My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3997: One rage, one million ri red ground!

"You may be curious...why...I am going to risk my fall and be hit by you, now...I tell you..."

Su Jin smiled and said: "That is what I owe her... Besides, there is no difference between you and her except for the fragrance. At least, you are her very close being..."

The more the girl listened, the more surprised she became--

Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, no matter how hard it was to hide his anger, the anger spread all over!

"Di Linglong! This is the emperor you believe in, and this is the ancestral land you chose to come back to!" Su Jin has been angry recently, but has never been so angry--

He feels worthless for Di Linglong!

Su Jin's anger seems to be about to overturn this world——

In the dragon and phoenix nest, the night princess, Han Dieyi, Ye Qingying, and even the queen of Yu felt Su Jin's fury!

"It's not good! He...he..." Queen Shark's fear in her heart for no reason now, the anxiety that originated from her heart is flooding her heart.

Emperor Zu's face was cold.

Including the entire imperial family gods, they are no longer afraid now!

"He was injured! He was wounded by the ancient artifact cold dagger!" Many emperors were all overjoyed.

"He didn't even dream of it, the emperor... there are two! Compatriot twins! Even the rules, power, everything, there is no difference! Di Linglong could have inherited the emperor family, but she was not Restrained, became the leader of the law enforcement alliance... Except this time, I don't know how many years have not been back!"

"Hahaha...this time the young lady has made a great contribution! She is indeed the best choice for the lord of the emperor family! Di Linglong, ah Di Linglong, your sister, severely injured your priest... She is better than you and more suitable Take charge of the emperor's house!"

"Many of the fellow Protoss in the Eternal Gods Realm have already been killed! He is seriously injured now, and sooner or later, he will be beheaded. The arrangement of the emperor is really exquisite. It is a risk to let the young lady pretend to be the emperor Linglong and succeed in one fell swoop!"

"He is seriously injured and dying, so I'll send him on the road soon!"

"What... what movement?"

Not only the emperor’s family has a particularly trance-like illusion, but now, together with the protoss coming from all directions, they are also starting to look around—

At this moment, the sky is shaking!

The ground is shaking too!

Heaven and earth seem to be affected, an influence caused by fury!

The four daughters of the Queen Shark turned pale instantly! Even the emperor on the "Daotai of Life and Death" is now so scared that she fell on the "Daotai of Life and Death"!

They all have a common hunch--

The changes in the world are probably all caused by the Su Jin in his eyes!

Su Jin, who is not injured, may not be terrible!

But Su Jin, who was furiously hit hard, just... just like an awakened supreme being!

Open your eyes!

Open your eyes!

Su Jin opened his eyes, a ray of crystal red, as if he had not yet begun the journey of God--

"Kunpeng!" Su Jin roared for nine days!


As if for a moment.

Su Jin appeared under the dragon and phoenix nest... After he roared out the word'Kunpeng', his whole body directly transformed into the form of'Peng' in Kunpeng!

It's just that it's not golden anymore... the sky-shielding roc, with its wings stretched out, is actually burning the golden flames!


A radius of a million li in the ‘empty earth’, instantly turned into purgatory! Visible to the naked eye, the golden flames on the earth skyrocketed, and the sky-shielding Kunpeng that Su Jin transformed into, caused a dazzling wave of flames while flying!

That fire wave spreads in the form of "one"! It was as if the tide in the sea, just in the form of a ‘fire of all things’, began to slaughter the gods and protoss who came!

Everything is destroyed!

The earth seems to be turned into golden soup, and the mountain melts!



Many king gods, horror king gods, before they realized what was going on, they were swallowed by the fire wave——

The ancestors with eight thousand horror kings and gods, far away in the sky, condescending to see more real!

For a long time... speechless!

The four daughters, Queen Shark, Dark Night Princess, Han Dieyi, and Ye Qingying...have looked at them this the charm of Su Jin?

Crowds of king gods, king gods of terror...In that wave of fire, they were still in human form at the beginning, but when the fire wave swallowed, in the eyes of the four females of the mackerel queen, they did turn into black ash, floating on the ground. in!

"He... why didn't he culling the emperor's family——" It took a long time for the dark night princess to react, turned her head back hard, and looked at Queen Shark.

"Perhaps it is that the former leader of the law enforcement league has not died, or...or that the whereabouts are unknown, or it is possible that the emperor's family is in the painful torture that will never be restored..." Queen Yu took a breath, her heart was full It almost jumped out.

"Big Brother Ye..." Han Dieyi didn't know if it was because of the power of the fire wave that made her feel hot, and now her face was almost like a ripe apple.

"Don't call." The night princess was angry when she listened. She is a little worried now. She sees Su Jin showing such a great power, but she doesn't want the father to come...

Su Jin in this state will inevitably kill her father by mistake.

Too cruel!

The ground in the air, the radius of a hundred cities, including the Dark Night God City, have never been in such a long silence...Even if the scene above the hundred cities is only reflected, just condensed... you can feel the sky-covering Kunpeng The power of the end geometry——

Shocking, and far more than shocking!

The horror on the dark night city lord's face seemed to make him instantly lose his strength, and he seemed to be sitting on the ground feebly. It turned out that this was the true power of Ye Yi!

It turned out that his Dark Night God City was in the eyes of the opponent, and it wasn't a shit!

It's because he wanted to kill him at first, this guy is simply... this can almost destroy his Dark Night God City and sweep his Dark Night God City in an instant!

"What about the old god, why don't you try to accept him?" The lord of the Dream Pavilion sighed, "Dragon and Phoenix Nest, you can't go to the dragon and phoenix nest for now, unless...not afraid of death."

The Dark Night City Lord sat on the ground, speechless for a long time, as if he hadn't heard the words of the Lord of the Dream Pavilion... He was hit, it turned out that he was the one who nearly ruined the entire God City!


An atmosphere of panic spreads across every city among the hundred cities——

In the Dark Night God City, after a long period of silence, an unprecedented sensation broke out!

"Furious, a million miles in the red land! He... He walked out of our Dark Night God City, and he was so strong that he was so terrible!" The **** with Dark Night God City was almost scared to death.

"Can the emperor still end up? Isn’t the old **** a god? It’s really sad, the emperor’s wanting to kill the lord of the old **** is’s a pity, now they have taken the initiative and aroused the anger of the other side. !"

"There are no less than 100,000 protoss who have just rushed to the Dragon and Phoenix Nest from all directions? Killed all... All killed! All buried in the sea of ​​fire..."

"What kind of experience did he have to achieve this level! Except for the dragon and phoenix nest deliberately left behind by him, the land with a radius of one million miles was destroyed, and the flames will not go out!"

"Those high flames seem to represent his anger at the moment... the anger will not be quenched, the sacred fire will not be extinguished! Does the Protoss dare to venture to the Dragon and Phoenix Nest?"


Killed crazy!

Everywhere is the breath of life being ended--

The gods of the emperor family are already stupid.

The overwhelming **** flame burns everything on the earth, the terrifying fire field, you can't see it at a glance! The earth turned into a sea of ​​lava, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of burning everything...

The mountain is gone!

The sea is gone!

All the creatures are charcoal!

"Go away!"

There was a terrifying demon **** with a tortoise shell on his back, with blue light all over his body, which was able to withstand the time of the fire of all things, Su Jin was furious, and he fought directly!

The fragmented guest, broken into pieces, splashed on the void of the earth——

The night is illuminated by the fire of heaven and earth, and it is shaped like a fire-colored day. The lava in the earth seems to have formed a fire snake after another, and disasters are everywhere!

The emperor was trembling with anger. Although the secret realm of the emperor family will not be affected by the fire, after all, the emperor family has developed to this day, and it has almost become a realm of its own, but the death of those creatures can be regarded as all because of her emperor family——

On the stage of life and death.

Di Linglong's younger sister is also staring at all this dumbfounded...

The sister who is better than her, the husband whom she chose... unexpectedly... reached this level! Moreover, why did the other party not die when she was hit by a cold dagger? Obviously he has hit the point-

"Dizu...Dizu quickly think of a way...The gods' domain fellows keep coming, rushing into the fire, and being beaten by him before clarifying the situation, this is not the way." There is a scared king **** who can't breathe. Come, quickly ask the emperor for instructions.

"Dizu! This son has ruined the ancient treasure of our clan, and he must be punished for his sins!" The King of Terror was equally angry.

As soon as this horror king said...

Thousands of other horror kings stared at him together.

The horror king **** who wanted to punish Su Jin's crimes was groggy in his heart, I don't know why everyone looked at him like this.

"It's already a matter of punishing him... now is... how can we preserve the emperor's family, don't make a mistake." The Fear King said depressed.


This is the truth!

Now anyone who has a bit of a brain can tell, because of the existence of Emperor Linglong, the place Su Jin chose to attack was the powerhouse who rushed to the Duankong Continent from outside!




The anger that is hard to extinguish, even if millions of lives are overwhelmed with charcoal, it is difficult to calm Su Jin's anger!


Su Jin stopped the Dapeng offensive, like a rising flame Kunpeng, angrily said: "I will ask your emperor's family one more time, pay...or not!"

the last time!


No more chance!

Su Jin was madly mad, he always kept a trace of Ming and Qing in his heart... But now, the other party is quickly killing his last bit of patience——


Still not paying!

The divine heart of the emperor was beating violently. She seemed to see the substantive killing intent around Su Jin. The confidence and madness that dared to challenge the heavens made it difficult for her to make a choice!

Is the Emperor's eight thousand horror king gods enough? Di Zu is now lost in his heart! If you build a wall of horror rules, how can it stop him?

Cut the ground.

Surrounded by hundreds of cities.

Including all the clan gods currently playing in the emperor family——

All are waiting for a reply from Emperor Zu!

"No!" The emperor's voice was as cold and firm as nine days of ice.


The last trace of Ming and Qing in Su Jin's heart was also instantly covered by anger!

"Then die!"

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