My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3992: Enter our doctrine

The sky was faint.

Before sunset.

With the destruction of Kongtian Castle, the Sky City gave way, and Su Jin and his entourage did not encounter any further obstacles. During this time, except for a python cloud palace also showed kindness and did not want to provoke him, he Su In the name of'Ye Yi', Jin is not only in the empty earth——

Even in a hundred cities, it is completely famous.

In the interval, the most discussed is what his identity is and what his origin is.

After all, a strong man like Su Jin is by no means an obscure person. With this strength, even in the entire Eternal God Realm, he can make a big name.

"Just now, the Manacles Cloud Palace was also subdued. As the palace owner, he brought the Protoss to kneel down to the'predecessor', unwilling to risk the extermination, then Ye ranked first on the hundred cities list— —" Protoss sighed.

"Hundred cities list updated?"

"Furthermore! As early as when he destroyed Kongtian Fort, the 100 cities list ranked it first. I am afraid that he didn't even know it, and now Killing the Temple is also famous in the entire Eternal God Realm. , The prestige is even worse."

"What kind of power is it that makes Queen Shark willing to obey and follow? His sword posture is extraordinary, and the women obviously seem to be obedient to her——"

"One of them is the daughter of the Dark Night City Lord, who just won the title of'War God', which is not ordinary." The Protoss of Duankong City said with emotion.

What is famous in the world?

This is famous all over the world!

Of course Su Jin didn’t know all of this. He was enjoying the afterglow of a sunset. If he had a good plan, it would only take half a moment to reach the'Dragon and Phoenix Nest', which is the ancestral land of the Emperor's family——

A Di, can you be there?

Su Jin was also faintly worried.

He is not an idler. Even though he came to explain that the Dark Lord had brought the ‘Law Enforcement League’ to suppress the gods of the Liuli Land, he did not know what the current situation was in the Liuli Land.

Moreover, he entered the Eternal Gods Realm previously through the teleportation array. At that time, his method of staying in the imperial city would prevent him from using its mystery to return -

"The dragon and phoenix's nest is in front of it, a jedi of heaven and earth." Queen Shark said slowly.

The voice of Queen Shark directly interrupted Su Jin's thoughts——

"It's really desolate, but after my trouble, many Protoss who have broken the ground have come." Su Jin said calmly.

"Of course, they don't know what Big Brother Ye is doing in Dragon Phoenix Nest." Han Dieyi was dazed for a long time, she looked at Su Jin in this state for a long time——

"The dangerous Jedi is true. The Dragon and Phoenix Nest is one of the most dangerous places in the west. If you pass a hundred miles from the Dragon and Phoenix Nest, it is equivalent to stepping out of the open air. There are many unknown and dangerous places nearby, which are extremely dangerous." The night princess also said. .

Su Jin couldn't comment.

There was silence.

In his mind, there are still many unsolved questions——

Why did Di Linglong choose to return to the Eternal God Realm?

Even if you come back, why do you come to Dragon Phoenix Nest, the ancestral home of the emperor? What is the relationship between the woman who appeared on the Spirit Fire Peak to grab the medicine and rides the cloud-hoof unicorn?

Su Jin watched the setting sun buried and watched the wind gradually strengthen, but he smiled indifferently.


The endless green hills, the mountains are really green, and each peak is like a layer of moss, but Su Jin also saw it really, the life here is extinct, even some old trees, there are no leaves I don't know how many years have passed since I died.

Desolate, and more than desolate——

Su Jin always has an inexplicable irritability, he has never been so urgent.


The compass locked with the ‘Rule of Evolution’, and the scene manifesting in the center, spiraled crazily, Su Jin’s face tightened, his eyes revealed ecstasy!

Di Linglong...with a high probability in the Dragon and Phoenix Nest!

Su Jin took out the compass to investigate, although the information revealed on it was still chaotic and extremely unstable, it was already a great surprise!

"Do you know the origin of the name "Dragon and Phoenix Nest"?" Queen Shark looked at Su Jin suddenly and said.

"Anything?" Su Jin asked.


The Queen Shark nodded, "In ancient times, there were ancestors, dragons, ancestors and phoenixes, which were born from here, and you will know where they are. You can see the appearance of the dragon and phoenix nests. Those two nests are unique in the world. With your current strength, I’m afraid it’s hard to shake a bit--"

"Such a powerful one? It's better to have a good knowledge and knowledge--" Su Jin said calmly.

He really didn't believe it.

Even if he can't shake it.

The fire lotus of all things may also be able to burn the "Dragon and Phoenix Nest". Of course, the purpose of his trip is not to burn the "Dragon and Phoenix Nest", but to find the Emperor Linglong and the Emperor's family!

As it gets closer and closer--

Su Jin's heart is like fried.

"Then, it's the Dragon and Phoenix Nest." Queen Yu suddenly reminded Su Jin.

Su Jin looked up.

Unconsciously shocked.

A stone mountain with a width of about five thousand kilometers is like a high uplifted continent, far above the horizon. On the stone mountain, the dragon scales are still faintly imprinted.

One mouthful after another dragon cave, as if there are traces of a candle dragon breaking through the mountain——

On the top of the mountain, the ‘Phoenix’s Nest’ is built with more than any kind of trees. The whole ‘Dragon and Phoenix’s Nest’ is black in soy sauce, which is extremely large!

"The ancestral dragon and phoenix were born. In the early years, the stone walls were covered with the words of God. Most of them were dug away. Those words continued to evolve and formed the words of the gods. Among them, there are countless pieces of ancient gods. The emperor’s family is one of the royal families that benefited the most in ancient times.” said the Queen Shark.

Su Jin took a deep breath. He quietly opened the'Mahe Town Prison Eye' and blessed several divine pupils, but he still got nothing--

Even without the special circumstances of the Eternal Gods Realm, Su Jin felt that within the scope of this ‘Dragon and Phoenix Nest’, he would not be able to see signs of life, let alone whether Di Linglong had actually been here recently.

The Dragon and Phoenix Nest is here!

But where is the Emperor's house!

Ye Qingying hadn't spoken all the time. She was not as optimistic as Han Dieyi and Dark Night Princess. She had hidden worries. After all, Su Jin came to the "Dragon Phoenix Nest" with fanfare, and her identity must have been doubted by the strong.

The powers in the Hall of Killing Gods, I am afraid that Su Jin’s identity has already been determined... This trip, the Eternal Gods Realm may be really messed up——

And this dragon and phoenix nest, I am afraid that blood will flow into a river!

"The dragon and phoenix nests have experienced several **** battles. The first time was naturally when the stone wall **** tree was contested. That time was the most tragic, and one of them was the crusade against the emperor family, which made the emperor family's imperial family decline. In that battle, the blood of the emperor was even I'm almost at the Dragon Cave on the stone mountain." The Queen Shark pointed to the dark dragon cave and said.

"Do you know where the emperor's house is?" Su Jin didn't care about those, looked at Queen Shark and asked.

Queen Shark hesitated.

Ye Qingying, Han Dieyi, and Princess Dark Night looked at Queen Shark. Naturally, they didn't know how to find the emperor's house. After all, the foundation of the ancient royal family was still there.

Moreover, no one really thinks that the emperor family is extinct--

"On the bank of Zhuoshui, the green hills to the west, there must be traces of the emperor's house." Queen Yu looked at Su Jin and said.

She deserves to be a famous strong.

Missin knew a lot.

On the bank of Zhuoshui?

Su Jin used his'Mahe Town Prison Eyes' to see a long sparkling river, which was about a hundred miles wide, and the surface was shining with twilight.

In a trance----

Su Jin seemed to see a back, under the chaotic power of the surroundings, he couldn't really see it. That back, black hair like a waterfall, hair ornaments in his long hair, under a gorgeous gauze, long legs bent down, and There is a pair of deer boots inlaid with precious stones.

That is a girl! Regardless of height, holy color, back view... even walking posture, they all look like Emperor Linglong!

Is it her!

is not it!

Su Jin really wanted to see who the woman was, but his vision became more dim, making it impossible to see the positive look. Even if he worked hard, he would be able to see that there were about 40-50% similar.

He is not sure!

"There!" Su Jin controlled Jianhong, jumped, and appeared on the "Dragon and Phoenix Nest" on the stone mountain with a few women!

"Did you find out?" Queen Shark was a little surprised.

"I saw a woman, but I'm not sure if it's her." Su Jin's eyes were cold.

"What should I do now?" Ye Qingying asked.

"I'm sure that the emperor family has a mysterious secret realm to cover up, otherwise it will definitely not disappear, good! I will find the secret realm now and blast out all the emperor family."

Su Jin was extremely excited.

Ye Qingying was terrified.

The inheritance of the emperor's family to the present, I am afraid that the accumulation of the background is quite terrible, otherwise, how can the woman Su Jin seeks to sit as the leader of the law enforcement alliance? Although he has now abdicated, the energy of the emperor family must not be underestimated--

Su Jin just raised his hand, seemingly thinking.

Look at the two women, Princess Dark Night and Han Dieyi.

The worship gaze in the eyes of the two women was shining, full of expectation.

"What are you doing looking at us like this?" The Night Princess had never been so embarrassed before, couldn't help but tighten the corners of her clothes, and glared at Su Jin.

"If one day, you find a more real me, what will you do?" Su Jin asked, looking at Princess Dark Night and Han Dieyi.

"The more real you?" Han Dieyi and Princess Dark Night were stunned.

"When you stop, you know you can't hide it." Queen Shark sighed.

Can't hide it?

The night princess and Han Dieyi are even more strange in their hearts, why... is there something else?

Su Jin smiled suddenly, as if to put everything down, and slowly said: "Your Royal Highness, don't forget what I said to you..."

"What are you talking about?" The night princess had a bad feeling for no reason.

"Yijian's'Bright Moon on the Sea', a platform for reincarnation, now I will use these two techniques to complete the final guidance for you. From then on, your father and your mother should also come to the Dragon and Phoenix Nest."

Su Jin looked at Princess Dark Night, looked at Han Dieyi, and said slowly.


That's it!

Zhuoshui River, the twilight shimmering, the calm flowing river suddenly raised a terrifying wave!

"Since ancient times, the strong, the amazing generation, there are not very few. The living beings will die, the dust will be like bones, how many bodies are buried. The sky is big, where can't a cup of corpse be buried?"

The temperament of Su Jin's body became more and more gloomy, cold enough to make the Night Princess and the others shiver fiercely.

"Existence, even if it is nameless, exists, even if it is forgotten, it will not be born or die."

Su Jin began to spiral around black cyclones all over his body. He looked at Han Dieyi, "Reincarnation is life and death, life and soul are extinct, all things are born, so your divine power will be entangled, today, I will be in the dragon and phoenix nest, **** battle for eternity All the powerhouses in God's Domain, let's look at... how powerful the'Life and Death Dao Platform' is!"

"The Dao of Life and Death... Isn't it... the Dao of Reincarnation?"

"How can life and death be the same? Reincarnation is just a rule, life is life, death is death. When the chaos is not opened, it is death, and the formation of the heavens is life. When you understand life and death and forget reincarnation, you will be able to stay outside of reincarnation. ."

Su Jin walked into the void step by step, walked to a black and white ‘Life and Death Platform’, and sat down cross-legged.

Afterwards, the clear and calm voice, with the supreme mystery, resounded in the invisible earth and even hundreds of cities!

"An unknown ancient sage, enter our Taoist platform to cut the ancient emperor tomb."

"The **** of the burial sword, enter my Taoist platform and behead my god."

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