My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3982: Ye Qingying

kill me!

The black-clothed woman was terrified. She had never seen Su Jin's powerfulness. The murderer who killed the Quartet and washed the blood of the Eastern Divine Territory Terror King was right in front of her eyes——

Anyway, she just saw it!

Just now, except for Su Jin's intention to leave her, the remaining seven Terror King God powerhouses were instantly destroyed and completely perished.

This kind of strength is enough to make the gods look up to the point——

Su Jin lifted her black veil, and a complete fox face was revealed. Except for her nervousness, her face was a little abnormally white, she felt that she could be called Bing Qing Yuzhen.

She was extremely tall, half a head taller than Night Princess and Han Dieyi. In addition to Bingqing's temperament, Su Jin's entire face gave Su Jin a special feeling.

This woman...I'm afraid that she is born rebellious, so she must distinguish her from the imperial court. She also brought two copies of Jieyu, which is not easy to control.

"Why are you here to provoke me?" Su Jin seemed to be asking himself, as if he was asking the black-clothed woman, and the'Hall of Killing'.

Woman in black:...

If she knew that Su Jin was holding the identity card of'Ye Yi', she would not dare to lead the team even if she gave her a thousand courage! But the situation is so dramatic, this killing **** can even disguise it so that all the gods can't see it!

"You are a rebellious god, and the common enemy of the gods and gods——" The black-clothed woman forcibly endured fear, looked at Su Jin with a little bit of hatred, and said.

"How much do I exist? I need you to comment on it? Listen, if you want to live, there is only one way."

Su Jin likes to challenge the most, and smiles slightly: "That is only to surrender, surrender to my rebellious god."

"Impossible." The woman in black shook her head flatly.


Su Jin raised his head and smiled lightly, squinted, and gently stroked the face of the woman in black with the back of his fingers, the jade neck, until the roots of her ears turned red, he said with a little murderous intent in his tone, and said: "The law enforcement league offends me , I was almost destroyed, the God of Destruction led five thousand Terror Kings to come to me, and was also destroyed by me. Now you'kill the temple' and still want to come to death, what qualifications do you have to challenge me?"

The woman in black became more afraid as she listened to it--

"Don't worry about revenge, surrender to me, the height I will reach in the future, there must be a place next to you, what kills the temple, what is the powerhouse of the eternal gods, I can destroy it with my hand!" Su Jin shouted again.

The woman in black shook her head.


"Surrender me, surrender me, surrender me—"

Su Jin silently used the words "Speak out and follow the law."

Shake your head!

Still shaking his head--

The black-clothed woman felt as if she had heard a hallucination. She was covering her ears, but Su Jin's voice seemed to be blocked even if the five senses and six senses were blocked!

Su Jin frowned tightly.

Still not working?

Although he had anticipated it, he was still a little unwilling. After all, he saw that this woman was born with rebellion and could not be mistaken, and he really didn't understand what the other party had to insist on.

"Oh, nothing." Su Jin put his hand behind him.

Turned around.

Facing the dark night city.

"You... are you going to let me go?" The black-clothed woman couldn't help but ask. Now she found that the power of the'concentration technique' had long since disappeared. The reason why she didn't dare to move just now was entirely due to the killing of the gods. fear.

"Otherwise?" Su Jin's mouth raised.

"Are you not afraid that I will spread the news? Then let your fake leaf be exposed? You are not even afraid that I will return the news to the Temple of Killing?" The woman in black was even more puzzled. She was afraid that Su Jin would be assassinated when she left. , It is not impossible to do with the opponent's ability.

"I want you to spread the news. The bigger the message, the better. It's better to let the entire eternal realm know that I am here. As for the Temple of Killing Gods, if I speak out, your master, dare to bring all the Killing Gods. Is it?" Su Jin asked back.

The woman in black was startled.

She understands--

Since the opponent dared to come to the Eternal God Realm, he would dare to bear the consequences of a battle with the entire God Realm!

This kind of courage, this kind of confidence, and this strength, isn't this the top of the gods that all the strong want to climb? Although the woman in black felt that there was only one Su Jin, unable to contend the entire Eternal God Realm, the previous news did prove that Su Jin was not to be provoke.

"Just now you said that I only have one way to survive, but now you want to let me go again... How do I believe you." The black-clothed woman was afraid of being hit by Su Jin, but she felt it carefully, and her body was nothing unusual.

"Believe it or not, if you doubt it, you just couldn't survive just now—"

Seeing Su Jin is about to leave.

The woman in black hesitated and said, "Wait."

The corners of Su Jin's mouth rose slightly and stopped.

The black-clothed woman thought about it secretly. Her mission failed. As the leader, she lost seven powerful masters of the King of Terror. This was another blow to the entire Hall of Killing God.

Go back... Even if she doesn't die, she will be severely punished!

"You want me to surrender to you, the risk is extremely high, and the status you mentioned is absolutely difficult to achieve now. I can't see the benefits, and it will even cause a murder." The black-clothed woman stared at Su Jin and said.

"Then let me come, you can naturally see the benefits." Su Jin's figure seemed to turn into an arc streamer, falling into the city lord's mansion.

The woman in black breathed a sigh of relief--

One thing to say is that the pressure that Su Jin has caused on her is absolutely terrifying, and it is pretty good that she hasn't gagged. Looking at the seven piles of dust on the ground, she shuddered a little!

Without hesitation, she also followed Su Jin's road and fell directly into the City Lord's Mansion!

For the first time, the Dark Night City Lord discovered the Dark Night Woman, but when he saw that Su Jin and the woman were in the same trajectory before, he determined that they knew each other, and did not ask.

In the past, no one dared to enter the City Lord’s Mansion directly like this——

No one will do.

By the lake, the night princess has completed all the tasks assigned to her by Su Jin. She feels that she has a deeper understanding of the sword "the moon is born on the sea". Even, she is now confident that every tenth wave will stimulate the tide. Sound, Yuehua.

"You came right after training, eh? Who is she?" After the night princess saw Su Jin appeared, there was a very fast voice behind her, slowly showing her figure.

Su Jin smiled and said, "Colleagues."

"Kill the Temple, Shadow." The woman in black had already put on the black veil again when she first arrived. Now facing the inquiry of the Night Princess, her voice has returned to the original indifference.

The night princess was stunned right away, but soon she nodded to the black-clothed woman with a hint of respect on her face.

After all, Ye Yi is the Killing God of the Killing God Hall, and it is normal for his colleagues to appear nearby.

"I won't bother you. Go back to take a shower and find your father Wang. It won't be long before the former leader of the law enforcement league will be found. Talk to you." The night princess wiped her sweat and said.

Yes, she sweats a lot.

She didn't need her own strength to wield the initial effect of a sword "Born on the Sea". She had forgotten how many swords she had swung, and she was so tired.

Su Jin nodded, watching the night princess leave——

"Your name is Ying?" Su Jin glanced at the woman in black.

"Code name."

"Then my code name is Yi--" Su Jin laughed lightly.

Ying's eyes are a little unnatural. She should have noticed the problem long ago. The real Ye Yi has absolutely no such sword skills as Su Jin. She had heard that Ye Yi was on the street and defeated the princess with a sword. The thirteen horror kings within Shenqi, she should lead the team to retreat.


It's too late.

"My name is Ye Qingying, remember." The black-clothed woman snorted softly.

"Then we can have a role-play. Ye Yi, you Ye Qingying, both are named Ye." Su Jin said.

"You..." Ye Qingying seemed to be breaking this piece, and she couldn't beat Su Jin. In the end, she was slightly startled and asked: "Just now, were you teaching her to practice sword?"

"Right." Su Jin smiled and responded calmly.

"Fancy her." Ye Qingying faintly sneered.

"I fell in love with you, isn't this also about you?" Su Jin joked, staring at Ye Qingying's figure wrapped in black clothes.

The delicate and tiny details seem to be ten thousand times clear in Su Jin's eyes. Her white lotus root arms, long and slender catkins, plus the face of Qingyu with a bit of anti-skeletal temperament——

Su Jin seemed to be deeply poisoned by her!

Ye Qingying was embarrassed, clenched her teeth secretly, and couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect that a peerless power like you would be so superficial--"


Since Ye Qingying was already ups and downs with herself, Su Jin naturally didn't care too much. He took Ye Qingying into the pavilion, signaled her to find a room to live in, and then began to return to the room, quietly waiting for a good news to come.

Two hours passed-


Its daybreak.

Su Jin opened his eyes on the bed, and after getting out of bed to wash, he strode out.

The clear sky of the sun seems to have a sense of thousands of miles.

"Big Brother Ye." Han Dieyi blushed and also walked out of the attic.

"Did your mother agree?" Su Jin turned to look at Han Dieyi and asked with a smile.

"Yeah." Han Dieyi said a little embarrassed: "Mother said that as long as Big Brother Ye can heal me, it can take a long time. By the way, I just saw an older sister in black walking out. She is... "

"She also went out of the temple of suicide." Su Jin naturally didn't have to hide it.

Su Jin relied on feeling a little, glanced, and said again: "Let's walk together."

On the right side of the pavilion, a tree-lined path leads directly to a stone bridge, and a stream stretches along the shore of the lake. Su Jin looked at a figure in black in the green willow pavilion, who was not Ye Qingying?

Han Dieyi became nervous. She knew that the black-clothed sister's cultivation was far better than her, and her cultivation years were longer than hers, which seemed to her to be particularly mysterious.

"Emperor Linglong, the leader of law enforcement, is said to be extremely beautiful, you wouldn't—" Ye Qingying naturally saw Su Jin coming. She saw Han Dieyi, and then looked at Su Jin. When the voice was transmitted, she was surprised. .

"Why do you always pay attention to my emotional affairs?" Su Jin asked indifferently, and then stood beside Ye Qingying.

Ye Qingying was speechless, looking directly at the sparkling waves on the lake, really too lazy to pay attention to Su Jin anymore——

In the conversation between the two horror kings, Han Dieyi was not good at talking, just sticking his tongue out.

The breeze passed a row of thin willows.

In less than two quarters of an hour, there was a rapid pace from outside the pavilion.

"Big Brother Ye!" The Night Princess said.

Su Jin raised his sword eyebrows and couldn't help but tremble.

"Can you find it?" Su Jin asked the princess, staring at the night.

"Almost, Father Wang investigated overnight and found the three most suspicious locations. The law enforcement leader is definitely in one of these three possible locations." The Night Princess nodded confidently and said.

Three suspicious locations!


With joy in Su Jin's eyes, he slowly said, "How long will it be finalized? Do you have a map marked by your father? There are only three locations, I will personally confirm."

"Yes!" The night princess was obviously prepared, knowing that Su Jin was eager to find, Dang even drew out a map scroll.

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