My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3993: He is not Ye Yi

"Zhao Yuan, the old gods, entered my Taoist platform and inscribed with a stele."

"Zhao Jiuyou Yinling, enter our Taoist platform and build long life together."


The sound is slow.

Every word of Su Jin seemed to point to madness.

The Night Princess, Ye Qingying, Han Dieyi, and Queen Shark were all stiff, knowing that Su Jin was going to do something big! And as Su Jin’s voice appeared, the faces of the women became paler and paler.

Su Jinpan sat down on the "Daotai of Life and Death", as if there is a real sense of "speaking out the law", the entire Taotai, covering the twilight, turned the world into night!

The Dao of Life and Death also began to change from black and white to black and red!

One after another powerful black shadows seemed to be summoned from the unpredictable Xuanming.

"Ancient sage!" Ye Qingying was moved.

More than one!

The whole life and death platform is so magnificent. How big is the dragon and phoenix nest, the'life and death platform' is so magnificent, and on the whole slowly swirling platform, there are countless shadows of yin and spirits. Just read, you can hear countless yin spirits crying!


Within a million miles of the Dragon and Phoenix Nest, the sword shadow is mighty, and the sword country has been established! The countless newly unearthed swords seem to be mastered by countless swordsmanship gods, and even though they are phantoms, the mighty powers can already silence all creatures.


Zhuoshui River, high waves rolled up, the entire river seems to be swimming faster! The high waves that set off turned into a crystal dragon when a giant moon appeared! That dragon, Long Xiao Si Ye, in a short while, swept out a border as soft as silk in the sound!

"Emperor family!" Han Dieyi's eyes widened, knowing that the secret realm of the emperor family had appeared!

The dark night princess suddenly fell down, and she looked at Ye Qingying instead, "Did he...did he lie to us!"

"Yes." Ye Qingying responded.

As the Queen of Shark said, I can’t help it, Su Jin’s all-out strength is out, and he can no longer hide it. Under such circumstances as everyone knows, after he found the emperor here, he would be unscrupulous and worry no more. .

If you can't hide it, you can't hide it!

"Princess--" Han Dieyi didn't react, and she was taken aback for a moment. She seemed extremely angry when she saw Princess Dark Night, "What's wrong?"

"He is not Ye Yi." The Night Princess said.

"How come!" Han Dieyi was dumbfounded.

"If you don't believe me, look at it."

Princess Dark Night pointed to the'Life and Death Platform' above the sky, Su Jin on it no longer looked like'Ye Yi'.

Queen Shark and Ye Qingying looked at each other.

"You are right, he is indeed not Ye Yi, he is... the Lord of the Eternal Old God." Queen Yu said lightly, "The Eternal God's Domain is recognized as the rebellious master of God, and the Eternal God's Domain was once named after him."

"You all know... you all know..." The Night Princess was extremely disappointed, Ye Qingying and Queen Shark knew all the facts, but didn't tell her.

and many more--

The night princess raised her head again...Lord of the old gods? !

"You should have known for a long time, how can a killing **** temple make me surrender? He changed his name to Ye Yi, disguised as a killer **** in the killing **** temple, and sneaked into the eternal gods realm, obviously not afraid of all challenges." Queen Yu looked at the dark night. princess.

"He taught you a sword of'bearing a bright moon on the sea', which is the ultimate goal. Just now he said that your father will definitely come and draw a line with him. I don't know what he said to you...but he has something to you. Used, but it will never do to you." Ye Qingying also said.

The night princess' eyes flushed, and a tearful stream almost fell--

The Lord of the Old God, how could she be involved in the Dark Night God City.

In the light of the public outrage, in the worst, the Dark Night God City will be wiped out!

"Why do you care about so much?" Han Dieyi was obviously unexpected, comforting Princess Night.

"We are not your Dream Pavilion--" The Night Princess was still a little excited.


The storm of power in the sky turned into an extremely magnificent scene!

The ‘Daotai of Life and Death’ seems to oppress everything!

The Secret Realm of Emperor Family!

There seems to be a big movement now--

The big river of Zhuoshui has turned into a long dragon, and the dragon's claws have emptied their palms. When they patted the boundary wall fiercely, they had already opened a series of horrible holes in the boundary wall.

"Old God! It really is the Lord of the Old God!" The voice came from the secret realm from time to time.

"I'll wait for the strength to drop this dragon first!"

There are thousands of emperor Tianjiao who use powerful rules of divine power, and their aura is not weak. Once they are used, those rules are like five-color ropes, bound to the Zhuoshui dragon——

The brilliant Zhuoshui dragon roared loudly.


Can't break open?

"Those strong emperors really have some ability." Queen Shark was surprised, knowing that this is a magical technique used by Su Jin, and surrendering the dragon that Zhuo Shui turned into was originally a hell-level difficulty. It seems that the benefits of Dragon Phoenix Nest to their emperor family are unimaginable.


The giant Zhuoshui dragon fell into the dry river. The water was still the same river, but the strength of the emperor's family was also revealed.

"You are the master of the old **** who killed thousands of the Terror King God of the Eastern Divine Region and destroyed the God of Destruction!" The emperor's family, a densely packed powerhouse.

Above, the sky seemed to have turned into a disc, black and red swirling around a platform——

"Call Di Linglong out." Su Jin's voice.

"Di Linglong? There is nothing Di Linglong here! came here for nothing!"

At this moment, a young man blushed, and then he sternly shouted: "Leave the dragon and phoenix nest quickly, otherwise, don't blame my emperor's family for being rude!"

"You want, how can you be rude to me?" Su Jin said coldly.

"Di Linglong is in charge of the'Law Enforcement League' and has already gone to the land of Liuli! She...she is not in the ancestral land." The young man said again and again.

"Liar, die!"

Su Jin suddenly launched a trouble, and the whole'Life and Death Platform' buzzed and trembled!

The young man in the emperor’s family felt that he had been under an overwhelming amount of pressure. He thought he had an illusion, and there seemed to be two strands of black and white swirling around his body——

"I--" The young man reacted immediately, this is not an illusion!

The young man saw a terrible scene.

His body seemed to be twisting. He bowed his head with difficulty and looked at his hands and even shoulders. They all began to resemble a pack of dust, disintegrating, and the divine body collapsed like fleshy sand!


The screams disappeared instantly!

"Deceiving my emperor's family too much!"

In the realm of the emperor's secret realm, a ray of light like white ox-hair quickly spread across the secret realm. It was a pair of old women with muddy eyes holding a Wolong stick. Every time she walked, the power of the heavens around her seemed to shuttle around her. ——

Su Jin squinted, and he was a little surprised.

This emperor's family has such a strong one.

Before Su Jin had encountered the strongest, the strongest was the God of Destruction, followed by Queen Shark, but this old woman seemed to be above the God of Destruction in terms of coercion and momentum.

"Di Zu!"

The entire realm of the secret realm of the emperor's family shook the sky in unison, as if with this old woman, there was a backbone!

Huh huh!

The horror king of the emperor's family is also present!

The royal family of the ancient gods, unexpectedly, has such a powerful background, the horror king god, which is as large as eight thousand. It seems that if it were not for the arrival of Su Jin, such power would not be so easily exposed——



The coercion of the Eight Thousand Terror King Gods seemed to crush everything, even the "Daotai of Life and Death", now there are faint fluctuations.

"The emperor is so strong!" Queen Shark's face is solemn. Although she knows that the emperor has a strong background, the eight thousand horror king gods are too solid. This hidden power is enough to dominate a domain, and even more...

The night princess was also shocked by this sight, stopped her excitement, wept, and stared blankly at--

"Eight... more than 8,000 Terror King Gods." Han Dieyi also felt that the disaster was imminent, and couldn't help swallowing the waterway.

"If I were him, I would just turn my head and leave. This is just the emperor's family. It is naturally unrealistic for him to use his own power to fight the entire Eternal God Realm." The Night Princess reacted and said in a cold voice.

just now.

Queen Shark was also uneasy.

Emperor Zu appeared, and she felt that if she were to be an opponent with that Emperor Zu, she would probably be dead and dead, and the other party... could be called outrageously strong--

"To offend our emperor family, you need to die to repay it!" There is the emperor family terror king god, directly yelling at Su Jin.

"What are you! How about the Lord of the Old Gods, today the Lord of the Old Gods will be killed, and I will promote the power of the ancient royal family and the emperor!"

"If you want to escape, there is no chance. Our emperor family can't let you go! Soon, the powerhouses of the entire Eternal God Realm will come one after another. You...have no way to go!"

"An old lord of the old gods dared to enter our eternal gods alone! Who took your courage to provoke our emperor?"

"The emperor originally took charge of the'Law Enforcement League' well, but because of his abdication, she still...hehe..."

"Leave his life in the dragon and phoenix nest! The shame he brought to the emperor's family can be washed away today. The dragon and phoenix nest is the place of his fate, the place where his bones are buried!"

"Want to know where Emperor Linglong is? Why don't I tell you! She...has been given to death by the Emperor!"

Give... Give death?

Su Jin naturally heard these words, and the red light in his eyes darkened.

He doesn't believe it.

The ‘evolution rule’ in the compass just now can still cause a reaction, and it’s death in a blink of an eye? How can it be done? If Di Linglong really dies, the ‘evolution rule’ in the compass will also dissipate in an instant, and it’s impossible to survive!


Given the current attitude of the other party-

Su Jin has now confirmed that Di Linglong is at the Emperor's house! And... the situation is not too good!

At this moment, although the emperor family is very angry, the name of an eternal old god’s lord has been able to suppress the'di family'. Although the old woman has appeared, she obviously dare not care about Su Jin. .

The two sides are deadlocked.

"Hand over Emperor Linglong, that's it." Su Jin said to the entire emperor family.

"No, so what!" The old woman gently held the'Wolong Stick' and said coldly.

Su Jin responded coldly without hesitation, "Exit! You! Emperor! Home!"

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