My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3991: City Floating White Flag

The air was suddenly quiet.

That kind of quietness is extremely rare on the ground of broken air...

Princess Dark Night, Han Dieyi and Ye Qingying all looked at Su Jin with incredible eyes——

Kongtianbao was destroyed!

Where the Jianhong firelight passes, no grass will grow! What kind of strength is it to achieve this step? Could it be possible to kill one of the gods in the temple of the gods to achieve such a step?

"Clean up." Su Jin said lightly, standing in front of him with his hands behind.

Keep going!

Several women reacted instantly.

Ye Qingying found Han Dieyi and Princess Dark Night, all staring at her face...

"Is every Killing God so powerful? The Hall of Killing Gods is too powerful." Han Dieyi couldn't help but said, "No wonder Xiao Mengluo insisted on joining the Hall of Killing Gods. Fortunately, she didn't bring her here, otherwise Seeing this scene made her more confident."

"Sister Ying, you kill the temple, am I eligible to join?" The Night Princess also stared at Ye Qingying and asked.

Ye Qingying's face was a little weird--

"Don't even think about it." Ye Qingying said, and then subconsciously looked at Su Jin.

This guy is really a curse. Even now, both Han Dieyi and the dark night princess still firmly believe that he is the terrifying powerhouse of the "Hall of Killing". They don't want to think about it, even if it is strong, do they dare to provoke the Maidens ? Not to mention letting Queen Shark surrender.

"The threshold is too high?" The Night Princess asked slightly disappointed.

"No." Ye Qingying bit her lip, how dare she tell the truth?

To be honest, Su Jin could be so fierce and mighty to destroy Kongtian Castle in an instant, she did not expect it at all! But when he thought that he could destroy thousands of the Terror King God and kill the Great Destruction God, it seemed to compare with the Terror King Gods in the Eastern Divine Region, this Kongtian Fort was nothing.

Su Jin didn't know how big the shock he caused to the entire Broken Earth!

Duankong City!

After a long period of silence, the hustle and bustle broke out like thunder——

"Kong...Kongtian Castle was destroyed! It was destroyed by the young man with a sword!" Almost all the Protoss of Duankong City were unknowingly sweating.

"Who is that young man? He is so capable! When did such a strong appear in our Eternal God Realm? Kongtian Fort, Kongtian Fort has at least dozens of terrifying monsters, right? In an instant, the entire clan was destroyed. Exhausted, all the palaces in the sky were shattered--"

"How did he come from! No wonder he dared to cross the ‘Drifting Earth’! With this kind of power, let alone walking in the void, you can walk sideways even on the Drifting Land——"

" only pay attention to the young man... can you pay attention to the few women behind that young man? Especially the woman who is faintly surrounded by blue rules."

"That... that is... is that a shark girl?" Some gods couldn't even speak the beauty when they saw the beauty, and the appearance of the shark queen seemed to shock the entire space.


How can it be a beautiful word!

"No! How can the shark girl go ashore? She is indeed a shark girl...but not an ordinary shark girl, and she has legs! She...she is the queen of the shark girl clan..." Someone started crying as they said. .

Queen of Shark.

The eternal sea, one of the ten most terrifying powerhouses.


All the Protoss in Duankong Earth were terrified by this scene.

The queen shark can only stand behind that young man, who is that young man? Even the Queen of Shark would not dare to cross the earth without leading any terrifying powerhouse like this——

The two daughters, Han Dieyi and Dark Night Princess, almost all looked at Su Jin with admiring eyes. When Su Jin first appeared in Dark Night God City, Dark Night Princess did not believe what he said!

At that time, Su Jin said to let the powerhouses of the entire God City come together...

but now--

An empty sky castle, as a whole, is not weaker than the power of a dark night city! The Night Princess was really shocked by Su Jin's thunderous methods.

Queen Shark's breathing gradually calmed down.

Now the two women, Queen Shark and Ye Qingying, could not help but have extremely terrifying thoughts in their minds, Su powerful is it! I'm afraid to defeat the Destroyer God and kill thousands of the Terror King God, but also did not fully force Su Jin's strength.

This is the most terrifying.

"Big Brother Ye, why are you so good?" Han Dieyi said to Su Jin.


"Well, it's very powerful. That's Kongtian Castle, without strong strength, it is absolutely impossible to dominate one side in the broken air, not to mention that it is still an airspace." Han Dieyi said.

"It's not a big deal, it takes a little time, I can also sweep the entire empty space, but now we are on the road, and God's family brought back a god-poisoned heavenly medicine from the ancient protoss of Linghuo Peak, don't you worry... …" Su Jin said lightly.


Then destroy those things that are not eye-opening!

Queen Shark was worried. Of course, she did not consider Su Jin, but worried about the emperor inherited from the ancient royal family...According to Su Jin's strength that even her can't see, the other party... The leader of the alliance takes action, or uses the **** poisonous medicine...

That consequence.

Queen Shark is scared thinking about it now...

After all, how tragic the end of Kongtianbao just now!

"Destroy the Sky Castle, there will be less trouble in the future." Queen Shark said.

Ye Qingying also nodded, she had the same opinion as Queen Shark, otherwise it would be impossible for Su Jin to break through the opponent's palace after smashing those demon gods.

This is warning the demon gods ahead!

Of course, Ye Qingying and the others didn't know that the many Sky Protoss in Duankong Earth were already in a hurry!


Outside a magnificent hall, a demon **** hurriedly shouted.

Above the hall, a statue of the Flying Goddess stands tall in the sky. Here is the city of the sky, a city of the sky that is stronger than the overall strength of Kongtianbao!


"That evildoer destroyed Kongtian Fortress and is rushing towards us!"

"So fast!"

In the hall, a middle-aged strong man wearing a golden helmet stood up. He was holding a golden sword and a pair of golden demon wings stretched out behind him. On those wings, each feather seemed to shine with golden light, as if he could breathe.

I can't care anymore--

Sky City Lord, directly skyrocketed.


Demon Pengs spread out their terrifying wings and appeared in groups on the Sky City!

This scene was also seen in the eyes of countless Protoss in the broken air!

"The Yaopeng clan in the Sky City has a big reaction!" A **** clan looked up in'Duankong City', the expression on his face was full of fear.

"A strong man in the sky city who is good at fighting, can he stop this evildoer?"

"I think it's difficult! The powerful of Kongtian Fort, under countless bombardments, those attacks are unable to get close, and the entire Kongtian Fort has been burned. This kind of strong is definitely one of the peerless strong, but...but Why have I never heard of such a young man—"


With a cry of nervousness converging!

Above the firmament, a strong golden sword rainbow almost obstructed most of the sky, and that kind of coercion, like a **** descending, suppressed the soul.

The city lord of the Sky City is no less nervous than any Protoss!

"My Sky City, I am willing to open the passage, and I do not want to confront the predecessors! Please, give me a way to survive!" The Sky City Lord almost blushed and said to the distant Jianhong.


The Peng clan, who has always been arrogant and conceited, has become famous for fighting, but also admit it? This is the Lord of Sky City personally speaking, and as soon as he opens his mouth, he is shocked to the gods of Duan Kong Earth!

Then a white flag was hung high on the hand of the "Flying Goddess Statue" in Sky City——


Extremely dazzling!

Su Jin's face showed a very strange expression. When the other party shouted, he had already stepped on the golden sword rainbow, and instantly passed over the sky city. Under the sword, the white flag was still raising high——

The lord of the Sky City couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seemed that the other party was not unreasonable. The Kongtian Castle had been a tough confrontation before and ended in annihilation.

Although the white flag in the city is a shame that will never be washed away for the city in the sky, it is better than being wiped out like Kongtianbao!

After all, there is no way out for confrontation, especially when confronting such a peerless powerhouse, at the slightest it will damage the soldiers, and at the worst, there will only be extinction——

Queen Shark, Ye Qingying, Dark Night Princess, Han Dieyi... all looked at Su Jin in unison.

"It's the first time that the Sky City hangs the white flag... You're going to be famous, you're going to be famous in the entire Eternal God Realm." The night princess was nervous, and she also had strong admiration. How strong it must be.

"Waving the white flag, it's not what he can think of...The lord of the sky city, I seem to have seen it before." Queen Yu can only admire now.

Think about how proud that is a terrifying powerhouse...Although it is not ranked in the entire Eternal Gods Realm, but the strength is really not to be underestimated, and the Peng Clan demon gods are good at fighting, even in ordinary Peng Clan. The King of Horror, can also fight three with one stroke——

This is also the reason why the Sky City can dominate the large-scale ‘empty land’ airspace.

"Famous? Not interested—" Su Jin said lightly.

"Being famous in the Eternal Gods Realm, you are not interested yet... You know, I was awarded the title of'War God', it is only some famous among our hundred cities, but it is nothing in the whole Eternal Gods Realm. "The night princess said a little depressed.

Su Jin glanced at her, and finally sighed.

"It's just fame, no matter how strong it is, it's just to live for yourself, cherish the present, live the present, it is satisfaction." Su Jin said seriously.

"Oh? Then do you cherish your present?" The Night Princess was bolder than Han Dieyi, staring at Su Jin's eyes and asked.

Su Jin was amused by her.

No answer.

"Before it gets dark, you can rush to the Dragon and Phoenix Nest, so be prepared." Su Jin sat cross-legged, closing his eyes and regaining his senses——

And he didn't know, not to mention that it was the land of the empty space, even within a hundred cities including the "Dark Night God City", were quickly occupied by this shocking event.

The Lord of Dark Night, the Lord of the Dream Pavilion, and dozens of other horror kings were still a little unbelievable when they heard the news in a spacious hall of the Lord’s Mansion.

"Sure there is my daughter on it?" asked the Dark Night City Lord.

"The City Lord of Duankong City, personally confirm that that is the Princess." The King of Terror said to the City Lord of Dark Night in distress.

The Lord of the Dream Pavilion is also very dazed now, and she still hasn't reacted to her with a clear and beautiful temperament.

"In addition to Ye Yi, there is also the existence of a shark female clan... That existence has already been determined to be the shark queen." There is also the King of Terror reminding the Dark Night City Lord again.

Queen Shark is also above that golden sword rainbow!

The lord of the dream pavilion, the lord of the dark night city, all smiled bitterly——

Ye Yi, where is it sacred?

"Ye Yi" is definitely not Ye Yi!

Moreover, the Dark Night City Lord found some news about the Temple of Killing God through the relationship, and the sword **** Ye Yi did have such a strong one, but... definitely not so scary!

The Dark Night City Lord frowned, knocking on the desktop, "One blow to destroy the Sky Castle, making the Sky City Lord panic and shaking the white flag... Ye Yi, Ye Yi, who are you..."

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