My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3999: Emperor Jian rises, golden armor everywhere!


Su Jin slowly closed his eyes in a half-crouched state, a touch of gold, dripping and dripping began to appear in front of him——

That is……

Golden ancient monument!

Emperor Zu's eyelids jumped fiercely. Previously, it was this old master divine treasure that broke her imperial family's most precious "Luofu Haotian Picture". Now... Does Su Jin still want to use this trick?

Do not……

It's different!

The sense of crisis in the emperor's heart became stronger and stronger. She felt that Su Jin might really have the heart to slaughter this time, and slaughter her emperor family!

How can this be good!

Regardless of the emperor's ancestor or the other gods of the emperor's family, there is actually a fluke in his heart. After all, Su Jin's situation now looks extremely bad. As long as he waits for some time, the other party will not be able to suppress the power of the ancient cold dagger. Also died out-

It's not just the emperor's gods who are agitated!

And the four girls on the "Dragon and Phoenix Nest"!

Queen Shark, Princess Dark Night, Han Dieyi, and Ye Qingying all changed their faces. They knew Su Jin's ability, especially Queen Shark, and they knew more of Mixin than the other three girls!

It is said that Su Jin used a fire lotus to burn the Terror King God of the Law Enforcement League. Even the five thousand Terror King Gods of the Eastern Divine Region could not escape, but now...

Now Su Jin did not use the fire lotus, but chose to use the eternal old master's divine object... the golden ancient monument?

"It feels dangerous..." The fear in Ye Qingying's eyes became more and more intense. When Su Jin unfolded the'Golden Ancient Stele', the origin of the rules in her body was shaking like crazy...

As if only a word from Su Jin, the origin of her rules would be broken--

This feeling is horrible.

There is such a terrifying divine treasure in the world.

The earth and the city are suffocated!

One of the hundred cities, the Dark Night God City, is also suffocating!

That piece of Buddha's head where the Buddha's light condenses, the "Golden Ancient Stele" in front of Su Jin's body, the divine character rises and falls, almost flying out——

"The original divine treasure of the Lord of the Eternal Old God! What does he want to do!" Dark Night God City was in chaos.

Under the dark night, the gust of wind in the dark night **** city, countless protoss raised their heads to look at the reflected scene, that feeling... it was the feeling of disaster!

"He... he wants to destroy the Emperor Family in one blow! Can he do it? How can he do it—"

"The disaster of the gods is coming, and the ancient gods will reappear in the past? No, absolutely impossible! But if he is really the lord of the eternal old gods, he will naturally show the power of that ‘golden monument’!"

"It's impossible to wipe out eight thousand horror king gods in one strike, right?"

"It may not be possible! You know, when he did not sneak into the Eternal Gods Realm, the Great Destruction God of the Eastern Gods Realm and the five thousand Terror King Gods he brought out were all beheaded by him! Only he survived... How dare he if he is incompetent? Break into the eternal realm!"

"The emperor...I am afraid that it will suffer a lot...The emperor ancestor has always refused to bow his head, but the emperor may be brought into an invincible situation by her!"

"It seems that you can't bow your head! The Lord of the Eternal Old God was originally the enemy of God's Domain, and the fire of the old God must never reignite. Then the Eternal God's Domain will fall into chaos--"

"The Emperor's family... is suppressed! The golden ancient stele has such power!"



Absolutely incredible!

Millions of miles in the battlefield are void-

That originally small golden ancient stele was pulled up quickly in the blink of an eye. With the golden body of the stele, the tip of the stele seemed to directly pierce the sky!

On the stele, there are endless golden ancient gods flying, even if you look at it from hundreds of thousands of miles away, they are like countless golden fireflies flying!

Su Jin... slowly raised his head!

Slowly, opened his eyes!

Crystal red hair, crystal red eyes ——

Just a moment!

Su Jin's body began to skyrocket, and countless golden gods began to cling to his body!

Golden armor, proud of fighting!


"Eternal... God Lord!" The Queen Shark was in the dragon and phoenix nest, within reach of those golden armors, her face was pale, she was frightened by the gods, and fell down!



The whole world has changed!

Su Jin stood standing in this space, his hands sticking to the hilt of the sword, the three-foot green front seemed to have turned into a golden giant sword like a mountain!

Huh huh!

There are countless golden words of God, as if throwing beans into a soldier, falling behind the vast and vast figure... Those are golden warriors condensed from the golden words!

The fierce prestige is rising!

The sky is shaking!

"See my lord!"

"See my lord!"


It set off a wave of heaven and covered up all the voices in the world——

The emperor has to retreat to the north! Looking at the golden monument like the sky, the figure exists like the sky!

"Kill the Emperor Family!" The flames of hatred spouted from Su Jin Jinghong's eyes.

The emperor sword is raised, and there are golden armor everywhere!

Kill the emperor!

"Di Zu... Di Zu... Hurry... Hurry up and think--" Many of the gods of the emperor family were mostly scared to lie on the ground. The power of the old gods suppressed the soul.


Do they even dare to ask the emperor?

This old woman, one of the ancestors of the emperor's family... Now even if she is holding on to the "Wolong Stick", her legs are fluttering, how can she believe that such a scene will happen!


Pieces of gold bricks, as if the world's extreme prosperity, began to condense from the feet of the Golden Armored Warlord, and the ancient emperor road seemed to have formed!

"How can a **** of dying still have such power." The **** of the emperor family cried and broke down.

"Those old **** warlords are here! Di Zu, Di Zu—"

"Fight! Fight with him!"


Shout to kill.

Courageous voice, converging first-class.

The densely packed golden armored generals, holding the golden long sword, pointed the sword to the sky, and rushed towards the emperor's house——


An emperor, king and god, was directly picked up by the battle sword, and when he was cut again, he was already divided into two, and his corpse fell in two places!

Qiang Qiang!

There is the Emperor Horror King God, who smashed the golden armor on a golden warlord, and the golden warlord was instantly split apart——

"Can...can kill! Not to be afraid!" The ecstatic voice of the emperor's terrifying king **** cheered many emperors.


The golden warrior that had been split was split into two...turned into two golden warriors!


The gods of the imperial family collapsed again!

Under the black sky and the white sun, it seemed that there was already a taste of the ancient battlefield, the **** of the imperial family, was being slaughtered, and the eight thousand horror king gods had lost five hundred in just twenty breaths!

Dizu trembled all over, she didn't believe it... There is no such invincible **** in the world!

In the world, there is no other sound except for the **** shouts!

Ye Qingying, Dark Night Princess, Queen Shark, and Han Dieyi were caught in a sluggishness that they didn’t want to believe for a long time. They shook their heads, and they also didn’t believe it—

The BRIC Road, as if recreating the blood-stained country back then——

The emperor has no power to fight against and is still losing ground. Is this... his power?

On the stage of life and death, Di Linglong’s sister fell into deep regret. She was about to cry stupidly, her eyes blurred with tears... In her opinion, if you continue to kill, sooner or later the emperor will slaughter no one left!


There will be no one left!

If she were to choose one more time, she would definitely not use the "Ancient Cold Dagger" to hurt the completely awakened old god! This kind of power can kill the emperor gods to despair!

"Sister Qingyu, I accidentally obtained an excellent prescription. In the future, I will gather all the materials and refine it for you. Don't worry, don't worry..."

When Di Qingyu saw a familiar young man from the imperial family, the young man flew into the sword, and when he was annihilated, his eyes turned to the direction of the Daotai of Life and Death.

Di Qingyu shook his head on the stage of life and death, covered his head, and whispered——

"Sister Qingyu will be the master of the emperor family in the future. When our emperor family returns in the future, we will become a giant in the eternal God's realm. At that time, please take care of sister Qingyu." There are groups of senior sisters. , The clothes of various colors are swirling around Di Qingyu.

Unfortunately, after that, it will become a memory!

Di Qingyu saw one senior sister after another, Xiang Xiaoyu died, she could no longer resist the collapsed state of mind, and directly turned into a ray of light, holding the ancient cold dagger in her hand, and rushing towards the eternal old **** that Su Jin had transformed go with!


kill him!

Di Qingyu's ancient cold dagger kept slashing, she even walked on Su Jin's chest.

However, the ancient cold dagger has no miraculous effect anymore. When standing on the golden armor like a lake and mountains, the traces will quickly recover as before——

"This is the battle of the gods." Su Jin naturally discovered Di Qingyu, and when the voice appeared, Di Qingyu was shocked.

"You harmed my emperor family, you... you deliberately want to destroy my emperor family!" Di Qingyu slashed tirelessly, even if she knew it was useless, she used all her strength with every blow!

"I have given you too many opportunities for the emperor." Su Jin's voice seemed to be like the chill on the ancient cold dagger, making the emperor Qingyu a little sober.


Changed too many opportunities.

The Emperor's family only needs to lower their heads...

"I will bring my sister out... She is isolated from the world, you... You are willing to forgive the emperor." Di Qingyu cried.

While speaking...Di Qingyu stepped back a hundred miles, kowtow to Su Jin... kneel down... beg for mercy!

She was wrong.

Made a big mistake.

I am willing to bear it.

Seeing this scene, Queen Shark and the others could not help but move... the war between gods was cruel, and they had never experienced such a cruel scene.

"She knew she was wrong, and he kept doing it." The Night Princess couldn't help saying.

That Emperor Qingyu is so beautiful. Who can keep his face in such a humble manner now?

The Queen Shark shook her head and said, "The world is not something that can be restored if you know your mistakes. If the Lord of the Eternal Old God is at a disadvantage, I am afraid that he will be beheaded by the Emperor's family long ago, and will never give him any chance to intercede. If you feel sorry for her, have you ever thought about how many opportunities he gave to the emperor? But who would believe him?"

The night princess stunned--

There is no excuse.

Ye Qingying, as a killer **** in the'Hall of Killing God', naturally would not have any pity for the emperor whispered. Originally, the emperor's family ignored this matter.

Di Qingyu was still kowtow... refused to stop--

Su Jin moved his lips slightly and said indifferently:

"Don't forgive."

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