My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3984: General Participant

Seeing Su Jin sighing like this--

Han Dieyi and Dark Night Princess are all a little strange. According to Su Jin’s previous statement, the Palace of Killing must track down the former leader of the law enforcement alliance. If the leader of the law enforcement alliance is really related to that peerless power...

Isn't Su Jin afraid of being retaliated?

Of course, Night Princess and Han Dieyi naturally don't know that the "Ye Yi" in front of them is Su Jin!

"Always walk within a hundred miles of the sea... Relatively speaking, it's safer." The Night Princess reminded Su Jin.

"Yes." Su Jin directly raised his hand, and the divine sword under his feet directly took a few women, reappeared above the sea, and continued northward——

Time passed by every minute.

During this period, Han Dieyi took a peek at Su Jin from time to time. On the one hand, she was comprehending the mystery of ‘Reincarnation Daotai’, while on the other, she was curious about Su Jin.

On a clear and blank day, gradually began to be enveloped by a black cloud——

In front of him, thunder and lightning flickered. Many thunder and lightning had stretched for many miles on the mainland. This kind of scene was very strange, but the sea where Su Jin was located was not affected much.

"Duankong Earth, one of the hundred Jedi in the Eternal Gods Realm, among them, only the sects that can communicate with the ancient beasts can stand on it, even those sects must be extremely careful in their usual activities." said the night princess.

"It's nothing." Su Jin said lightly.

"Yes! Some evil beasts, I don't know how many years from the ancient slumber to the present. You don't know our place very much, so you should be careful." The night princess said.

Ye Qingying looked at Su Jin with helpless eyes——

Does this guy need to be careful?

She knew that Su Jin had concealed his identity, so that the two women knew that he was the "Ye Yi" of the Temple of Killing God, otherwise he would have crossed the "Earth of Dead Space" long ago.

"It's really dangerous to break the ground." Ye Qingying said.

"There is also this sea. We need to avoid some special races. Even if we encounter it, we are unlucky." The Night Princess sighed.

"There is still something to say about this sea?" Su Jin was stunned.

"Of course, the Eternal Sea, the entire ocean of the Eternal Gods Territory, are all connected. The terrifying powerhouses in the Eternal Sea are no less than those on the Eternal Gods Territory continent."

"Oh -" Su Jin responded casually.

The Night Princess was quite worried.

In fact, in Ye Qingying's view, this kind of worry is unnecessary. After all, Su Jin is the adult who can wipe out the five thousand terror king gods of the Eastern Gods with his hand, and even the Great Destruction God of the Eastern Gods has been beheaded Up.

It's scary to think about it--

Han Dieyi didn't speak, she had a special feeling that as long as'Big Brother Ye Yi' was there, they would be in no danger!

Pieces of black clouds drifted quietly from above, floating in the empty space. Su Jin had seen this kind of sight for the first time. If he hadn't been looking for the emperor Linglong, he would definitely break through the empty space and see it. What's so amazing in the end.

Another half hour passed.

The waves on the sea are much bigger.

The squally wind, mixed with hail, began to sweep across the void.

"Did you hear any sound?" Han Dieyi couldn't help but looked around and asked slowly.

"The voice of the maiden." After all, the night princess knows here far better than Han Dieyi.

"Harry Girl? Is it the Protoss in the Sea?" Han Dieyi was startled. She seemed to look serious when she saw Princess Dark Night.

"Yes, and the way they multiply is extremely special. Legend has it that the Shark Queen is the most beautiful protoss in the Eternal Sea. She is good at all the vocal music in the world, and the Shark Girl is the best at laying down a maze, making the protoss lost in the Eternal Sea." Princess Road.

"The Eternal Sea is so big, why did the Shark Girl clan appear in the waters near Drifting Ground?" Ye Qingying had naturally heard the legend of Shark Queen, and quickly looked at the Dark Night Princess.

Queen of Shark.

The top ten powerhouse in the Eternal Sea is also the only powerhouse who can walk on land, and even in the depths of the Eternal God's Domain, unlike her people, once they walk on land, their divine power will disappear.

"It's best to pray not to meet the Shark Queen, but it is impossible to think about it. It will be difficult for the Shark Queen to see the sea for thousands of years." When the night princess said, she also murmured.

The corner of Su Jin’s mouth was smiling, and the night princess was still too late. Just now when that kind of wonderful singing appeared, he had closed his eyes, wandering too vainly, and instantly enveloped thousands of miles in the nearby waters——

Except for a few positions with strong auras, Su Jin did not feel the aura of a powerhouse at the level of the so-called Queen Shark.

However, reaching the realm of the King of Terror is only a short time after tens of thousands of miles, and it is normal that the opponent is not in the nearby waters——

A huge sword.

The three women with peerless looks were accompanied by Su Jin and disappeared quickly.


The fierce wave rolled up the rocky cliffs and submerged one mountain after another. Su Jin's speed slowed down a bit. He just saw many blue scales shining in the eternal sea.

Those blue scales seem to be extremely graceful, constantly breaking through the waves——


The image of the legendary mermaid appeared in Su Jin's mind for the first time. He was curious, and the "Prison Eye of Mohe Town" instantly broke through the mystery——

Su Jin saw clearly that there were tens of thousands of shark girls under the sea, with moist hair and scaly bodies, and their eyes were even extremely strange colors.

"They are following us." Su Jin was a little curious.

"Why do they follow us? What do they want to do?" Ye Qingying's expression changed.

"It doesn't matter, it seems that there is still an existence that is not a shark girl, and the cultivation base is in the realm of the Terror King God." Su Jin nodded.

"Then...what should I do?" The Night Princess was a little dazed, and then she seemed to have thought of something, and said quickly: "If you see the Maiden Clan, remember not to hurt them. The Maiden Queen is hateful and protects her most. Inflicting widespread casualties, Queen Shark will definitely show up—"

"Isn't it better to show up? Then ask if you have seen Di Linglong's figure." Su Jin looked at the night princess curiously, feeling that this method is not unfeasible.

It has been a lot of time, and the nearest place is getting closer and closer. There are a huge number of shark girls. If you really see Di Linglong, you might really know some news.

"Unless you are sure to fight Queen Shark, this method won't work." Princess Dark Night sighed, anyway, she didn't know where Su Jin's confidence came from.

Against the shark queen?

The entire eternal sea, the top ten strong?

Moreover, the horror king gods mentioned by Su Jin earlier are probably also the servants and servants of Queen Shark, and the terrifying sea clan power who submits to Queen Shark——

"What God is ahead!"

The waves are surging to the sky. Layers of waves swell rapidly, as if forming a piece of elevated water surface with a radius of thousands of miles. On top of it, a sea clan Ma Neng holding a black trigeminal giant, directly like a mountain, questioning Su Jin——

"This is... stop me going?" Su Jin smiled. The other party's spellcasting like this really stopped him from going.

"You don't even need to make excuses." Ye Qingying didn't worry, she glanced at Su Jin and said.

"Quickly report on the name! This is a temporary forbidden area for the maiden clan. Don't even think about passing this way." The opponent said fiercely.

"Who are you?" Su Jin felt like a pool of stagnant water in his heart, unmoved at all.

"Under the Queen Shark's Seat, General Sanhai!"

"It's damned to stop me for no reason."

Su Jin gently raised his hand, and the dark clouds in the sky were instantly dissipated. Then, a golden whirlpool quickly condensed above the void.


Ye Qingying's face changed drastically.

Except for Su Jin's previous use of some methods when surrendering her, she actually didn't know Su Jin's true strength, but now...the golden vortex in the sky now carries an irresistible power, even if she is now In the same camp as Su Jin, he couldn't help but feel horrified.

"You--" General Genghai changed color on his face directly above the rising sea water. It shook his body in a panic, and the tentacles that were as thick as a mountain quickly rolled up the water, trying to hide it temporarily.


Just an instant.


In the golden vortex above the nine heavens, a dazzling dragon scale giant sword, as if turned into a golden two lines, in a blink of an eye, instantly submerged into the sea that raised the surface of the water——

A large beach of scarlet water directly polluted the water surface in a radius of hundreds of miles!

In the distant sea, most of the shark girls came out of their heads--

On each of the beautiful faces, there was not only amazement, but also...the supreme fear!

"General Shenhai, isn't the enemy of the opponent Yihe?" There was a shark girl who was shocked and panicked.

"How is it possible! General Sanhai is the King of Terror, and this place is still in the sea. His combat power has only increased. He...he can't stop the opponent's blow! This...what should I do?"

"What a terrifying land powerhouse, he is not my protoss, but he has the ability to instantly kill General Shenhai!"

"Does the other party do not know the fierce power of our queen? He even dared to kill the general of the sea. Isn't he going to die, and promptly inform my queen of my clan——"

"When the queen of my clan comes, he will definitely make him look good!"



The beautiful faces of flowers and jade, cruising on the water, those natural hair colors, will definitely make all men want to take a look.




In a radius of a million miles, several warriors of the Maiden Clan emerged from afar, and one of them, like a clear ice dragon, was walking around a giant figure.

Seven sea clan horror king gods appeared in full-

"Look, Queen Shark will appear soon." Su Jin laughed.

The night princess was ashamed.

Even Han Dieyi looked at Su Jin with curious eyes—

Is this the self-confidence of a strong man?

Is this the charm of a strong man?


When they saw Su Jin’s face, they even showed a smile—

Even, after the appearance of the seven sea clan horror king gods, they have to face the mysterious mackerel queen!

Ye Qingying was also a little worried. She had never seen the scene of Su Jin fighting the Destroyer God, but she knew that the Destroyer God and Queen Shark were powerful at the same level.

The ‘Eastern God’s Realm’ that governs the Eternal God Realm is the domain master.

One is the darling of the sea, the queen of the shark who is the king of heaven, has been famous for countless years.

"Queen Shark, Ye... Big Brother Ye... are you confident?" When Princess Dark Night said, she found her silver teeth trembling, she was extremely scared, because Dark Night God City was not too far from the coast. Who doesn’t know the legend and name of Queen Shark—

Su Jin said weirdly: "No confidence."

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