My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3986: I'm afraid to scare you

Seeing this threat from Queen Shark——

Ye Qingying felt a sudden heart, and couldn't help but glance at Su Jin again.

She knew that she couldn't turn her head back. Since just proving that she was a killer in the'Hall of Killing God', when she became an identity for Su Jin, this has been a way of no return.


Ye Qingying's move is tantamount to betraying the "Hall of Killing God"!

"We are not afraid of your Sea Clan by killing the Temple of God -" Su Jin was naturally happy to see this scene. With a hint of chill in his faint smile, he continued to look at the Queen of Shark and said: "Today, I captured the Queen of Shark, but Let’s see how your Sea Clan can kill the Temple of God!"

Ye Qingying:...


She is completely dumbfounded, this guy is simply trying to drive the "killing temple" to the end of the rhythm, after all, how can a killing temple be against the queen of sharks!

If this mackerel queen is smart, she will definitely have a chance to find that Su Jin has a problem, but a pity... Su Jin pretended to be too good, and she still has her identity for him.


Ye Qingying sighed silently in her heart, and walked all the way to the dark. As long as Su Jin didn't die, she would have a chance to survive. It was terrifying to think about it. This rebellious **** even dared to enter the Eternal God Realm alone and dare to provoke right and wrong.

"Capture me? It depends on your abilities--" Queen Shark is not easy to get angry, but this land protoss, relying on the "Killing the Temple", do everything that annoys her, but she still feels that the other party is not weak.

At the scene, the atmosphere suddenly rose!

In the air on each side, there seemed to be an extremely strong intent to fight, and the seven Sea Clan warlords behind them all looked at Queen Shark with expectant eyes.

Their king!

I don't know how many years I haven't made a big fight--

"You stay here." Su Jin left from the giant sword, and then moved the giant sword to the coast very close to the "Drifting Earth" because of the presence of Ye Qingying, and the night princess and Han Dieyi both have a relationship with the King of Terror With the power of God's First Battle, if the Queen Shark uses other sea clan powerhouses, they can walk into the edge of the void.

Don’t worry too much about safety.

The violent sea breeze, the blowing clothes and hunting, Su Jin's aura seemed to attract the attention of several women. He looked at Queen Shark, and repeatedly felt this woman's best fairy face.

Queen Shark hates Su Jin's gaze very much.

She stepped on the **** piano, and her whole body was as clear as snow and ice, and she burst out in an instant! She closed her eyes, raised her hands gently, as if holding up a moonlight, and the surrounding sea water started to spiral in an orderly manner.

A whirlpool.

Ten vortexes.

The last dozen or so terrifying vortices formed a sea-eye vortex, and the surrounding violent winds seemed to turn into ice blades, turning the void into a storm battlefield!

"King, I'm really angry!" One of the seven war generals, the Ice Dragon King, has eyes with expectation. Since they became the generals of Queen Shark, they have rarely seen the Queen Shark shot so furiously.

"To be in the hands of the king, he is fortunate for the three lives, not to mention the eternal sea, even the entire eternal realm, how many dare to offend our king!"

"In a flash, we will turn the battlefield into a battlefield space. Our Queen Shark has taken the lead. I want to see how that kid escapes from the Queen's palm--"

"Fighting in the eternal sea, the queen is invincible. I really don't know where this kid is confident and dare to compete with the queen in the sea."


Seven generals, cheering for the Queen of Shark, while looking at the three daughters of Han Dieyi on the coast, each of them has a special color in their eyes. The three goddesses are so beautiful— —

The azure battlefield space.

The space boundary wall is all surrounded by sea blue, and Su Jin looks at his feet, it is still the eternal sea, but the surrounding area of ​​the battlefield seems to be separated by a kind of water barrier.

"Let's be overwhelmed by the eternal sea! The power of the storm!" The queen shark sat on the water and patted lightly. The divine piano standing under her feet reappeared in front of her. The goddess of heaven, who is extremely pure and imperial, is really not like a queen of the family——

The sound of a fiddle appeared.



The raging waves of tens of thousands of feet high instantly filled the water travel space. For an instant, Su Jin felt as if he was in the sea. Both speed and strength seemed to have been greatly affected.

Queen Shark has absolute certainty over Su Jin, she gets angry, who can bear it?

However, when a strange whale cry appeared, she was shocked for no reason.

what is that?

A vast wolf whale phantom, like a fish in the water, cruising in the entire deep blue water, the Queen Mackerel exclaimed, and the pressure suddenly increased!

With the hideous and terrifying wolf whale figure, coupled with the aura revealed on the body, Queen Shark is not sure what a strange beast this is—

It makes sense for Queen Shark to be surprised. If the ordinary Terror King God is affected by her violent power, she can't even move bullets in this water travel space, and the strongest will be affected.


This wolf whale didn't seem to care at all, but the speed was so fast that it dazzled her!


In the entire water travel world, there is only a position above the nine heavens, and there is still a little space left. There may be the flaw in this water travel space.

Han Dieyi, Night Princess, and Ye Qingying all felt the terrifyingness of Queen Shark——

If they were in that aquatic world, they would probably be killed by the queen shark in an instant. Now, in their eyes, the distant place is like a star-like aquatic space, the whole body is dark blue, and there is even a giant, like a whale but not Like a whale.

"In Queen Shark's water space, even the Great Destruction God will get into trouble, I don't know how he will resolve the dilemma." Ye Qingying said slowly after she was dazed.

"Why is the God of Destruction suddenly mentioned?" The Night Princess looked at Ye Qingying with a strange look.

Ye Qingying knew that she had accidentally said that she had missed her mouth, and immediately remedied: "Because there are not many strong people who can match the Queen of Shark, and the recent fall of the God of Destruction, now Ye Yi is trapped in it, I am very worried about him."

"Queen Shark has a fierce reputation after all, it is normal to not be able to fight, as long as she can come out alive--" Han Dieyi was also very nervous.


The maidens who were thousands of miles away, after seeing the shining water line space, both the eyes and the heart are extremely respected!

"The queen will win!" A shark girl turned waves on the water.

"It's just a protoss on the land. The queen is easy to cut. You will see in a while, the queen will drag his body out, and we, the queen of mackerel in the eternal gods, will also attract The world powerhouse, attack the'Hall of Killing God' where he is! When he is over, this Hall of Killing God will also be erased from the entire Eternal God Realm—"

"The queen is too powerful. The water travel space can be blessed by the entire eternal sea. The queen can kill him without expending the slightest effort. Now even if he kneels down to beg the queen for mercy, he can't change the end of his death."

"There are famous masters in the world who covet the appearance of the queen. How many people have been beheaded by the queen? All are killed by the queen. This killer from the temple of killing gods can't escape death. He will regret to provoke us."

"The queen is a natural darling. She is the pinnacle when she is born. She has almost never failed. How can this little guy from the Temple of Killing be comparable to Her Majesty—"

"Her Majesty must have won."


Have you won?

Naturally not!

Queen Mackerel is now in deep doubts. Even if she knows the eternal sea best, she can't kill the huge wolf whale with water power, and even... even the speed of the opponent in the water can make her The attack failed!

What kind of monster ability is this?

Zheng Zheng Zheng~~~

The sound waves turned into sharp blades of destruction, forming a terrifying killing force in the water, all slashing at the terrifying wolf whale.

The wolf whale did not escape this time, letting those blades slash, but even the dense, infinite number of sound wave blades, when they touched the wolf whale's body, they turned into invisible and disappeared invisible——

Who is he?

where is he from?

He... is not the existence of the Temple of Killing God at all!

Although Queen Shark didn't understand the Temple of Killing, even the master of the Temple of Killing, could hardly have this level of power to be able to do well in her water travel space?

This is too exaggerated.

If it were not for the display of the water travel space, Queen Shark would never have thought of the fact that she would lose!

"Who the **** are you--" Queen Shark is going crazy. She usually stands tall and is very clear, but it doesn't mean that she has no temper. Now the other party's methods have directly aroused her vigilance.

"Sword God Ye Yi." Su Jin responded in the same way again.

"Hehe, there can be no such powerful person as you in the Hall of Killing Gods. You can lie to other gods, but you can't turn me away. The whole Hall of Killing Gods is not as powerful as you." said Queen Shark.

"Well, I was discovered by you. It seems that if you don't let you surrender to me, this trip will be really troublesome." Su Jin said slowly.

Su Jin knew that he couldn't hide it.

His whereabouts will be revealed sooner or later, after all, the Temple of Killing God now knows that he is in the Eternal God Realm.

Queen Shark was shocked.

How can the other party dare to speak to her like this?

Tell her to surrender?

This is put outside, if it is known by other sea clan powerhouses, it is simply a big joke from the universe——

"You also said that I found out, why not reveal your identity?" Queen Shark asked.

"Speak out for fear of scaring you."

Su Jin continued to say quietly: "I didn't expect a magical technique that has been used for a long time, but it can restrain you, but it saves me a little time. Now with this king's cultivation base, the "Wolf Whale Overlord" is used for you. , But it is somewhat invincible."

"Joke!" Queen Shark didn't believe it.

"Do you not believe it? Then look at it!" Su Jin laughed.


Accompanied by a super surprised exclamation from the Queen Shark——

The entire wolf whale body is rapidly expanding!

Expand it!

In the end, the wolf whale in the eyes of Queen Shark turned into a wolf whale!

That wolf whale, with its body alone, is almost larger than the entire water travel space! In the stunned Queen Shark, the wolf whale opened the mouth that was unimaginable for the Queen Shark——

Just a bite!

The sea water, the storm, and the shark queen herself... were all swallowed by the wolf whale!

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