a few months? The longest, but only a year? This is very short for the Protoss.

"My mother might not be willing." Han Dieyi sighed.

"It's okay. If your mother is for your own good, she will naturally agree. I will temporarily allow you to use two powers, and then we will completely solve your problem of entanglement with life and death."

Su Jin lightly pointed, and Han Dieyi suddenly struck a spirit, feeling that the power in his body was disturbed--

She raised her head blankly, watching the divine power of life and the divine power of death quickly merge in an orderly manner above her head, and then, a wonderful totem began to sink and float on top of her head!

"See, how troublesome it is!"

Su Jin explained: "Life and death are entangled, and the world of reincarnation appears. These two powers are currently suppressed by my power. In addition, I use the formation method in my power. Even if you step out of this Dao formation, you can start to practice these two This kind of supernatural power, but you and me, can never be together forever, so... just treat the symptoms, not the root cause, once you get away from me, my power cannot suppress it, and your previous situation will appear."

Han Dieyi believes now and believes Su Jin very much—

Nodding busy, Han Dieyi began to feel confident in his heart!

"You can't control the two powers anymore. Your mother must have not told you that if you let them entangle for a thousand years, you will probably die too. You must know that life and death are in reincarnation, just like water and fire fighting against each other. Understand?" Su Jin couldn't help reminding Han Dieyi.

"I know." Han Dieyi nodded seriously.

Su Jin withdrew from the Dao array.

Without the influence of the Dao Formation, Han Dieyi felt relaxed. She had never felt this relaxed. When the two divine powers regained her body, Su Jin's pressure on the pressure began to faintly start to take effect.

Han Dieyi glanced inwardly, feeling that the power in his limbs was black and blue, as if he was disturbed by another power, and he didn't feel entangled anymore.

Thought of this.

Han Dieyi's hands intertwined on her upper body again, and the two forces quickly swirled around her, and her head began to outline a world of reincarnation again!

"I can control this world of reincarnation, and many mysteries seem to be clearer in my body." Han Dieyi feels that the current self is many times stronger than the previous one!

Faintly, she even touched the threshold of the terrifying king **** realm——

That kind of shackles, I am afraid, will only come after Su Jin completely solves her problem.

Han Dieyi only needs a thought. The space set up by Su Jin directly turned into a ‘reincarnation world’. The kind of power she had never dared to imagine before!

"If I break through, how far is it from Big Brother Ye?" Han Dieyi was grateful, looked at Su Jin expectantly, and asked.

"I am not only good at kendo..."

Su Jin said with a little helpless tone, "Under the overall situation, it's a hundred times the distance? I'm not sure. If you break through in a year, I will try to fight with me."

Han Dieyi was slightly disappointed.

Is the gap so big?

However, after a brief disappointment, Han Dieyi cheered up again. Anyway, she is now very satisfied, and she can use two powers temporarily, and when used, she still looks beautiful, and there is no need to worry about the broken body. ——

There will be no painful feeling.

Su Jin said something to pay attention to, and took Han Dieyi out of the set space and returned to the room.

"I'm going to tell my mother the good news..." Han Dieyi said expectantly.

"Go--" Su Jin frowned slightly, his eyebrows pierced, and he slowly opened.

Han Dieyi disappeared in the room.

Su Jin could still hear the sword practice sound of Princess Dark Night outside, and he looked towards the north of Dark Night God City.

There... it was the place where he fought against the Great King Wushan yesterday, and the place where he fought against the little witch. Now a touch of fluctuations is coming.

"Who is it—" Su Jin squinted, and the sight that emerged in his divine pupil made him feel bad.

After all, he entered the ‘Eternal God’s Realm’, and the **** who killed the gods was not completely beheaded by him near the teleportation array, and he left troubles.

In Su Jin's perception.

There are several figures in the void in the north of the city, hiding the void, and the murderous aura can definitely be described as amazing!

Is it the King of Terror in the Temple of Killing? Su Jin is not sure, but most of it is. He took out the identity card and his perception became clearer.

This kind of fluctuation was uploaded from the identity crystal card. He turned into ‘Ye Yi’. The previous Ye Yi had been killed by him and came under a false name. Although he was fake, the identity crystal card was not fake!

"Ye Yi! Come here!"

Strands of mysterious communication came from the identity card, Su Jin’s mouth raised a playful smile——


Su Jin appeared directly in the north of the city!

In the dense forest of peaks and mountains, Haoyue slanted west, and several black figures also walked out from the corner of a big mountain.

"Everyone, what is going on looking for Ye Mou?" Su Jin glanced at it, and there were eight powerful people who killed the temple.

"You really dare to show up!"

A woman in black with a perfect figure, covered in a black veil, with a tall nose, and fluttering black hair. With such a fairy temperament, her face should not be bad!

"Why don't I dare to show up?" Su Jin asked lightly.

"You took Su Jin into the Eternal God Realm before, Su Jin...where is it so far?" The black-clothed woman dipped, and said in a questioning tone. Her pair of dan eyes, with murderous intent, stared at Su Jin closely. .

"Do you think I can beat Su Jin?"

Su Jin perfectly used the identity of'Ye Yi' and entered, looking at the eight horror king gods including the woman, and slowly said: "He is gone, I don't know where he is going."

"you're lying!"

The black-clothed woman said: "Who are you? Sword God Ye Yi, we are very familiar, but you have given me a very strange feeling, and... he will never use a sword, "Bright Moon on the Sea", you... …Who is it—"

"Do you think Su Jin is not good?" Su Jin directly answered the question that was not asked.

"Naturally, he killed the Great Destruction God, and more than 5,000 Terror King Gods of the Eastern Divine Region, of course it was amazing." The black-clothed woman said.

"more than."

Su Jin slowly said: "He also killed a lot of powerhouses who killed the gods, and almost wiped out the horror kings of the law enforcement alliance."

" haven't answered me yet--" The woman in black only bit her silver teeth.

"I've already answered, you shouldn't have come to find me, I'm so powerful, you have only eight horror king gods, dare to show up?" Su Jin laughed.

The black-clothed woman immediately changed her complexion--

"You, you are not Ye are..." When the black-clothed woman said, she was already secretly crying out!

Earlier, they used their unique identity crystal cards to contact Ye Yi with the unique contact method of the Palace of Killing Gods. In the perception of her and the other seven horror king gods, Ye Yi was indeed the same Ye Yi, whether it was appearance or identity crystal. The cards are all true!


But how could the woman in black think it would be like this--

Such Ye Yi is still a fake!

But now that I think about it, it really makes sense. Ye Yi was kidnapped by Su Jin at the time, and now he appears alone in the Dark Night God City, which does not conform to common sense!


The eight horror king gods hardly saw how Su Jin made a move, and they all pointed at the ‘fixing the gods’ technique, and directly fixed them in place!


There were waves of horror, and when Su Jin took a step forward, the remaining seven black-clothed and masked horror king gods all burst into powder! I couldn't even make a scream--

The woman in black looks pale!

She knew she couldn't escape. In the hands of this big demon, who could escape? Even the God of Destruction was beheaded alive.

"You are Su Jin..." The woman in black was completely desperate.

"So you shouldn't come here so recklessly." Su Jin walked to the black-clothed woman and kept looking at the other person's perfect figure, and finally glanced at her.

"What are you going to do! You have been targeted by our Killing Temple, we...we..."

"Does your'Hall of Killing God' have the power of the entire Eastern Gods? Don't be afraid to tell you, I will kill as many as there are strong people in the Temple of Killing." Su Jin's words directly shattered all the hopes of the woman in black.

Su Jin raised his hand and put his finger on her black veiled right cheek.

Her cheeks are hot and she is nervous--

The black-clothed woman felt Su Jin's fingers and said in fear, "You, you kill me!"

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