My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3983: Reincarnation Platform

The scroll of this map was crystal clear, with special divine power circulating on it from time to time. Su Jin saw the location of the Dark Night God City and the outline of the nearby hundreds of cities.

Mountains, dense forests, rivers, oceans, and even some special locations are extremely detailed.

Hecheng, where, at a glance.

There are three obvious signs on the map, all marked in bold red. The nearest location is in the east along the sea and north.

Su Jin's eyes flickered.

"There is no need for your father to investigate again, I will go now--" Su Jin said lightly.

"Take me." The Night Princess asked.

Su Jin:...

Then, Su Jin's eyelids twitched, "I can go together if I want."

"Of course you have to take me. You haven't fully taught me the sword'Bright Moon on the Sea', and I heard that Dieyi will stay with you too?" The night princess' eyes flickered, carrying a little Asked with a smirk.

"My health is not good, Brother Ye can diagnose and treat me. Don't get me wrong if you have to stay with Brother Ye." Han Dieyi said quickly.

"Got it. Together--" The Night Princess said with a smile.

"Go to the nearest place first. If you take the middle one, the locations on both sides will be very time consuming." Su Jin decided.

"I have no opinion." Ye Qingying said.

"Does this elder sister go too... That's right, you are all masters of the Temple of Killing." The Night Princess was not surprised.

Ye Qingying thought to herself that if she hadn't taken a fancy to Su Jin's potential and she was afraid of being blamed for going back, she would not want to take risks like this, and because of her height, she had just glanced at the locations marked on the three map scrolls.

All are extremely dangerous places--

Su Jin waved his hand gently, and the entire lake began to rippling. In the eyes of Princess Dark Night, a sword appeared on the sea!

Giant Excalibur.

"Come on." Su Jin stepped on.

Ye Qingying, Dark Night Princess, and Han Dieyi all walked up.

In just a moment, the divine sword appeared directly on the shore of the sea as if it had escaped from the sky.

The blue sea here seems to be clearer than anywhere else, blue!

Under the white clouds, the sword body was extremely stable. Su Jin started along the beach and hurried towards the marked location.

But soon, he discovered the problem.

Although it is constantly far away from the marked location, this is only a map. It will take several hours to find the nearest location in the northeast.

This is already fast, the Eternal God's Realm is mostly wild and uncivilized areas, so shuttle, the average Terror King God really dare not rush away like this.

"Unfortunately, the place where the law-enforcement leader goes cannot pass through the portal, otherwise it won't be so troublesome." The Night Princess said slowly.

"At this speed, after an hour and a half, you will enter the Earth of Suspension. The level of danger there is no less than that of the Jedi. In fact, no one can draw a complete map of the entire Eternal Gods Realm. No one knows what dangers will be encountered. "Ye Qingying looked at Su Jin solemnly, and said slowly.


Ye Qingying's worry is unnecessary.

After she finished speaking, she also felt this way.

Su Jin is a strong man who can kill the Great Destruction God of the Eastern Divine Region, how could he be stopped by a broken air?

"Big Brother Ye is so strong, it should be fine." Han Dieyi was nervous with some expectation.

"Yeah, are we taking this as an adventure?" The Night Princess was also full of expectation.

Su Jin smiled, and said: "Your father is really capable. It is beyond my expectation to be able to find these in less than one night."

"Hey, you don't know. Most of the deserted land is wild. In fact, there is a safe path to pass through, but that road is not here. If you go around, it is really not worth it."

The night princess paused, and continued: "Even if the land of the empty sky is big, it is within the range of a hundred cities. There are several ancient cities in the land of the empty sky. There are connections between the city owners. If the law enforcement leader is really here. A certain place within a hundred cities is not too difficult to find."

Su Jin understood.

Did not ask again.

Ye Qingying glanced at Su Jin, then she stopped talking, but finally she didn't say anything.

After all, how could the law enforcement leader get to the three locations marked? Those three locations were all Jedi, Ye Qingying just didn't have the right to question, but she also believed in the kind of connection between hundreds of cities.

Being able to confirm these three suspicious locations in a short period of time would not even kill the Temple of God.

"Die Yi, what kind of disease did you have?" Seeing that there was nothing to do, the night princess began to ask in a low voice.

"Uh...I can't tell." Han Dieyi looked at Su Jin and hesitated.

"Don't worry, we will be good sisters in the future. You don't have to hide everything from me. If there is a need, there are still a lot of superb magic medicines in my treasure house. I can take them out and treat them for you." There is no dissatisfaction, after all, who doesn't have any secrets, and getting sick can indeed cause dislike.

"She is not sick, but her strength is chaotic. It's not difficult to think of a solution when she has time." Su Jin said.

"Power confusion?" The Night Princess was startled.

She has seen Han Dieyi not once or twice, and she seems to have never heard anyone say that it is a power issue.

Han Dieyi nodded silently, admitting Su Jin's words--

"I'm looking for a Horror King God, let her try a blow, and you can see the problem." Su Jin looked at the wild mountain and wasteland in the distance, and instantly wandered into a cave of the demon god.

Su Jin changed the direction of the sword and appeared directly at 87,000 miles away. He watched the surrounding **** fog and continued to smile and said, "Use your current power for them."

"I...I?" Han Dieyi became nervous, she felt the terrifying breath of the King of Terror, the killing intent was extremely strong, and it was in a cave of the demon **** a hundred miles ahead!

"Be confident, you can." Su Jin smiled.

The blood mist rolled up.

A silver mountain python rolled out of the demon cave in an instant, and the blood mist around it quickly turned into blood clouds, and its figure looked like a ‘white dragon’ from the thick blood cloud—

"Who are you? Why do you want to sleep around me!" The silver mountain python thundered and thundered, and the sound of its mouth was as strong as a drum.

"We are the Killing Gods of the Hall of Killing Gods." Su Jin responded casually and directly signaled to Han Dieyi: "Hands."

Kill the temple!

The silver mountain python was like a big enemy, and its tail straightened up——

Ye Qingying was helpless. Does this guy want to let ‘Hall of Killing’ bear all the trouble along the way? This is indeed a very clever way.

Besides, there is no loss.

Now Su Jin tells Han Dieyi to do what she does—

As soon as he heard his hands, Han Dieyi stood on the body of the sword, raising his hands gently, his left hand was the magical power of cyan creatures, and his right hand was the magical power of death. The two hands were sealed in front of him, slowly intertwined...


The surroundings instantly turned into a reincarnation world!

Han Dieyi is still a little nervous, but she will definitely go all out! Immediately, under her strong control, the two divine powers of life and death were intertwined with lightning, and a ‘reincarnation platform’ began to intertwine above the nine heavens!




The silver mountain python was shocked, with a pair of triangular blood eyes, with strong vigilance, it could just see that Han Dieyi was only in the realm of King God, but this kind of power is definitely not what King God should have!

The night princess was already watching

Ye Qingying was equally dumbfounded.

"The Temple of Killing God! Deceived me too much!" The silver mountain python shook its giant figure like a giant dragon, and slammed its tail toward the ‘Samsara Dao’!



The ‘Reincarnation Daotai’ was towering and motionless. On the contrary, the silver mountain python seemed to have suffered a severe scream!

Several curse powers are directly contaminated! The silver mountain python is now full of curses, and the python scales on its body are beginning to fall!

"Mie-" Han Dieyi saw sweat on his forehead, but his face was full of excitement, and he directly urged the ‘Reincarnation Daotai’!

The Samsara Dao platform slammed around, slowly spinning, like a huge stone mill, rolling down towards the silver mountain python!

After a loud noise, the silver mountain python let out a tragic roar, and the whole demon body almost broke into two!

Sneer~~~ After the silver mountain python spurted blood, a silver bead spurted out instantly and went away through the air——

"Hall of Killing Gods! What a Hall of Killing Gods, I'm never ending with you! Never ending!" The silver mountain python's voice came directly after escaping.

Under the Samsara Dao platform, the mountain python corpse seemed to turn into a little bit of crystal light, and quickly rose into the wind, drifting away in the direction of the python beads, until it disappeared.

"How is it?" Han Dieyi looked at Su Jin when he was excited.

"If I were you, it would not have a chance to escape." Su Jin shook his head, "You don't know how to use the power of this Taoist platform, so let's feel more in the future."


Isn't this amazing?

The night princess looked stupid. If she was just playing against the mountain python, although she is sure to win, it is absolutely impossible to defeat the opponent without being injured—

And Han Dieyi is still just a king god.

Ye Qingying looked at Han Dieyi in her eyes, as if she was looking at a freak. If this woman is promoted to the King of Terror... Then...

Ye Qingying didn't dare to think about it anyway!

"If you have time, you have to teach me the'Moon on the Sea'! No, besides that sword, you have to teach me other things." The Night Princess said repeatedly.

She was envious.

I really envy.

Looking at Han Dieyi now, Princess Dark Night would not dare to look down upon the King God anymore. What kind of monster strength is this, a King God defeated an old python who had been practicing for many years! Or an old python of the level of the horror king god——

"Her price is to be with me, what about you?" Su Jin looked at the Night Princess jokingly.

"I can do what Dieyi can do, and I can do everything." When the princess of the night said angrily, her face was flushed.

"I didn't do anything." Han Dieyi was even more embarrassed, and glanced at Princess Dark Night weirdly.

"Continue on the road, I hope you have better luck, and you can find her in the first place." Su Jin looked to the northeast and sighed softly.

No matter what, no matter how far away, Di Linglong... his A Di... he definitely wants to find!

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