My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3998: Is he dying?


Go to hell!

The sound of the shocking echo spread over the empty space, gradually spreading to hundreds of cities, and even seemed to announce to the entire world!

The emperor is in danger!

Not only the Queen of Shark felt the changes in the entire space, even the countless forces in the Earth of Sudden Space, they also saw the real scene with their own eyes.


The golden flames are burning wildly with the feathers of ‘Kunpeng’, and the space closest to the dragon and phoenix’s nest is burnt and distorted! Simply, the Dao of Life and Death, and the top of the Dragon and Phoenix Nest, were not affected by the terrible heat wave.

"What a terrible killing intent!" The Queen Shark stared from afar, and she couldn't help but feel astonished at such a long distance, not to mention the emperor who is now being targeted by Su Jin.

Ye Qingying and Han Dieyi stared at the emperor's house coldly.

On the contrary, the night princess was extremely entangled in her heart, and when she saw Su Jin who was ignited with anger, the complexity in her eyes clearly appeared.

"Fight with him!"

Many horror king gods of the emperor's family were also furious, no matter how powerful the opponent was, they were only a horror king god, but there were eight thousand of them, how could they not lose!

"A wall of rules!"

"The whole emperor's family works together. If you don't believe it, you can't compete with this demon!"


The battle intent of the gods of the emperor family has risen rapidly, after all, they have a solid foundation and strength!

But gradually.

It didn't take long for the gods of the emperor family to feel more and more that something was wrong, and the earth in a radius of one million miles turned into a sea of ​​lava, as if a thin layer of golden light began to appear——

The golden light is not like the "Kunpeng" flame displayed by Su Jin, but tends to be softer and more sacred.

What power is this?

All the gods of the emperor family are puzzled--

But the authorities are fans!

When the soft and sacred golden light was slowly shining from that million miles, the Protoss who was in the empty ground at this moment, and even farther away, all felt horror!

The golden light area with a radius of one million li seems to have formed the shape of a ‘Buddha’s head’, especially the eyes of the Buddha’s head. It is not mercy, but a hatred of killing!

The entire Buddha head is condensed in the void of the earth, and it is a million miles in size! Moreover, around the Buddha's head, the ‘Buddha Wheel’ is vast, even covering the entire emperor’s family.

"It's a Buddha." A demon and **** exclaimed in Duankong.

"He is a Protoss who can comprehend Buddhism and Tao to such a profound level. When the Buddha was in the ancient heavens, he was also a power that cannot be underestimated, and it is even more rare!"

"Among the Protoss, the gods who are good at Buddha's light perception are extremely rare, but this sacred power can also be used to deal with the eight thousand terrifying kings and gods of the emperor's family?"

"Hundreds are cut off, and there are eight thousand horror king gods! Moreover, the emperor family has unimaginable king **** power, not to mention, the emperor ancestor is still alive, and I don’t know what kind of confrontation power he will display. He wants to chew This hard bone of the Emperor Family, I am afraid it will not be easy--"

"The Buddha's head is sacred for a million miles, what does he intend to do? But he can realize the Buddha's way to this point, I am afraid this blow is also extraordinary! I hope the emperor can deal with it."


Cut the ground.

Duankong City.

The sacred Buddha head formed by the light of the Buddha, reflected in the range of hundreds of cities, made people sigh with the magic of Su Jin, but the expression of hatred by the Buddha head made many gods feel very uncomfortable after seeing it.


The golden thunderbolt smashed within a million miles of Buddha's head, and those golden Buddha rain seemed to fall from the Buddha wheel and land in the lava-rolling earth.

"There is no need to be afraid of him, he has already suffered heavy damage, and will soon be killed by the ancient artifact, the power of the cold dagger. I think everyone knows exactly what the power of that cold dagger is." The most terrifying wall of divine power rules ever!

Colorful overflowing in all directions, firmly guarding all the emperor family gods.

"Hold on, as long as the divine power wall doesn't break, he can't help us! Now we wait for the power of the ancient cold dagger to strike, but we can deal with him whatever we want!"



The sudden scream awakened a lot of the gods of the imperial family who were still lucky.

A golden thunderbolt just struck an emperor and god, and smashed that emperor and **** into a plume of smoke! This scene has directly changed the appearance of many powerful emperors, they still underestimated the other's Buddhism and Taoism!

"What kind of thunder and lightning is that actually can penetrate the wall of divine power invisibly! This is the supreme power supported by the fusion of our emperor's 8,000 horror kings and gods——" There are many emperors who were originally at ease. The **** of family was almost crying.

In the eyes of the Emperor's family, the golden Kunpeng disappeared.

What appeared in the eyes of all the Protoss... is what Su Jin originally looked like! The injury in front of him is obviously still getting worse, and the clear chill is still escaping!

Su Jin glanced at the gods of the emperor's family, then looked at the Dao of Life and Death...

On the stage of life and death, Di Linglong’s sister was frightened. She was on the stage of life and death, but she would not be affected by Su Jin’s fierce power just now. It’s just that the other party now took a look at the stage of life and death. ?

"It turns out that as my understanding deepens, many cultivation bases go hand in hand, my understanding of life and death, and the realm of Buddhist and Taoist perceptions have also begun to break through."

Su Jin gently waved his arm, and a three-foot green front appeared on his right hand of Heavenly Dao. He continued to meditate in his heart: "Samadhi is not the end of Buddhism. This state... should be an empty door, let me start killing. Empty door!"

Buddhism, since ancient times, it has been said to escape into the empty door——

Where is the empty door? The benevolent see benevolence, the wise see wisdom! Su Jin feels that wherever the Buddha's light shines, everything is under his control, which is different from holding the sky.

Zhang Tian, ​​there are naturally very few restrictions on the strong enemies in the heavens and the earth, but Su Jin now... his feelings really shocked him...


Three feet green front, cold light shines!

In the eyes of many Protoss, Su Jin walked into nothingness...


Walk into nothingness!

It seems to have completely disappeared in the true sense. No one knows where he went or where, as if turned into a mustard seed, even in countless black smoke and dust, no trace of him can be found!

"Where is he!" Dizu was panicking inexplicably now. In her eyes, she didn't even feel the existence of Su Jin. At this moment, she was really panicked.

The wall of divine power rules is airtight! In addition to the golden thunderbolts and lightnings, the powerful emperors didn't seem to need to do any more actions, because they were sure that Su Jin could not cut this divine power wall that gathered the power of eight thousand terrifying king gods!

Of course.

Terrible disasters always happen inadvertently!

On the left side, a terrifying king of the Emperor's family surrounded by a wall of divine power rules, unconsciously! When he hadn't reacted yet, two shocking marks appeared in his eyes!

Qiang Qiang!

The blood exploded and the bones splashed! I don't know how many Protoss is splashed!

"The vast land, one sword, everything is broken!"

Su Jin's voice spread, and his figure appeared, swiping again, the sword moves were simple and unpretentious, without skill at all, but during the sweep, the sword marks were like waves, as if swiping thousands of dragons——




Su Jin disappeared again, disappearing so gracefully, he was like a breeze, like a handful of yellow sand in the wind, like a remnant feather falling into a fire——

"He's nearby! The wall of divine power rules can't stop him!" The weaker Terror King God was frightened and cried directly, and looked around nervously with a weeping voice. The other party could ignore the divine wall they thought was safe!

"Keep your strength! Disperse the wall of rules!" Dizu never expected that it would be like this, and immediately snorted--

The Wolong Staff was directly slammed into the void by the emperor's ancestor and the old woman... a brilliant glow, centered on her, quickly spread around.

The dazzling white light makes the night like daylight, but the white scene is somewhat unreal!

"Where is the prosperous place, the song falls. Leaning against the clouds, thousands of pots cover their loneliness, even if others laugh at me!"

Amidst the white light, a gray figure raised the sword--


Two **** cut marks, directly cut the two emperor terror king gods!

"court death!"

The ancestor old woman swung the'Wolong Staff' fiercely, and the stick shadow instantly hit the gray figure——


Di Zu's muddy eyes were incredulous. She had just found Su Jin and also attacked the opponent, why...Why couldn't she kill the opponent?

Not to mention bombing.

Even the corners of the clothes didn’t seem to be touched. The power of the Wolong Staff hit the opponent as if they had passed through nothingness——

Emperor family, panic!


What kind of frightening method is this? Why can only he be able to kill the **** of the emperor family, but the emperor can not attack the opponent?

"The emperor... the emperor is about to plant!" To the south of the dragon and phoenix nest, some of the protoss outside the lava field rushed to the protoss. When they looked at a figure in the Buddha's head, their figure trembled.

"Save the emperor!" This protoss, about five thousand people, even if they unite, each show their magical powers and rush to the battlefield——


A vast area of ​​Sword Nation emerged from the void in an instant. Except for the center of the battlefield, Sword Nation instantly enveloped a radius of a million miles from all directions, killing it fiercely!

Life... is being harvested!

This is already the second crop-

On the stage of life and death.

Di Linglong's younger sister is now sitting weakly on the stage. She has never thought that the situation will develop to such a serious stage!

"Don't kill..."

On the stage, she couldn't help crying... The former friend, farewell to the world, turned into dust, she has watched it several times, how can she accept it!



Su Jin's face was covered with a layer of frost, and even the air he exhaled now was all cold!

Qiang... where Su Jin was, the gods fled, and he... also squatted down with a three-foot green front support.

What is the origin of the ancient cold dagger that hurt him! He possesses the fire of all things that can burn the heavens, but it can't be dispelled. The kind of cold injury seems to be extremely cold!

"He's dying! Almost dying!" The gods of the emperor family looked at Su Jin who could no longer escape into the empty door, surprised and delighted.

Su Jin’s left hand slowly condensed a fire lotus. The "All Things Fire lotus" can only delay his injury. The cold injury caused by the ancient cold dagger, I am afraid that we can only think of a way after the war——

But he.

Can it last until the end of the battle?

"I have a skill that can destroy your emperor's family... Now... you still don't repent, are you!"

Su Jin stared at the emperor ancestor, and said angrily: "Tell Di Linglong out! If she refuses to leave with me, this king will turn his head and leave, nothing more!"

"Who would believe you? Now you are still worried about yourself... You will die from the cold caused by the ancient cold dagger!" Di Zu laughed.

"It's... stubborn..."

Su Jin smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, "In this case... die! All die!"

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