My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3995: Luo Fu Haotian

The six-mans **** emperor died--

Among the emperor's family, including the emperor ancestor, all stayed where they were. They had never even thought that the Six-Mans God Emperor would lose! As a result, so unbeaten?

Eight Thousand Terror King God, look at me, I look at you, the surprise in his eyes is absolutely unprecedented. Moreover, thinking of his imperial family, how has such a big thing ever happened!

Being able to stay near the'Dragon and Phoenix Nest' in the ancient years, and to the present 8000 horror king gods can be developed. This in itself represents a kind of super strength——

"Dizu, Dizu!" The horror King God looked at the dizu and the old woman in a daze, and couldn't help but remind them.

The entire imperial family.

There has been a trend of chaos.

Anyone who has vision can naturally see the seriousness of the matter! If you want to attack Su Jin, you must break the ‘Life and Death Platform’, and since the opponent has the power to crush the Six-Mans God Emperor, it is naturally not the ordinary King of Terror that can contend.

"Unless it is a pack of wolves tactics, all the horror kings and gods are on the same side, otherwise... it is absolutely difficult to break through the crushing of the life and death platform, the six-mans **** emperor died too miserably——" There are horror kings and gods talking to each other in low voice .

"Listen! Only the Emperor Ancestor can break that ‘Daotai of Life and Death’ with his own power! As long as the ‘Daotai of Life and Death’ is broken, the evildoer is not to be feared--"

"Can Dizu really break the Taoist platform? It feels like it can't be shaken easily. What level has this eternal old **** master awakened to?"

"If he really recovers to the peak of the year, we...our emperor ancestors will be very difficult to deal with."

"The emperor deserves to die, she has brought great disasters to the whole clan, annihilation of the clan—"


Just in the back of the imperial family and the gods.

The turbid eyes of the emperor suddenly showed a strong spirit!

"Good means!" Emperor Zu slowly held his other hand on the'Wolong Staff'.

Although her figure is humble, but her aura is really shocking to all the Protoss——

The Wolong stick was directly lifted up by the emperor.

With a light wave, the battlefield was empty, and it directly opened a shocking world!


What was unexpected was not how fierce the blow was, but...but in that sky split, suddenly a four-color scroll of ‘purple, blue, gold and black’ came out!

The scroll unfolded, as if encompassing the heavens, the earth and the mountains! And among them, the lines of many pictographic beasts began to flicker, and the power displayed by this huge scroll alone was enough to attract the attention of the gods!

Su Jin, his eyes also condensed slightly--

And at this time, it is outside the Dragon and Phoenix Nest!

Astonishing coercion is constantly spreading in all directions. Many powerful people are running from all directions in the Eternal God Realm, and there are even many special space methods that can open the millions of miles of void gates near the Dragon and Phoenix Nest!

"The Emperor's family has launched the'Luofu Haotian Map'! Great! The emperor's family used the "Luofu Haotian Map" in ancient times to bombard and kill I don't know how many terrifying existences." Some protoss came to see the sky. Power, from the upper bunk of "Luofu Haotian Map".


How amazing!

The entire "Life and Death Platform" was shaken——

Although Su Jin's face remained calm, the other party's ability to have such a magical treasure really made him feel surprised in his heart. His "Life and Death Platform" is not simply capable of being shaken, at least one scroll can do it. At this point, it is already terrible.

The tremor grew stronger and stronger.

When Queen Shark arrived in this situation, she seemed to be severely grabbed in her heart, Su Jin...Can he hold the blow of the Emperor Ancestor?

After all, when Su Jin killed the'Great Destruction God', no one saw it. What's more, judging from the methods currently displayed by the Emperor Ancestor, her strength is probably stronger than that of the Great Destruction God— —

"If the'Daotai of Life and Death' is destroyed, what will happen to Big Brother Ye?" Han Dieyi asked, looking at Queen Yu.

She really didn't care if Su Jin lied to her--

She just knows that whoever treats her well, she treats whoever is good. Even if Su Jin came here for a purpose, she did not have any murderous intentions against her, and even saved her to help her achieve her own ‘reincarnation platform’.

The Queen Shark shook her head, "It is hard to say that the Dao of Life and Death may not be able to carry the power of the'Luofu Haotian Map'. The origin of this map is extremely terrible. It is rumored that in the ancient years, when God's Domain was first formed, it descended from the sky. The power to destroy everything."

Ye Qingying can only watch eagerly now--

The women of them can only watch the battle in the Dragon and Phoenix Nest. Except that Queen Shark may still bring some trouble to the emperor's family, she may not be able to see Ye Qingying.

The Princess of Dark Night stared at Su Jin in the center of the "Daotai of Life and Death"... a touch of complexity flashed deep in her eyes.

Why, why is he not Ye Yi, but the eternal enemy!


The entire scroll, as if the starry sky becomes a river, instantly surrounds the'Life and Death Dao Platform'. The **** picture above and the **** beast on it seem to be lifelike, and it is possible to come out of it at any time——

"Interesting." Su Jin came interested.

In "Luofu Haotian Map", Su Jin didn't care about the birds and beasts, but saw a big yellow river. The whole "Luofu Haotian Map" centered on this big river——


Is it weak water?

There was a wonderful light in Su Jin's eyes.

If the gods of the emperor's family knew that Su Jin was thinking about this problem, I am afraid that he would not be angry to death, but would also be spurted three times by the sky!

"Boy! You are going to die soon!" Among the eight thousand horror king gods, there was a king **** with a smirk and passed the voice over.

"Our Emperor's'Luofu Haotian Map' is unparalleled in the world, and it is the number one treasure of the Emperor's family. You won't be wronged if you die. After all, this is what the Emperor's ancestor valued you--"

"You, the lord of the ancient old gods who have not yet fully awakened, dare to come to the emperor's house to make trouble? Well, if you come, stay, and the master of the old gods will surely make our emperor's family come back in the future. Prepared!"

"Dizu is going to kill you with the'Luofu Haotian Map' town. Have you never seen a divine treasure of this level? Enjoy the feeling of death for a while--"

"Compared with Dizu, you are not fart."


Let it be said.

Su Jin remained indifferent.

He pays attention to the "Life and Death Daotai". Although the entire Daotai is still trembling, there is no worry of collapse, at least it will not be shattered yet—

Under his attention, the Dao of Life and Death began to slowly move towards the weak water on the "Luofu Haotian Map"...Although it moved very slowly, the center of the "Luofu Haotian Map" was weak. Water seems to have a wonderful power that even he can hardly imagine.

The corner of Su Jin's mouth raised slightly.

Luofu Haotian map? Treasure? Hasn't he seen?

Simply, Su Jin let go of the pressure of the'Life and Death Daotai', and the entire Life and Death Daotai is moving faster towards the'Luofu Haotian Map'——

That kind of feeling is as if the'Life and Death Daotai' is being sucked away by the'Luofu Haotian Map'.

The gods of the imperial family are more than excited!

Just as those terrifying powers said, this guy can't resist the power of'Luofu Haotian Tu' at all! The'Life and Death Daotai' will be crushed by the'Luofu Haotian Map' and is falling into that magical'weak water'!

Di Zu obviously relaxed her vigilance, especially after seeing the "Luo Fu Haotian Tu" worked, she seemed to have seen Su Jin's miserable end--

Must die, no doubt!

This is the view of Emperor Dizu——

In Su Jin's current situation, no one can guarantee that he will survive the mystery of'Luofu Haotian Tu'.


Getting closer!

Su Jin stood up from the center of the Dao of Life and Death, and walked to the edge of the Dao of Life and Death in one step, and the ‘Luofu Haotian Map’ was close at hand!


A piece of golden light that is strong enough to cover any color in the world, splendidly from the palm of Su Jin's hand!

All the gods of the Emperor Family suffocated instantly!

Di Zu's face changed!

Even the women of Queen Shark could not help but cover up the ‘golden light’ with their sleeves a little at that moment! All this happened so suddenly, they didn't even see what was contained in the golden light!

"Not good!" Dizu shouted bad things.

A golden ancient stele, looming in the golden light, ups and downs, **** words! And Su Jin gently released the "Golden Ancient Stele"--

The entire golden ancient stele slammed into the'Luofu Haotian Map' instantly!

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