My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3985: Shark queen

No confidence?

Night Princess and Han Dieyi were all startled.

But think about it, even though Ye Yi is a killer in the Killing Temple, it is normal if he is not sure. After all, only the master of the Killing Temple can barely qualify for the Queen of Shark, right?

Even the head of the Killing Temple, it is estimated that it is difficult for the Queen of the God of War...

"You don't have to worry about him." Ye Qingying was taken aback by seeing Su Jin bluffing them, and she soothed.

do not worry?

It seems that Ye Qingying, as a colleague, still knows "Ye Yi" best. Is it possible that Ye Yi still has a way to deal with "Queen of the Dragon"?

"Can you teach me this sword?" The night princess looked at Su Jin with expectant eyes——

"How to teach...I just take a sword casually, nothing special." Su Jin said ashamed.

He really has a sword in his hand.

"You!" The Night Princess deeply felt the gap, and she realized that she shouldn't ask like that, knowing she would be hit-

Su Jin with a very sunny smile, facing the seven warriors, the opponent is probably buzzing now, after all, the shock caused by the sword just now was too strong.

"Boy! Do you dare to stand under the seat of the Queen of Shark, the general who is going to join the sea, you really have a long life, I don't know how much you provoke!" Among the seven warriors, the strong man who was swirled by the power of the ice dragon said .

"Kill it, kill it, it doesn't matter."

Su Jin smiled and said: "Hurry up and let your Queen of Shark come over, you... you can't even take a blow from me, why bother to insult yourself?"


The seven generals were all angry into anger--

Just now, Su Jin's sword directly slayed the sea-god general, which was indeed against the sky, but the other party said that a single blow could destroy their seven sea-going generals. This...this is too bullying for their seagod power!

"How many taels have you drunk, dare to speak to us like this!" the other Seagod could say.

Talk about it.

Scared to scared.

The seven generals of theirs were really shocked after Su Jin smashed and killed the general of the sea. They did not dare to act rashly. After all, this young man was really too mysterious and could have the ability to instantly kill the King of Terror.

"You guys stopped me for no reason, but I want to question Queen Shark, she really has the courage--" Su Jin responded calmly--

Night Princess, dumbfounded.

Han Dieyi was also stunned.

Ye Qingying's expression also changed now. Although she knew something about Su Jin and knew his identity, but... but it was too rampant. Queen Shark was also one of the top ten in the Eternal Sea. It's not good to be so rampant. ?

"It seems to be a big deal?" Su Jin looked at Ye Qingying in a low voice.

"Very exaggerated." Ye Qingying gave Su Jin a white look. To be honest, she is very nervous now. In case the Queen of Shark appears, plus here is the Eternal Sea, the opponent's power is absolutely endless. If she fights, she is true. It's not easy to say who can beat who——

"Then let's keep a low profile and wait here for Queen Shark to appear. She won't be able to tell why, then don't blame this king for being ruthless." Su Jin said seriously.

at the same time.

Seven generals felt a suffocating terrible pressure——

Yes, this kind of coercion is from Su Jin's body!

And how could they think that Su Jin actually wanted to'question' Queen Shark!

"What a terrible pressure, who is he?"

"The strong on the mainland, rarely have this kind of power, can suppress me with aura -"

"Let's wait for the Queen of Shark to come. This mysterious kid is not afraid of me waiting at all. He rashly moves for fear of disaster."



The shark girl clan was suppressed.

The seven war generals were also frightened by Su Jin, and the two sides confronted——

Su Jin yawned, I don't know when the other party will arrive, but since the Queen of Shark was blown by the night princess, the speed of the top ten experts in the Eternal Sea should not be slow.

Ten minutes passed.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Su Jin felt a little bit about to give up. There was still a lot of time to rush. If he waited, he estimated that it would be dark to get to the first place. Time is running out.

The scarlet on the sea has disappeared, and the mackerel family, all with solemn faces, the entire sky has begun to turn into a dark night, that kind of black, not a dark cloud, but a night sky like real stars!

Zheng Zheng Zheng~~~

The lyre of the lyre, as if there is no competition in the world, is not rushed or slow, and extremely pleasant.

"Wang!" The seven war generals gave a standard ceremony directly.

The sea is calm.

There is no wind and no waves.

A vast bright moon rises up, and the sea surface is like a mirror, under the moonlight, glowing blue.

at this time.

On the sea like a mirror, a woman is wearing a white dress, her jade fingers and the piano, and the notes played are clearly visible——


As the last note was pressed by the woman, the calm sea around her sank in an instant, and the sea soared like a dragon! There is even a strong mood of destruction in those sea waters!

"What a powerful shark queen!" Ye Qingying felt that she was suppressed and the rules of the King of Terror in her body were imprisoned. She knew the problem because she heard the sound of the piano just now!

"That's right, playing the piano with his back on his back has such an ability to play the piano." Su Jin yawned and finally waited.

Ye Qingying was so bad.

Not to mention Han Dieyi and Princess Dark Night——

They finally have seen what is the current peerless powerhouse!

The sea water churns like a dragon, surging over the sky!

Su Jin smiled and raised his arms, as if to wipe the dust off his sleeves, and swept directly.


Around the giant sword, not only is the tide rising!

It was just a moment, the same level of sea water, containing the ultimate sword marks, bombarded the past——

This sword.

It is still ‘the moon is born on the sea’!

Two tumbling waves and seas are extremely shocking under the night sky. This kind of scene is definitely the most terrifying scene Ye Qingying has seen recently——

"who are you?"

With a calm voice, after the two seas returned to silence, the woman in white clothes slowly stepped on the divine piano, turned around, and looked at Su Jin from a distance.

This Su Jin made her feel curious.

"An unknown person." Su Jin said lightly.



Queen Mackerel stunned slightly. Seeing Su Jin staring at her face, she couldn't help feeling a bit of disgust in her heart. After all, their eternal sea clan, for them, Su Jin and the three women are both Interracial.

"It's too low-key." Ye Qingying said quietly again.

"This degree is hard to grasp."

Su Jin coughed lightly and reacted——

The Queen of Shark is so beautiful, not only the vocal music is beautiful, even the voice is with irresistible charm, and this face is indeed the most beautiful existence in the sea clan, let him watch it for eight or nine seconds.

Crucially, this mackerel queen is different from other mackerel girls. The other mackerel girls are like mermaids, without legs, but she is different, and it is difficult to distinguish from ordinary protoss.

"My clan mackerel girl, lead the command to learn the art of collecting in this sea area. This is indeed a restricted area." The mackerel queen said slowly.

"Really? You are collecting under the sea, why are you stopping me? Where I want to go, who dares to restrict me with a restricted area? Are you the Queen of Shark?" Su Jin asked whether he was not humble or not.


"You want to die!"

"Really looking for death!"

The seven generals were all shocked by Su Jin's words. They really didn't expect that Su Jin really dared to question Queen Shark. Such behavior, placed in the world under the sea, would definitely be a crime of ten thousand deaths!

The other shark girls also looked at this place from a distance... Except for their respect for the shark queen, their faces are more pale now, because no matter Su Jin lives or lives, this matter is because of them. Go back Will definitely be punished--

Queen Shark frowned.

Take a good look at Su Jin.

"The land powerhouse, when did a young man like you appear?" Queen Shark hesitated, her strength just now was enough to kill dozens of horror king gods, but this one... is intact and cut out. The sword is not weak to her, and it is more relaxed.

Now, in addition to being nervous, Night Princess is excited!

It turns out that Su Jin didn't lie to her!

Mingyue on the sea is really strong, this blow can even be tied with Queen Shark! If she could do this, that would be great!

One sword, "Bright Moon on the Sea", was already satisfied for the Night Princess. She no longer wanted other swordsmanship, especially when she saw that Su Jin had just used the power of this sword.

"Die Yi, see it, I will do this sword too." The Night Princess whispered.

"Yeah." Deep in Han Dieyi's eyes, with a touch of strong worship, he glanced at Su Jin.

Able to fight against Queen Shark.

Even in front of the Queen Shark, there is no show of decadence.

Few Protoss can do it!

"There has never been a forbidden zone in the path that I walked on Ye Yi! If you don't give an explanation today, one of your shark girls will appear, and I will destroy one, I said." Su Jin looked at the shark queen.

This is hard enough!

Not low-key enough!

Ye Qingying covered her face. This guy is really sharp. If this goes on, who still believes that he came from the "Hall of Killing"?

"Who are you anyway?" The Queen Shark was not shocked, and continued to ask.

"I, Sword God Ye Yi, from the Hall of Killing God, are you satisfied?" Su Jin told you with a full face that it didn't matter.

Kill the temple.

Queen Shark's brows became tighter, staring at Su Jin and said, "When will the Killing Temple dare to provoke me?"

She doesn't believe it!

A long time ago, she vaguely remembered seeing a master of the Hall of Killing God, but the other party had to worship her when facing her. This guy said that she was from the Hall of Killing God, and she was half-trusted.

"Excuse me, it's just now, what's wrong with you? That's all, you do it, just warming up, this Sword God seldom meets a decent opponent." Su Jin motioned to Queen Ma.

"Your sword is indeed powerful... but your sword can't beat me at all. Say... Who are you? There has never been a powerful **** like you in the Palace of Killing." Queen Yu said again.

"Show her the proof." Su Jin motioned to Ye Qingying.

Ye Qingying was very depressed, but she still raised her hand, and a blue-black token appeared directly in her hand.

"Kill God Hall, Shadow." Ye Qingying pretended to be indifferent. If it weren't for Su Jin, she would have knelt down politely, because the Queen of Shark was not something she could provoke!

"Sure enough, it is the Hall of Killing Gods!" When Queen Shark saw the black token of the Hall of Killing Gods, her tone was murderous.

did not expect.

The Temple of Killing God dared to oppose the Sea Clan——

Especially dare to provoke her Queen Shark!

"I have ordered in the entire Eternal God Realm to hunt down and kill all the powerhouses in the Temple of God. This is the price you pay to offend the Sea Clan." Queen Shark snorted softly.

His eyes faintly felt a little smug.

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