My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3987: Queen sister

The Queen Shark never thought that one day she could be so weak--

The mouth of the whale swallowed, as if turned into a turbulent flow of time and space, directly leaving her without resistance, as if following a time and space passage into the wolf whale.

It's that guy!

The Queen Shark saw Su Jin, Danfeng’s Eye, not only with vigilance, but also with strong curiosity——

"You shouldn't question my identity." At this moment, Su Jin was in the inner space of the wolf whale, with Erlang's legs upturned, holding a wine glass, shaking a strand of fruity sake.

Queen Shark stared at Su Jin closely, and asked: "Which one are you in the Eternal God Realm? I know almost everyone who has the strength like you, but... you gave me a very Feeling strange."

"It seems you are ignorant." Su Jin said with a faint smile: "Who said I am a strong man in Eternal God's Domain?"

"Then you are..." Queen Shark was even more puzzled.

But after a few breaths.

The doubtful eyes turned into terrifying fear! !

In an instant, the Queen Shark stopped talking, holding the lyre, and between the five fingers between her fingers, she struck directly against the space barrier inside the wolf whale——




Queen Shark's face turned pale in an instant, and the power she released was almost 90% of the power she had in her heyday. This power can destroy a space world in an instant! Even hundreds of Terror King Gods will be instantly shot by her.


But why, with such a powerful blow, even the space inside this wolf whale cannot be broken? Queen Shark had just seen the place where the sound waves touched, and there was still a circle of gossip circles emerging from the scene——

Looking at Su Jin again, he seemed to have nothing to do, and drank lightly.

"You are the one... the outlander who has recently been popular in the Eternal Gods Realm! Killed 1,500 horror king gods from the law enforcement league, slaughtered more than 5,000 horror king gods in the Eastern Gods Realm, and even killed massive destruction God..." Seeing that there is no hope of escaping, Queen Yu was already a little desperate.

"It seems that you know a lot."

Su Jin smiled and said: "Now, it's up to you to make a choice. Either I will take a moment to kill you, and then kill all the maiden clan here, kill your horror king god, and leave in style, or surrender!"

If this tone is changed to the outside, who can believe it?

But Queen Shark knew that the other party was definitely not bragging--

And is it difficult to kill her?

The other party has already broken the world-shattering mighty power, and after killing the God of Destruction, he can still leave safely and enter the Eternal God Realm. Isn't it easy to kill her?

"Come here!" Su Jin smiled and his voice was cold and murderous.

Queen Shark's body was shocked, as if being insulted, staring at Su Jin coldly——

"What if I don't follow?" Queen Shark asked coldly.

Su Jin nodded and said, "You should know that once you know who I am, it is impossible for you to leave. What's the point of your maid clan? If you didn't provoke me first, why should I make things difficult for you? You want to kill me too..."


Su Jin pointed to the void--

The catastrophe begins to come!

Queen Shark's face suddenly turned pale, she saw a scene on the boundary wall of the inner space, that was the outside... the outside manifested here!

The dark clouds were dispersed instantly.

The void scroll made a world-shattering whirlpool. In that whirlpool, a black and white Taoist platform was displayed by Su Jin——

At this time, it was Han Dieyi who exclaimed absolutely!

On the coast, Han Dieyi's heart almost jumped out. She couldn't imagine that there would be a Taoist platform on the sky, the Samsara Taoist platform!

It is different from her power, she is blue and black, and the reincarnation platform is black and white, but its power... seems to be ten thousand times stronger than her!

"Ye... Ye Yi's derivation power. This Dao platform was derived from him. It may be for you to observe, which is of great benefit to you." Ye Qingying also felt fear.

That kind of fear is in my heart, it can't be concealed at all, and instinctively breeds——

Although Ye Qingying knew that Su Jin was not targeting them, the black and white "Samsara Daotai", as long as you look at it, it seems that there is something deep in life and death!



The seven generals, as if they were cursed, began to exude black and white qi, that is black and white yin and yang, life and death power!




One of the seven war generals, one after another, began to twist and was crushed on the spot by the "Reincarnation Daotai". After each warrior was crushed, it would turn into two black and white qi and be taken away by the "Reincarnation Daotai".

too frightening--

The whole world seemed to be plunged into a catastrophe.

Seven generals were crushed to death, without exception! And with the exclaims after another, the Maiden tribe, thousands of miles away, also saw a ‘Reincarnation Daotai’ appearing above their heads.


In a flash, a black and white qi rose up from the sea and merged into the'Samsara Dao'.

"Don't kill!" Queen Shark's face was pale and bloodless, and the divine piano in her hand fell...

A few strings broke!

Su Jin stopped the power of'Samsara Daotai' and looked at Queen Yu: "Your clan is extremely special, and there are even endless soul powers that are connected to each other. Unlike any gods on the eternal continent, I also have a "Dead Man". "It may be useful to your clan, it can destroy your clan..."

Queen Shark's heart collapsed in an instant-

"Dead Man Sutra", he will die Sutra! Although I don't know if this scripture is useful to her clan, but...but how dare she take any risks! It can be said that Su Jin's words directly defeated all the lines of defense in her heart!

"I...I surrendered--" When Queen Shark spoke, her tone was still a little trembling.

Su Jin smiled slightly and appeared in front of Queen Shark in an instant, "If that's the case, then you belong to me. Go out and talk to some younger sisters, and then go on the road together."

Queen Shark's face was flushed and transparent, she wanted to shed some blood, but she sighed in her heart. It seemed to be no wonder who fell to this point...

Water line space.

Slowly turned into a little bit of fluorescence, disappearing.

Su Jin waved away the body of the wolf whale, but his face gradually turned indifferent.

The atmosphere gradually became more subtle--

When the Queen Shark appeared behind Su Jin and stood steadily, Ye Qingying, Princess Dark Night, and Han Dieyi all opened their eyes wide. They didn't expect it to be like this at all!

Su Jin appeared on the giant sword in one step, and Queen Shark gave an order to let the remaining Shark Girl clan return to the court. She is now involuntarily involuntarily, as for the future, naturally her destiny is unknown.

"Introduce, Queen Shark." Su Jin said coldly.

The red glow on Queen Shark’s face did not fade, try not to get angry, walked over, and slowly said: "You... hello."

Ye Qingying stared at Su Jin, took a deep breath and said, "Just like me?"

"What's this?" Su Jin frowned.

Still installing!

Ye Qingying is under a lot of pressure now. This is a well-known shark queen. Has Su Jin subdued her? This is incredible!

The night princess and Han Dieyi both had a tingling scalp. The legendary shark queen, they only heard of their name, they had never seen it before, and now they are standing in front of them, their pressure can be imagined——

"Sister." Su Jin said lightly.

"Sister Queen." Han Dieyi said embarrassedly.

"Don't call." The night princess glared at Su Jin fiercely. If they call like this, it seems a little inappropriate, but Han Dieyi's quick mouth makes the scene really embarrassing.

"Queen Shark will participate in this operation, and the Eternal Sea is most familiar to her, and it is inevitable that she will be able to use her." Su Jin sat on the sword, driving the sword, and began to break through the air.

"My previous order has gone down, and the shark girl palace on the mainland will also come out, do you want to withdraw it?" The shark queen asked silently, chilling.

"Why withdraw? Kill." Su Jin looked at Queen Shark with a strange look.

Ye Qingying was naturally not good at persuading her, since she chose to stand with Su Jin now, she was against the Temple of Killing God and betrayed the Temple of Killing God, so she was not surprised why Su Jin would kill the Temple of Killing.

Queen Shark nodded and looked towards the blue sky——

This time, I wonder if this eternal sea belongs to her.

Queen Shark was full of perseverance and despair.

Su Jin unfolded the ‘map scroll’, injected divine power, and estimated the time of arrival.

The nearest suspicious spot here is already very close. If this continues, it will be reached within an hour, and Su Jin is becoming more and more urgent.

The Queen of Shark is now worthy of trust. After all, he has chosen to surrender to him, but he has not killed all the previous Shark Girls. Anyone who reveals anything about it, even if it is a powerful person in the Temple of Killing, can easily guess that he is a fake. Ye Yi, naturally he will know that he is Su Jin——

It seemed that it would be impossible to find Di Linglong so clean.

It’s just that I don’t know how long it will be cleansed--

"Sister Queen, you are so beautiful." Han Dieyi whispered.

"You too." Queen Shark nodded.

"Sister Queen, he is a **** of death in the hall of **** of death, how can he defeat you?" The night princess blushed and asked softly.

"He's great." Queen Shark turned her face away when she said.

Sure enough, they are all a group of young girls, and they are still being tricked by Su Jin. She said earlier that it is impossible for Su Jin to gather all the power in the Killing Temple. How can these two girls still not wake up——

"Brother Ye, the reincarnation platform you just displayed is many times more powerful than mine. How did you do it?" When Han Dieyi faced Su Jin, he became bolder and asked.

"It's very simple. When your cultivation level becomes more and more refined, you will naturally understand the terrible aspects of the Samsara Daotai. The'reincarnation Daotai' I used is only derived from it, and yours is a genuine and real treasure, and the mystery is endless. "Su Jin smiled.

"is it?"

Han Dieyi believed, and became more confident in his own strength——

Queen Shark listened to her heart, and she felt weak. She felt that if Han Dieyi practiced for a few more epochs, she might not be as powerful as Su Jin’s hand, even if it was the derived "Samsara Daotai", it was not Han Dieyi. A level that can be reached if you want to.

"Where are you going?" Queen Shark asked Su Jin.

"Uh, let me take a look." Su Jin pointed to the map scroll, and slowly said, "At the far edge of the northeast, at the end of the space, it is Spirit Fire Peak, right?"

"When the time comes, the scroll will change color, and it will remind..." The night princess said the mystery of the map scroll——

The Queen Shark was surprised and suspicious. There... it’s not a good place. Even if she is like her, it can run through most of the eternal God’s realm, but all the unknown and mysterious areas in the God’s realm, even if it’s her, and being sued The Great Destruction God who killed Jin didn't necessarily dare to offend easily.

Time slowly passed-

A flaming seashore appeared in the eyes of Su Jin and the other women.

Here... it's too desolate here!

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