My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3994: Liumang God Emperor, the power of Taotai

Don't pay.

Destroy your emperor!

Unless there is a peerless powerhouse, who would dare to face the eight thousand horror kings alone and say such threatening and ruthless words?


Deathly silence.

When the silence was suppressed to its limit, suddenly a shocking laughter broke out in the emperor’s house, and many of the emperor’s strong laughter burst into tears—

Queen Shark's face was solemn.

The powerful emperor was laughing, laughing, she didn't feel that Su Jin was joking! Moreover, Queen Yu felt that the emperor's house had been closed for an unknown number of years, and had no idea what was happening outside.

He didn't even know that the Great Destruction God and the more than 5,000 Terror King Gods he brought out all died in Su Jin's hands.

"Is that so funny?" Ye Qingying also didn't understand.

"It's not funny." Her scalp was numb when she heard the laughter. If they hold a large number of horror kings and gods and laugh at Su Jin unscrupulously, I am afraid... today the emperor's family is really in danger.

On the gorgeous and shocking "Life and Death Platform", Su Jin's eyes flickered--

He is very fond of love.

Old love.

Although this emperor family has nothing to do with him, this so-called ‘di ancestor’ was the first time he saw him, but only because this emperor’s family was the ancestral land of Di Linglong, he just said that he had handed over Di Linglong, that’s all.

Otherwise, has he ever been like this?

"Who do you think you are! The eternal lord of the old **** era is at best an ordinary horror king god! What are you now, dare to threaten to destroy our emperor." There are horror king gods who are still laughing, many emperors The children of the family even laughed while holding their stomachs.

"Our imperial family has built a secret realm in the'Dragon and Phoenix Nest' since ancient times. Now, we are not afraid of any force in the Eternal God Realm. If you kill the **** of my imperial family, this account will make you fall into the painful prison space. , Will let you enjoy endless torture! Our Emperor Family will never let you go--"

"Destroy my emperor family? Eternal God's Realm still has such an arrogant god. In my opinion, we don't need the emperor's ancestor to take action. If we walk out of the extreme, we can drive him into the land of death pain."

"When he said this, he was not afraid that the gale would flash his tongue! Emperor Ancestor! We Six-Mans God Emperor, please go to war!"

Six-Mans God Emperor.

The six powerful horror king gods wearing mysterious star robes have the power to pick stars from the sky, even in the emperor's house, their status is also in a very high position——

The Dizu old woman hesitated, but she still nodded: "Okay!"


The six **** emperors rose to the sky instantly!

There was a fight.

When Han Dieyi saw the Six-Mans God Emperor flying into the sky, he couldn't help feeling nervous, and whispered, "Brother Ye, come on—"

"You still call him Big Brother Ye!" The Night Princess angered.

"Otherwise, what do you call him?" Han Dieyi's eyes became confused.

The night princess was so cold, she asked: "He lied to us, and you still support him, are you stupid?"

"I do not know……"

After a brief period of confusion, Han Dieyi was also a little angry and said, "I don't care who he is, at least he didn't think badly about me, and he didn't harm me—"

"He lied to us, he was harming us!" The night princess really didn't understand what Han Dieyi was thinking, in short, she would never trust Su Jin again.

Too late!

Six **** emperors fight with confidence. Each **** emperor has the power of the peak horror king, far better than the average horror king! I saw that they cooperated in tacit understanding. As each of them, the star power converged, and when they raised their fists, a six-pointed star seemed to contain the ultimate starlight, and began to be involved in the six **** emperors.

"Look at us breaking your platform!" The **** emperor said with great excitement.

The six **** emperors all raise their fists!

Divine power is brilliant in them!


The catastrophe happened to them——

Moreover, it came so unexpectedly!

The six-mans **** emperor, everyone immediately felt the pressure, and when they approached the platform, black chains seemed to appear under the platform.

"I can't move it!"

The self-confidence of the six gods when they went to fight was instantly extinguished...

This Taoist platform still has such power!

"Brother! Think of a way!" A **** emperor said quickly.

In front of the horrible black chain, when approaching the six **** emperors, a black bone hook began to form. The black bone hook was directly behind each **** emperor when the chains were wrapped around the six **** emperors. The back of the neck pierced the pipa bones on both sides of each **** emperor!





The divine light of Zhan Zhan shined out of those chains, and the six **** emperors were suffering great pain!


The circular black-and-white "Daotai of Life and Death", covering the sky and the ground, began to make a clicking sound that resounded all over the world.

The Dao of Life and Death, now like a wheel, is retracting the black chain, and the six captured **** emperors are being pulled back by the Dao of Life and Death!

Emperor family!

All beings, all looked up and saw this scene——

It's incredible!

Even if it was the Emperor's ancestor, he was slightly startled just now, with a little jealousy in his eyes.

This shocking scene also caused a shocking sensation in the entire "Broken Air Land"!

"The six terrifying kings and gods of the emperor's family, who are not qualified to connect to the near road platform, were caught by the six black chains, suffering endless pain--" In Duankong City, there was a sensation and panic.

Really learned a lot!

"If the six horror kings were involved in the'Taotai', what would happen?"

"It will fall! It will definitely fall, it will be crushed into powder, and it will disappear forever! To be honest, he said just now that he would destroy the emperor's family. We still don't believe it. Who would have thought that there are currently six horror kings and gods. He is still far away and has no ability to connect close to him."

"I am afraid he is going to kill him today! Fortunately, we did not provoke such a powerful man in Duankong City, and the emperor's confidence was too high. On the mystery of this Taoist platform, if the emperor is fighting, With this evildoer, it’s hard to say who will win—"

"He wants to fight all incoming enemies in the Dragon and Phoenix Nest! The emperor is not wise to take action now."


The ground in the empty space is being clouded by an unknown atmosphere of fear——

All the powers of the emperor family squinted their eyes and stared at the six-glow **** emperor...

"Dizu! Think of a way!" A Terror King said anxiously.

"Yes, Emperor Zu! How can he be allowed to act fiercely within the scope of my Emperor's family!"

"Dizu, save Liumang God Emperor——"



Many imperial family powerhouses seem to feel the extraordinary of the'Life and Death Daotai'. If this'Life and Death Daotai' is an insurmountable barrier, then how should their emperor family touch the clothes of the Lord of the Old God above? angle?

"What to do! What to do, brother."

The six **** emperors all felt that their **** blood was being dried up, and that terrible bone hand pierced their pipa bones, which had the power to draw **** blood. For the first time in countless years, they felt exhausted, a kind of faint. Feeling sleepy.

"We...we are afraid that we are going to be planted." The King of Terror, who was called the eldest brother by the five emperors, sighed. How did they know that it would be so unhelpful and so powerless.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die, big brother!"



The permeating sound of the runner continued.

The Six-Mans God Emperor, the six horror kings and gods, watched as they were approaching the "Daotai of Life and Death", and they seemed to have seen their destiny.

In their eyes.

As if all saw darkness.

Darkness, silence, nothingness, from consciousness, and then into nothingness.


The bones of the gods are being shredded, and the six **** emperors are successively involved in the revolving "Life and Death Platform"!

At this moment, the world is quiet!

Duankong Earth has never been so quiet before, even among hundreds of cities, after this scene is reflected, it has been silent one after another.

"Even if it is the King of Terror...Is it so powerless...This guy hides most of his strength--" At this moment, in Dark Night God City, many Protoss all looked up, watching that piece of condensed dragon and phoenix. The scene of the nest murmured unconsciously.

"There is news from the city lord's mansion that there are strong men who are good at calculations, as if they have seen the future... the battle of the dragon and phoenix nest is bound to flow into a river! The blood of the gods has even covered the dragon and phoenix nest..."

"This guy is really not easy. When we were in the Dark Night God City, he wanted to challenge a strong city. Many strong people thought he was just bragging. He didn't expect that... he faced the Emperor's Eight Thousand Terror King Gods with no face This color, even... has been killed."

"The princess is still in the dragon and phoenix nest, the city lord... she is the lord's most precious daughter, the city lord is bound to rush to the dragon and phoenix nest and bring her back--"


The wind has passed, there are marks.

Above the dragon and phoenix nest.

Su Jin sat steadily in the center of the Dao of Life and Death, killing six horror king gods, six-mans divine emperor, as if crushing six ants to death. He didn't even have any interest in seeing it--

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